

Числа 4



1 И говорилъ Господь Моисею и Аарону, и сказалъ:

2 сочти изъ сыновъ Левіи сыновъ Кааѕовыхъ, по племенамъ ихъ, по поколјнію ихъ,

3 отъ тридцати лјтъ и выше до пятидесяти лјтъ, всјхъ вступающихъ въ службу, чтобы отправлять работы въ скиніи собранія.

4 Вотъ служеніе сыновъ Кааѕовыхъ въ скиніи собранія: косить святое святыхъ.

5 Когда стану надобно подняться въ путь, Ааронъ и сыны его войдутъ и снимутъ завјсу, и покроютъ ею ковчегъ откровенія.

6 И положатъ на нее покровъ изъ кожъ синихъ и сверхъ его распрострутъ одежду всю яхонтоваго цвјта, и вложатъ шесты его.

7 И надъ столомъ хлјбовъ предложенія распрострутъ одежду яхонтоваго цвета и положатъ на немъ блюда, ѕиміамники, кружки и чаши возліянія, и хлјбъ всегдашній долженъ быть на немъ.

8 И надъ сими вещами распрострутъ одежду багряную и покроютъ ее покровомъ изъ кожъ синихъ и вложатъ шесты его.

9 Потомъ возьмутъ одежду яхонтоваго цвјта и покроютъ свјтильникъ и лампады его, и щипцы его, и лотки его, и всј сосуды для елея, которые употребляютъ при немъ,

10 и покроютъ его и всј принадлежности его покровомъ изъ кожъ синихъ, и положатъ на носилки.

11 И на жертвенникъ златый распрострутъ одежду яхонтоваго цвјта, и покроютъ его покровомъ изъ кожъ синихъ, и вложатъ шесты его.

12 И возьмутъ всј вещи служебныя, которыя употребляются для служенія во святилищј, и положатъ въ одежду яхонтоваго цвјта и покроютъ ихъ покровомъ изъ кожъ синихъ и положатъ на носилки.

13 И очистятъ жертвенникъ отъ пепла и распрострутъ на немъ одежду пурпуровую.

14 И положатъ на него всј сосуды его, которые употребляются для служенія при немъ, угольницы, вилки, лопатки и чаши, всј сосуды жертвенника, и распрострутъ на немъ покровъ изъ кожъ синихъ, и вложатъ шесты его.

15 Когда при отправленіи въ путь стана Ааронъ и сыны его покроютъ святилище и всј вещи святилища, тогда сыны Кааѕа пойдутъ, чтобы нести; но не должны касаться святилища, чтобы не умереть. Сіи части скиніи собранія должны носить сыны Кааѕовы.

16 Елеазару, сыну Аарона священника, поручается елей для свјтильника и благовонное куреніе, и непрестанное хлјбное приношеніе и елей помазанія, поручается вся скинія и все, что въ ней, и святилище и принадлежности его.

17 И говорилъ Господь Моисею и Аарону, и сказалъ:

18 Не погубите колјна племенъ Кааѕовыхъ между левитами.

19 Но вотъ что сдјлайте имъ, чтобъ они были живы и не умерли, когда приступаютъ къ святому святыхъ. Ааронъ и сыны его пусть придутъ, и поставятъ ихъ каждаго въ служеніи его и у ноши его:

20 но сами они не должны подходить, чтобы не увидјть нечаянно святыни и не умереть.

21 И говорилъ Господь Моисею, и сказалъ:

22 сочти и сыновъ Гирсона по поколјнію ихъ, по племенамъ ихъ,

23 оть тридцати лјтъ и выше до пятидесяти лјтъ, внеси ихъ въ перепись, всјхъ вступающихъ въ службу, чтобъ отправлять работы при скиніи собранія.

24 Вотъ работы племенъ Гирсоновыхъ при ихъ служеніи и ношеніи бременъ:

25 они должны носить покровы скиніи, и скинію собранія, и покровъ ея, и покровъ синій, который поверхъ его, и завјсу дверей скиніи собранія,

26 и завјсы двора, и завјсу вратъ двора, который вокругъ скиніи и жертвенника, и веревки ихъ, и всј вещи, принадлежащія къ нимъ, и все, что дјлается при нихъ, они должны работать.

27 По повелјнію Аарона и сыновъ его производиться должны всј работы сыновъ Гирсоновыхъ при всякомъ ношеніи ихъ и всякой работј ихъ; и поручите въ ихъ охраненіе все, что они носятъ.

28 Вотъ работы племенъ сыновъ Гирсоновыхъ въ скиніи собранія, и вотъ что поручается въ ихъ охраненіе, подъ надзоромъ Иѕамара, сына Аарона, священника.

29 Сыновъ Мерариныхъ по племенамъ ихъ, по поколјнію ихъ, внеси въ перепись.

30 Отъ тридцати лјтъ и выше до пятидесяти лјтъ внеси ихъ въ перепись, всјхъ вступающихъ въ службу, чтобы отправлять работы при скиніи собранія.

31 Вотъ что они должны хранить и носить, что составляетъ всю работу ихъ при скиніи собранія: брусья скиніи и шесты ея, и столпы ея, и подножія ея.

32 И столпы двора со всјхъ сторонъ и подножія ихъ, и колья ихъ, и веревки ихъ, и всј вещи при нихъ и всј принадлежности ихъ; и по именно отдайте имъ вещи для храненія и ношенія.

33 Вотъ работы племенъ сыновъ Мерариныхъ, которыя составляютъ всю работу ихъ при скиніи собранія, подъ надзоромъ Иѕамара, сына Аарона, священника.

34 Такимъ образомъ Моисей и Ааронъ и начальники общества внесли въ перепись сыновъ Кааѕовыхъ по племенамъ ихъ, по поколјнію ихъ,

35 отъ тридцати лјтъ и выше до пятидесяти лјтъ, всјхъ вступающихъ въ службу, чтобъ отправлять работы въ скиніи собранія.

36 И вошло въ перепись изъ нихъ по племенамъ ихъ двј тысячи семь сотъ пятьдесятъ.

37 Сіи суть внесенные въ перепись изъ племенъ Кааѕовыхъ, всј работающіе при скиніи собранія, коихъ внесъ въ перепись Моисей и Ааронъ по повелјнію Господню, данному чрезъ Моисея.

38 И внесены въ перепись сыны Гирсона по племенамъ ихъ, по поколјнію ихъ,

39 отъ тридцати лјтъ и выше до пятидесяти лјтъ, всј вступающіе въ службу, чтобъ отправлять работы въ скиніи собранія.

40 И было внесенныхъ въ перепись по племенамъ ихъ, по поколјнію ихъ, двј тысячи шестьсотъ тридцать.

41 Сіи суть внесенные въ перепись изъ племенъ сыновъ Гирсона, всј работающіе при скиніи собранія, коихъ внесъ въ перепись Моисей и Ааронъ по повелјнію Господню.

42 И внесены въ перепись племена сыновъ Мерариныхъ по племенамъ ихъ, по поколјнію ихъ,

43 оть тридцати лјтъ и выше до пятидесяти лјтъ, всј вступающіе въ службу, чтобы работать при скиніи собранія.

44 И было внесенныхъ въ перепись по племенамъ ихъ три тысячи двјсти.

45 Сіи суть внесенные въ перепись изъ племенъ сыновъ Мерариныхъ, коихъ внесъ въ перепись Моисей и Ааронъ по повелјнію Господню чрезъ Моисея.

46 И внесены въ перепись всј левиты, которыхъ внесъ въ перепись Моисей и Ааронъ и начальники Израиля, по племенамъ ихъ, по поколјнію ихъ.

47 Отъ тридцати лјтъ и выше до пятидесяти лјтъ, всј вступающіе въ службу для отправленія работъ и ношенія въ скиніи собранія.

48 И оказалось внесенныхъ въ перепись восемь тысячь пятьсотъ восемьдесятъ.

49 По повелјнію Господню внесли ихъ въ перепись подъ надзоромъ Моисея, для назначенія каждаго къ работј его и ношенію: и внесены они въ перепись, какъ повелјлъ Господь Моисею.


Ze Swedenborgových děl


Apocalypse Explained # 64

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64. Clothed with a garment down to the foot, signifies Divine truth proceeding from Him. This is evident from the signification of "garments" as being truths that clothe good (See Arcana Coelestia, n. 1073, 2576, 5248, 5319, 5954, 9212, 9216, 9952, 10536). Here is only mentioned "a garment down to the foot," which is a general covering; by which, as the Lord is treated of, all Divine truth in general is meant. Since the Lord is here described in respect to the Divine Human, which is here the "Son of man seen in the midst of the lampstands," and it is said that He was "clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about at the paps with a golden girdle," and afterwards that "His face shone as the sun in his power," I wish to give an explanation of what is said in the Evangelists about the Lord when He was transfigured, where some similar expressions are used; and afterwards of what is said about the soldiers dividing His garments, and casting the lot upon His tunic.

[2] Of the Lord's transfiguration it is thus written:

Jesus took Peter, James, and John, into a very high mountain, and He was transfigured before them; and His face did shine as the sun, and His garments became white as the light. And behold, there appeared to them Moses and Elijah speaking with Him. And behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and behold, a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye Him (Matthew 17:1-5; Mark 9:2-8; Luke 9:28-36).

The Lord took Peter, James, and John, because by them the church in respect to faith, charity, and the works of charity was represented; He took them "into a high mountain," because "mountain" signifies heaven; "His face did shine as the sun," because "face" signifies the interiors, and it did shine as the sun because His interiors were Divine, for the "sun" is Divine love; "His garments became white as the light," because "garments" signify Divine truth proceeding from Him; the like is signified by "light." "Moses and Elijah" appeared, because the two signify the Word, "Moses" the historical Word, and "Elijah" the prophetical Word; "a bright cloud overshadowed them," because "a bright cloud" signifies the Word in the letter within which is the internal sense; "a voice out of the cloud said, This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, hear ye Him," because "a voice out of the cloud" signifies Divine truth out of the Word, and "beloved Son," the Lord's Divine Human. And because Divine truth is from Him, and thence all truth of the church, it was said out of the cloud, "in whom I am well pleased, hear ye Him."

[3] It was plainly the Divine Human of the Lord that was thus seen, for the Divine Itself cannot be seen by anyone, except through the Divine Human. This the Lord also teaches in John:

No man hath seen God at any time; the only-begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, He hath brought Him forth to view (John 1:18).

And in another place:

Ye have neither heard the voice of the Father at any time, nor seen His shape (John 5:37).

(That such things are signified by these words in the Evangelists, can be seen in the Arcana Coelestia where the particulars are made known, namely, that by "Peter," "James," and "John," in the Word, are signified faith, charity, and the works of charity, n. 3750, and above, n. 8-9; by "high mountain" is signified heaven, n. 8327, 8805, 9420, 9422, 9434, 10608; by "face," the interiors which are of the mind, n. 1999, 2434, 3527, 4066, 4796, 5102, 9306, 9546; and by "the face of the Lord," mercy, peace, and every good, n. 222-223, 5585, 9306, 9546, 9888; by "the sun," Divine Love, n. 2495, 4060, 7083; and in the work on Heaven and Hell 116-125; by "garments," when the Lord is treated of, Divine truth, n. 9212, 9216; and the like by "light," n. 3195, 3222, 5400, 8644, 9399, 9548, 9684; and in the work on Heaven and Hell, n. 126-140. That "Moses and Elias" signify the Word; "Moses," see Arcana Coelestia 5922, 6723, 6752, 6771, 6827, 7010, 7014, 7089, 7382, 9372, 10234; and "Elias," see n. 2762, 5247. That "clouds" signify the Word in the letter, see above, n. 36; that "beloved Son" is the Divine Human of the Lord is evident.) From the fact that the "Lord's garments" signify Divine truth, it may be known what is signified by the soldiers dividing the garments of the Lord among them, and casting a lot upon His tunic, of which it is thus written in John:

The soldiers took His garments, and made four parts, to every soldier a part, also the tunic. Now the tunic was without seam, woven from the top throughout. They said therefore one to another, Let us not rend it, but cast lots for whose it shall be; that the Scripture might be fulfilled which saith, They parted My garments among them, and upon My vesture they did cast lots. These things therefore the soldiers did (John 19:23-24).

[4] He who is not aware that in every particular of the Word there is an internal sense which is spiritual, cannot see any arcanum in these things; he knows only that the soldiers divided the garments and not the tunic; and beyond this he knows nothing; when not only in this fact is there a Divine arcanum, but also in every particular of what is recorded concerning the passion of the Lord. The arcanum in this fact is that the garments of the Lord signified Divine truth, thus the Word, because the Word is Divine truth; the "garments" that they divided, the Word in the letter, and the "tunic" the Word in the internal sense; to "divide them" signifies to disperse and falsify; and "the soldiers" signify those that are of the church, who should fight in behalf of Divine truth. This is why it is said, "These things therefore the soldiers did." From this it is clear that the meaning of these words in the spiritual sense is that the Jewish Church dispersed the Divine truth which is in the sense of the letter, but could not disperse the Divine truth which is in the internal sense. That the "garments of the Lord" signified Divine truth, thus the Word, was shown above; that His "tunic" signified Divine truth, or the Word, in the internal sense, see Arcana Coelestia n.9826, 9942; that to "divide" is to disperse and separate from good and truth, thus to falsify, see n. 4424, 6360, 6361, 9094; that "the soldiers" signify those that are of the church, here of the Jewish church, who should fight in behalf of Divine truth, is clear from the spiritual sense of "warfare" and of "war;" that "war" signifies spiritual combats, which are of truth against falsity, see n. 1659, 1664, 8295, 10455; it is therefore said of the Levites, whose function pertained to such things as are of the church, that they were discharging military duty and were serving in war, when they were exercising their ministry in the tent of the assembly (Numbers 4:23, 35, 39, 43, 47; 8:23, 24).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.

Ze Swedenborgových děl


Arcana Coelestia # 9548

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9548. 'And you shall make a lampstand' means the spiritual heaven. This is clear from the meaning of 'a lampstand' as the Divine Spiritual from the Lord in heaven and in the Church. The reason why 'a lampstand' means the Divine Spiritual is that 'the table' on which the loaves of the Presence were laid means the Divine Celestial, as has been shown in what has gone before. The Divine Celestial is the good of love, and the Divine Spiritual the truth of faith derived from that good; and both of these emanate from the Lord, 9227. The lampstand is the Divine Spiritual on account of the light it sheds; for Divine Truth which emanates from the Lord's Divine Good is what shines in heaven. There is no other source from which angels receive light. This is why in the Word the Lord is called the Light, and why 'light' means faith, also an intelligent understanding of truth and a wise discernment of good, which come from the Lord alone, see 1053, 1521-1533, 1619-1632, 2776, 3094, 3138, 3167, 3190, 3195, 3222, 3223, 3337, 3339, 3341, 3636, 3643, 3862, 3993, 4060, 4180, 4302, 4408, 4414, 4415, 4419, 4527, 4598, 5400, 6032, 6313, 6315, 6608, 6907, 7174, 8644, 8707, 8861, 9399, 9407.

[2] 'A lampstand' means the spiritual heaven by virtue of Divine Truth which is present there from the Lord, and therefore also means the Church; and 'a lamp' means faith, also an intelligent understanding of truth and a wise discernment of good, which come from the Lord alone. This is clear from places in the Word where 'lampstand' and 'lamp' are mentioned, as in John,

I saw seven golden lampstands, and in the midst of the seven lampstands one like the Son of Man. The seven lampstands are the seven Churches. Revelation 1:12-13, 20.

And in the same book,

I will remove your lampstand from its place if you do not repent. Revelation 2:5.

A Church is called 'a lampstand' in these places by virtue of Divine Truth which is present there from the Lord. The fact that 'a lampstand' means a Church is self-evident, for it says, 'The seven lampstands are the seven Churches'. The fact that a Church is called such on account of Divine Truth is evident from the statement, 'I will remove your lampstand if you do not repent'. And the fact that this Truth comes from the Lord [is also self-evident], for it says, 'In the midst of the lampstands one like the Son of Man'; and the Lord is called the Son of Man by virtue of His Divine Truth, see 2803, 2813, 3704.

[3] In the same book,

I will grant My two witnesses to prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days. These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands standing before the God of the earth. Revelation 11:3-10.

'The two witnesses' are the Word in both Testaments, in that they bear witness to the Lord. It is called 'an olive tree' by virtue of the Divine Good and 'a lampstand' by virtue of the Divine Truth which come from the Lord.

[4] In Zechariah, when the angel who was speaking said to the prophet,

What do you see? I said to him, I see, and behold, a lampstand all of gold; its bowl is on top of it, 1 and its seven lamps are on it with seven pipes to the lamps. Two olive trees are beside it, one on the right of the bowl and one on the left of it. Zechariah 4:2-3.

This refers to Zerubbabel, who was about to lay a foundation for God's house and bring it to completion. He represents the Lord, in that He was about to come and to re-establish the spiritual heaven and the Church, these being what is meant by 'a lampstand', and the holy truths there what is meant by 'seven lamps'.

[5] The fact that 'a lamp' means faith, also an intelligent understanding of truth and a wise discernment of good, which come from the Lord alone, is clear in John,

The holy Jerusalem has no need of the sun or of the moon to shed light in it. The glory of God will give it light, and its lamp is the Lamb. The nations that are saved will walk in His light. Revelation 21:23-24.

And further on,

There will be no night there, nor do they need a lamp or light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light. Revelation 22:5.

'Lamp' in the first quotation stands for Divine Truth that comes from the Lord, and 'light' for faith, and so also for intelligence and wisdom. In the same book,

The light of a lamp will not shine in you any more, and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride will not be heard in you any more. Revelation 18:23.

[6] And in Jeremiah,

I will take away the voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the sound of mills, and the light of the lamp, that the whole land may be a desolation and devastation. Jeremiah 25:10-11.

This refers to the elimination of faith and consequently of intelligence in spiritual matters meant here by the lamp which will no longer be there and by 'the light of the lamp' which will be taken away.

[7] The like occurs in Job,

How often is the lamp of the wicked put out and [how often] does destruction come upon them? Job 21:17.

In David,

You light my lamp; Jehovah my God makes my darkness bright. Psalms 18:28; 2 Samuel 22:29.

In the same author,

By Your commands I have been made intelligent. Your Word is a lamp to my foot, and a light to my path. Psalms 119:104-105.

In Job,

When God causes a lamp to shine over my head I would walk in darkness towards His light. Job 29:3.

In Matthew,

The lamp of the body is the eye. If your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light; but if your eye is evil your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness! Matthew 6:22-23; Luke 8:16; 11:33-36.

'The eye' is used here to mean faith and consequent intelligence - the fact that these are meant in the internal sense by 'the eye', see 4403-4421, 4523-4534, 9051. And from this the meaning of the words, 'If your eye is good your whole body will be full of light; but if your eye is evil your whole body will be full of darkness' is self-evident. Since faith and consequent intelligence and wisdom is meant by 'a lamp' the kings of Judah are called lamps to David, 1 Kings 11:36; 15:4; 2 Kings 8:19; and David himself is called the lamp of Israel, 2 Samuel 21:16-17. Not that the kings of Judah were lamps; nor was David. Rather they were called such because 'a king' means Divine Truth that comes from the Lord, 6148, and 'David' the Lord in respect of Divine Truth, the source of faith, intelligence, and wisdom, 1888.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. literally, over its head

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.