

Postanak 24



1 A Avram beše star i vremenit, i Gospod beše blagoslovio Avrama u svemu;

2 I reče Avram sluzi svom najstarijem u kući svojoj, koji beše nad svim dobrom njegovim: Metni ruku svoju pod stegno moje,

3 Da te zakunem Gospodom Bogom nebeskim i Bogom zemaljskim da nećeš dovesti žene sinu mom između kćeri ovih Hananeja, među kojima živim;

4 Nego da ćeš otići u zemlju moju i u rod moj i dovesti ženu sinu mom Isaku.

5 A sluga mu reče: i ako devojka ne htedbude poći sa mnom u ovu zemlju; hoću li odvesti sina tvog u zemlju iz koje si se iselio?

6 A Avram mu reče: Pazi da ne odvedeš sina mog onamo.

7 Gospod Bog nebeski, koji me je uzeo iz doma oca mog i iz zemlje roda mog, i koji mi je rekao i zakleo mi se govoreći: Semenu ću tvom dati zemlju ovu, On će poslati anđela svog pred tobom da dovedeš ženu sinu mom odande.

8 Ako li devojka ne htedbude poći s tobom, onda da ti je prosta zakletva moja; samo sina mog nemoj odvesti onamo.

9 I metnu sluga ruku svoju pod stegno Avramu gospodaru svom, i zakle mu se za ovo.

10 Tada sluga uze deset kamila između kamila gospodara svog da ide, jer sve blago gospodara njegovog beše pod njegovom rukom; i otišavši dođe u Mesopotamiju do grada Nahorovog.

11 I pusti kamile da poležu iza grada kod studenca pred veče kad izlaze građanke da zahvataju vode;

12 I reče: Gospode Bože gospodara mog Avrama, daj mi sreću danas i učini milost gospodaru mom Avramu.

13 Evo, ja ću stajati kod ovog studenca, a građanke će doći da zahvataju vode.

14 Kojoj devojci kažem: Nagni krčag svoj da se napijem, a ona reče: Na pij, i kamile ću ti napojiti; daj to da bude ona koju si namenio sluzi svom Isaku; i po tome da poznam da si učinio milost gospodaru mom.

15 I on još ne izgovori, a to Reveka, kći Vatuila sina Melhe žene Nahora brata Avramovog, dođe s krčagom na ramenu.

16 I beše vrlo lepa, još devojka, još je čovek ne beše poznao. Ona siđe na izvor, i natoči krčag, i pođe;

17 A sluga iskoči pred nju, i reče; daj mi da se napijem malo vode iz krčaga tvog.

18 A ona reče: Na pij, gospodaru. I brže spusti krčag na ruku svoju, i napoji ga.

19 I kad ga napoji, reče: i kamilama ću tvojim naliti neka se napiju.

20 I brže izruči krčag svoj u pojilo, pa opet otrča na studenac da nalije, i nali svim kamilama njegovim.

21 A čovek joj se divljaše, i ćutaše, neće li poznati je li Gospod dao sreću putu njegovom ili nije.

22 A kad se kamile napiše, izvadi čovek zlatnu grivnu od po sikala i metnu joj oko čela, i dve narukvice metnu joj na ruke od deset sikala zlata.

23 I reče: Čija si kći? Kaži mi. Ima li u kući oca tvog mesta za nas da prenoćimo?

24 A ona mu reče: Ja sam kći Vatuila sina Melšinog, koga rodi Nahoru.

25 Još reče: Ima u nas mnogo slame i piće i mesta za noćište.

26 Tada čovek savivši se pokloni se Gospodu,

27 I reče: Blagosloven da je Gospod Bog gospodara mog Avrama, što ne ostavi milost svoju i veru svoju prema gospodaru mom, i putem dovede me Gospod u dom rodbine gospodara mog.

28 A devojka otrča i sve ovo kaza u domu matere svoje.

29 A Reveka imaše brata, kome ime beše Lavan; i istrča Lavan k čoveku na studenac,

30 Kako vide grivnu i narukvice na rukama sestre svoje i ču gde Reveka sestra mu reče: Tako mi kaza čovek; dođe k čoveku; a on stajaše kod kamila na studencu.

31 I reče: Hodi, koji si blagosloven od Gospoda; što bi stajao napolju? Spremio sam kuću, ima mesta i za kamile.

32 I dovede čoveka u kuću, i rastovari kamile; i dodaše slame i piće kamilama, i donesoše vode za noge njemu i ljudima što behu s njim;

33 I postaviše mu da jede; ali on reče: Neću jesti dokle ne kažem stvar svoju. A Lavan mu reče: Govori.

34 Tada reče: Ja sam sluga Avramov.

35 A Gospod je blagoslovio gospodara mog veoma, te je postao velik, i dao mu je ovaca i goveda, i srebra i zlata, i sluga i sluškinja, i kamila i magaraca.

36 I još Sara žena gospodara mog rodi sina gospodaru mom u starosti njegovoj, i on mu dade sve što ima.

37 A mene zakle gospodar moj govoreći: Nemoj dovesti sinu mom žene između kćeri ovih Hananeja, među kojima živim;

38 Nego idi u dom oca mog i u rod moj, da dovedeš ženu sinu mom.

39 A ja rekoh gospodaru svom:

40 Može biti da devojka neće hteti poći sa mnom.

41 A on mi reče: Gospod, po čijoj volji svagda živeh, poslaće anđela svog s tobom, i daće sreću tvom putu da dovedeš ženu sinu mom od roda mog, iz doma oca mog.

42 Onda će ti biti prosta zakletva moja, kad otideš u rod moj; ako ti je i ne dadu, opet će ti biti prosta zakletva moja.

43 I kad dođoh danas na studenac, rekoh: Gospode Bože gospodara mog Avrama, ako si dao sreću putu mom, kojim idem,

44 Evo, ja ću stajati kod studenca: koja devojka dođe da zahvati vode, i ja joj kažem: Daj mi da se napijem malo vode iz krčaga tvog,

45 A ona mi odgovori: i ti pij i kamilama ću tvojim naliti; to neka bude žena koju je namenio Gospod sinu gospodara mog.

46 Ja još ne izgovorih u srcu svom, a dođe Reveka s krčagom na ramenu, i sišavši na izvor zahvati; i ja joj rekoh: Daj mi da se napijem.

47 A ona brže spustivši sa sebe krčag reče: Na pij, i kamile ću ti napojiti. I kad se napih, napoji i kamile moje.

48 I zapitah je govoreći: Čija si kći? A ona odgovori: Ja sam kći Vatuila sina Nahorovog, kog mu rodi Melha. Tada joj metnuh grivnu oko čela i narukvice na ruke;

49 I padoh i poklonih se Gospodu, i zahvalih Gospodu Bogu gospodara mog Avrama, što me dovede pravim putem da nađem kćer brata gospodara svog za sina njegovog.

50 Ako ćete dakle učiniti ljubav i veru gospodaru mom, kažite mi; ako li nećete, kažite mi, da idem na desno ili na levo.

51 A Lavan i Vatuilo odgovarajući rekoše: Od Gospoda je ovo došlo; mi ti ne možemo kazati ni zlo ni dobro. Eto, Reveka je u tvojoj vlasti, uzmi je pa idi, i neka bude žena sinu tvog gospodara, kao što kaza Gospod.

52 A kad ču sluga Avramov reči njihove, pokloni se Gospodu do zemlje;

53 I izvadi zaklade srebrne i zlatne i haljine, i dade Reveci; takođe i bratu njenom i materi njenoj dade darove.

54 Potom jedoše i piše on i ljudi koji behu s njim, i prenoćiše. A kad ujutru ustaše, reče sluga: Pustite me gospodaru mom.

55 A brat i mati njena rekoše: Neka ostane devojka kod nas koji dan, barem deset dana, pa onda neka ide.

56 A on im reče: Nemojte me zadržavati, kad je Gospod dao sreću mom putu; pustite me da idem gospodaru svom.

57 Tada rekoše: Da zovemo devojku, i upitamo šta ona veli.

58 I dozvaše Reveku i rekoše joj: Hoćeš ići s ovim čovekom? A ona odgovori: Hoću.

59 I pustiše Reveku sestru svoju i dojkinju njenu sa slugom Avramovim i ljudima njegovim.

60 I blagosloviše Reveku i rekoše joj: Sestro naša, da se namnožiš na hiljade hiljada, i seme tvoje da nasledi vrata svojih neprijatelja!

61 I podiže se Reveka s devojkama svojim, i posedaše na kamile, i pođoše s čovekom; i sluga uzevši Reveku otide.

62 A Isak iđaše vraćajući se od studenca Živoga koji me vide jer življaše u južnom kraju;

63 A beše izašao Isak u polje pred veče da se pomoli Bogu; i podigavši oči svoje ugleda kamile gde idu.

64 I Reveka podigavši oči svoje ugleda Isaka, te skoči s kamile,

65 I reče sluzi: Ko je onaj čovek što ide preko polja pred nas? A sluga reče: Ono je gospodar moj. I ona uze pokrivalo i pokri lice.

66 I pripovedi sluga Isaku sve što je svršio.

67 I odvede je Isak u šator Sare matere svoje; i uze Reveku, i ona mu posta žena, i omile mu. I Isak se uteši za materom svojom.





by Jenny Stein
baby feet and adult hands

Наша стопала су најнижи делови тела и веома су корисна! У Библији стопала представљају најнижи и најкориснији део нашег духовног ја - „природни“ ниво. Овај свакодневни аспект живота повезан је са рутинским задацима и захтевима и мислима повезаним са њима. Није претерано дубоко или интроспективно, али је корисно - баш као и стопала.

Ова преписка важи за Господа и за црквене заједнице такође. Господово Божанско Природно води нас кроз релативно једноставно послушање (помислите на Десет заповести и две велике заповести). Цркве такође имају природни ниво на којем служе својим заједницама на једноставне, али опипљиве начине.

(Odkazy: Apokalipsi Otkrivenoj 49, 510; Nebeske tajne 2162, 3147 [1-2], 3761, 4302 [6], 6844 [1-2], 9406, 10087)

Ze Swedenborgových děl


Arcana Coelestia # 4302

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4302. 'And he was limping on his thigh' means that truths were not yet arranged into such an order that together with good they could all enter celestial-spiritual good. This is clear from the meaning of 'limping' as possessing good which does not as yet contain genuine truths but does contain general truths into which genuine ones can be instilled and which are such as do not disagree with genuine ones, dealt with below. In the highest sense, however, in which the Lord is the subject, 'limping on the thigh' means that truths were not yet arranged into such an order that with good they could all enter celestial-spiritual good - 'the thigh' meaning celestial-spiritual good, see above in 4277, 4278.

[2] As regards the order which truths must possess when they enter good, in this case celestial-spiritual good, no intelligible explanation of it is possible, for one needs to know before that what order is, and then what kind of order goes with truths, also what celestial-spiritual good is and then how these truths enter by way of good into that celestial-spiritual good. Even if these matters were described they would not be understood except by those who see with heavenly perception; nothing at all would be understood by those who see with merely natural perception. For those who see with heavenly perception dwell in the light of heaven which comes from the Lord, a light that holds intelligence and wisdom within it. But those who dwell in natural light do not possess any intelligence or wisdom except insofar as the light of heaven flows into that natural light and uses it in such a way that things belonging to heaven may be seen - as in a mirror or in some representative image - within things belonging to natural light. For natural light does not render any spiritual truth visible unless the light of heaven is flowing into it.

[3] This alone can be said regarding the order in which truths must exist to enable them to enter good. As with goods, all truths - not only the general ones but also the particular, and indeed the most specific - must in heaven have been arranged into that order so that one truth relates to another within a form like that in which the members, organs, and viscera of the human body relate to one another. That is, their uses relate to one another in general, also in particular, as well as most specifically, and act so as to be a single whole. From this - that is to say, from the order in which truths and goods exist - heaven itself is called the Grand Man. Its actual life comes from the Lord, who from Himself arranges every single thing into such order. Consequently heaven is a likeness and image of the Lord. When therefore truths have been arranged into an order like that into which heaven is arranged they exist in heavenly order and are able to enter good. Truths and goods exist in such order with every angel, and they are also being arranged into such order with every person who is being regenerated. In short, the order of heaven consists in the proper arrangement of truths that are the truths of faith within goods that are those of charity towards the neighbour, and the arrangement of these goods within the good that is the good of love to the Lord.

[4] The fact that 'limping' means possessing good which does not as yet contain genuine truths but does nevertheless contain general truths into which genuine ones can be instilled, and which are the kind that do not disagree with genuine truths; and thus the fact that 'the lame' are those who do possess good though not genuine good because they are without knowledge of truth - good such as gentiles possess who lead charitable lives with one another - becomes clear from those places in the Word where the lame and those who limp are mentioned in the good sense, as in Isaiah,

The eyes of the blind will be opened. and the ears of the deaf will be opened; then will the lame man leap like a hart, and the dumb man sing with his tongue. Isaiah 35:5-6.

In Jeremiah,

Behold, I am bringing them from the north land, and I will gather them from the extremities of the earth, among them the blind one and the lame, the woman who is with child and her who is giving birth, together. Jeremiah 31-8.

In Micah,

On that day, said Jehovah, I will bring together her who limps and will gather her who has been driven away. And I will make her who limps into the remnant, and her who was driven away into a numerous nation; and Jehovah will reign over them in Mount Zion, from now on and for ever. Micah 4:6-7.

In Zephaniah,

At that time I will save her who limps and will gather her who has been driven away, and I will make them a praise and a name. Zephaniah 3:19.

Anyone can see that in these places 'the lame' and 'her who limps' does not mean the lame or one who limps; for it is said of them that they will leap, be gathered together, be made into the remnant, and be saved. But it is evident that people who are governed by good and less so by truths are meant, as upright gentiles are and also those like them within the Church.

[5] Such persons are also meant by 'the lame' to whom the Lord refers in Luke,

Jesus said, When you give a feast invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, and the blind, and you will be blessed. Luke 14:13-14.

And in the same gospel,

The householder said to his servant, Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city and bring in here the poor, and the maimed, and the lame, and the blind. Luke 14:21.

The Ancient Church distinguished the neighbour or neighbours to whom they were to perform charitable works into different categories. Some they called the maimed, others the lame, some the blind, and others the deaf, by which they meant those who were spiritually such. Some they also called the hungry, the thirsty, strangers, the naked, the sick, or prisoners, as in Matthew 25:35-36, and likewise widows, orphans, the needy, the poor, and the wretched, by whom they meant none others than those who were such so far as truth and good were concerned, who were to be furnished with whatever was appropriate to their needs, led into 'the way', and thereby receive counsel regarding their souls. But because at the present day charity does not constitute the Church but faith, what those categories of people are used to mean in the Word is totally unknown. Yet it is evident to everyone that it is not an inviting of the maimed, the lame, and the blind to a feast that is meant, nor that the householder commanded such persons to be brought in, but that those who are like this spiritually are meant. It is also evident to them that every single utterance of the Lord contains what is Divine, and so has a celestial and a spiritual sense.

[6] The Lord's words in Mark have a similar meaning,

If your foot causes you to stumble cut it off, it is better for you to enter into life lame than having two feet to be cast into the Gehenna of fire, into the unquenchable fire. Mark 9:45; Matthew 18:8.

A foot which has to be cut off if it causes stumbling means the natural which constantly sets itself against the spiritual and has to be destroyed if it is trying to crush truths, and so means that because of the disagreement and contrary-mindedness of the natural man it is preferable to be governed by simple good even though there is a denial of truth. This is what 'entering into life lame' means. As regards 'the foot' meaning the natural, see 2162, 3147, 3761, 3986, 4280.

[7] 'The lame' also means in the Word those who possess no good at all and consequently no truth, as in Isaiah,

Then the prey will be divided; the prey multiplying, those who limp will take the prey. Isaiah 33:23.

In David,

When I am limping they are glad and are gathered together; the lame whom I do not know are gathered together against me. Psalms 35:15.

Such persons being meant by 'the lame' it was also forbidden to sacrifice anything that was lame, Deuteronomy 15:21-22; Malachi 1:8, 13. Also, no lame person belonging to the seed of Aaron could serve in the priesthood, Leviticus 21:18. As with the lame likewise with the blind, for 'the blind' in the good sense means people who have no knowledge of truth, and in the contrary sense those who are subject to falsities, 2383.

[8] In the original language one word is used to express a person who is lame, another a person who limps. In the proper sense one who is lame means people who are governed by natural good into which spiritual truths are unable to flow owing to the outward natural appearances and the delusions of the senses, while in the contrary sense one who is lame means those who are not governed by any natural good but by evil, which totally blocks the inflow of spiritual truth. One who limps however means in the proper sense those who are governed by natural good into which general truths are allowed to enter but not particular and specific truths owing to lack of knowledge, whereas in the contrary sense one who limps means those who are subject to evil and so do not even allow general truths to enter in.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.