Die Bibel


예레미야서 51



1 여호와께서 이같이 말씀하시되 보라, 내가 멸망시키는 자의 마음을 일으켜 바벨론을 치고 또 나를 대적하는 자 중에 처하는 자를 치되

2 내가 타국인을 바벨론에 보내어 키질하여 그 땅을 비게 하리니 재앙의 날에 그를 에워 치리로다

3 활을 당기는 자를 향하여 갑주를 갖추고 선 자를 향하여 쏘는 자는 그 활을 당길 것이라 그 청년들을 아끼지 말며 그 군대를 진멸하라

4 무리가 갈대아인의 땅에서 죽임을 당하여 엎드러질 것이요 그 거리에서 찔림을 당한 자가 엎드러지리라 하시도다

5 대저 이스라엘과 유다가 이스라엘의 거룩하신 자를 거역하므로 죄과가 땅에 가득하나 그 하나님 만군의 여호와에게 버림을 입지 아니하였나니

6 바벨론 가운데서 도망하여 나와서 각기 생명을 구원하고 그의 죄악으로 인하여 끊침을 보지 말지어다 이는 여호와의 보수의 때니 그에게 보복하시리라

7 바벨론은 여호와의 수중의 온 세계로 취케 하는 금잔이라 열방이 그 포도주를 마시고 인하여 미쳤도다

8 바벨론이 졸지에 넘어져 파멸되니 이로 인하여 울라 그 창상을 인하여 유향을 구하라 혹 나으리로다

9 우리가 바벨론을 치료하려 하여도 낫지 아니한즉 버리고 각기 고토로 돌아가자 그 화가 하늘에 미쳤고 궁창에 달하였음이로다

10 여호와께서 우리 의를 드러내셨으니 오라 ! 시온에서 우리 하나님 여호와의 일을 선포하자 !

11 화살을 갈며 방패를 굳게 잡으라 ! 여호와께서 메대 왕들의 마음을 격발하사 바벨론을 멸하기로 뜻하시나니 이는 여호와의 보수하시는 것 곧 그 성전의 보수하시는 것이라

12 바벨론 성벽을 향하여 기를 세우고 튼튼히 지키며 파숫군을 세우며 복병을 베풀어 방비하라 이는 여호와께서 바벨론 거민에 대하여 말씀하신 대로 경영하시고 행하심이로다

13 많은 물가에 거하여 재물이 많은 자여, 네 탐람의 한정, 네 결국이 이르렀도다

14 만군의 여호와께서 자기로 맹세하시되 내가 진실로 사람을 황충같이 네게 가득히 하리니 그들이 너를 향하여 소리를 높이리라 하시도다

15 여호와께서 그 권능으로 땅을 지으셨고 그 지혜로 세계를 세우셨고 그 명철로 하늘들을 펴셨으며

16 그가 목소리를 발하신즉 하늘에 많은 물이 생기나니 그는 땅 끝에서 구름이 오르게 하시며 비를 위하여 번개하게 하시며 그 곳간에서 바람을 내시거늘

17 사람마다 우준하고 무식하도다 금장색마다 자기의 만든 신상으로 인하여 수치를 당하나니 이는 그 부어 만든 우상은 거짓이요 그 속에 생기가 없음이라

18 그것들은 헛 것이요, 망령되이 만든 것인즉 징벌하시는 때에 멸망할 것이나

19 야곱의 분깃은 이같이 아니하시니 그는 만물의 조성자요 이스라엘은 그 산업의 지파라 그 이름은 만군의 여호와시니라

20 여호와께서 가라사대 너는 나의 철퇴 곧 병기라 내가 너로 열방을 파하며 너로 국가들을 멸하며

21 내가 너로 말과 그 탄 자를 부수며, 너로 병거와 그 탄 자를 부수며,

22 너로 남자와 여자를 부수며, 너로 노년과 유년을 부수며, 너로 청년과 처녀를 부수며,

23 너로 목자와 그 양떼를 부수며, 너로 농부와 그 멍엣소를 부수며, 너로 방백들과 두령들을 부수리로다

24 그들이 너희 목전에 시온에서 모든 악을 행한대로 내가 바벨론과 갈대아 모든 거민에게 갚으리라 여호와의 말이니라

25 나 여호와가 말하노라 온 세계를 멸한 멸망의 산아 ! 보라, 나는 네 대적이라 나의 손을 네 위에 펴서 너를 바위에서 굴리고 너로 불 탄 산이 되게 할 것이니

26 사람이 네게서 집 모퉁이 돌이나 기촛돌을 취하지 아니할 것이요 너는 영영히 황무지가 될 것이니라 여호와의 말이니라

27 땅에 기를 세우며 열방 중에 나팔을 불어서 열국을 예비시켜 그를 치며 아라랏과 민니와 아스그나스 나라를 불러모아 그를 치며 대장을 세우고 그를 치되 사나운 황충같이 그 말들을 몰아오게 하라

28 열국 곧 메대인의 왕들과 그 방백들과 그 모든 두령과 그 관할하는 모든 땅을 예비시켜 그를 치게 하라

29 땅이 진동하며 고통하나니 이는 나 여호와가 바벨론을 쳐서 그 땅으로 황무하여 거민이 없게 할 경영이 섰음이라

30 바벨론의 용사는 싸움을 그치고 그 요새에 머무르나 기력이 쇠하여 여인같이 되며 그 거처는 불타고 그 문빗장은 부러졌으며

31 보발군이 달려 만나고 사자가 달려 만나서 바벨론 왕에게 고하기를 그 성읍 사방이 함락되었으며

32 모든 나루는 빼앗겼으며 갈밭이 불탔으며 군사들이 두려워하더이다 하리라

33 만군의 여호와 이스라엘의 하나님이 이같이 말씀하시되 딸 바벨론은 때가 이른 타작마당과 같은지라 미구에 추수 때가 이르리라 하시도다

34 바벨론 왕 느부갓네살이 나를 먹으며 나를 멸하며 나로 빈 그릇이 되게 하며 용같이 나를 삼키며 나의 좋은 음식으로 그 배를 채우고 나를 쫓아내었으니

35 나와 내 육체에 대한 잔학이 바벨론에 돌아가기를 원한다고 시온 거민이 말할 것이요 내 피 흘린 죄가 갈대아 거민에게로 돌아가기를 원한다고 예루살렘이 말하리라

36 그러므로 여호와께서 이같이 말씀하시되 보라, 내가 네 송사를 듣고 너를 위하여 보수하여 그 바다를 말리며 그 샘을 말리리니

37 바벨론이 황폐한 무더기가 되어서 시랑의 거처와 놀람과 치솟거리가 되고 거민이 없으리라

38 그들이 다 사자같이 소리하며 어린 사자같이 부르짖으며

39 열정이 일어날 때에 내가 연회를 베풀고 그들로 취하여 기뻐하다가 영영히 잠들어 깨지 못하게 하리라 여호와의 말이니라

40 내가 그들을 끌어 내려서 어린 양과 수양과 수염소가 도수장으로 가는 것 같게 하리라

41 슬프다 세삭이 함락되었도다 온 세상의 칭찬 받는 성이 빼앗겼도다 슬프다 바벨론이 열방중에 황폐되었도다

42 바다가 바벨론에 넘침이여, 그 많은 파도가 그것에 덮였도다

43 그 성읍들은 황폐하여 마른 땅과 사막과 거민이 없는 땅이 되었으니 그리로 지나가는 인자가 없도다

44 내가 벨을 바벨론에서 벌하고 그 삼킨 것을 그 입에서 끌어 내리니 열방이 다시는 그에게로 흘러가지 아니하겠고 바벨론 성벽은 무너지리라

45 나의 백성아 ! 너희는 그 중에서 나와 각기 나 여호와의 진노에서 스스로 구원하라

46 그러므로 보라, 날이 이르리니 내가 바벨론의 조각한 신상들을 벌할 것이라 그 온 땅이 치욕을 당하겠고 그 살륙 당한 모든 자가 그 가운데 엎드러질 것이며

47 하늘과 땅과 그 중의 모든 것이 바벨론을 인하여 기뻐 노래하리니 이는 파멸시키는 자가 북방에서 그에게 옴이니라 여호와의 말이니라

48 바벨론이 이스라엘 사람을 살륙하여 엎드러뜨림 같이 온 땅 사람이 바벨론에서 살륙을 당하여 엎드러지리라 하시도다

49 칼을 면한 자들이여, 서지 말라 행하라 ! 원방에서 여호와를 생각하며 예루살렘을 너희 마음에 두라

50 이방인이 여호와의 집 성소에 들어가므로 우리가 책망을 들으며 수치를 당하여 부끄러움이 우리 얼굴에 덮였도다

51 그러므로 여호와께서 가라사대 보라, 날이 이르리니 내가 그 조각한 신상을 벌할 것이라 상함을 입은 자들이 그 땅에서 신음하리라

52 가령 바벨론이 하늘까지 솟아 오른다 하자 그 성을 높이어 견고히 한다 하자 멸망시킬 자가 내게서부터 그들에게 임하리라 여호와의 말이니라

53 바벨론에서 부르짖는 소리여, 갈대아인의 땅에 큰 파멸의 소리로다

54 이는 여호와께서 바벨론을 황폐케 하사 그 떠드는 소리를 끊으심이로다 그 대적이 많은 물의 요동함같이 요란한 소리를 발하니

55 곧 멸망시키는 자가 바벨론에 임함이라 그 용사들이 사로 잡히고 그들의 활이 꺽이도다 여호와는 보복의 하나님이시니 반드시 보응하시리로다

56 만군의 여호와라 일컫는 왕이 이같이 말씀하시되 내가 그 방백들과 박사들과 감독들과 관장들과 용사들로 취하게 하리니 그들이 영영히 자고 깨지 못하리라

57 만군의 여호와가 이같이 말하노라 바벨론의 넓은 성벽은 온전히 무너지겠고 그 높은 문들은 불에 탈 것이며 백성들의 수고는 헛될 것이요 민족들의 수고는 불탈 것인즉 그들이 쇠패하리라 하시니라

58 유다 왕 시드기야 사년에 마세야의 손자 네리야의 아들 스라야가 왕과 함께 바벨론으로 갈 때에 선지자 예레미야가 그에게 말씀을 명하니 스라야는 시종장이더라

59 예레미야가 바벨론에 임할 모든 재앙 곧 바벨론에 대하여 기록한 이 모든 말씀을 한 책에 기록하고

60 예레미야가 스라야에게 이르되 너는 바벨론에 이르거든 삼가 이 모든 말씀을 읽고

61 말하기를 여호와여, 주께서 이 곳에 대하여 말씀하시기를 이 땅을 멸하여 사람이나 짐승이 거기 거하지 못하게 하고 영영히 황폐케 하리라 하셨나이다 하라

62 너는 이 책 읽기를 다한 후에 책에 돌을 매어 유브라데 하수 속에 던지며

63 말하기를 바벨론이 나의 재앙 내림을 인하여 이같이 침륜하고 다시 일어나지 못하리니 그들이 쇠패하리라 하라 하니라 예레미야의 말이 이에 마치니라


Aus Swedenborgs Werken


Apocalypse Explained #741

studieren Sie diesen Abschnitt

/ 1232  

741. That seduceth the whole world, signifies that pervert all things of the church. This is evident from the signification of "the whole world," as being all things of the church (of which presently); and as all things of the church are signified by "the whole world," so "to seduce it" signifies to pervert those things; for all things of the church are perverted when the good of charity, which is the good of life, is separated and removed from faith as not contributing and effecting anything to salvation. Thereby all things of the Word and thence all things of the church are falsified, for the Lord says that the law and the prophets 1 hang on these two commandments, "To love God above all things, and the neighbor as thyself." These two commandments signify to live and act according to the commandments of the Word; for to love is to will and to do, since what a man interiorly loves, that he wills, and what he wills that he does. "The law and the prophets" signify all things of the Word.

[2] There are two principles of evil and falsity into which the church successively falls. One is dominion over all things of the church and of heaven, which dominion is meant in the Word by "Babel" or "Babylonia;" into this the church falls by reason of evil; the other is the separation of faith from charity, in consequence of which separation all the good of life perishes; this is meant in the Word by "Philistia," and is signified by "the he-goat" in Daniel, and by "the dragon" in Revelation; into this the church falls by reason of falsity. But since this chapter treats of "the dragon," which especially signifies the religion of faith separate from charity, I will mention in passing some things whereby the defenders of faith separate seduce the world. They especially seduce by teaching that as from oneself no one can do good that is in itself good, or can do good without placing merit in it, so good works can contribute nothing to salvation; nevertheless, goods should be done on account of use for the public good; and these are the goods that are meant in the Word and thence in preachings, and in some of the prayers of the church. How great an error this is shall now be told. When a man does good from the Word, that is, because it is commanded by the Lord in the Word, he does it not from himself but from the Lord, for the Lord is the Word (John 1:1, 14), and the Lord is in those things that man has from the Word, as He teaches in these words in John:

He that keepeth My word, I will come unto him and will make My abode with him (John 14:23).

This is why the Lord so often commands that His words and commandments must be done; and that those who do them shall have eternal life; so also that everyone will be judged according to his works. From this it then follows that those who do good from the Word do good from the Lord, and good from the Lord is truly good, and so far as it is from the Lord there is no merit in it.

[3] That good from the Word, thus from the Lord, is truly good, is evident also from these words in Revelation:

I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hear My voice and open the door, I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with Me (Revelation 3:20).

This shows that the Lord is always and continually present and bestows the effort to do good, but that man must open the door, that is, must receive the Lord; and he receives Him when he does good from His Word. Although this appears to man to be done as of himself, yet it is not of man but of the Lord in him. It so appears to man because he has no other feeling than that he thinks from himself and acts from himself; and yet when he thinks and acts from the Word he does it as if of himself, therefore he then also believes that he does it of the Lord.

[4] From this it can be seen that the good that a man does from the Word is spiritual good, and that this conjoins man to the Lord and to heaven. But the good that a man does for the world's sake and for the sake of the communities in the world, which is called civil and moral good, conjoins him to the world and not to heaven. Moreover, the conjunction of the truth of faith is with spiritual good, which is the good of charity towards the neighbor, because faith in itself is spiritual, and what is spiritual cannot be conjoined with any other good than what is equally spiritual. But civil and moral good, separate from spiritual good, is not good in itself, because it is from man; yea, so far as self and the world lie concealed in it, it is evil; this good, therefore, cannot be conjoined with faith, yea, if it were to be conjoined faith would be dissipated.

[5] "To seduce the whole world" signifies to pervert all things of the church, because "the world" signifies in general the church as to all things of it, both goods and truths; but in particular it signifies the church in respect to good; this is the signification of "world" when "the earth" also is mentioned. That "the earth" in the Word signifies the church has been shown above (n. 304, 697); but when "the world" is also mentioned "the earth" signifies the church in respect to truth. For there are two things that constitute the church, namely, truth and good, and these two are signified by "earth" and "world" in the following passages.

[6] In Isaiah:

With my soul have I desired Thee in the night; yea, with my spirit in the midst of me have I early waited for Thee; for when Thou teachest the earth Thy judgments, the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness (Isaiah 26:9).

"Night" signifies a state in which there is no light of truth, and "morning" a state in which there is the light of truth; the latter state is from love, but the former is when there is as yet no love. So "the soul that desired Jehovah in the night" signifies a life that is not yet in the light of truth; and "the spirit in the midst of him with which he waited for Jehovah in the morning" signifies a life that is in the light of truth; so it is added, "for when Thou teachest the earth Thy judgments, the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness," which signifies that the church is in truths from the Lord, and by means of truths is in good; "earth" signifying the church in respect to truths, and "world," the church in respect to good; for "judgment" in the Word is predicated of truth, and "righteousness" of good, and "inhabitants" signifying the men of the church who are in the goods of doctrine and thence of life. (That "judgment" in the Word is predicated of truth, and "righteousness" of good, may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia 2235, 9857; and that "to inhabit" signifies to live, and thence "inhabitants" those who are in the good of doctrine and thus of life, may be seen above, n. 133, 479, 662)

[7] In Lamentations:

The kings of the earth believed not, and all the inhabitants of the world, that the enemy and the adversary would come into the gates of Jerusalem (Lamentations 4:12).

"The kings of the earth" signify the men of the church who are in truths, and "the inhabitants of the world" the men of the church who are in good; that "kings" signify those who are in truths may be seen above (n. 31, 553, 625); and that "the inhabitants" signify those who are in good has been shown just above. Thence it is clear that the "earth" signifies the church in respect to truths, and the "world" the church in respect to good. And as all things of the doctrine of the church were destroyed by falsities and evils, it is said that "they believed not that the enemy and the adversary would come into the gates of Jerusalem;" "enemy" signifying the falsities that destroyed the truths of the church, which are meant by "the kings of the earth," and "adversary" signifying the evils that destroyed the goods of the church, which are meant by "the inhabitants of the world;" "Jerusalem" meaning the church in respect to doctrine.

[8] In David:

Let all the earth fear Jehovah, let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him (Psalms 33:8).

Here, too, the "earth" signifies those who are in the truths of the church, and "the inhabitants of the world" those who are in the goods of the church. In the same:

The earth is Jehovah's and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein; He hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the rivers (Psalms 24:1, 2).

Here, also, the "earth" signifies the church in respect to truth, and "the fullness thereof" signifies all truths in the complex; and the "world" signifies the church in respect to good, and "they that dwell" signify goods in the complex. What is signified by "founding it upon the seas and establishing it upon the rivers" may be seen above (n. 275, 518).

[9] In Isaiah:

We have conceived, we have travailed, we have as it were brought forth wind; we have not wrought salvation in the earth, and the inhabitants of the world 2 have fallen 3 (Isaiah 26:18).

Here, again, the "earth" stands for the church in respect to truths, and the "world" for the church in respect to goods. (The rest may be seen explained above, n. 721.) In the same:

Come near, ye nations, to hear, and attend ye people; let the earth hear and the fullness thereof, the world and all its offspring (Isaiah 34:1).

That "nations" mean those who are in goods, and "peoples" those who are in truths, may be seen above (n. 175, 331, 625); therefore it is added, "let the earth hear and the fullness thereof, the world and all its offspring," "the earth and the fullness thereof" signifying the church in respect to all truths, and "the world and all its offspring" the church in respect to all goods.

[10] In the same:

All ye inhabitants of the world and ye dwellers on the earth, when the ensign of the mountains shall be lifted up, see ye, and when the trumpet shall be sounded, hear ye (Isaiah 18:3).

"The inhabitants of the world and the dwellers on the earth" signify all in the church who are in goods and truths, as above; the Lord's coming is signified by "when the ensign of the mountains shall be lifted up, see ye, and when the trumpet shall be sounded, hear ye;" "the ensign upon the mountains," as well as "the sounding of the trumpet," signify a calling together to the church.

[11] In David:

Before Jehovah, for He cometh, for He cometh to judge the earth; He shall judge the world in righteousness and the peoples in truth (Psalms 96:13; 98:9).

This treats of the Lord's coming, and the last judgment at that time. Because the "world" signifies those of the church who are in good, and "peoples" those who are in truths, it is said that "He shall judge the world in righteousness and the peoples in truth;" "righteousness" as well as the "world" refers to good. In the same:

Before the mountains were brought forth, and before the earth and the world were formed, from everlasting and even to everlasting Thou art God (Psalms 90:2).

"Mountains" signify those who dwell upon mountains in the heavens, who are those that are in celestial good, while "the earth and the world" signify the church consisting of those who are in truths and in goods.

[12] In the same:

Jehovah reigneth, He is clothed with majesty, Jehovah is clothed with strength, He girdeth Himself; the world also shall be established, nor shall it be moved; Thy throne is established from then, Thou art from eternity (Psalms 93:1, 2).

This is said of the Lord when about to come into the world; and as He has glory and power from the Human that He united to His Divine, it is said that "He is clothed with majesty and strength," and that "He girdeth Himself;" for the Lord assumed the Human that He might have power to subjugate the hells. The church that He was about to establish and protect forever is signified by "the world that shall be established and shall not be moved," and "the throne that shall be established;" for the "world" signifies heaven and the church as to the reception of Divine good, and "throne" heaven and the church as to the reception of Divine truth.

[13] In the same:

Say among the nations, Jehovah reigneth; the world also shall be established, neither shall it be moved; He shall judge the peoples in uprightness; the heavens shall be glad and the earth shall rejoice (Psalms 96:10, 11).

This, too, is said of the Lord about to come, and of the church to be established by Him and protected to eternity, which is signified by "the world that shall be established and not moved," as above; and as the "world" signifies the church in respect to good it is added that "He shall judge the peoples in uprightness;" the "peoples," like "earth," signify those who are in the truths of the church, therefore it is said "the peoples of the earth," but "the inhabitants of the world;" "uprightness" also means truths. The joy of those who are in the church in the heavens and in the church on earth is signified by "the heavens shall be glad and the earth shall rejoice."

[14] In the same:

Jehovah shall judge the world in righteousness, He shall judge the peoples in uprightness (Psalms 9:8).

Because the "world" means the church in respect to good, and "righteousness" is predicated of good, it is said "Jehovah shall judge the world in righteousness;" and as those are called "peoples" who are in truths, and "uprightness" means truths, as above, it is said, "He shall judge the peoples in uprightness." In Jeremiah:

Jehovah maketh the earth by His power, and prepareth the world by His wisdom, and by His intelligence He stretcheth out the heavens (Jeremiah 10:12; 51:15).

"Jehovah maketh the earth by His power" signifies that the Lord establishes the church by the power of Divine truth; "He prepareth the world by His wisdom" signifies that He forms the church that is in good from Divine good by means of Divine truth; "by His intelligence He stretcheth out the heavens" signifies that thus He enlarges the heavens.

[15] In David:

The heavens are Thine and the earth is Thine, the world and the fullness thereof Thou hast founded (Psalms 89:11).

"The heavens and the earth" signify the church in the heavens and in the earths, both in respect to truths, and "the world and the fullness thereof" signifies the church in the heavens and in the earths, both in respect to goods, "fullness" meaning goods and truths in the whole complex. In the same:

If I were hungry I would not tell thee, for the world is Mine and the fullness thereof (Psalms 50:12).

This is said of sacrifices, that the Lord does not delight in them, but in confession and works, for it is added:

Should I eat the flesh of the stout ones, or drink the blood of he-goats? Sacrifice unto God confession, and pay thy vows to the Most High (Psalms 50:13-14).

So "if I should be hungry" signifies if I should desire sacrifices; but as the Lord desires worship from goods and truths it is said "for the world is Mine and the fullness thereof;" "fullness" signifying goods and truths in the whole complex, as above. This is said of the beasts that were sacrificed, but these signify in the spiritual sense various kinds of good and truth.

[16] In Matthew:

These good tidings of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world, for a witness unto all, and then shall the end come (Matthew 24:14).

Because the "world" signifies the church in respect to good it is said that "these good tidings shall be preached unto all nations," for the "nations" who are to hear and receive signify all who are in good. Moreover, "nations" signify all who are in evils, who also will hear; but then the "world" signifies the whole church when it is already in evils; therefore it is said that "then shall the end come."

[17] In the first book of Samuel:

Jehovah raiseth up the depressed out of the dust, He exalteth the needy from the dunghill, to make them sit with princes, and He shall make them to inherit the throne of glory; for the bases of the earth are Jehovah's, and He hath set the world upon them (1 Samuel 2:8).

This is the prophecy of Hannah the mother of Samuel. "To raise up the depressed out of the dust and the needy from the dunghill" signifies the instruction of the Gentiles, and the enlightenment in interior truths which would be revealed by the Lord, and thus the removal from evils and falsities. "The bases of the earth" signify exterior truths, such as those of the sense of the letter of the Word, for on those truths interior truths have their foundation; therefore the "world" which He hath set upon them signifies the church in respect to all its goods and truths. (But as to this see above, n. 253, 304)

[18] In Isaiah:

Jacob shall cause them that are to come to take root, Israel shall blossom and bud, so that the faces of the world shall be filled with the increase (Isaiah 27:6).

"Jacob" means the external church, and "Israel" the internal church; and as the internal of the church is founded upon its externals, and internals are thereby multiplied and made fruitful, it is said that "Jacob shall cause them that are to come to take root, and Israel shall blossom and bud;" the consequent fructification of the church is signified by "the faces of the world shall be filled with the increase."

[19] In the same:

Is this the man that maketh the earth to tremble, that maketh the kingdoms to quake, that hath made the world a wilderness, and thrown down the cities thereof? Prepare slaughter for his sons for the iniquity of their fathers, that they rise not up and possess the earth and the faces of the world be filled with cities (Isaiah 14:16, 17, 21).

This is said of Lucifer, by whom "Babylon" is meant, that is, the love of ruling over heaven and over the earth; therefore "to make the earth to tremble, to make the kingdoms to quake, to make the world a wilderness and throw down the cities thereof," signifies to destroy all things of the church; the "earth" meaning the church in respect to truth; "kingdoms," churches distinguished according to truths; the "world" the church in respect to good, and "cities" doctrinals. "To prepare slaughter for the sons for the iniquity of their fathers" signifies the destruction of the falsities that arise from their evils; "that they possess not the earth and fill the faces of the world with cities" signifies lest falsities and evils, and doctrinals from them, take possession of the whole church.

[20] In the same:

The earth shall mourn and be confounded, the world shall languish and be confounded, the exaltation of the people of the earth shall languish, and the earth itself shall be profaned under its inhabitants (Isaiah 24:4, 5).

This describes the desolation of the church in respect to its truths and goods by reason of the pride of self-intelligence, and the profanation of truths that are from good. The desolation is described by "mourning, being confounded, and languishing;" the church in respect to truths and goods is signified by "the earth and the world;" the pride of self-intelligence by "the exaltation of the people of the earth," and the profanation of truths that are from good by "the earth shall be profaned under its inhabitants."

[21] In Nahum:

The mountains shall quake before Him, and the hills shall melt; the earth shall be burnt up before Him, and the world and all that dwell therein (Nahum 1:5).

What is signified by the "mountains" that shall quake, and the "hills" that shall melt, may be seen above (n. 400, 405). But "the earth and the world and they that dwell therein shall be burnt up" signifies that the church in respect to all its truths and goods will be destroyed by infernal love.

[22] In David:

The channels of waters appeared and the foundations of the world were revealed at Thy rebuke, O Jehovah, at the breath of the spirit of Thy nostrils (Psalms 18:15; 2 Samuel 22:16).

That all things of the church in respect to its truths and goods were overturned from the foundation is signified by "the channels of waters appeared and the foundations of the world were revealed;" "the channels of waters" meaning the truths, and "the foundations of the world" its goods, and "to appear" and "to be revealed" meaning to be overturned from the foundation. That this destruction is from the hatred and fury of the evil against Divine things is signified by "at Thy rebuke, O Jehovah, at the breath of the spirit of Thy nostrils;" the "rebuke" and "the spirit of Jehovah's nostrils" have a similar signification as "His anger and wrath" mentioned elsewhere in the Word. But since the Lord has no anger or wrath against the evil, while the evil have against the Lord, and as anger and wrath appear to the evil when they perish to be from the Lord, therefore this is so said according to that appearance. "The breath of the spirit of Jehovah's nostrils" means also the east wind, which destroys by drought, and overturns by its penetrating power.

[23] In the same:

The voice of Thy thunder is in the world, the lightnings enlightened the world, the earth trembled and quaked (Psalms 77:18).

His lightnings shall enlighten the world; the earth shall see and fear, the mountains shall melt like wax before Jehovah, before the Lord of the whole earth (Psalms 97:4, 5).

This describes the state of the wicked because of the Lord's presence in His Divine truth, which state is like that of the sons of Israel when the Lord appeared to them upon Mount Sinai. That they then heard thunders, saw lightnings, and that the mountain appeared to be in a consuming fire as of a furnace, and they feared exceedingly, is known from the Word. This was because they were evil in heart; for the Lord appears to everyone according to what is his quality, to the good as a recreating fire, and to the evil as a consuming fire. From this it is clear what is signified by "the voice of Thy thunder is in the world, the lightnings enlightened the world, the earth trembled and quaked;" and "the mountains shall melt before Jehovah, the Lord of the whole earth;" "the world" meaning all that are of the church who are in goods, but here who are in evils, and the "earth" all that are of the church who are in truths, but here who are in falsities.

[24] In Isaiah:

I will visit malice upon the world, and upon the wicked their iniquity (Isaiah 13:11).

Here, too, the "world" means those that are of the church who are in evils, and the "wicked" those who are in falsities, therefore it is said "I will visit malice upon the world, and upon the wicked their iniquity;" "malice" means evil, and "iniquity" is predicated of falsities.

[25] In Job:

They shall thrust him away from light unto darkness, and chase him out of the world (Job 18:18).

Because "light" signifies the truth, and the "world" the good of the church, and when the wicked man casts himself from truth into falsity he also casts himself from good into evil, it is said "they shall thrust him away from light into darkness, and chase him out of the world," "darkness" meaning falsities, and "to chase out of the world" meaning to cast out from the good of the church.

[26] In Luke:

Men will faint for fear and for expectation of the things coming upon the whole world; for the powers of the heavens shall be shaken; and then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud of the heavens with power and much glory (Luke 21:26, 27).

This is said of the consummation of the age, which is the last time of the church, when there is no longer any truth because there is no good; the state of heaven at that time is described by these words, that "men will faint for fear and for expectation of the things coming upon the whole world;" this describes the fear of those who are in the heavens, that everything of the church in respect to its good and therefore in respect to its truths would perish, and the expectation of help from the Lord. That the power of Divine truth is weakened is signified by "the shaking of the powers of the heavens;" "the powers of the heavens" meaning Divine truths in respect to power; that the Lord will then make evident Divine truth, which has power and from which is intelligence, is signified by "then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud of the heavens, with power and much glory."

[27] "The earth and the world" have a like signification in the following passage in Revelation:

They are the spirits of demons doing signs to go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them together unto the war (Revelation 16:14).

It is said "unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world," because one thing of the church is signified by "earth," and another by "world." As the "world" signifies the church in respect to good it also signifies all things of the church, for good is the essential of the church; therefore where there is good there is also truth, for every good desires truth and wishes to be conjoined to truth and to be spiritually nourished by it, thus also reciprocally.


1. The Latin has here has "prophet."

2. The Hebrew has "not," as is also found in 721.

3. The Latin here has "earth," but in the explanation "world," as in the Hebrew.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.

Die Bibel


Psalms 90:2



2 Before the mountains were brought forth, before you had formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, you are God.