Die Bibel


申命记 23



1 凡外肾受伤的,或被阉割的,不可入耶和华的会。

2 私生子不可入耶和华的会;他的子孙,直到十,也不可入耶和华的会。

3 亚扪人或是摩押人不可入耶和华的会;他们的子孙,虽过十,也永不可入耶和华的会。

4 因为你们出埃及的时候,他们没有拿食物和,在上迎接你们,

5 然而耶和华─你的不肯巴兰,咒诅的言语变为祝福的话,因为耶和华─你的你。

6 你一生一世永不可求他们的平安和他们的利益。

7 不可憎恶以东人,因为他是你的弟兄。不可憎恶埃及人,因为你在他的上作过寄居的。

8 他们第三子孙入耶和华的会。

9 你出兵攻打仇敌,就要远避诸恶。

10 你们中间,若有夜间偶然梦遗,不洁净,就要出到外,不可入

11 到傍晚的时候,他要用洗澡,及至日落了才可以入

12 你在外也该定出一个地方作为便所。

13 在你器械之中当预备一把锹,你出营外便溺以後,用以铲土,转身掩盖。

14 因为耶和华─你的常在你中行走,要救护你,将仇敌交你,所以你的理当圣洁,免得他见你那里有污秽,就离开你。

15 若有奴仆脱了人的手,逃到你那里,你不可将他交付他的人。

16 他必在你那里与你同,在你的城邑中,要由他选择个所喜悦的地方居住;你不可欺负他。

17 以色列的女子中不可有妓女;以色列的男子中不可有娈童。

18 娼妓所得的钱,或娈童(原文作)所得的价,你不可耶和华─你的殿还愿,因为这两样耶和华─你所憎恶的。

19 给你弟兄的,或是财或是粮食,无论甚麽可生利的物,都不可取利。

20 给外邦人可以取利,只是给你弟兄不可取利。这样,耶和华─你必在你所去得为业的上和你里所办的一切事上赐福与你。

21 你向耶和华─你的许愿,偿还不可迟延;因为耶和华─你的必定向你追讨,你不偿还就有罪。

22 你若不许愿,倒无罪。

23 你嘴里所出的,就是你中应许甘心所献的,要照你向耶和华─你所许的愿谨守遵行。

24 你进了邻舍的葡萄园,可以随意饱了葡萄,只是不可装在器皿中。

25 你进了邻舍站着的禾稼,可以用摘穗子,只是不可用镰刀割取禾稼。


Aus Swedenborgs Werken


Apocalypse Explained #694

studieren Sie diesen Abschnitt

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694. And thine anger is come, and the time of the dead to be judged.- That this signifies the last judgment upon those who interiorly possess in themselves nothing of good and truth, is evident from the signification of anger, as meaning in reference to the Lord, a last judgment (concerning which see above n. 413); that this is signified here by anger is clear, for the words, "and the time of the dead, to be judged" follow; and from the signification of the dead, as denoting those who interiorly possess in themselves nothing of good and truth. Such are called dead, because the very life of man is his spiritual life, for through this he is a man, and is distinguished from the beasts, which have only a natural life. In man the natural life without the spiritual life is dead, since it has not heaven in itself, which is called life and also eternal life, but hell, which is spiritually called death. That those who live a natural life merely, and not at the same time a spiritual life, are meant by the dead in the Word, may be seen above (n. 78). That death, when spoken of man, means a lack of ability to understand truth and perceive good, may also be seen above (n. 550); and this defect exists when the internal spiritual man has not been formed, for this is formed by means of truths from good. In this internal man resides the faculty of understanding truth and of perceiving good, for this man is in heaven and in the light thereof, and he who is in the light of heaven is a living man. But when the natural man only has been formed, and not at the same time the spiritual, then there is no faculty of understanding and perceiving the truths and goods of heaven and of the church, because such a man has no light from heaven; for this reason such a man is called dead. That those who do not interiorly possess in themselves anything of good and truth are here meant by the dead who are to be judged, is evident also from what has been said before about the separation of the evil from the good before the Last Judgment, and from this, that the evil, when they have been separated, come into their interiors, which abound in mere evils and falsities; this makes it clear, that interiorly they were dead, although in the external form they appeared to be living.

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Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

Die Bibel


Deuteronomy 24:14



14 You shall not oppress a hired servant who is poor and needy, whether he be of your brothers, or of your foreigners who are in your land within your gates: