Die Bibel


Genesi 30



1 E Rachele, veggendo che non faceva figliuoli a Giacobbe, portò invidia alla sua sorella; e disse a Giacobbe: Dammi de’ figliuoli; altrimenti io son morta.

2 E Giacobbe s’accesse in ira contro a Rachele, e disse: Sono io in luogo di Dio, il qual t’ha dinegato il frutto del ventre?

3 Ed ella disse: Ecco Bilha, mia serva; entra da lei ed ella partorirà sopra le mie ginocchia, ed io ancora avrò progenie da lei.

4 Ed ella diede a Giacobbe Bilha, sua serva, per moglie, ed egli entrò da lei.

5 E Bilha concepette, e partorì un figliuolo a Giacobbe.

6 E Rachele disse: Iddio mi ha fatto ragione, ed ha eziandio ascoltata la mia voce, e mi ha dato un figliuolo; perciò ella gli pose nome Dan.

7 E Bilha, serva di Rachele, concepette ancora, e partorì un secondo figliuolo a Giacobbe.

8 E Rachele disse: Io ho lottate le lotte di Dio con la mia sorella; ed anche ho vinto; perciò pose nome a quel figliuolo Neftali.

9 E Lea, veggendo ch’era restata di partorire, prese Zilpa, sua serva, e la diede a Giacobbe per moglie.

10 E Zilpa, serva di Lea, partorì un figliuolo a Giacobbe.

11 E Lea disse: Buona ventura è giunta; e pose nome a quel figliuolo Gad.

12 Poi Zilpa, serva di Lea, partorì un secondo figliuolo a Giacobbe.

13 E Lea disse: Quest’è per farmi beata; conciossiachè le donne mi chiameranno beata; perciò ella pose nome a quel figliuolo Aser.

14 Or Ruben andò fuori al tempo della ricolta de’ grani, e trovò delle mandragole per i campi, e le portò a Lea, sua madre. E Rachele disse a Lea: Deh! dammi delle mandragole del tuo figliuolo.

15 Ed ella le disse: È egli poco che tu mi abbi tolto il mio marito, che tu mi vuoi ancora togliere le mandragole del mio figliuolo? E Rachele disse: Or su, giacciasi egli questa notte teco per le mandragole del tuo figliuolo.

16 E come Giacobbe se ne veniva in su la sera da’ campi, Lea gli uscì incontro, e gli disse: Entra da me; perciocchè io ti ho tolto a prezzo per le mandragole del mio figliuolo. Egli adunque si giacque con lei quella notte.

17 E Iddio esaudì Lea, talchè ella concepette, e partorì il quinto figliuolo a Giacobbe.

18 Ed ella disse: Iddio mi ha dato il mio premio, di ciò che io diedi la mia serva al mio marito; e pose nome a quel figliuolo Issacar.

19 E Lea concepette ancora, e partorì il sesto figliuolo a Giacobbe.

20 E Lea disse: Iddio mi ha dotata d’una buona dote; questa volta il mio marito abiterà meco, poichè io gli ho partoriti sei figliuoli; e pose nome a quel figliuolo Zabulon.

21 Poi partorì una figliuola, e le pose nome Dina.

22 E Iddio si ricordò di Rachele, e l’esaudì, e le aperse la matrice.

23 Ed ella concepette, e partorì un figliuolo; e disse: Iddio ha tolto via il mio obbrobrio.

24 E pose nome a quel figliuolo Giuseppe, dicendo: Il Signore mi aggiunga un altro figliuolo.

25 E, dopo che Rachele ebbe partorito Giuseppe, Giacobbe disse a Labano: Dammi licenza, acciocchè io me ne vada al mio luogo, ed al mio paese.

26 Dammi le mie mogli, per le quali io ti ho servito, ed i miei figliuoli; acciocchè io me ne vada; perciocchè tu sai il servigio che io t’ho renduto.

27 E Labano gli disse: Deh! se pure ho trovato grazia appo te: Io ho veduto che il Signore mi ha benedetto per cagion tua.

28 Poi disse: Significami appunto qual salario mi ti converrà dare, ed io te lo darò.

29 Ed egli gli disse: Tu sai come io ti ho servito, e quale è divenuto il tuo bestiame meco.

30 Perciocchè poco era quello che tu avevi, avanti che io venissi; ma ora egli è cresciuto sommamente; e il Signore ti ha benedetto per lo mio governo; ed ora quando mi adopererò io ancora per la mia famiglia?

31 Ed egli disse: Che ti darò io? E Giacobbe disse: Non darmi nulla; se tu mi fai questo, io tornerò a pasturare, ed a guardar le tue pecore.

32 Io passerò oggi per mezzo tutte le tue gregge, levandone, d’infra le pecore, ogni agnello macchiato e vaiolato; e ogni agnello di color fosco; e, d’infra le capre, le vaiolate e le macchiate; e tal sarà da ora innanzi il mio salario.

33 Così da questo dì innanzi, quando tu mi contenderai il mio salario, la mia giustizia risponderà per me nel tuo cospetto; tutto ciò che non sarà macchiato o vaiolato fra le capre, e di color fosco fra le pecore, e sarà trovato appo me, sarà furto.

34 E Labano disse: Ecco, sia come tu hai detto.

35 Ed in quel dì mise da parte i becchi, e i montoni macchiati e vaiolati; e tutte le capre macchiate e vaiolate; e tutte quelle in cui era alcuna macchia bianca; e, d’infra le pecore, tutte quelle ch’erano di color fosco; e le mise tra le mani de’ suoi figliuoli.

36 E frappose il cammino di tre giornate fra sè e Giacobbe. E Giacobbe pasturava il rimanente delle gregge di Labano.

37 E Giacobbe prese delle verghe verdi di pioppo, di nocciuolo, e di castagno; e vi fece delle scorzature bianche, scoprendo il bianco ch’era nelle verghe.

38 Poi piantò le verghe ch’egli avea scorzate, dinanzi alle gregge, ne’ canali dell’acqua, e negli abbeveratoi, ove le pecore venivano a bere; e le pecore entravano in calore quando venivano a bere.

39 Le pecore adunque e le capre entravano in calore, vedendo quelle verghe; onde figliavano parti vergati, macchiati, e viaolati.

40 Poi, come Giacobbe avea spartiti gli agnelli, faceva volger gli occhi alle pecore delle gregge di Labano, verso le vaiolate, e verso tutte quelle ch’erano di color fosco; e metteva le sue gregge da parte, e non le metteva di rincontro alle pecore di Labano.

41 E ogni volta che le pecore primaiuole entravano in calore, Giacobbe metteva quelle verghe ne’ canali, alla vista delle pecore e delle capre; acciocchè entrassero in calore, alla vista di quelle verghe.

42 Ma, quando le pecore erano serotine, egli non ve le poneva; e così le pecore serotine erano di Labano, e le primaiuole di Giacobbe.

43 E quell’uomo crebbe sommamente in facoltà, ed ebbe molte gregge, e servi, e serve, e cammelli, ed asini.


To many Protestant and Evangelical Italians, the Bibles translated by Giovanni Diodati are an important part of their history. Diodati’s first Italian Bible edition was printed in 1607, and his second in 1641. He died in 1649. Throughout the 1800s two editions of Diodati’s text were printed by the British Foreign Bible Society. This is the more recent 1894 edition, translated by Claudiana.

Aus Swedenborgs Werken


Arcana Coelestia #3993

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3993. Removing from thence every small cattle that is speckled and spotted. That this signifies that all the good and truth that is His will be separated wherewith there is mingled evil (signified by the “speckled”), and falsity (signified by the “spotted”), is evident from the signification of “removing,” as being to separate; and from the signification of a “flock” (here one of goats and lambs), as being goods and truths (see n. 1824, 3519). That there are arcana in these and the following verses of this chapter, may be seen from many of the things being such as would not be worthy of mention in the Divine Word, unless there were within them things more arcane than appear in the letter; as that Jacob asked for his reward or hire the speckled and spotted among the goats, and the black among the lambs; that he then placed in the gutters rods of hazel and plane-tree with the bark peeled off to the white before the flocks of Laban when they grew warm, and that as regards the lambs, he set the face of the flock toward the variegated and the black in Laban’s flock; and that he thus became rich, not by a good but by an evil art. In these things there does not appear anything Divine, whereas all things of the Word both in general and in particular, down to the smallest jot, are Divine. Moreover to know all this is not of the slightest avail for salvation; and yet the Word, being Divine, contains within it nothing that is not conducive to salvation and eternal life.

[2] From all this, and the like things elsewhere, everyone may conclude that some arcanum is contained within, and that each one of the particulars, notwithstanding its being of such a character in the letter, yields things more Divine within. But what they yield within cannot possibly appear to anyone, except from the internal sense; that is, unless he knows how these things are perceived by the angels, who are in the spiritual sense while man is in the historic natural sense. And how remote these two senses appear from each other, although most closely conjoined, may be clearly seen from the particulars already explained and from all the rest. The arcanum itself contained in this and the following verses of this chapter, can indeed be known in some degree from what has been already said concerning Laban and Jacob, namely, that “Laban” is such good as can serve to introduce genuine goods and truths, and that “Jacob” is the good of truth. But as few persons know what the natural is that corresponds to spiritual good, and still fewer what spiritual good is, and that there must be a correspondence between them; and as still fewer know that a kind of good which only appears to be good is the means of introducing genuine goods and truths, the arcana that treat of these things cannot be easily explained to the apprehension, for they fall into the shade of the understanding, and it is as if one were speaking in a foreign language, so that however clearly the matter may be set forth, the hearer does not understand. Nevertheless it is to be set forth, because that which the Word stores up in its internal sense is now to be opened.

[3] In the supreme sense the subject here treated of is the Lord, how He made His natural Divine; and in the representative sense the natural in man, how the Lord regenerates it, and reduces it to correspondence with the man that is within; that is, with him who will live after the death of the body, and is then called the spirit of the man, which when released from the body takes with it all that belongs to the outward man, except the bones and the flesh. Unless the correspondence of the internal man with the external has been effected in time, or in the life of the body, it is not effected afterwards. The conjunction of the two by the Lord by means of regeneration is here treated of in the internal sense.

[4] The general truths that man must receive and acknowledge before he can be regenerated have been treated of heretofore-being signified by the ten sons of Jacob and Leah and the handmaids-and, after the man has received and acknowledged these truths, the conjunction of the external man with the interior, or of the natural with the spiritual signified by “Joseph” is treated of. And now in accordance with the order the subject treated of is the fructification of good and the multiplication of truth, which come forth for the first time when this conjunction has been effected, and precisely so far as it is effected. This is what is signified by the “flock” that Jacob acquired by means of the flock of Laban. By “flock” here is signified good and truth, as elsewhere frequently in the Word; and by the “flock of Laban,” the good represented by Laban, the nature of which has been already stated. The “flock of Jacob” signifies the genuine good and truth procured by means of the good represented by Laban, and there is here described the manner in which these genuine goods and truths are acquired.

[5] But this cannot by any means be comprehended unless it is known what is signified in the internal sense by “speckled,” by “spotted,” by “black,” and by “white,” which therefore must now be explained in the first instance. That which is speckled and spotted is that which is composed of black and white; and in general “black” signifies evil, and specifically what is man’s own, because this is nothing but evil. But “dark” signifies falsity, and specifically the principles of falsity. “White” in the internal sense signifies truth, properly the Lord’s righteousness and merit, and derivatively the Lord’s righteousness and merit in man. This white is called “bright white,” because it shines from the light that is from the Lord. But in the opposite sense “white” signifies man’s own righteousness, or his own merit; for truth without good is attended with such self-merit, because when anyone does good, not from the good of truth, he always desires to be recompensed, because he does it for the sake of himself; whereas when anyone does truth from good, this good is then enlightened by the light that is from the Lord. This shows what is signified by “spotted,” namely, the truth with which falsity is mingled; and what by “speckled,” namely, the good with which evil is mingled.

[6] Actual colors are seen in the other life, so beautiful and resplendent that they cannot be described (see n. 1053, 1624); and they are from the variegation of light and shade in white and black. But although the light there appears as light before the eyes, it is not like the light in this world. The light in heaven has within it intelligence and wisdom; for Divine intelligence and wisdom from the Lord are there presented as light, and also illumine the universal heaven (n. 2776, 3138, 3167, 3190, 3195, 3222, 3223, 3225, 3339-3341, 3485, 3636, 3643, 3862). And in like manner although the shade in the other life appears as shade, it is yet not like the shade in this world; for the shade there is absence of the light, and accordingly is lack of intelligence and wisdom. As therefore the white and black there come forth from a light that has intelligence and wisdom within it, and from a shade that is lack of intelligence and wisdom, it is evident that by “white” and “black” are signified such things as have been stated above. Consequently as colors are modifications of light and shade in whites and blacks, as in planes, it is the variegations thus produced that are called colors (n. 1042, 1043, 1053).

[7] From all this we can now see that that which is “speckled,” that is, that which is marked and dotted all over with black and white points, signifies the good with which evil is mingled; and also that that which is “spotted” signifies the truth with which falsity is mingled. These are the things that were taken from the good of Laban in order to serve for introducing genuine goods and truths. But how these can serve this purpose is an arcanum which can indeed be presented clearly before those who are in the light of heaven, because as before said within this light there is intelligence; but it cannot be clearly presented before those who are in the light of the world, unless their light of the world has been enlightened by the light of heaven, as is the case with those who have been regenerated; for every regenerate person sees goods and truths in his natural light from the light of heaven, because the light of heaven produces his intellectual sight, and the light of the world his natural sight.

[8] A few words shall be added to further explain how the case herein is. In man there is no pure good, that is, good with which evil is not mingled; nor pure truth, with which falsity is not mingled. For man’s will is nothing but evil, from which there continually flows falsity into his understanding; because, as is well known, man receives by inheritance the evil successively accumulated by his progenitors, and from this he produces evil in an actual form, and makes it his own, and adds thereto more evil of himself. But the evils with man are of various kinds; there are evils with which goods cannot be mingled, and there are evils with which they can be mingled; and it is the same with the falsities. Unless this were so, no man could possibly be regenerated. The evils and falsities with which goods and truths cannot be mingled are such as are contrary to love to God and love toward the neighbor; namely, hatreds, revenges, cruelties, and a consequent contempt for others in comparison with one’s self; and also the consequent persuasions of falsity. But the evils and falsities with which goods and truths can be mingled are those which are not contrary to love to God and love toward the neighbor.

[9] For example: If anyone loves himself more than others, and from this love studies to excel others in moral and civic life, in memory-knowledges and doctrinal things, and to be exalted to dignities and wealth in pre-eminence to others, and yet acknowledges and adores God, performs kind offices to his neighbor from the heart, and does what is just and fair from conscience; the evil of this love of self is one with which good and truth can be mingled; for it is an evil that is man’s own, and that is born hereditarily; and to take it away from him suddenly would be to extinguish the fire of his first life. But the man who loves himself above others, and from this love despises others in comparison with himself, and hates those who do not honor and as it were adore him, and therefore feels a consequent delight of hatred in revenge and cruelty-the evil of such a love as this is one with which good and truth cannot be mingled, for they are contraries.

[10] To take another example: If anyone believes himself to be pure from sins, and thus washed clean, as one who is washed from filth by much water; when such a man has once performed repentance and has done the imposed penance, or after confession has heard such a declaration from his confessor, or after he has partaken of the Holy Supper-if he then lives a new life, in the affection of good and truth, this falsity is one with which good can be mingled. But if he lives a carnal and worldly life, as before, the falsity is then one with which good cannot be mingled.

[11] Again: The man who believes that a man is saved by believing well, and not by willing well; and yet wills well and in consequence does well-this falsity is one to which good and truth can be adjoined; but not so if he does not will well and therefore do well. In like manner if anyone is ignorant that man rises again after death, and consequently does not believe in the resurrection; or if he is aware of it, but still doubts, and almost denies it, and yet lives in truth and good-with this falsity also good and truth can be mingled; but if he lives in falsity and evil, truth and good cannot be mingled with this falsity, because they are contraries; and the falsity destroys the truth, and the evil destroys the good.

[12] Again: The simulation and cunning that have what is good as their end, whether it is that of the neighbor, or that of our country, or of the church, are prudence; and the evils that are mixed up with them can be mingled with good, from and for the sake of the end. But the simulation and cunning that have evil as their end, are not prudence, but are craft and deceit, with which good can by no means be conjoined; for deceit, which is an end of evil, induces what is infernal upon all things in man both in general and in particular, places evil in the middle, and rejects good to the circumference; which order is infernal order itself. And it is the same in numberless other cases.

[13] That there are evils and falsities to which goods and truths can be adjoined, may be seen from the mere fact that there are so many diverse dogmas and doctrines, many of which are altogether heretical, and yet in each there are those who are saved; and also that the Lord’s church exists even among the Gentiles who are out of the church; and although they are in falsities, nevertheless those are saved who live a life of charity (n. 2589-2604); which could by no means be the case unless there were evils with which goods, and falsities with which truths, can be mingled. For the evils with which goods and the falsities with which truths can be mingled, are wonderfully disposed into order by the Lord; for they are not conjoined together, still less united into a one; but are adjoined and applied to one another, and this in such manner that the goods together with the truths are in the middle and as it were in the center, and by degrees toward the circumferences or circuits are such evils and falsities.

Thus the latter are lighted up by the former, and are variegated like things white and black by light from the middle or center. This is heavenly order. These are the things that are signified in the internal sense by the “speckled” and the “spotted.”

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.

Aus Swedenborgs Werken


Arcana Coelestia #3519

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3519. And take me from thence two good kids of the she-goats. That this signifies the truths of this good, is evident from the signification of “kids of the she-goats,” as being the truths of good, concerning which in what follows. The reason there were two, is that as in the rational, so in the natural, there are things which are of the will and things which are of the understanding. The things in the natural that have relation to the will are delights, and those which have relation to the understanding are memory-knowledges, and in order to be something these two must be conjoined together.

[2] That “kids of the she-goats” signify the truths of good, may be seen from those passages of the Word where “kids” and “she-goats” are mentioned. Be it known that in the genuine sense all the tame and useful beasts mentioned in the Word signify the celestial things of good and the spiritual things of truth (see n. 45, 46, 142, 143, 246, 714, 715, 2180, 2781, 3218); and because there are various kinds of celestial things or goods, and consequently various kinds of spiritual things or truths, one kind is signified by one beast, and another by another; thus one kind is signified by a “lamb,” another by a “kid,” another by a “sheep,” by a “she-goat,” a “ram,” a “he-goat,” a “bullock,” an “ox;” another also by a “horse” and by a “camel;” another likewise by birds; and also another by the beasts of the sea, as by “whales” and “fishes.” There are more genera of celestial and spiritual things than can be enumerated, consequently of goods and truths, although when the celestial or good is mentioned, and also the spiritual or truth, it appears as if it were not manifold, but only one. But how manifold they both are, or how innumerable their genera are, may be seen from what has been said concerning heaven (n. 3241), namely, that it is distinguished into innumerable societies, and this according to the genera of celestial and spiritual things, or of the goods of love and thence of the truths of faith; and moreover every single genus of good, and every single genus of truth, has innumerable species into which the societies of each genus are distinguished, and every species in like manner.

[3] The most universal genera of good and truth are what were represented by the animals that were offered in the burnt-offerings and sacrifices; and because the genera are most distinct from one another it was expressly enjoined that such and no other should be offered-in some cases, for instance, male and female lambs, also male and female kids; in some cases rams and sheep, and also he-goats; but in others, calves, bullocks, and oxen; also pigeons and turtle-doves (n. 922, 1823, 2180, 2805, 2807, 2830, 3218). What was signified by “kids” and “she-goats” may be seen both from the sacrifices in which they were offered, and also from other passages in the Word; whence it is evident that male and female “lambs” signified the innocence of the internal or rational man, and that “kids” and “she-goats” signified the innocence of the external or natural man, thus the truth and good thereof.

[4] That the truth and good of the innocence of the external or natural man is signified by “kids” and “she-goats” is evident from the following passages in the Word.

In Isaiah:

The wolf shall abide with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf, and the young lion, and the sheep 1 together; and a little child shall lead them (Isaiah 11:6); where the Lord’s kingdom is treated of, and a state of no fear from evil, or of no dread on account of hell, because one of presence with the Lord. The “lamb” and the “kid” denote those who are in innocence, and because these are the safest of all, they are mentioned first.

[5] When all the firstborn of Egypt were smitten, it was commanded that they should slay perfect and male young of the flock, of lambs or of kids, and should put some of the blood on the door-posts and on the lintel of the houses, and thus there should not be a plague on them from the destroyer (Exodus 12:5, 7, 13). The “firstborn of Egypt” denotes the good of love and charity extinct (n. 3325); “lambs” and “kids” are states of innocence; and those who are in these states are safe from evil, for all in heaven are protected by the Lord through states of innocence; and this protection was represented by the slaying of a lamb or kid, and by the blood upon the door-posts and lintel of the houses.

[6] When Jehovah appeared to anyone through an angel, a kid of the goats was sacrificed, lest the man should die-as when he appeared to Gideon (Judges 6:19), and to Manoah (13:15-16, 19). The reason was that Jehovah or the Lord cannot appear to anyone, not even to an angel, unless he to whom He appears is in a state of innocence; and therefore as soon as the Lord is present with anyone he is let into a state of innocence; for the Lord enters through innocence, even with the angels in heaven. On this account no one can come into heaven unless he has somewhat of innocence, according to the words of the Lord in Matthew 18:3; Mark 10:15; Luke 18:17. That men believed they should die when Jehovah appeared, unless they offered such a burnt-offering may be seen in Judges 13:22-23.

[7] Inasmuch as genuine conjugial love is innocence (see n. 2736), it was customary in the representative church to enter in unto a wife by a present of a kid of the she-goats; as we read of Samson (Judges 15:1); likewise of Judah when he went in unto Tamar (Genesis 38:17, 20, 23). That a “kid” and a “she-goat” signified innocence, is also evident from the sacrifices of guilt, which they were to offer when anyone had sinned through error (Leviticus 1:10; 4:28; 5:6); sin through error is a sin of ignorance in which is innocence. The same is evident from the following Divine command in Moses:

The first of the first-fruits of thy ground thou shalt bring into the house of Jehovah thy God. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in its mother’s milk (Exodus 23:19; 34:26); where by the “first-fruits of the ground, which they were to bring into the house of Jehovah,” is signified the state of innocence which is in infancy; and by “not seething a kid in its mother’s milk,” that they should not destroy the innocence of infancy. Because these things are signified, in both passages the one command follows the other without a break; and yet in the literal sense they appear to be altogether different; but in the internal sense they cohere together.

[8] Because as before said “kids” and “she-goats” signified innocence, it was also commanded that the curtain of the tent over the tabernacle should be made of the wool of she-goats (Exodus 25:4; 26:7; 35:5-6, 23, 26; 36:14), for a sign that all the holy things therein represented derived their essence from innocence. By the “wool of she-goats” is signified the ultimate or outermost of the innocence that is in ignorance, such as exists with the Gentiles; and who in the internal sense are the “curtains” of the tabernacle. From all this it is evident what and of what quality are the truths of good that are signified by the “two good kids of the she-goats” concerning which Rebekah his mother spoke unto Jacob her son, namely, that they are those of innocence or of infancy, being in fact those which Esau was to bring to his father Isaac; concerning which above (n. 3501, 3508); and which indeed were not these truths of good, but at first appeared as if they were; and it is for this reason that by means of these Jacob simulated Esau.


1. The Hebrew for “sheep” (ovis) here is meri, which in the A. V. is rendered “fatling” three times, “fat cattle” twice, “fat beast” once, “fed beast” once. By Swedenborg it is rendered saginatum seven times, pinguis once, pingue pecus once, and ovis once. In the passage before us he has rendered it saginatum in n. 10132; True Christian Religion789; Apocalypse Explained514, 780, 781; pingue pecus in n. 430 and ovis here in n. 3519 of the same work. The commentators usually understand by it a fattened calf; some rabbis a wild ox (buffalo or bubalus); none have “sheep.”

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.