Die Bibel


Esekiel 45:3



3 Således skal du efter dette mål måle fem og tyve tusen stenger i lengde og ti tusen i bredde; og der skal helligdommen, det høihellige, være.

Die Bibel


Esaias 1:17



17 Lær å gjøre det gode, legg vinn på det som er rett, vis voldsmannen på rett vei, hjelp den farløse til hans rett, før enkens sak!

Die Bibel


Isaiah 2:2-6



2 It shall happen in the latter days, that the mountain of Yahweh's house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be raised above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it.

3 Many peoples shall go and say, "Come, let's go up to the mountain of Yahweh, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths." For out of Zion the law shall go forth, and the word of Yahweh from Jerusalem.

4 He will judge between the nations, and will decide concerning many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against Nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

5 House of Jacob, come, and let us walk in the light of Yahweh.

6 For you have forsaken your people, the house of Jacob, because they are filled from the east, with those who practice divination like the Philistines, and they clasp hands with the children of foreigners.