Die Bibel


تثنية 28



1 وان سمعت سمعا لصوت الرب الهك لتحرص ان تعمل بجميع وصاياه التي انا اوصيك بها اليوم يجعلك الرب الهك مستعليا على جميع قبائل الارض

2 وتاتي عليك جميع هذه البركات وتدركك اذا سمعت لصوت الرب الهك.

3 مباركا تكون في المدينة ومباركا تكون في الحقل.

4 ومباركة تكون ثمرة بطنك وثمرة ارضك وثمرة بهائمك نتاج بقرك واناث غنمك.

5 مباركة تكون سلتك ومعجنك.

6 مباركا تكون في دخولك ومباركا تكون في خروجك.

7 يجعل الرب اعداءك القائمين عليك منهزمين امامك. في طريق واحد يخرجون عليك وفي سبع طرق يهربون امامك.

8 يأمر لك الرب بالبركة في خزائنك وفي كل ما تمتد اليه يدك ويباركك في الارض التي يعطيك الرب الهك.

9 يقيمك الرب لنفسه شعبا مقدسا كما حلف لك اذا حفظت وصايا الرب الهك وسلكت في طرقه.

10 فيرى جميع شعوب الارض ان اسم الرب قد سمي عليك ويخافون منك.

11 ويزيدك الرب خيرا في ثمرة بطنك وثمرة بهائمك وثمرة ارضك على الارض التي حلف الرب لآبائك ان يعطيك.

12 يفتح لك الرب كنزه الصالح السماء ليعطي مطر ارضك في حينه وليبارك كل عمل يدك فتقرض امما كثيرة وانت لا تقترض.

13 ويجعلك الرب راسا لا ذنبا وتكون في الارتفاع فقط ولا تكون في الانحطاط اذا سمعت لوصايا الرب الهك التي انا اوصيك بها اليوم لتحفظ وتعمل

14 ولا تزيغ عن جميع الكلمات التي انا اوصيك بها اليوم يمينا او شمالا لكي تذهب وراء آلهة اخرى لتعبدها

15 ولكن ان لم تسمع لصوت الرب الهك لتحرص ان تعمل بجميع وصاياه وفرائضه التي انا اوصيك بها اليوم تاتي عليك جميع هذه اللعنات وتدركك

16 ملعونا تكون في المدينة وملعونا تكون في الحقل.

17 ملعونة تكون سلتك ومعجنك.

18 ملعونة تكون ثمرة بطنك وثمرة ارضك نتاج بقرك واناث غنمك.

19 ملعونا تكون في دخولك وملعونا تكون في خروجك.

20 يرسل الرب عليك اللعن والاضطراب والزجر في كل ما تمتد اليه يدك لتعمله حتى تهلك وتفنى سريعا من اجل سوء افعالك اذ تركتني.

21 يلصق بك الرب الوبأ حتى يبيدك عن الارض التي انت داخل اليها لكي تمتلكها.

22 يضربك الرب بالسل والحمى والبرداء والالتهاب والجفاف واللفح والذبول فتتبعك حتى تفنيك.

23 وتكون سماؤك التي فوق راسك نحاسا والارض التي تحتك حديدا.

24 ويجعل الرب مطر ارضك غبارا وترابا ينزل عليك من السماء حتى تهلك.

25 يجعلك الرب منهزما امام اعدائك. في طريق واحدة تخرج عليهم وفي سبع طرق تهرب امامهم وتكون قلقا في جميع ممالك الارض.

26 وتكون جثتك طعاما لجميع طيور السماء ووحوش الارض وليس من يزعجها.

27 يضربك الرب بقرحة مصر وبالبواسير والجرب والحكّة حتى لا تستطيع الشفاء.

28 يضربك الرب بجنون وعمى وحيرة قلب.

29 فتتلمس في الظهر كما يتلمس الاعمى في الظلام ولا تنجح في طرقك بل لا تكون الا مظلوما مغصوبا كل الايام وليس مخلّص.

30 تخطب امرأة ورجل آخر يضطجع معها تبني بيتا ولا تسكن فيه. تغرس كرما ولا تستغله.

31 يذبح ثورك امام عينيك ولا تأكل منه. يغتصب حمارك من امام وجهك ولا يرجع اليك. تدفع غنمك الى اعدائك وليس لك مخلص.

32 يسلم بنوك وبناتك لشعب آخر وعيناك تنظران اليهم طول النهار فتكلان وليس في يدك طائلة.

33 ثمر ارضك وكل تعبك ياكله شعب لا تعرفه فلا تكون الا مظلوما ومسحوقا كل الايام.

34 وتكون مجنونا من منظر عينيك الذي تنظر.

35 يضربك الرب بقرح خبيث على الركبتين وعلى الساقين حتى لا تستطيع الشفاء من اسفل قدمك الى قمة راسك.

36 يذهب بك الرب وبملكك الذي تقيمه عليك الى امة لم تعرفها انت ولا آباؤك وتعبد هناك آلهة اخرى من خشب وحجر.

37 وتكون دهشا ومثلا وهزأة في جميع الشعوب الذين يسوقك الرب اليهم.

38 بذارا كثيرا تخرج الى الحقل وقليلا تجمع لان الجراد ياكله.

39 كروما تغرس وتشتغل وخمرا لا تشرب ولا تجني لان الدود ياكلها.

40 يكون لك زيتون في جميع تخومك وبزيت لا تدّهن لان زيتونك ينتثر.

41 بنين وبنات تلد ولا يكونون لك لانهم الى السبي يذهبون.

42 جميع اشجارك واثمار ارضك يتولاه الصرصر.

43 الغريب الذي في وسطك يستعلي عليك متصاعدا وانت تنحط متنازلا.

44 هو يقرضك وانت لا تقرضه. هو يكون راسا وانت تكون ذنبا.

45 وتأتي عليك جميع هذه اللعنات وتتبعك وتدركك حتى تهلك لانك لم تسمع لصوت الرب الهك لتحفظ وصاياه وفرائضه التي اوصاك بها.

46 فتكون فيك آية واعجوبة وفي نسلك الى الابد.

47 من اجل انك لم تعبد الرب الهك بفرح وبطيبة قلب لكثرة كل شيء

48 تستعبد لاعدائك الذين يرسلهم الرب عليك في جوع وعطش وعري وعوز كل شيء. فيجعل نير حديد على عنقك حتى يهلكك.

49 يجلب الرب عليك امّة من بعيد من اقصاء الارض كما يطير النسر امة لا تفهم لسانها

50 امة جافية الوجه لا تهاب الشيخ ولا تحن الى الولد.

51 فتأكل ثمرة بهائمك وثمرة ارضك حتى تهلك ولا تبقي لك قمحا ولا خمرا ولا زيتا ولا نتاج بقرك ولا اناث غنمك حتى تفنيك.

52 وتحاصرك في جميع ابوابك حتى تهبط اسوارك الشامخة الحصينة التي انت تثق بها في كل ارضك. تحاصرك في جميع ابوابك في كل ارضك التي يعطيك الرب الهك.

53 فتأكل ثمرة بطنك لحم بنيك وبناتك الذين اعطاك الرب الهك في الحصار والضيقة التي يضايقك بها عدوك.

54 الرجل المتنعم فيك والمترفه جدا تبخل عينه على اخيه وامرأة حضنه وبقية اولاده الذين يبقيهم

55 بان يعطي احدهم من لحم بنيه الذي ياكله لانه لم يبق له شيء في الحصار والضيقة التي يضايقك بها عدوك في جميع ابوابك.

56 والمرأة المتنعمة فيك والمترفهة التي لم تجرب ان تضع اسفل قدمها على الارض للتنعم والترفه تبخل عينها على رجل حضنها وعلى ابنها وبنتها

57 بمشيمتها الخارجة من بين رجليها وباولادها الذين تلدهم لانها تاكلهم سرا في عوز كل شيء في الحصار والضيقة التي يضايقك بها عدوك في ابوابك.

58 ان لم تحرص لتعمل بجميع كلمات هذا الناموس المكتوبة في هذا السفر لتهاب هذا الاسم الجليل المرهوب الرب الهك

59 يجعل الرب ضرباتك وضربات نسلك عجيبة ضربات عظيمة راسخة وامراضا ردية ثابتة.

60 ويرد عليك جميع ادواء مصر التي فزعت منها فتلتصق بك.

61 ايضا كل مرض وكل ضربة لم تكتب في سفر الناموس هذا يسلطه الرب عليك حتى تهلك.

62 فتبقون نفرا قليلا عوض ما كنتم كنجوم السماء في الكثرة لانك لم تسمع لصوت الرب الهك.

63 وكما فرح الرب لكم ليحسن اليكم ويكثركم كذلك يفرح الرب لكم ليفنيكم ويهلككم فتستأصلون من الارض التي انت داخل اليها لتمتلكها.

64 ويبددك الرب في جميع الشعوب من اقصاء الارض الى اقصائها وتعبد هناك آلهة اخرى لم تعرفها انت ولا آباؤك من خشب وحجر.

65 وفي تلك الامم لا تطمئن ولا يكون قرار لقدمك بل يعطيك الرب هناك قلبا مرتجفا وكلال العينين وذبول النفس.

66 وتكون حياتك معلّقة قدامك وترتعب ليلا ونهارا ولا تأمن على حياتك.

67 في الصباح تقول يا ليته المساء وفي المساء تقول يا ليته الصباح من ارتعاب قلبك الذي ترتعب ومن منظر عينيك الذي تنظر.

68 ويردك الرب الى مصر في سفن في الطريق التي قلت لك لا تعد تراها فتباعون هناك لاعدائك عبيدا واماء وليس من يشتري


Aus Swedenborgs Werken


Arcana Coelestia #9331

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9331. 'And I will send the hornet before you' means the dread felt by those who are steeped in falsities arising from evil. This is clear from the meaning of 'hornets' as falsities that are stinging and lethal and therefore cause feelings of dread. Terror is used in reference to those immersed in evils, and dread to those steeped in falsities; regarding the terror felt by the former, see above in 9327. The reason why the dread felt by those steeped in falsities is meant by 'hornets' is that these are winged creatures equipped with stings with which they can administer venomous pricks. For living creatures both great and small mean such things as compose human affections, that is, such as are connected with the will, or else they mean such things as compose human thoughts, that is, such as are connected with the understanding. For everything without exception in the human being has connection either with his will or with his understanding. Things that have no connection with one or the other do not exist in the human being, and so are not part of the human being. Creatures that walk and also ones that creep mean affections in both senses, and so mean forms of good or else evils since these belong to the affections, whereas flying creatures, including insects with wings, mean such things as belong to thought in both senses, and so mean truths or else falsities since these belong to thoughts.

Living creatures mean forms of good or else evils, see 9280. Ones that creep mean forms of good or else evils on the external level of the senses, 746, 909, 994. Flying creatures mean truths or falsities, 40, 745, 776, 778, 866, 911, 988, 3219, 5149, 7441. Consequently insects with wings mean the same things, but as they exist on the outermost levels of the human mind.

[2] But falsities, which are the subject now, are of many kinds. There are falsities which do no harm, there are falsities which do slight harm and those which do serious harm, and there are also those which are lethal. What kind they are is recognized from the evils they arise from. Every falsity that is harmful or that is lethal owes its existence to evil; for falsity arising from evil is evil revealing itself in an outward form. In the next life also, when such falsities are represented visually, they are seen as swarms of filthy insects and flying creatures, a terrifying sight that is determined by the type of evil from which the falsities derive. From all this it is evident why it is that the dread felt by those steeped in falsities arising from evil is meant by 'hornets'. Similarly in Deuteronomy,

Jehovah your God will send the hornet among them, until those who are left and hide themselves from you have perished. Deuteronomy 7:20.

[3] Throughout the Word various types of insects are mentioned, and wherever they are mentioned they mean falsities or evils in the outermost levels of the human mind, or the external level of the senses. These evils and falsities have their origin in the illusions of the senses and in various bodily pleasures and appetites, which mislead by means of their allurements and by outward appearances, and cause reason to assent to and so become immersed in falsities arising from evil. This type of falsities is meant by 'the noxious flying insects' of Egypt, see 7441, and likewise by 'the locusts' there, 7643. By 'the frogs' of Egypt reasonings arising from falsities are meant, 7351, 7352, 7384; by 'the lice' there evils of the same kind are meant, 7419; and by 'worms' falsities that devour and torment, 8481.

[4] Such evils and falsities are also meant by the various types of insects referred to in the following places: In Isaiah,

It will happen on that day, that Jehovah will whistle for the fly that is in the farthest part of the rivers of Egypt, and for the bee that is in the land of Asshur. They will come and all of them will rest in the river of desolations, and in the clefts of the rocks, and in all bushes. Isaiah 7:18-19.

This refers to the Lord's Coming, and to the state of the Church then. 'The fly in the farthest part of the rivers of Egypt' is falsity on the outermost levels of the human mind, that is, on the external level of the senses, 7441. 'The bee in the land of Asshur' is falsity perverting reasonings in the mind; for 'Asshur' means reasoning, 1186. 'The river of desolations' is falsity reigning everywhere; 'the clefts of the rocks' are the truths of faith lying in obscurity, because they have been removed from the light of heaven, 8581 (end); and 'bushes' are similar but newly developing truths, 2682.

[5] In Amos,

I struck you with blight and mildew; your very many gardens, and your vineyards, and your fig trees, and your olive trees the caterpillar (eruca) devoured. Amos 4:9.

In Joel,

What the caterpillar (eruca) has left the locust will devour, and what the locust has left the beetle (melolontha) will devour, and what the beetle has left the bruchus 1 will devour. Awake, you drunkards; and wail, all you drinkers of wine, because of the new wine that has been cut off from your mouth. Joel 1:4-5.

In the same prophet,

The threshing-floors are full of clean grain; the presses overflow with new wine and oil. And I will recompense for you the years that the locust has consumed, the beetle (melolontha), and the bruchus, and the caterpillar (eruca), My great army which I sent among you. Joel 2:24-25.

Here falsities and evils on the outermost levels or the external level of the senses of a member of the Church are meant by these types of insects, as is evident from the specific details in these quotations; for they refer to the perversion of the Church's truth and good. What 'the locust' and what 'the bruchus' mean may be seen in 7643; and the fact that the Church's forms of good and its truths in general are meant by 'gardens', 'vineyards', 'fig trees', 'olive trees', 'wine', and 'new wine', which are destroyed by such creatures, has been shown often in explanations.

[6] In David,

He caused frogs to crawl forth onto their land, into the chambers of their kings. He spoke, that a swarm might come, lice in all their borders. Psalms 105:30-31.

This refers to Egypt. What is meant by 'frogs' there, see 7351, 7352, 7384; and what by 'lice', 7419. In Moses,

You will plant and dress vineyards, but not drink wine nor gather [the fruit]; for the worm will eat it. Deuteronomy 28:39.

'The worm' stands for all such falsity and evil in general.

[7] In Isaiah,

Do not fear the reproach of man (homo), and do not be dismayed by their slanders. For the moth will devour them as a garment, and the grub will devour them as wool. Isaiah 51:7-8.

'The moth' stands for falsities on the outermost levels of the human mind, and 'the grub' for evils there. For 'a garment' which the moth will devour means the lower or more external truths that belong to the sensory level of the human mind, 2576, 5248, 6377, 6918, 9158, 9212; and 'wool' which the grub will devour means the lower or more external forms of good that belong to the sensory level of the human mind, as is evident from many places in the Word, and also from the meaning of 'a sheep', from which wool is obtained, as the good of charity, 4169. What exactly are the outermost levels of the natural man, which are called those of the senses, and what they are like, see 4009, 5077, 5081, 5084, 5089, 5094, 5125, 5128, 5580, 5767, 5774, 6183, 6201, 6310-6318, 6564, 6598, 6612, 6614, 6622, 6624, 6844, 6845, 6948, 6949, 7442, 7645, 7693, 9212, 9216.


1. i.e. a (wingless) kind of locust, possibly the larva of a locust

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

Aus Swedenborgs Werken


Arcana Coelestia #8581

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8581. 'behold, I [will be] standing before you there on the rock in Horeb' means the Lord in respect of the truths of faith. This is clear from the meaning of 'the rock' as faith, in this instance faith received from the Lord, or the Lord in respect of faith, for Jehovah - that is, the Lord - says 'Behold, I [will be] standing on the rock'; and from the meaning of 'Horeb' as God's law. Consequently the words used here mean the Lord in respect of the truths of faith, which come from His law or the Word. The fact that 'the rock' means the Lord in respect of faith, and on man's side the faith he receives from the Lord, is clear from very many places in the Word, as in Moses,

Ascribe 1 greatness to our God, the Rock, whose work is perfect. He caused him to ride on 2 the heights of the land, and fed him with the produce of the fields; He caused him to suck honey out of the rock, and oil out of the flinty rock. But when Jeshurun became fat he kicked; he forsook God who made Him, and despised the Rock of his salvation. You have been unmindful of 3 the Rock who begot you, and have forgotten the God who formed you. Their Rock sold them, and Jehovah shut them up. For their rock is not like our Rock. When it is said, Where are their gods, the rock in which they trusted? ... Deuteronomy 32:3-4, 13, 15, 18, 30-31, 37.

From these verses it is evident that Jehovah, that is, the Lord, is the One who is called 'the Rock'. The fact that 'the Rock' is Jehovah or the Lord in respect of faith is made plain by every detail there in the internal sense.

[2] In Daniel,

You were watching, until a stone was cut out, not by means of hands; and it struck the statue on its feet, which were iron and clay, and smashed them to pieces. Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold together were smashed to pieces, and became like chaff from the summer threshing-floors; so that the wind carried them away, and no place was found for them. But the stone that struck the statue became a great rock and filled the whole earth. The God of heaven will cause a kingdom to arise that will never be destroyed, and also His kingdom will not be left to other people; it will crush and consume all those kingdoms, but will itself stand for ever. Inasmuch as you saw that the stone was cut out of the rock, not by means of hands, and it smashed the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold... Daniel 2:34-35, 44-45.

The subject here is the Lord and His kingdom, 'a stone' being used to mean faith, and 'a rock' the Lord in respect of faith. The fact that these things are meant by 'a stone' and 'a rock' is evident to anyone who gives thought to the matter. 'A stone' also means in the Word the truth that composes faith, see 643, 1298, 3720, 3769, 3771, 3773, 3789, 3798, 6426; therefore also the Lord in respect of Divine Truth is called 'the stone of Israel', 6426. The reason why 'a rock' means the Lord in respect of the truth of faith is that 'a rock' is also used to mean a fortress that withstands falsities. The actual fortress is the truth of faith, for this is what the battle against both falsities and evils is waged from.

[3] All this also makes it clear that in the following words in Matthew which the Lord addressed to Peter 'rock' is used to mean the Lord in respect of faith, and also faith received from the Lord,

I tell you, You Are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Matthew 16:18-19.

As regards 'rock' here, that it means the Lord in respect of faith, and faith received from the Lord, and that 'Peter' represents that faith, see Preface to Genesis 22, and also 3750, 4738, 6000, 6073 (end), 6344 (end). It is also evident to anyone who thinks properly that the power to open heaven and close hell for the good, and to open hell and close heaven for the wicked, is the Lord's alone, and that the reason why such power accompanies faith is that faith comes from the Lord, and so likewise is the Lord's; that is, the Lord Himself is within faith. All power in the next life too comes through the truth of faith springing from good, 4931, 6344, 6423, 8200, 8304. One who thinks properly may also conclude that the Lord's Church has not been built on some person, thus not on Peter, but on the Lord Himself, that is, on faith in Him.

[4] From all this one can see what kind of errors they are, and how great, which those people slip into who adhere strictly to the sense of the letter of the Word. One can see why leaders of the Church are all too ready to seize on the idea that such power was given to Peter and consequently to those who call themselves his successors, for that idea lends support to what is in their heart. One can see how difficult it is for them to let themselves be convinced that this passage has any other meaning, for each wishes to gain supreme power. All this also shows how vital it is to know what 'rock', 'the keys', 'the gates of hell', and very many other things mean in the internal sense.

[5] The fact that Jehovah is called 'the Rock', and that when He is called this the Lord in respect of faith is meant, many other places in the Word also go to prove, such as the following, which will be quoted without further explanation. In Isaiah,

Send the lamb of the ruler of the land from the Rock towards the wilderness, to the mountain [of the daughter] of Zion. Isaiah 16:1.

In the same prophet,

You have forgotten [the God] of your salvation, and have not called to mind the Rock of your refuge. Isaiah 17:10.

In the same prophet,

Asshur will fall by the sword, not of man (vir). Also his rock will pass away by reason of terror. Isaiah 31:8-9.

In the same prophet,

Let the inhabitants of the Rock sing, let them shout from the top of the mountains. Isaiah 42:11.

In the same prophet,

Pay attention to Me, you who are pursuing righteousness, who are seeking Jehovah. Look to the Rock from which you were hewn. Isaiah 51:1.

In Jeremiah,

Leave the cities and dwell in the Rock, O inhabitants of Moab. Jeremiah 48:28.

In the same prophet,

I am against you, O destroying mountain, destroying the whole earth. And I will stretch out My hand against you, and roll you down from the rocks, and make you into a mountain of burning. Nor will they take from you a stone for a corner, or a stone for foundations. Jeremiah 51:25-26.

This refers to Babel. In David,

He caused me to come up out of the pit of devastation, out of the muddy clay, and He set my feet upon a rock. Psalms 40:2.

In the same author,

From the end of the earth I cry to You, when my heart fails; You lead me to the Rock high up from me. Psalms 61:2.

In the same author,

I fed them with the fat of wheat, and with honey out of the rock I satisfied them. Psalms 81:16.

[6] Since 'a rock' meant the Lord in respect of faith, and faith received from the Lord, also the wondrous things spoken of in the Book of Judges took place on a rock,

The Angel of Jehovah told Gideon to take the flesh and unleavened bread and peace them on the rock, and pour out the broth. And fire went up from the rock and consumed the flesh and unleavened bread. Judges 6:20-21.

And elsewhere in the same book,

Manoah, Samson's father, took the kid of the she-goats and offered it on the rock. Then the Angel acted in a wondrous manner and ascended in the flame. Judges 13:19-20.

What meaning these things had becomes clear if what 'Gideon' and what 'Manoah, Samson's father' represented is discovered from the internal sense, also what was meant by 'the flesh and unleavened bread' and 'the broth', 'the kid of the she-goats' as well, and 'the fire'. For every single one of these was representative and had a spiritual meaning.

[7] Knowing that 'the Rock' means faith may lead also to an understanding of the reference to Moses' being pieced in the cleft of the rock when he was to see Jehovah, Exodus 33:20-23; for 'the cleft of the rock' means obscurity of faith. It is well known in the Churches that the rock in Horeb from which the water came out means the Lord; but now it has been shown that it means the Lord in respect of faith, and also that it means faith received from the Lord. A meaning similar to that which 'the rock in Horeb' possesses is also meant in the following words in Isaiah,

Say, Jehovah has redeemed His servant Jacob. At that time they will not thirst; in waste places He will lead them. He will make water flow for them from the rock, when He cleaves the rock so that water flows out. Isaiah 48:20-21.

The reason why the people were given the water from no other rock than the one in Horeb is that 'Horeb' means God's law; and the reason why God's law is meant by 'Horeb' is that the law was proclaimed from there. And faith which is received from the Lord is acquired from God's law, that is, from the Word; for through the Word the Lord teaches what faith is and also imparts faith.


1. The Latin means literally I will give but the Hebrew means Give.

2. Reading equitare (to ride on) for evigilare (to arouse)

3. literally, You have given to forgetfulness

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.