

Józsué 17:10



10 Délrõl Efraimé, északról pedig Manasséé, és ennek határa a tenger vala. De észak felõl Áserbe ütköznek, napkelet felõl pedig Issakhárba.

Од делата на Сведенборг


Arcana Coelestia #2132

Проучи го овој пасус

/ 10837  

2132. The implications of the description in the Word of someone entering who was not wearing a wedding garment, Matthew 22:11-13, and of his being cast out, have also been shown to me. There are people who during their lifetime have acquired the ability to impersonate angels of light, and when they resume that hypocritical condition in the next life they are also able to worm their way into neighbouring heavenly communities. But they do not remain in them for long, for the instant they perceive the sphere of mutual love there they are seized with fear and terror and cast themselves out headlong - though in the world of spirits at the time it seems as though they have been cast down - some towards the stagnant pond, some towards Gehenna, and some into some other hell.

/ 10837  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.