申命記 26:5



5 そして、あなたはあなたの主のに述べて言わなければならない、『わたしの先祖は、さすらいの一アラムびとでありましたが、わずかの人を連れてエジプトへ下って行って、その所に寄留し、ついにそこで大きく、強い、人数の多い民になりました。

Commentary on this verse  

By Alexander Payne

Verse 5. And you shall confess before the Lord your God and acknowledge that the beginning of your regenerate life was but a few knowledges of good and truth ready to perish, and these degenerated to mere scientifics, amongst which few truths were left—that is to say, all religion consisted in a mere system of dogmas not understood, —and that you were in that state instructed in genuine truths grounded in good, full of power to gift the soul with true charity, and mighty against falsities and immensely increased: