

Ruth 4:9



9 Then Boaz said to the responsible men and to all the people, You are witnesses today that I have taken at a price from Naomi all the property which was Elimelech's, and everything which was Chilion's and Mahlon's.



Judges Series, Part 4 of 4: Ruth, and the Butterfly Effect

Од страна на Todd Beiswenger

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So far there haven't been any happy stories in the book of Judges. This week we look at the book of Ruth, which happens during the time of the Judges, and has a happy ending! Ruth's story is that of a young, honorable, foreign woman who marries an honorable Jewish man. Their actions seem small... after all, they were just following the rules of the times, but their simple goodness set into motion a chain reaction of events that would change the course of history.

(Референци: Joshua 10:8-15; Ruth 2:11-12; True Christian Religion 84)