

Józsué 17:7



7 A Manassé határa pedig Ásertõl Mikmetháth felé vala, a mely Sikem elõtt van. És méne a határ jobbkéz felé, Én-Tappuahnak lakói felé.

Од делата на Сведенборг


Heaven and Hell #26

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/ 603  

26. We have stated that they have more wisdom and splendor than others because they have accepted divine truths directly into their lives and continue to do so. The moment they hear them, they intend them and live them out. They do not refer them to memory and consider whether they are true. People like this know instantly, from an inflow from the Lord, whether the truth they are hearing is actually true. The Lord flows directly into our intentions, and indirectly, through our intentions, into our thinking. In other words, the Lord flows directly into what is good within us, and indirectly, through that good, into what is true. 1 That is, we call "good" whatever is a matter of intent and therefore of action, while we call "true" whatever is a matter of memory and therefore of thought. However, as long as any truth is in memory and therefore in thought, it is neither good nor living. It is not assimilated into the person, because a person is a person by virtue of intent primarily and cognitive abilities secondarily - not by virtue of cognitive abilities apart from volition. 2


1. [Swedenborg's footnote] The Lord's inflow is into the good and through the good into the true, and not vice versa. So it is into volition and through it into discernment, and not vice versa: 5482, 5649, 6027, 8685, 8701, 10153.

2. [Swedenborg's footnote] Our volition is the substance of our life and is what receives the good of love, while our cognitive ability is the consequent manifestation of life and is what receives true and good elements of faith: 3619, 5002, 9282. Therefore our volitional life is our primary life, and our cognitive life issues from it: 585, 590, 3619, 7342, 8885, 9285 [9282?], 10076, 10109-10110. It is the things that are accepted into our volition that become matters of life and are assimilated to us: 3161, 9386, 9393. A person is a person by virtue of volition, and secondarily by virtue of cognitive abilities: 8911, 9069, 9071, 10076, 10106, 10110. People who intend good and think well are loved and valued by others, while people who think well but do not intend good are rejected and disparaged: 8911, 10076. After death, we continue to have the character of our volition and of the discernment that follows from it. Whatever is a matter of cognition only, and not of volition, disappears because it is not really within us: 9069, 9071, 9282, 9386, 10153.

/ 603  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.

Од делата на Сведенборг


Arcana Coelestia #9285

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/ 10837  

9285. Verses 14-19 Three times you shall keep a feast to Me in the year. You shall keep the feast of unleavened bread (seven days you shall eat unleavened bread, as I commanded you, at the appointed time of the month Abib, for in it you came out of Egypt; and My face shall not be seen empty-handed 1 ); and the feast of the harvest of the firstfruits of your labours, which you have sown in the field; and the feast of ingathering at the end 2 of the year, when you have gathered in [the fruit of] your labours from the field. Three times in the year all your males shall be seen at the face of the Lord Jehovah. You shall not sacrifice the blood of My sacrifice with anything made with yeast; 3 and the fat of My feast shall not remain through the night until morning. The first of the firstfruits of your ground you shall bring into the house of Jehovah your God. You shall not cook a kid in its mother's milk.

'Three times you shall keep a feast to Me in the year' means enduring worship of the Lord and thanksgiving on account of deliverance from damnation. 'You shall keep the feast of unleavened bread' means worship and thanksgiving on account of purification from falsities. 'Seven days' means a holy state then. 'You shall eat unleavened bread' means making good purified from falsities their own. 'As I commanded you' means in keeping with the laws of order. 'At the appointed time of the month Abib' means from the beginning of a new state. 'For in it you came out of Egypt' means deliverance from molestation by falsities. 'And My face shall not be seen empty-handed' means the reception of good out of mercy, and thanksgiving. 'And the feast of the harvest of the firstfruits of your labours, which you have sown in the field' means worship of the Lord and thanksgiving on account of the implanting of truth in that good. 'And the feast of ingathering at the end of the year, when you have gathered in [the fruit of] your labours from the field' means the worship of a thankful mind on account of the implanting of good after that, and so on account of regeneration and complete deliverance from damnation. 'Three times in the year all your males shall be seen at the face of the Lord Jehovah' means the Lord's constant appearance and presence in like manner in the truths of faith as well. 'You shall not sacrifice the blood of My sacrifice with anything made with yeast' means that worship of the Lord arising from the Church's truths must not be mingled together with falsities arising from evil. 'And the fat of My feast shall not remain through the night until morning' means the good of worship, which does not originate in the self but comes from the Lord and is always new. 'The first of the firstfruits of your ground you shall bring into the house of Jehovah your God' means that every truth of good and every good of truth is holy because it comes from the Lord alone. 'You shall not cook a kid in its mother's milk' means that the good of innocence belonging to a later state must not be joined to the truth of innocence belonging to an earlier state.


1. i.e. no one shall come without a gift of offering to the Lord

2. literally, the going out

3. literally, upon that which has been fermented (or made with yeast)

/ 10837  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.