Die Bibel


Giê-rê-mi 50



1 Nầy là lời Ðức Giê-hô-va bởi tiên tri Giê-rê-mi phán về Ba-by-lôn, về đất của người Canh-đê:

2 Hãy rao, hãy bảo cho các nước, và dựng cờ xí; hãy rao truyền đi, đừng có giấu! Hãy nói rằng: Ba-by-lôn bị bắt lấy; Bên đầy hổ thẹn; Mê-rô-đác bị kinh hãi; hình tượng nó mang xấu hổ, thần tượng nó bị phá đổ!

3 Vì một dân đến từ phương bắc nghịch cùng nó, làm cho đất nó ra hoang vu, không có dân ở nữa; người và súc vật đều trốn tránh, và đi mất.

4 Ðức Giê-hô-va phán: Trong những ngày đó, trong kỳ đó, con cái Y-sơ-ra-ên và con cái Giu-đa cùng nhau trở lại, vừa đi vừa khóc, tìm kiếm Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời mình.

5 Chúng nó hướng mặt về Si-ôn, hỏi thăm về nó mà rằng: Hãy đến, liên kết với Ðức Giê-hô-va bởi một giao ước đời đời sẽ không quên!

6 Dân ta vốn là một bầy chiên lạc mất; những kẻ chăn làm cho lộn đường, để chúng nó lầm lạc trên các núi, đi từ núi qua gò, quên chỗ mình an nghỉ.

7 Phàm những kẻ gặp, đều vồ nuốt chúng nó; và những kẻ nghịch chúng nó đều nói rằng: Chúng ta không đáng tội, vì chúng nó đã phạm tội nghịch cùng Ðức Giê-hô-va, là nơi ở của sự công bình, tức là Ðức Giê-hô-va, sự trông cậy của tổ phụ chúng nó.

8 Hãy trốn ra ngoài Ba-by-lôn, ra khỏi đất người Canh-đê, hãy đi như dê đực đi đầu bầy!

9 Vì nầy, ta sẽ khiến nhiều dân tộc dấy lên từ xứ phương bắc, và đến nghịch cùng Ba-by-lôn, các dân ấy sẽ dàn trận đánh Ba-by-lôn, và từ đó nó bị hãm lấy. Tên chúng nó bắn như tên của lính chiến giỏi, chẳng trở về không.

10 Canh-đê sẽ bị cướp lấy, phàm kẻ cướp lấy nó sẽ được no nê, Ðức Giê-hô-va phán vậy.

11 Hỡi kẻ cướp sản nghiệp ta, vì các ngươi vui mừng hớn hở, vì các ngươi buông lung như bò cái tơ đạp lúa, reo hí như ngựa mập mạnh;

12 bởi vậy, mẹ các ngươi rất mang xấu hổ, kẻ đẻ các ngươi bị thẹn thuồng. Kìa, nó sẽ làm cuối cùng hàng các nước, một đồng vắng, một đất khô khan, một nơi sa mạc.

13 Bởi cơn giận của Ðức Giê-hô-va, nó sẽ không có người ở nữa, chỉ thành ra nơi hoang vu cả; phàm những kẻ đi qua gần Ba-by-lôn sẽ lấy làm lạ, và xỉ báng về các tai nạn nó.

14 Hỡi các ngươi là kẻ hay giương cung! hãy dàn trận nghịch cùng Ba-by-lôn chung quanh; hãy bắn nó, đừng tiếc tên: vì nó đã phạm tội nghịch cùng Ðức Giê-hô-va.

15 Khá kêu la nghịch cùng nó khắp tư bề. Nó đã hàng đầu, lũy nó sập xuống, tường thành nó nghiêng đổ: ấy là sự báo thù của Ðức Giê-hô-va! Hãy trả thù nó: làm cho nó như nó đã làm.

16 Hãy diệt những kẻ gieo giống trong Ba-by-lôn, cùng kẻ cầm liềm trong mùa gặt; vì sợ gươm kẻ ức hiếp, ai nầy sẽ trở về dân mình, ai nầy sẽ trốn về đất mình.

17 Y-sơ-ra-ên là một con chiên tan lạc, bị sư tử đuổi theo. Trước hết vua A-si-ri đã vồ nuốt nó; nay sau hết Nê-bu-cát-nết-sa, vua Ba-by-lôn, đã làm tan xương nó ra.

18 Vậy nên, Ðức Giê-hô-va vạn quân, Ðức Chúa Trời của Y-sơ-ra-ên, phán như vầy: Nầy, ta sẽ phạt vua Ba-by-lôn và đất nó, như đã phạt vua A-si-ri.

19 Ðoạn ta sẽ đem Y-sơ-ra-ên về trong đồng cỏ nó. Nó sẽ ăn cỏ trên Cạt-mên và Ba-san, lòng nó sẽ được no nê trên các đồn Ép-ra-im và Ga-la-át.

20 Ðức Giê-hô-va phán: Trong những ngày đó bấy giờ, người ta sẽ tìm sự gian ác của Y-sơ-ra-ên, mà không có nữa; tìm tội lỗi của Giu-đa, mà chẳng thấy nữa đâu; vì ta sẽ tha tội cho những kẻ trong vòng chúng nó mà ta đã chừa lại.

21 Ðức Giê-hô-va phán: Hãy lên đánh đất Mê-ra-tha-im, và dân cư Phê-cốt; hãy giết và diệt hết theo sau nó, và làm y như mọi điều ta đã dặn ngươi!

22 Tiếng kêu về giặc giã vang động trong đất; tai vạ lớn lắm.

23 Cái búa của cả đất đã bị bẻ gãy là dường nào! Ba-by-lôn đã trở nên hoang vu gia các nước là dường nào!

24 Hãy Ba-by-lôn, ta đã gài bẫy, và ngươi đã mắc vào là không biết! Ngươi đã bị tìmbắt được, vì đã tranh cạnh cùng Ðức Giê-hô-va.

25 Ðức Giê-hô-va đã mở kho khí giới mình, lấy binh khí của sự thạnh nộ ra; vì Chúa, là Ðức Giê-hô-va vạn quân, có việc phải làm ra trong đất người Canh-đê.

26 Hãy đến từ bờ cõi rất xa nghịch cùng nó; hãy mở kho tàng nó ra, chất lên như đống, hãy diệt hết cả, đừng để lại chút gì!

27 Hãy giết mọi bò đực nó, đem xuống hàng thịt! Kiên nhẫn cho chúng nó, vì ngày chúng nó đã đến, ấy là kỳ thăm phạt chúng nó!

28 Hãy nghe tiếng kêu của kẻ đi trốn, của những kẻ thoát khỏi đất Ba-by-lôn, đặng rao ra trong Si-ôn sự báo thù của Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời chúng ta, sự báo thù về đền thờ Ngài.

29 Hãy gọi hết thảy những kẻ cầm cung, mọi người giương cung đến đánh Ba-by-lôn; đóng trại chung quanh nó; đừng để cho ai thoát khỏi! Hãy theo công việc nó mà báo trả, làm cho nó trọn như nó đã làm; vì nó lên mình kiêu ngạo nghịch cùng Ðức Giê-hô-va, nghịch cùng Ðấng Thánh của Y-sơ-ra-ên.

30 Vậy nên, bọn trai trẻ nó sẽ ngã trên các đường phố, và trong ngày đó, những người đánh giặc của nó sẽ phải nín lặng, Ðức Giê-hô-va phán vậy.

31 Chúa, là Ðức Giê-hô-va vạn quân, phán: Hỡi dân kiêu ngạo, nầy, ta hờn giận ngươi: vì ngày ngươi đã đến, ấy là kỳ ta sẽ thăm phạt ngươi.

32 Kẻ kiêu ngạo sẽ xiêu tó, vấp ngã, không ai dựng lại. Ta sẽ đốt lửa nơi các thành nó, thiêu nuốt mọi sự chung quanh.

33 Ðức Giê-hô-va vạn quân phán như vầy: Con cái Y-sơ-ra-ên và con cái Giu-đa thảy cùng nhau chịu hà hiếp. Phàm những kẻ bắt chúng nó đi làm phu tù đều giu chúng nó lại, chẳng khứng thả ra.

34 Ðấng Cứu chuộc chúng nó là mạnh mẽ, danh Ngài là Ðức Giê-hô-va vạn quân. Ngài sẽ đối nại việc chúng nó chắc chắn, đặng cho cả đất được ý nghĩ, và làm bối rối dân cư Ba-by-lôn.

35 Ðức Giê-hô-va phán: Gươm dao ở trên người Canh-đê, trên dân cư Ba-by-lôn, trên các quan trưởng và các người khôn ngoan nó.

36 Gươm dao trên những người khoe khoang, chúng nó sẽ nên người dại dột! Gươm dao ở trên những kẻ mạnh mẽ, chúng nó sẽ bị kinh khiếp!

37 Gươm dao ở trên những xe, ngựa, cùng mọi dân lộn giống giữa nó, chúng nó sẽ trở nên như đờn bà! Gươm dao ở trên những kho tàng nó đều bị cướp giựt!

38 Sự hạn hán ở trên các dòng nước nó đều bị cạn khô! Vì ấy là xứ những tượng chạm, chúng nó vì thần tượng mà điên cuồng.

39 Vậy nên, những thú rừng nơi sa mạc sẽ cùng chó rừng làm ở tại đó, những chim đà cũng choán làm chỗ ở mình; Ba-by-lôn sẽ không hề có dân cư nữa, vả từ đời nầy đến đời kia người ta sẽ không ở đó.

40 Ðức Giê-hô-va phán: Nó sẽ giống như Sô-đôm, Gô-mô-rơ, và các thành lân cận, khi Ðức Chúa Trời hủy diệt các thành ấy; sẽ không có dân ở nữa, chẳng một con người nào đến trú ngụ đó.

41 Nầy, một dân đến từ phương bắc; một nước lớn và nhiều vua từ các phương đất rất xa bị xui giục.

42 Họ cầm cung và giáo, hung dữ chẳng có lòng thương xót. Tiếng họ giống như biển gầm; hỡi con gái Ba-by-lôn, họ đã cỡi ngựa mà đến, dàn trận để đánh ngươi.

43 Vua Ba-by-lôn đã nghe tin đó, thì tay người trở nên rả rời; sự buồn rầu bắt lấy người như cơn đau của người đờn bà đang đẻ.

44 Nầy, kẻ thù như sư tử lên từ các rừng rậm rợp của Giô-đanh mà nghịch cùng chỗ ở kiên cố. Thình lình, ta sẽ làm cho người Canh-đê trốn khỏi, và lập người mà ta đã chọn cai trị nó. Vì, ai giống như ta? ai sẽ định kỳ cho ta? ai là kẻ chăn đứng được trước mắt ta?

45 Vậy hãy nghe mưu Ðức Giê-hô-va đã toan nghịch cùng Ba-by-lôn, và ý định Ngài đã lập nghịch cùng đất người Canh-đê. Thật, những con nhỏ trong bầy chúng nó sẽ bị kéo đi, làm cho nơi ở chúng nó trở nên hoang vu!

46 Nghe tiếng Ba-by-lôn bị bắt lấy, đất đều rúng động, và có tiếng kêu Nghe ra giữa các người.


Aus Swedenborgs Werken


Apocalypse Revealed #316

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316. "And do not harm the oil and the wine." This symbolizes the Lord's provision that they not violate and profane the goods and truths concealed inwardly in the Word.

Oil symbolizes the goodness of love, and wine the truth springing from that goodness. Thus the oil here symbolizes sacred goodness, and the wine sacred truth. The Lord's provision that these not be violated and profaned is symbolized by the people's being told not to harm them. For this instruction came from the midst of the four living creatures, thus from the Lord (no. 314). Whatever the Lord says He also provides. That this is something He provides may be seen in nos. 314 and 255 above.

That oil symbolizes the goodness of love - this we will see in nos. 778, 779 below.

That wine symbolizes the truth springing from that goodness is clear from the following passages:

Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat. Yes..., buy wine and milk without money... (Isaiah 55:1)

It shall come to pass in that day that the mountains will drip new wine, and the hills flow with milk... (Joel 3:18, cf. Amos 9:13-14)

Joy is taken away... from Carmel, and in the vineyards there will be no singing... No treaders will tread out wine in the presses; I have made their shouting cease. (Isaiah 16:10, cf. Jeremiah 48:32-33)

Carmel symbolizes the spiritual church, because it had vineyards there.

[2] ...wail, all you drinkers of wine, because of the new wine, for it has been cut off from your mouth... The vinedressers have wailed... (Joel 1:5, 10-11)

Almost the same images occur in Hosea 9:2-3.

He washes his clothing in wine, and His vesture in the blood of grapes. His eyes are red with wine... (Genesis 49:11-12)

The subject is the Lord, and the wine symbolizes Divine truth. That is why the Lord instituted the Holy Supper, in which the bread symbolizes the Lord in respect to Divine good, and the wine the Lord in respect to Divine truth; and in their recipients the bread symbolizes a sacred goodness, and the wine sacred truth, received from the Lord. Therefore He said,

I say to you, that I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you... in My Father's kingdom. (Matthew 26:29, cf. Luke 22:18)

Because bread and wine have these symbolic meanings, so too Melchizedek, going to meet Abram, brought out bread and wine, he being a priest of God Most High, and he blessed Abram (Genesis 14:18-19).

[3] The grain offering and drink offering used in sacrifices had similar symbolic meanings, as described in Exodus 29:40, Leviticus 23:12-13, 18-19ff. The grain offering was an offering of wheat flour, thus taking the place of bread, and the drink offering was an offering of wine.

It can be seen from this what these words of the Lord symbolize:

Nor do they put new wine into old wineskins... But they put the... wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved. (Matthew 9:17, cf. Luke 5:37-38)

New wine is the Divine truth in the New Testament, thus in the New Church, and the old wine is the Divine truth in the Old Testament, thus in the old church.

A similar idea is symbolized by these words of the Lord at the wedding in Cana of Galilee:

Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and when the guests have well drunk, then the inferior. You have kept the good wine until now! (John 2:1-10)

[4] Something similar is symbolized by the wine in the Lord's parable concerning the man wounded by thieves, on whose wound the Samaritan poured oil and wine (Luke 10:33-34); for the man wounded by thieves means people whom the Jews wounded spiritually by evils and falsities, and to whom the Samaritan brought aid by pouring oil and wine on their wounds, that is, by teaching them goodness and truth, and as far as possible, healing them.

Sacred truth is symbolized by wine and new wine also elsewhere in the Word, as in Isaiah 1:21-22; 25:6; 36:17.

[5] Because of this, a vineyard in the Word symbolizes a church that possesses truths from the Lord.

That wine symbolizes sacred truth can be seen also from its opposite meaning, in which it symbolizes truth falsified and profaned, as in the following places:

Harlotry, wine, and new wine have taken hold of the heart... Their wine is gone, they commit harlotry continually. (Hosea 4:11, 18)

Harlotry symbolizes the falsification of truth, and so, too, do the wine and new wine here.

...in the hand of Jehovah a cup, and He mixed it with wine; He filled it with the mixture and poured it out, and its dregs shall all the wicked of the earth, sucking, drink. (Psalms 75:8)

Babylon was a golden cup in Jehovah's hand, that made all the earth drunk. The nations drank her wine; therefore they are deranged. (Jeremiah 51:7)

Babylon has fallen..., because she has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication... If anyone worships the beast..., he shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is mixed with undiluted wine in the cup of the wrath (of God). (Revelation 14:8-10)

(Babylon has made) all the nations (drink) of the wine... of her fornication. (Revelation 18:3)

...great Babylon was remembered before God, to give her the cup of the wine of the fury of His wrath. (Revelation 16:19)

...the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication. (Revelation 17:1-2)

[6] The wine that Belshazzar, the king of Babylon, and his lords and wives and concubines drank from the vessels of the Temple in Jerusalem, while they praised the gods of gold, silver, bronze, iron, wood, and stone (Daniel 5:2-4) - that wine symbolized nothing else but the sacred truth of the Word and church profaned, which is why the writing then appeared on the wall, and the king that very night was slain (Daniel 5:25, 30)

Wine symbolizes truth falsified also in Isaiah 5:11-12, 21-22; 28:1, 3, 7; 29:9; 56:11-12.

The drink offering that they poured out as an offering to idols has the same symbolic meaning in Isaiah 65:11; 57:6; Jeremiah 7:18; 44:17-19; Ezekiel 20:28; Deuteronomy 32:38.

It is owing to its correspondence that wine symbolizes sacred truth, and in an opposite sense, truth profaned. For when a person reads "wine" in the Word, angels - who apprehend everything spiritually - have just this interpretation of it. Such is the correspondence between the natural thoughts of people and the spiritual thoughts of angels. The case is the same with the wine in the Holy Supper. That is why the Holy Supper occasions an introduction into heaven (no. 224 at the end).

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Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.

Aus Swedenborgs Werken


Apocalypse Revealed #224

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224. To this I will add the following account:

I saw a gathering of spirits, all upon their knees, praying to God to send them angels they could speak with face to face and to whom they could disclose the thoughts of their heart.

Then when they arose, three angels appeared in white linen standing before them, and the angels said, "The Lord Jesus Christ has heard your prayers, and has therefore sent us to you. Disclose to us the thoughts of your heart."

[2] The spirits then replied, "Priests have told us that in theological matters it is not the intellect but faith that accomplishes anything, and that in such matters an intellectual faith is of no help to anyone, because it takes its origin from man.

"We are English, and we have heard many things from our sacred ministry which we believed. However, when we spoke with some other people who call themselves Reformed, and with some who call themselves Roman Catholics, and moreover with some Nonconformists, they all seemed to us learned, and yet in many matters not one of them agreed with another. But nevertheless they all said, 'Believe us.' And some said, 'We are God's ministers and we know.'

"Still we knew that the Divine truths that are called truths of faith and are the church's truths are no one's heritage by birth alone, or by heredity, but that they descend out of heaven from God. And because these show the way to heaven, and enter into one's life together with the good of charity and so lead to eternal life, we became anxious and prayed on our knees to God."

[3] At that the angels replied, "Read the Word and believe in the Lord, and you will see the truths that must be those of your faith and life. All in the Christian world draw their doctrinal teachings from the Word as from a single font."

[4] But two of the gathering of spirits said, "We have read it, but have not understood."

The angels replied, "You have not turned to the Lord, and you have also confirmed yourselves in falsities."

The angels also said further, "What is faith without light? And what is thinking without understanding? It isn't human. Ravens too and magpies can learn to speak without understanding. We can assure you that everyone whose soul longs for it can see the truths of the Word in a state of light. There is no animal that does not know the right food for its life when it sees it, and the human being is a rational and spiritual animal. If he hungers for it and seeks it from the Lord, the human being sees for his life not food for his body but food for his soul, which is the truth of faith. Moreover, whatever he does not receive with his intellect, also does not stick in his memory as a concept, but only as words. Consequently when we have looked down from heaven into the world, we have not seen anything, but have only heard sounds, mostly lacking in any harmony.

[5] "But we will list some truths that the learned of the clergy have banished from the intellect, not knowing that there are two paths to the intellect, one from the world and the other from heaven, and not knowing that the Lord raises the intellect from the world when He enlightens it. However, if the intellect is closed by religion, the path to it from heaven is closed, and a person then sees no more in the Word than a blind man sees. We have seen many of this sort fall into pits, from which they have not risen.

"Let examples serve to illustrate. You can understand what charity and faith are, can you not? That charity is to comport oneself well with the neighbor, and that faith is to think rightly about God and the essential constituents of the church? And therefore that anyone who behaves well and thinks rightly, that is, who lives rightly and believes rightly, is saved?"

In response to this the spirits said that they understood.

[6] The angels went on, "You understand, do you not, that to be saved a person must repent of his sins, and that unless a person repents, he remains caught up in the sins into which he was born? Moreover, that to repent means not to will evils because they are sins against God, and once or twice a year to examine oneself, see one's evils, confess them before the Lord, implore His aid, desist from them, and embark upon a new life? And that to the extent a person does this and believes in the Lord, his sins are forgiven?"

Then some of the gathering of spirits said, "This we understand, and so also what the forgiveness of sins is."

[7] At that the spirits then asked the angels to tell them something more, and specifically this time about God, the immortality of the soul, regeneration, and baptism.

To this the angels replied, "We shall say nothing but what you can understand. Otherwise what we say will fall like rain on sand, and however much they may be watered from heaven, any seeds there will still dry up and die."

Regarding God then they said, "People who enter heaven are all allotted a place there and accordingly come into eternal joy in accord with their idea of God, because this idea reigns universally throughout all aspects of worship.

"An idea of God as invisible is not focused on anyone, and so has no focus in anyone. Consequently it passes away and dies.

"An idea of God as a spirit, when one believes a spirit to be like the ether or a puff of wind, is an idea empty of content.

"But an idea of God as a man is a proper idea. For God is Divine love and wisdom, with every property of these, and their containing vessel is man, not ether or a puff of wind.

"The idea of God found in heaven is an idea of the Lord. He is God of heaven and earth, as He Himself taught. Let your idea of God be like ours, and we will be comrades."

When the angels said this, their faces shone.

[8] Regarding the immortality of the soul the angels said, "A person lives to eternity because through love and faith he can be conjoined with God. This is possible for everyone. You can understand that the immortality of the soul results from this possibility if you think about it a little more deeply."

[9] Regarding regeneration they said, "Who does not see that everyone has the freedom to think about God or not to think about Him, provided he has been taught that God exists. Thus everyone has just as much freedom in spiritual matters as he does in civil and moral matters. The Lord gives this freedom to all people continually. Consequently it is his fault if he does not think about God. A person is human because of this ability [to think about God], while an animal is an animal because it lacks the ability. Therefore a person can reform and regenerate himself as though of himself, provided he acknowledges at heart that the ability comes from the Lord. Everyone who repents and believes in the Lord is reformed and regenerated. A person must do both as though of himself, but the "as though of himself" comes from the Lord.

"It is true that a person can contribute nothing to this end - nothing at all - but still you were not created sculpted forms, but were created human beings, in order that you might accomplish this from the Lord as though of yourselves. This reciprocation of love and faith is the one thing that the Lord above all wishes a person to do for Him.

"In a word, do it of yourselves, but believe that you do it from the Lord, thus doing it as though of yourselves."

[10] The spirits, however, then asked the angels whether doing things as though of oneself was not something with which a person was endowed from creation.

One of the angels replied, "It is not something with which a person is endowed, because to do something of oneself is God's alone, but He grants the ability to a person continually, that is to say, He attaches it to a person continually; and then to the extent that a person does good and believes truth as though of himself, he is an angel of heaven. But to the extent that he does evil and so believes falsity, which he does also as though of himself, he is to that extent an angel of hell. You are surprised to be told that he does this also as though of himself, but yet you see it when you pray to be protected from the devil, that he not lead you astray, lest he enter into you as he entered into Judas, fill you with all iniquity, and destroy both soul and body. 1

"Still, everyone makes himself responsible for an action if he believes that he does it of himself, be it good or evil, but does not make himself responsible for it if he believes that he does it as though of himself."

[11] Regarding baptism the angels said that it was a spiritual washing, which is reformation and regeneration, and that a little child is reformed and regenerated when he becomes an adult and does the things that his sponsors promised for him, of which there are two, namely, repentance and faith in God. For his sponsors promise first that he will renounce the devil and all his works, and second that he will believe in God. All little children in heaven are initiated into these two, though for them the devil is hell and God is the Lord.

"Moreover, baptism is a sign to angels that a person belongs to the church."

[12] Having heard this, some of the gathering of spirits said, "We understand it." But a voice from the side was heard crying, "We don't understand it." And another voice, "We don't want to understand it."

The spirits then inquired into whose voices they were, and they found that they belonged to people who had confirmed themselves in the falsities of their faith, and who wished to be credited as oracles so as to be revered.

The angels said, "Do not be astonished. Such is the character of very many people today. From heaven they look to us like sculpted forms, so skillfully made that they can move their lips and make organism-like sounds, but they do not know whether the breath they use to make sounds comes from hell or from heaven, because they do not know whether anything is false or true. They reason and reason, and defend and defend, but they do not see whether anything is so.

"You should know, however, that human ingenuity can defend whatever it wishes, even to the point that it appears to be the case. Heretics, therefore, can do this. So can the impious. Atheists indeed can make it appear that there is no God, but only nature."

[13] After this the gathering of English spirits, burning with a desire to become wise, said to the angels, "People say such different things about the Holy Supper. Tell us what the truth is."

The angels said, "The truth is that anyone who turns to the Lord and repents is, by that most holy act, conjoined with the Lord and introduced into heaven."

But some of that gathering said, "This is a mystery."

To which the angels replied, "It is a mystery, but yet of the sort that one can understand.

"The bread and wine do not create the conjunction. There is no holiness in them. But material bread and heavenly bread correspond to each other, and so do material wine and heavenly wine. Heavenly bread is the holiness in love, and heavenly wine is the holiness in faith, both originating from the Lord, and both being the Lord. This occasions a conjunction of the Lord with man and of man with the Lord - a conjunction not with the bread and wine but with the love and faith of a person who has repented - and conjunction with the Lord is also an introduction into heaven."

Then, after the angels taught them something about correspondence and its effect, some of the gathering said, "Now for the first time we understand."

And when they said, "We understand," suddenly something flame-like descending with its light from heaven affiliated the spirits with the angels, and they loved each other.


1. A reference to the prayer recited before Anglican celebrations of Holy Communion, the English text of which is quoted in The Doctrine of Life 5, which concludes, "Therefore if any of you be a blasphemer of God, or hinderer or slanderer of His word, or adulterer, or be in malice or envy, or in any other grievous crime, repent you of your sins, or else come not to the Holy Table; lest after the taking of that Holy Sacrament the Devil enter into you, as he entered into Judas, and fill you with all iniquities, and bring you to destruction both of body and soul."

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Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.