Die Bibel


5 Mose 28



1 Und wenn du der Stimme des HERRN, deines Gottes, gehorchen wirst, daß du haltest und tust alle seine Gebote, die ich dir heute gebiete, so wird dich der HERR, dein Gott, das höchste machen über alle Völker auf Erden,

2 und werden über dich kommen alle diese Segen und werden dich treffen, darum daß du der Stimme des HERRN, deines Gottes, bist gehorsam gewesen.

3 Gesegnet wirst du sein in der Stadt, Gesegnet auf dem Acker.

4 Gesegnet wird sein die Frucht deines Leibes, die Frucht deines Landes und die Frucht deines Viehes und die Früchte deiner Ochsen und die Früchte deiner Schafe.

5 Gesegnet wird sein, dein Korb und dein Übriges.

6 Gesegnet wirst du sein, wenn du ein gehest, Gesegnet, wenn du ausgehest.

7 Und der HERR wird deine Feinde, die sich wider dich auflehnen, vor dir schlagen; durch einen Weg sollen sie ausziehen wider dich und durch sieben Wege vor dir fliehen.

8 Der HERR wird gebieten dem Segen, daß er mit dir sei in deinem Keller und in allem, das du vornimmst, und wird dich segnen in dem Lande, das dir der HERR, dein Gott, gegeben hat.

9 Der HERR wird dich ihm zum heiligen Volk aufrichten, wie er dir geschworen hat, darum daß du die Gebote des HERRN, deines Gottes, hältst und wandelst in seinen Wegen,

10 daß alle Völker auf Erden werden sehen, daß du nach dem Namen des HERRN genennet bist, und werden sich vor dir fürchten.

11 Und der HERR wird machen, daß du Überfluß an Gütern haben wirst, an der Frucht deines Leibes, an der Frucht deines Viehes, an der Frucht deines Ackers, auf dem Lande, das der HERR deinen Vätern geschworen hat, dir zu geben.

12 Und der HERR wird dir seinen guten Schatz auftun, den Himmel, daß er deinem Lande Regen gebe zu seiner Zeit, und daß er segne alle Werke deiner Hände. Und du wirst vielen Völkern leihen, du aber wirst von niemand borgen.

13 Und der HERR wird dich zum Haupt machen und nicht zum Schwanz, und wirst oben schweben und nicht unten liegen, darum daß du gehorsam bist den Geboten des HERRN, deines Gottes, die ich dir heute gebiete, zu halten und zu tun,

14 und daß du nicht weichest von irgend einem Wort, das ich euch heute gebiete, weder zur Rechten noch zur Linken, damit du andern Göttern nachwandelst, ihnen zu dienen.

15 Wenn du aber nicht gehorchen wirst der Stimme des HERRN, deines Gottes, daß du haltest und tust alle seine Gebote und Rechte, die ich dir heute gebiete, so werden alle diese Flüche über dich kommen und dich treffen.

16 Verflucht wirst du sein in der Stadt, verflucht auf dem Acker.

17 Verflucht wird sein dein Korb und dein übriges.

18 Verflucht wird sein die Frucht deines Leibes, die Frucht deines Landes, die Frucht deiner Ochsen und die Frucht deiner Schafe.

19 Verflucht wirst du sein, wenn du eingehest, verflucht, wenn du ausgehest.

20 Der HERR wird unter dich senden Unfall, Unrat und Unglück in allem, das du vor die Hand nimmst, daß du tust, bis du vertilget werdest und bald untergehest um deines bösen Wesens willen, daß du mich verlassen hast.

21 Der HERR wird dir die Sterbedrüse anhängen, bis daß er dich vertilge in dem Lande, dahin du kommst, dasselbe einzunehmen.

22 Der HERR wird dich schlagen mit Schwulst, Fieber, Hitze, Brunst, Dürre, giftiger Luft und Gelbsucht und wird dich verfolgen, bis er dich umbringe.

23 Dein Himmel, der über deinem Haupt ist, wird ehern sein, und die Erde unter dir eisern.

24 Der HERR wird deinem Lande Staub und Asche für Regen geben vom Himmel auf dich, bis du vertilget werdest.

25 Der HERR wird dich vor deinen Feinden schlagen. Durch einen Weg wirst du zu ihnen ausziehen, und durch sieben Wege wirst du vor ihnen fliehen; und wirst zerstreuet werden unter alle Reiche auf Erden.

26 Dein Leichnam wird eine Speise sein allem Gevögel des Himmels und allem Tier auf Erden; und niemand wird sein, der sie scheucht.

27 Der HERR wird dich schlagen mit Drüsen Ägyptens, mit Feigwarzen, mit Grind und Krätze, daß du nicht kannst heil werden.

28 Der HERR wird dich schlagen mit Wahnsinn, Blindheit und Rasen des Herzens;

29 und wirst tappen im Mittag, wie ein Blinder tappet im Dunkeln; und wirst auf deinem Wege kein Glück haben und wirst Gewalt und Unrecht leiden müssen dein Leben lang; und niemand wird dir helfen.

30 Ein Weib wirst du dir vertrauen lassen, aber ein anderer wird bei ihr schlafen. Ein Haus wirst du bauen, aber du wirst nicht drinnen wohnen. Einen Weinberg wirst du pflanzen, aber du wirst ihn nicht gemein machen.

31 Dein Ochse wird vor deinen Augen geschlachtet werden, aber du wirst nicht davon essen. Dein Esel wird vor deinem Angesicht mit Gewalt genommen und dir nicht wiedergegeben werden. Dein Schaf wird deinen Feinden gegeben werden, und niemand wird dir helfen.

32 Deine Söhne und deine Töchter werden einem andern Volk gegeben werden, daß deine Augen zusehen und verschmachten über ihnen täglich, und wird keine Stärke in deinen Händen sein.

33 Die Früchte deines Landes und alle deine Arbeit wird ein Volk verzehren, das du nicht kennest; und wirst Unrecht leiden und zerstoßen werden dein Leben lang.

34 Und wirst unsinnig werden vor dem, das deine Augen sehen müssen.

35 Der HERR wird dich schlagen mit einer bösen Drüse an den Knieen und Waden, daß du nicht kannst geheilet werden, von den Fußsohlen an bis auf die Scheitel.

36 Der HERR wird dich und deinen König, den du über dich gesetzt hast, treiben unter ein Volk, das du nicht kennest noch deine Väter; und wirst daselbst dienen andern Göttern, Holz und Steinen.

37 Und wirst ein Scheusal und ein Sprichwort und Spott sein unter allen Völkern, da dich der HERR hingetrieben hat.

38 Du wirst viel Samens ausführen auf das Feld und wenig einsammeln; denn die Heuschrecken werden's abfressen.

39 Weinberge wirst du pflanzen und bauen, aber keinen Wein trinken noch lesen; denn die Würmer werden's verzehren.

40 Ölbäume wirst du haben in allen deinen Grenzen, aber du wirst dich nicht salben mit Öl; denn dein Ölbaum wird ausgerissen werden.

41 Söhne und Töchter wirst du zeugen und doch nicht haben; denn sie werden gefangen weggeführt werden.

42 Alle deine Bäume und Früchte deines Landes wird das Ungeziefer fressen.

43 Der Fremdling, der bei dir ist, wird über dich steigen und immer oben schweben; du aber wirst heruntersteigen und immer unterliegen.

44 Er wird dir leihen, du aber wirst ihm nicht leihen; er wird das Haupt sein, und du wirst der Schwanz sein.

45 Und werden alle diese Flüche über dich kommen und dich verfolgen und treffen, bis du vertilget werdest, darum daß du der Stimme des HERRN, deines Gottes, nicht gehorchet hast, daß du seine Gebote und Rechte hieltest, die er dir geboten hat.

46 Darum werden Zeichen und Wunder an dir sein und an deinem Samen ewiglich,

47 daß du dem HERRN, deinem Gott, nicht gedienet hast mit Freude und Lust deines Herzens, da du allerlei genug hattest.

48 Und wirst deinem Feinde, den dir der HERR zuschicken wird, dienen in Hunger und Durst, in Blöße und allerlei Mangel, und er wird ein eisern Joch auf deinen Hals legen, bis daß er dich vertilge.

49 Der HERR wird ein Volk über dich schicken von ferne, von der Welt Ende, wie ein Adler fleugt, des Sprache du nicht verstehest,

50 ein frech Volk, das nicht ansiehet die Person des Alten noch schonet der Jünglinge;

51 und wird verzehren die Frucht deines Viehes und die Frucht deines Landes, bis du vertilget werdest; und wird dir nichts überlassen an Korn, Most, Öl, an Früchten der Ochsen und Schafe, bis daß dich's umbringe;

52 und wird dich ängsten in allen deinen Toren, bis daß es niederwerfe deine hohen und festen Mauern, darauf du dich verlässest, in all deinem Lande; und wirst geängstet werden in allen deinen Toren, in deinem ganzen Lande, das dir der HERR, dein Gott, gegeben hat.

53 Du wirst die Frucht deines Leibes fressen, das Fleisch deiner Söhne und deiner Töchter, die dir der HERR, dein Gott, gegeben hat, in der Angst und Not, damit dich dein Feind drängen wird;

54 daß ein Mann, der zuvor sehr zärtlich und in Lüsten gelebt hat unter euch, wird seinem Bruder und dem Weibe in seinen Armen und dem Sohn, der noch übrig ist von seinen Söhnen, vergönnen,

55 zu geben jemand unter ihnen von dem Fleisch seiner Söhne, das er frisset, sintemal ihm nichts übrig ist von allem Gut, in der Angst und Not, damit dich dein Feind drängen wird in allen deinen Toren.

56 Ein Weib unter euch, das zuvor zärtlich und in Lüsten gelebt hat, daß sie nicht versucht hat, ihre Fußsohlen auf die Erde zu setzen vor Zärtlichkeit und Wollust, die wird dem Mann in ihren Armen und ihrem Sohn und ihrer Tochter vergönnen

57 die Aftergeburt, die zwischen ihren eigenen Beinen ist ausgegangen, dazu ihre Söhne, die sie geboren hat; denn sie werden sie vor allerlei Mangel heimlich essen, in der Angst und Not, damit dich dein Feind drängen wird in deinen Toren.

58 Wo du nicht wirst halten, daß du tust alle Worte dieses Gesetzes, die in diesem Buch geschrieben sind, daß du fürchtest diesen herrlichen und schrecklichen Namen, den HERRN, deinen Gott,

59 so wird der HERR wunderlich mit dir umgehen, mit Plagen auf dich und deinen Samen, mit großen und langwierigen Plagen, mit bösen und langwierigen Krankheiten,

60 und wird dir zuwenden alle Seuche Ägyptens, davor du dich fürchtest, und werden dir anhangen.

61 Dazu alle Krankheit und alle Plage, die nicht geschrieben sind in dem Buch dieses Gesetzes, wird der HERR über dich kommen lassen, bis du vertilget werdest.

62 Und wird euer wenig Pöbels überbleiben, die ihr vorhin gewesen seid wie die Sterne am Himmel nach der Menge, darum daß du nicht gehorchet hast der Stimme des HERRN, deines Gottes.

63 Und wie sich der HERR über euch zuvor freute, daß er euch Gutes täte und mehrete euch, also wird er sich über euch freuen, daß er euch umbringe und vertilge; und werdet verstöret werden von dem Lande, da du jetzt einzeuchst, es einzunehmen.

64 Denn der HERR wird dich zerstreuen unter alle Völker, von einem Ende der Welt bis ans andere; und wirst daselbst andern Göttern dienen, die du nicht kennest noch deine Väter, Holz und Steinen.

65 Dazu wirst du unter denselben Völkern kein bleibend Wesen haben, und deine Fußsohlen werden keine Ruhe haben. Denn der HERR wird dir daselbst ein bebendes Herz geben und verschmachtete Augen und verdorrete Seele,

66 daß dein Leben wird vor dir schweben. Nacht und Tag wirst du dich fürchten und deines Lebens nicht sicher sein.

67 Des Morgens wirst du sagen: Ach, daß ich den Abend erleben möchte! Des Abends wirst du sagen: Ach, daß ich den Morgen erleben möchte! vor Furcht deines Herzens, die dich schrecken wird, und vor dem, das du mit deinen Augen sehen wirst.

68 Und der HERR wird dich mit Schiffen voll wieder nach Ägypten führen durch den Weg, davon ich gesagt habe: Du sollst ihn nicht mehr sehen. Und ihr werdet daselbst euren Feinden zu Knechten und Mägden verkauft werden, und wird kein Käufer da sein.


Aus Swedenborgs Werken


Apocalypse Explained #559

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559. And they had tails like unto scorpions.- That this signifies sensual scientifics, which are persuasive, is evident from the signification of tails, as denoting sensual scientifics, concerning which in what follows; and from the signification of scorpions, as denoting things persuasive, infatuating, and suffocating (see above, n. 544). Hence tails like unto scorpions signify sensual scientifics, which are persuasive. Tails signify sensual scientifics, because the tails which the animals of the earth have, are continuations of the spine of the back, which is called the spinal marrow, and this is a continuation of the brain, and the brain like the head, signifies intelligence and wisdom, because intelligence and wisdom reside there in their beginnings, and because tails are the ultimates of it, they signify sensual scientifics, for these are the ultimates of intelligence and wisdom.

[2] Sensual scientifics are those scientifics which enter from the world through the five senses of the body, and hence, viewed in themselves, are material, corporeal, and worldly, as compared with those which are more interior. All those who are in the love of self, and have confirmed themselves against Divine and spiritual things, are sensual men, and when they think in their spirit, as is the case when they are left to themselves, they think concerning things Divine and spiritual things from sensual scientifics, and therefore they reject Divine and spiritual things as not worthy of belief, because they do not see them with their eyes, or touch them with their hands, and they apply their own scientifics, which they have made sensual and material, for the purpose of destroying them.

Take for example, learned men of this kind who are skilled in natural philosophy, anatomy, botany, and the other branches of human learning; when such persons see the wonderful things that exist in the animal and vegetable kingdoms, they say in their hearts that all these things are from nature, and not from the Divine, because they believe in nothing but what they can see with their eyes, and touch with their hands. For they cannot raise their minds, and thus see those things from the light of heaven, this light being thick darkness to them, but they keep their minds fixed on earthly things, almost like the animals of the earth, with which they also compare themselves. In a word, with such persons, all knowledges (scientiae) become sensual. For as is the man himself, such are all things pertaining to his understanding and will. If the man is spiritual, all things become spiritual; if he is only natural, all things become natural and not spiritual; if he is sensual, all things become sensual, and this is the case, however learned and scholarly he may appear to be before the world. But since all men have the faculty of understanding truths and perceiving goods, they are able to speak, by virtue of this faculty, as though they were spiritual-rational, but still they are sensual as to the spirit, for when such persons speak before the world, they do so not from the spirit, but from the memory which pertains to the body. These things are stated in order that it may be known what sensual scientifics are.

[3] The reason why these are exceedingly persuasive is, that they are the ultimates of the understanding; for the understanding terminates therein, as in its ultimates, and these captivate the vulgar, because they are appearances arising from such things as they see with their eyes in the world; and as long as the thought adheres in them, the mind cannot be disposed to think interiorly or above them, until they are removed. For the interior things of the mind all terminate in ultimates, and rest upon them as a house upon its foundation, wherefore [sensual scientifics] are exceedingly persuasive, but only in the case of those whose minds cannot be elevated above sensual things. But with those who are in the light of heaven from the Lord, the mind is elevated above these things, and the light of heaven dissipates them. Spiritual men therefore rarely think from sensual things, for they think from things rational and intellectual, while sensual men, who have confirmed themselves in falsities against things divine and spiritual, think only from things sensual when they are left to themselves.

[4] That tails signify sensual scientifics, is evident from the following passages.

Thus in Isaiah:

"Jehovah will cut off from Israel head and tail, branch and rush. The old man and honourable, he is the head; but the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail" (9:14, 15).

These words mean that all intelligence and wisdom are about to perish, and all the knowledge (scientia) of truth. By the head are signified intelligence and wisdom, therefore it is said, "the old man and honourable, he is the head," for an old man signifies the intelligence of truth, and the honourable, the wisdom of good. But by the tail is signified sensual knowledge (scientificum), which is the ultimate of intelligence and wisdom; when this is not conjoined with spiritual intelligence, it becomes false knowledge, or knowledge applied to confirm falsities, which is sensual knowledge like that of the sensual man, who sees nothing from the understanding. Hence the prophet that teacheth a lie is called the tail; for a prophet signifies the doctrine of truth, and therefore the knowledge (scientia) of truth, but in this case the doctrine and knowledge (scientia) of falsity. For a lie signifies falsity, and the teacher of a lie, him who teaches falsity by applying scientifics from the sense of the letter of the Word to confirm falsities.

[5] Again, in the same prophet:

"Neither shall there be any work for Egypt, which may make the head and tail, branch and rush" (19:15).

Here Egypt signifies the knowledge (scientia) of both spiritual and natural things. By there being no work for it which may make the head and tail, is signified, that it possesses neither spiritual things, nor natural things that confirm the spiritual, the head there denoting the cognitions of spiritual things by means of which comes intelligence, and the tail denoting natural scientifics, which are serviceable to spiritual things as means of intelligence. Similar things are signified by the branch and the rush, the branch denoting spiritual truth, and the rush, the sensual scientific, which is ultimate truth; for if the prior and the posterior, or the first and ultimate, do not make one in man, then he has not the head and the tail.

[6] So in Moses:

"Thus Jehovah shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath, if that thou hearken unto the commandments of thy God" (Deuteronomy 28:13).

"To make the head" signifies to make [a man] spiritual and intelligent, so that he may be elevated out of the light of the world into the light of heaven; and to make the tail, denotes to make [a man] sensual and foolish, so that he looks not to heaven but to the world; therefore it is said, "and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath." To be above denotes to be elevated by the Lord so as to look to heaven, and to be beneath denotes not to be elevated by the Lord, but from self, and man from self looks only to the world. For the interiors of man which pertain to thought and affection are raised to heaven by the Lord, when he is in good of life and thence in truths of doctrine, but if he is in evil of life, and consequently in falsities, then lower things look downwards, thus only to his own body and to such things as are in the world, and thus to hell, whence he puts off the nature which is truly human, and puts on the nature of a beast; for beasts look downwards, and to such things only as they meet with in the world and upon the earth. Elevation into the light of heaven by the Lord is an actual elevation of the interiors of man to the Lord, and depression or casting down to such things as are beneath and outside of the eyes, is an actual depression and casting down of the interiors, and when this is the case, then all the thought of his spirit is immersed in the ultimate Sensual.

[7] Again, in Moses:

"The sojourner who is in the midst of thee shall ascend high above thee more and more, but thou shalt descend downwards more and more. He shall lend to thee, but thou shalt not lend to him; he shall be the head, but thou shalt be the tail" (Deuteronomy 28:43, 44).

These words must be similarly understood. To be the head signifies to be spiritual and intelligent, and to be the tail signifies to be sensual and foolish; therefore it is also said, "he shall lend to thee, but thou shalt not lend to him," by which is signified, that he shall teach thee truths, but thou shalt not teach him.

[8] So in Isaiah:

"Say unto him, Take heed, and be quiet; fear not, neither be fainthearted, for the two tails of smoking fire-brands, for the fierce anger of Rezin and Syria, and of the son of Remaliah" (7:4).

Rezin and Syria signify the Rational perverted, and the son of Remaliah the king of Israel, also called Ephraim, signifies the Intellectual perverted. It is the Intellectual in relation to the Word that is signified by the king of Israel and by Ephraim, while it is the Rational in relation to confirmatory knowledges (scientiae) that is signified by Rezin and Syria. For a man must have a Rational in order that he may understand the Word. When these two are perverted, they look only downwards to the earth, and outward to the world, as sensual men do who are in the falsities of evil; therefore they are called tails. A smoking fire-brand signifies the lust (concupiscentia) of falsity, and thence wrath against the truths and goods of the church.

[9] So again, in Moses:

"Jehovah said unto Moses, Put forth thy hand, and take the serpent by the tail. And he put forth his hand, and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand" (Exodus 4:4).

That here also by tail is meant the Sensual, which is the ultimate of the natural, may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia 6951-6955). Since tails signify the ultimates of intelligence and wisdom, which are sensual scientifics, and since all the details of the sacrifices signified celestial and spiritual Divine things, therefore also it was commanded that they should remove the tail near the spine of the back, and also should sacrifice it with other parts there mentioned (Leviticus 3:9; 8:25; 9:19; Exodus 29:22). That the burnt-offerings and sacrifices signified celestial and spiritual Divine things, which are the internals of the church, and from which worship is performed, may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia 2180, 2805, 2807, 2830, 3519, 6905, 8936). Because tails signify sensual scientifics, which, when separated from interior things which are spiritual - that is, when they do not with the interiors, look inwards and upwards, but outwards and downwards - signify falsities confirmed by scientifics, therefore also in the following parts of the Apocalypse, where falsities from that source are treated of, it is said that the tails of the horses seen in the vision were like serpents, having heads with which they do hurt (9:19); and afterwards that the dragon drew with his tail the third part of the stars of heaven, and cast them upon the earth (12:3, 4). These things may be seen explained below.

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Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

Aus Swedenborgs Werken


Arcana Coelestia #2180

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2180. 'And took a young bull, tender and good' means a celestial-natural which the rational took to itself in order that it might join itself to perception from the Divine. This is clear from the meaning of 'a young bull' or 'a son of an ox' in the Word as natural good. And because the subject is the Lord's Rational, it is called 'tender' from the celestial-spiritual, which is truth grounded in good, and 'good' from the celestial itself, which is good itself. Within the genuine rational there is both the affection for truth and the affection for good, but that which is first and foremost there is the affection for truth, as shown already in 2072. This explains why 'tender' is mentioned before 'good'; but even so, as is quite usual in the Word, both are mentioned on account of the marriage of truth and good which is referred to above in 2173.

[2] That 'a young bull' or 'a son of an ox' means the celestial-natural, or what amounts to the same, natural good, becomes especially clear from the sacrifices, which were the principal representatives in the worship of the Hebrew Church and after this of the Jewish Church. Their sacrifices were made either from the herd or from the flock, thus from animals of various kinds that were clean, such as oxen, young bulls, he-goats, sheep, rams, she-goats, kids, and lambs, besides doves and fledgling pigeons. All of these creatures meant the internal features of worship, that is, celestial and spiritual things, 2165, 2177, those from the herd meaning celestial-natural, those from the flock celestial-rational. Because both of these - natural things and rational things - are more and more interior and are various, so many genera and so many species of these creatures were therefore employed in sacrifices. This fact becomes clear also from its being laid down as to which creatures were to be offered in burnt offerings and also which in every kind of sacrifice - the daily sacrifices; those offered on sabbaths and at festivals; those made as free-will, eucharistic, or votive offerings; and those offered in purifications, cleansings, and also in inaugurations. Which creatures were to be used, and how many, in each kind of sacrifice is mentioned explicitly. This would never have been done unless each one had had some specific meaning, as is quite evident from those places where the sacrifices are the subject, as in Chapter 29 of Exodus; Chapters 1, 3, 4, 9, 16, and 23 of Leviticus; and Chapters 7, 8, 15, and 29 of Numbers. But this is not the place to explain what each one meant. The situation is similar in the Prophets where those animals are mentioned, from which it may become clear that young bulls meant celestial-natural things.

[3] That none but heavenly things were meant becomes clear also from the cherubim seen by Ezekiel and from the living creatures before the throne which were seen by John. Regarding the cherubim the prophet says,

The likeness of their faces was the face of a man (homo); and they four had the face of a lion on the right side; and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; and they four had the face of an eagle. Ezekiel 1:10.

Regarding the four living creatures before the throne John says,

Around the throne were four living creatures - the first living creature was like a lion, the second living creature like a young bull, the third living creature had a face like a man (homo), the fourth living creature was like a flying eagle - saying, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and who is, and who is to come. Revelation 4:7-8.

Anyone may see that holy things were represented by the cherubim and these living creatures, thus also by the oxen and young bulls in the sacrifices. The same applies in the prophecy of Moses concerning Joseph,

Let it come upon the head of Joseph and upon the crown of the head of the Nazirite among his brothers. The firstborn of his ox has honour, and his horns are the horns of a unicorn; with these he will thrust the peoples together, to the ends of the earth. Deuteronomy 33:16-17.

These words are not intelligible to anyone unless he knows what ox, unicorn, horns, and many other things mean in the internal sense.

[4] As for sacrifices in general they were indeed commanded to the Israelites through Moses. But the Most Ancient Church which existed before the Flood never knew anything at all about sacrifices, nor did it ever enter their minds to worship the Lord by the slaughtering of animals. The Ancient Church which existed after the Flood knew nothing about it either. Representatives did indeed exist there, but not sacrifices. These were first introduced in the subsequent Church called the Hebrew Church, and from there they spread to the gentile nations, and even to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and so to Jacob's descendants. The fact that the gentile nations had sacrificial worship has been shown in 1343, and the fact that Jacob's descendants also had such worship before they left Egypt, thus before sacrifices were commanded through Moses on Mount Sinai, becomes clear from Exodus 5:3; 10:25, 27; 18:12; 24:4-5.

[5] This is especially clear from their idolatrous worship in front of the golden calf, regarding which the following is said in Moses,

Aaron built an altar in front of the calf, and Aaron made a proclamation and said, Tomorrow there will be a feast to Jehovah. And they rose up early the next morning and presented burnt offerings and brought peace offerings. And the people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play. Exodus 32:5-6.

This happened while Moses was on Mount Sinai, and so before the command came to them regarding the altar and the sacrifices. That command came to them for the reason that sacrificial worship among them had been turned, as it had among the gentiles, into idolatrous worship, from which they could not be drawn away because they looked upon it as-the chief holy thing. Once something has been implanted in people from their earliest years as being holy, the more so if received from their fathers, and thus is inrooted, the Lord in no way breaks it - provided it is not contrary to order itself - but bends it. This was the reason for its being laid down that the sacrificial system should be established, such as one reads in the books of Moses.

[6] The fact that sacrifices were by no means acceptable to Jehovah, and so were merely permitted and tolerated for the reason just stated, is quite evident in the Prophets. Concerning them the following is said in Jeremiah,

Thus said Jehovah Zebaoth, the God of Israel, Add your burnt offerings on to your sacrifices, and eat the flesh. I did not speak with your fathers and I did not command them on the day I brought them out of the land of Egypt on the matters of burnt offering and sacrifice. But this matter I commanded them, saying, Obey My voice, and I will be your God. Jeremiah 7:21-23.

In David,

O Jehovah, sacrifice and offering You have not desired; burnt offering and sin-sacrifices You have not sought. I have delighted to do Your will, O my God. Psalms 40:6, 8.

In the same author,

You do not delight in sacrifice that I should give it; burnt offering You do not accept. The sacrifices of God are a contrite spirit. Psalms 51:16-17.

In the same author,

I will not take any young bull from your house, nor he-goats from your folds. Sacrifice to God confession. Psalms 50:9, 14; 107:21-22; 116:17; Deuteronomy 23:18.

In Hosea,

I desire mercy and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings. Hosea 6:6.

Samuel said to Saul,

Has Jehovah great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices? Behold, to be submissive is better than sacrifice, to be obedient than the fat of rams. - 1 Samuel 15:22.

In Micah,

With what shall I come before Jehovah and bow myself to God on high? Shall I come before Him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old? Will Jehovah be pleased with thousands of rams, with tens of thousands of rivers of oil? He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does Jehovah require of you but to carry out judgement, and to love mercy, and to humble yourself by walking with your God? Micah 6:6-8.

[7] From these quotations it is now evident that sacrifices were not commanded but permitted, and also that in sacrifices nothing else was regarded except that which was internal, and that it was that which was internal that was pleasing, not that which was external. For this reason also the Lord abolished them, as was also foretold through Daniel in the following words when he was speaking about the Lord's Coming,

In the middle of the week He will cause the sacrifice and the offering to cease. Daniel 9:27.

See what has been stated about sacrifices in Volume One, in 922, 923, 1128, 1823. As for 'the young bull' which Abraham made ready or prepared for the three men, the meaning is similar to that of the same animals when used in sacrifices. That it had a similar meaning becomes clear also from the fact that he told Sarah to take three measures of fine flour. Regarding the fine flour that went with the offering of a young bull the following is said in Moses - referring to when they were to come into the land,

When you make ready a young bull for a burnt offering or a sacrifice in the declaring of a vow, or for peace offerings to Jehovah, you shall bring with the young bull a minchah of three tenths of fine flour mixed with oil. Numbers 15:8-9.

Here similarly the number 'three' appears, though three 'tenths' here but three 'measures' in Abraham's instruction to Sarah. But only two tenths went with the offering of a ram, one tenth with that of a lamb, Numbers 15:4-6.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.