Die Bibel


VaYikra 2:12



12 קָרְבַּן רֵאשִׁית תַּקְרִיבוּ אֹתָם לַיהוָה וְאֶל־הַמִּזְבֵּחַ לֹא־יַעֲלוּ לְרֵיחַ נִיחֹחַ׃



Erläuterung zu Levitikus 2:12

Durch Henry MacLagan (maschinell übersetzt in Deutsch)

Strophe 12. Diese mögen zwar in den frühen Stadien des fortschreitenden himmlischen Lebens erlaubt sein, aber sie sind nicht annehmbar für den Herrn, wie es die Anbetung aus reiner Liebe ist.

Aus Swedenborgs Werken


Arcana Coelestia #10531

studieren Sie diesen Abschnitt

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10531. 'For I will not go up in your midst' means that nevertheless what is Divine does not reside with the actual nation. This is clear from the meaning of 'not going up in the midst of the people', when this is said by Jehovah, as the fact that what is Divine does not reside with the actual nation, nor therefore does the Church; for if the Church resides with someone, so does that which is Divine. 'Going up to the land' means setting up the Church, as above in 10526, and 'in your midst' means in the inward part of it.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.