

耶利米哀歌 3:46



46 我们的仇敌都向我们大大张



以赛亚书 57



1 死亡,无放在上;虔诚被收去,无思念。这被收去是免了将来的祸患;

2 他们得享(原文是进入)平安。素行正直的,各人在坟里(原文是上)安歇。

3 你们这些巫婆的儿子,奸夫和妓女种子,都要前来!

4 你们向谁戏笑?向谁张呢?你们岂不是悖逆的儿女,虚谎的种类呢?

5 你们在橡中间,在各青翠欲火攻心;在山谷间,在石穴杀了儿女;

6 在谷中光滑石头里有你的分。这些就是你所得的分;你也向他浇了奠祭,献了供物,因这事我岂能容忍麽?

7 你在而又上安设榻,也上那里去献祭。

8 你在,在,立起你的纪念;向外人赤露,又上去扩张榻,与他们立约;你在那里看见他们的就甚喜

9 你把带到王那里,又多加香料,打发使者往远方去,自卑自贱直到阴间,

10 你因远疲倦,却不这是枉然;你以为有复兴之力,所以不觉疲惫。

11 谁?因谁恐惧?竟说谎,不记念我,又不将这事放在上。我不是许久闭口不言,你仍不我麽?

12 我要指明你的公;至於你所行的都必与你无益。

13 你哀求的时候,让你所聚集的拯救你罢!要把他们刮散,一口气要把他们都吹去。但那投靠我的必得土,必承受我的为业。

14 耶和华要:你们修筑修筑,预备道路,将绊脚石从我百姓的中除掉。

15 因为那至至上、永远长存(原文是住在永远)、名为圣者的如此:我住在至至圣的所在,也与灵痛悔谦卑的人同居;要使谦卑人的灵苏醒,也使痛悔人的苏醒。

16 我必不永远相争,也不长久发怒,恐怕我所造的人与灵性都必发昏。

17 因他贪婪的罪孽,我就发怒击打他;我向他掩面发怒,他却仍然随背道。

18 见他所行的道,也要医治他;又要引导他,使他和那一同伤心的人再得安慰。

19 我造就嘴唇的果子;愿平安康泰归与远处的人,也归与近处的人;并且我要医治他。这是耶和华的。

20 惟独恶人,好像翻腾的,不得平静;其中的水常涌出污秽和淤泥来。

21 我的:恶人必不得平安!





‘Brother Juniper and the Beggar,’ by Spanish Baroque painter Bartolomé Esteban Murillo. Juniper, one of the original followers of St. Francis of Assissi, was renowned for his generosity. When told he could no longer give away his clothes, he instead simply told the needy, like the beggar in the painting, that he couldn’t give them his clothes, but wouldn’t stop them from taking them.

In regular language, "mercy" means being caring and compassionate toward people in poor states. That's a position we are all in relative to the Lord, all the time. Without Him we would be unable to choose what is good; without Him we would be unable to formulate a reasonable thought. Without Him, in fact, we would instantly cease to exist; we have life only because He constantly gives us life. So we are, quite literally, at His mercy. Fortunately, the Lord is caring and compassionate to a degree we cannot fathom. He is the source of all caring and all compassion, and of love itself. His mercy toward us never lessens, never abates, never ends; His whole purpose is to bring each of us, individually, to heaven. The meaning of "mercy" in the Bible is closely tied to this idea: it represents love in a general sense, and the desire for good that comes from love. It can also represent the desire for good and the ideas that describe it when those thoughts and desires are inspired by love of the Lord.