Influjo (Ayala Traducción)

This is a translation of: de Influxu

The original work was not published by its author.

Translated into Español


This is a two-paragraph fragment of Swedenborg's thought on how the divine influence takes place in the natural world. It was inscribed by Swedenborg on the leaflet of the copy of Swammerdam's "Naturae Bible" which he presented to Count Hopkin, and which is now in the possession of the Carolinska Institute in Stockholm.

About this translation:

Este es un fragmento de dos párrafos del pensamiento de Swedenborg sobre la forma en que el influjo divino tiene lugar en el mundo natural. Fue inscrito por Swedenborg (c. 1750) en la hoja volante de la copia de la "Biblia Naturae" de Swammerdam que presentó al Conde Hopkin, y que ahora está en posesión del Instituto Carolinska de Estocolmo.

Date of creation: 2019

Credit: Traducción al español, © 2019 - Dr. Andrés Omar Ayala

Copyright: Copyright by the author

Copyright by the translator. All rights reserved.

License: Used with permission - see terms

Suggested Citation:

Influjo. [Written in , not published by the author.] Translated. Retrieved from:
