

Второзаконие 1:21



21 вот, Господь, Бог твой, отдает тебе землю сию, иди, возьми ее во владение, как говорил тебе Господь, Боготцов твоих, не бойся и не ужасайся.



Explanation of Deuteronomy 1:21

Од страна на Alexander Payne

Verse 21. It is perceived that the Divine Love and Wisdom (the God of those regenerating) provide opportunities for them to enter into the heavenly state. The soul must make use of them and strive to obtain it, according to the perception given to those who are in good from the Divine Love and Wisdom; it must not doubt the possibility of overcoming evil or be discouraged by it. [Note.—It is the doctrine of the New Church that the Lord Jesus Christ is the embodiment of the Divine Love and Wisdom; so that whether we say the Lord Jesus Christ is the God of those regenerating or the Divine Love and Wisdom, it is the same thing.]

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Apocalypse Explained #147

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147. And will give him a white stone, signifies wisdom and intelligence. This is evident from the signification of "a white stone," when [it is given] by the Lord, as being reception from Him and influx; and as it is reception and influx from the Lord, it also is wisdom and intelligence from Him, for those who receive from the Lord and with whom the Lord flows in, are in wisdom and intelligence. "To give a white stone" signifies these things, because formerly in public decisions the votes were taken by means of stones; white stones indicating the affirmative opinions, and black stones the negative; therefore by a "white stone" is signified the reception of wisdom and intelligence.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.