Ang Bibliya


คร่ำครวญ 2



1 ด้วยพระพิโรธ องค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้าทรงใช้เมฆบังธิดาของศิโยนหนอ พระองค์ได้ทรงเหวี่ยงสง่าราศีของอิสราเอลให้ตกลงจากฟ้าถึงดิน พระองค์มิได้ทรงระลึกถึงแท่นรองพระบาทของพระองค์เลยในยามที่พระองค์ทรงกริ้ว

2 องค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้าทรงกลืนที่อยู่ทั้งสิ้นของยาโคบเสียแล้ว และไม่ทรงเมตตา พระองค์ได้ทรงพังป้อมปราการทั้งหลายของธิดาแห่งยูดาห์ให้ลงด้วยพระพิโรธของพระองค์ พระองค์ได้ทรงทลายป้อมปราการเหล่านั้นลงถึงดิน และทรงกระทำให้ราชอาณาจักรและเจ้านายทั้งหลายในนั้นเป็นมลทินไป

3 พระองค์ได้ทรงตัดบรรดาเขาแห่งอิสราเอลให้ขาดสิ้นไปด้วยพระพิโรธอันรุนแรงของพระองค์ พระองค์ทรงดึงพระหัตถ์เบื้องขวาของพระองค์กลับมาเสียจากเขาต่อหน้าศัตรู และพระองค์ทรงเผาผลาญคนยาโคบดุจเพลิงลุกโพลงไหม้ไปรอบๆ

4 พระองค์ทรงโก่งธนูของพระองค์อย่างศัตรู ทรงยกพระหัตถ์เบื้องขวาทีท่าปัจจามิตร และได้ทรงประหารบรรดาคนที่ตาของเราจะอวดได้นั้นเสียในกระโจมของธิดาแห่งศิโยน พระองค์ได้ทรงระบายพระพิโรธของพระองค์ออกมาดุจเพลิง

5 องค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้าทรงเป็นเหมือนศัตรู พระองค์ได้ทรงกลืนพวกอิสราเอลเสีย พระองค์ได้ทรงกลืนบรรดาวังของเขาหมด และได้ทรงทำลายที่กำบังของเขาให้ ทรงทวีความเศร้าโศกและการคร่ำครวญในธิดาแห่งยูดาห์

6 พระองค์ได้ทรงพังพลับพลาของพระองค์เสียเหมือนหนึ่งเป็นเพิงในสวน ทรงทำลายสถานที่ประชุมทั้งหลายของพระองค์ พระเยโฮวาห์ได้ทรงกระทำทั้งเทศกาลตามกำหนดและวันสะบาโตให้ลืมเลือนไปในศิโยน ด้วยพระพิโรธอันเดือดดาลพระองค์ทรงดูถูกองค์กษัตริย์และปุโรหิต

7 องค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้าได้ทรงทิ้งแท่นบูชาของพระองค์เสีย พระองค์ทรงเกลียดสถานบริสุทธิ์ของพระองค์ กำแพงวังทั้งหลายนั้น พระองค์ได้ทรงมอบไว้ในเงื้อมมือศัตรู เขาทั้งหลายได้ส่งเสียงอึกทึกในพระนิเวศแห่งพระเยโฮวาห์เหมือนอย่างในวันเทศกาลตามกำหนด

8 พระเยโฮวาห์ได้ทรงตั้งพระทัยไว้แล้วว่าจะทำลายกำแพงของธิดาแห่งศิโยนเสีย พระองค์ได้ทรงขึงเส้นวัดไว้แล้ว พระองค์มิได้ทรงหดพระหัตถ์เลิกการทำลาย เหตุฉะนี้พระองค์ได้ทรงกระทำให้เนินดินและกำแพงนั้นคร่ำครวญ ให้ทรุดโทรมร่วงโรยไปด้วยกัน

9 ประตูเมืองศิโยนทั้งสิ้นทรุดลงในดินแล้ว พระองค์ได้ทรงทำลายและทรงหักดานประตูทั้งปวงเสียสิ้น กษัตริย์และเจ้านายทั้งหลายแห่งศิโยนก็ตกอยู่ท่ามกลางประชาชาติ ไม่มีพระราชบัญญัติอีกต่อไป บรรดาผู้พยากรณ์แห่งเมืองศิโยนหาได้รับนิมิตจากพระเยโฮวาห์อีกไม่

10 พวกผู้ใหญ่ของธิดาแห่งศิโยนก็กำลังนั่งเงียบอยู่บนพื้นแผ่นดิน เขาทั้งหลายเอาผงคลีดินซัดขึ้นบนศีรษะของตัว และนุ่งห่มผ้ากระสอบ สาวพรหมจารีทั้งหลายแห่งกรุงเยรูซาเล็มคอตกไปถึงดิน

11 นัยน์ตาของข้าพเจ้าก็ร่วงโรยเพราะร้องไห้ จิตวิญญาณของข้าพเจ้าก็ระทม เพราะความพินาศของธิดาแห่งชนชาติของข้าพเจ้า ตับของข้าพเจ้าเทออกบนพื้นดิน และเพราะเหล่าเด็กและเด็กที่ยังดูดนมนั้นเป็นลมสลบอยู่ตามถนนในกรุง

12 ลูกทั้งหลายถามแม่ของตัวว่า "แม่จ๋า ข้าวและน้ำองุ่นอยู่ที่ไหน" ขณะเมื่อเขาเป็นลมดุจคนที่ถูกบาดเจ็บตามถนนในกรุง เมื่อชีวิตของเขาต้องเทออกที่อกแม่ของเขาทั้งหลาย

13 โอ ธิดาแห่งเยรูซาเล็มเอ๋ย ข้าพเจ้าจะเอาอะไรมาเป็นพยานฝ่ายเจ้าได้ ข้าพเจ้าจะเปรียบเจ้ากับอะไร โอ ธิดาพรหมจารีแห่งศิโยนเอ๋ย ข้าพเจ้าจะหาอะไรที่มาเทียบกับเจ้าได้เล่า เพื่อข้าพเจ้าจะเล้าโลมเจ้าได้ เพราะความอับปางของเจ้าก็ใหญ่เทียมเท่าสมุทร ผู้ใดจะรักษาเจ้าได้เล่า

14 ผู้พยากรณ์ทั้งหลายของเจ้าได้เห็นสิ่งที่โง่เขลาและไร้สาระมาบอกเจ้า แทนที่เขาจะเผยความชั่วช้าของเจ้าออกมาให้ประจักษ์ เพื่อจะให้เจ้ากลับสู่สภาพดี เขาทั้งหลายกลับได้เห็นภาระที่เทียมเท็จอันเป็นเหตุให้เกิดการเนรเทศ

15 บรรดาคนที่ได้ผ่านไปมาก็ตบมือเยาะเย้ยเจ้า เขาทั้งหลายได้เย้ยหยันและได้สั่นศีรษะใส่ธิดาแห่งเยรูซาเล็มแล้วว่า "นี่หรือคือกรุงที่คนทั้งหลายได้ขนานนามว่า งามหมดจด ว่า เป็นความชื่นชมยินดีของคนทั่วทั้งโลก"

16 บรรดาศัตรูของเจ้าได้อ้าปากตะโกนโพนทะนาเจ้า เขาทั้งหลายเย้ยหยันและขบเขี้ยวเคี้ยวฟัน เขาพากันร้องว่า "พวกเราได้กลืนเมืองนี้แล้ว วันนี้แหละคือวันที่พวกเราได้จ้องมองหา พวกเราได้พบแล้ว พวกเราเห็นแล้ว"

17 พระเยโฮวาห์ได้ทรงกระทำตามพระประสงค์แล้ว ได้ทรงกระทำให้พระดำรัสของพระองค์สำเร็จ ตามที่พระองค์ได้บัญชาไว้นานแล้ว พระองค์ก็ได้ทรงทำลายอย่างไม่มีพระเมตตา พระองค์ทรงกระทำให้ศัตรูเปรมปรีดิ์เย้ยเจ้า พระองค์ได้ทรงชูเขาของพวกศัตรูของเจ้าขึ้น

18 จิตใจของเขาทั้งหลายร้องทูลองค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้า โอ กำแพงของธิดาแห่งศิโยนเอ๋ย จงให้น้ำตาไหลลงดุจสายน้ำทั้งกลางวันและกลางคืน อย่าให้เจ้าได้หยุดพัก อย่าให้แก้วตาของเจ้าหยุดหย่อนเลย

19 จงลุกขึ้นร้องไห้ในกลางคืน ในต้นยามจงระบายความในใจของเจ้าออกอย่างน้ำตรงพระพักตร์องค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้า จงชูมือทั้งสองของเจ้าขึ้นตรงไปยังพระองค์เพื่อขอชีวิตของบรรดาลูกเด็กเล็กแดงของเจ้า ที่หิวจนเป็นลมสลบไป ตามหัวถนนหนทางทุกแห่ง

20 ข้าแต่พระเยโฮวาห์ ขอทอดพระเนตรและพิจารณาเถิดว่า พระองค์ได้ทรงกระทำการเช่นนี้แก่ผู้ใด ควรที่พวกผู้หญิงจะกินลูกของตนหรือ จะกินทารกที่ยังอุ้มอยู่หรือ พวกปุโรหิตและพวกผู้พยากรณ์ควรจะถูกประหารในสถานบริสุทธิ์ขององค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้าหรือ

21 คนหนุ่มและคนแก่นอนเหยียดอยู่ตามพื้นดินในถนน สาวพรหมจารีและชายหนุ่มของข้าพระองค์ถูกคมดาบหวดล้มลงแล้ว พระองค์ได้ทรงประหารเขาในวันเมื่อพระองค์ทรงกริ้ว ได้ทรงสังหารเขาเสียโดยปราศจากพระกรุณา

22 พระองค์ได้ทรงเรียกผู้ที่ข้าพระองค์กลัวรอบทุกด้านมาอย่างในวันเทศกาล พอถึงวันที่พระเยโฮวาห์ทรงพระพิโรธก็ไม่มีสักคนหนึ่งหนีเอาตัวรอดได้ หรือคงเหลือตกค้างรอดตายอยู่ ผู้ที่ข้าพระองค์ได้อุ้มชูและเลี้ยงดูมานั้น ศัตรูของข้าพระองค์ได้เผาผลาญเสียหมดแล้ว


Many thanks to Philip Pope for the permission to use his 2003 translation of the English King James Version Bible into Thai. Here's a link to the mission's website:

Mula sa Mga gawa ni Swedenborg


Arcana Coelestia # 6000

Pag-aralan ang Sipi na ito

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6000. 'And God spoke to Israel in visions of the night' means obscure revelation. This is clear from the meaning of 'God spoke in visions' as revelation. For revelations were made either by means of dreams, or by night visions, or by daytime visions, or by utterances made within a person, or by utterances made outside him by angels who had become visible, as well as by utterances made outside by angels who had not become visible. Various kinds of revelation are meant in the Word by all these. 'A vision of the night' means revelation that is obscure, since 'night' means obscurity, 1712, 2514, and in the spiritual sense obscurity implies that truth is not visible. In the Word 'night' also means falsity due to evil; for people who because of evil are subject to falsity dwell in the obscurity of night, which is why all in hell are said to be in night. Those in hell do, it is true, have an inferior kind of light, for they see one another; but that light is like the light emitted by a coal fire, which is turned into darkness and pitch darkness when heavenly light flows in. This is why the inhabitants of hell are said to be in night and are called angels of the night and darkness, whereas the inhabitants of heaven are called angels of the day and light.

[2] The meaning of 'the night' as obscurity and also falsity may be seen in addition from the following places in the Word: In John,

Jesus said, Are there not twelve hours in the day? If anyone walks in the day he does not stumble. But if anyone walks in the night he stumbles, because the light is not in him. John 11:9-10.

'Twelve hours' stands for all states of truth. 'Walking in the day' stands for living in the truth, and 'walking in the night' for living in falsity.

[3] In the same gospel,

I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; night is coming when nobody will be able to work. John 9:4.

'Day' stands for truth coming from good, and 'night' for falsity coming from evil. The first period of the Church is what is meant by 'day', for at this time truth is entertained by people because they are governed by good. But the final period of the Church is what is meant by 'night', for at that time no truth at all is entertained by its members, because they are not governed by good; and when someone is not governed by good, that is, by charity towards the neighbour, then even if told perfect truths he does not entertain them. In this situation there is no perception at all of what truth is, because the light of truth falls on matters of a bodily and worldly nature, to which alone such people give their attention and which alone they love and consider to have any reality. It does not fall on things of a heavenly nature because they are considered to be of little or no value at all compared with other things. Consequently the light of truth is swallowed up by and snuffed out in what is a mass of thick darkness, like sunlight falling on an object that is black. This is what is meant by 'night is coming when nobody will be able to work'; and the situation is like this at the present day.

[4] In Matthew,

While the bridegroom was tarrying all the virgins were drowsy and went to sleep. But at midnight there was a shout, Behold, the bridegroom is coming. Matthew 25:5-7.

'Midnight' too stands for the final period of the old Church when no faith at all exists because no charity at all does so, and also for the first period of the new Church. In Luke,

I tell you, in that night there will be two upon one bed; one will be taken, the other left. Luke 17:34.

'Night' in the same way here stands for the final period of the old Church, and the first of the new.

[5] In Matthew,

Jesus said to the disciples, All of you will be made to stumble [by sinning] against Me this night. And to Peter, This night, before the cock crows, you will deny Me three times. Matthew 26:31, 34.

The Lord allowed Himself to be arrested at night, and this was a sign that Divine Truth dwelt for them in the obscurity of night and that falsity springing from evil existed in place of it. Peter's denial of the Lord three times that night also represented the final period of the Church when the truth of faith is indeed taught, but no one believes it. This final period is 'night' because at this time people utterly deny the Lord in their hearts. For like the twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve apostles represented all the aspects of faith, 577, 2089, 2129 (end), 2130 (end), 3272, 3354, 3488, 3858, 3913, 3926, 3939, 4060; and Peter represented the faith of the Church, see Preface to Genesis 18, also Preface to Genesis 22, as well as 3750, 4738. So it was that the Lord said to Peter that he would deny Him three times that night, and to the disciples, 'All of you will be made to stumble [by sinning] against Me this night'.

[6] In Isaiah,

One was calling to me from Seir, Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night? The watchman said, Morning comes, and also the night.

This refers to the Coming of the Lord, which is 'morning'. That Coming took place when spiritual truth existed no longer on earth, which is 'the night'.

[7] In Zechariah,

There will be one day, which is known to Jehovah, not day nor night, because around evening time there will be light. It will happen, that on that day living waters will go out from Jerusalem. And Jehovah will be King over all the earth; on that day there will be one Jehovah, and His name one. Zechariah 14:7-9.

This too refers to the Lord, and also to a new Church. The prophecy that Jehovah, who will be King, will be one and that His name will be one refers to the Lord's Divine Human, which will be one with the Divine Himself, called the Father. Prior to the Lord's Coming the Divine Human was Jehovah in the heavens; for it was by His passing through the heavens that He presented Himself as a Divine Person before the eyes of many on earth. In those times the Divine Human was not so much one with the Divine Himself, called the Father, as when the Lord had made the Divine Human within Himself completely one with the Father. Prior to His Coming the two were seemingly distinct and separate, as is evident from Genesis 19:24, where it says that Jehovah rained on Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from 1 Jehovah out of heaven, 2447. A day when it will be 'not day nor night' is the time when the Lord was born, for then it was 'evening', that is, when representatives in the Church came to an end. 'Light around evening time' is Divine Truth which is to appear then.

[8] In Isaiah,

Surely at night Ar has been laid waste, Moab has been cut off; surely at night Kir of Moab has been laid waste. Isaiah 15:1.

'Moab' stands for natural good, and in the contrary sense for adulterated good, 2468; in this text a laying waste of that good is referred to. Acts of laying waste are said to happen at night because they are occasions when truth is rendered obscure and falsity enters in. In Jeremiah,

The great city will weep bitterly in the night, and her tears are on her cheeks. Lamentations 1:2.

This refers to a desolation of truth, 'night' standing for falsity.

[9] In David,

You will not be afraid of the terror of the night, of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the death that lays waste at noonday. Psalms 91:5-6.

'The terror of the night' stands for falsities arising from evil that come from hell. 'The arrow that flies by day' stands for falsity that is taught openly and is destructive of good. 'The death that lays waste at noonday' is evil that is openly practised in life and is destructive of good. In John,

The gates of the holy Jerusalem will not be shut by day, for there is no night there. Revelation 21:25.

There will be no night there, nor do they need a lamp or light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light. Revelation 22:5.

'There will be no night there' stands for no falsity there. In Daniel,

Daniel said, I saw in my vision when it was night. After this also I saw in visions of the night. Daniel 7:2, 7.

'Visions of the night' also stands for obscure revelation; for that chapter in Daniel describes four beasts and their horns, and gives many details belonging to revelation that was obscure. Something similar is involved with the different coloured horses that Zechariah saw at night, Zechariah 1:8 and following verses.

Mga talababa:

1. Two Latin words meaning from and with are in fact used here; they represent a double preposition in the Hebrew.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

Mula sa Mga gawa ni Swedenborg


Arcana Coelestia # 3858

Pag-aralan ang Sipi na ito

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3858. Since the subject in the verses that follow now is the twelve sons of Jacob, and since the twelve tribes of Israel were named after them as their fathers, let an introductory statement be made here about what the tribes mean and why there were twelve. Nobody as yet has known the arcanum lying within these considerations, for people have believed that the historical descriptions of the Word are purely history and hold nothing more of the Divine within them than their ability to be made to apply to matters of a holy nature when these are under discussion. Consequently they have also believed that the twelve tribes meant nothing else than the divisions of the Israelitish people into so many separate nations or general families, when in fact Divine realities are implied in those tribes. That is to say, those tribes mean so many universal divisions of faith and love and so mean things that constitute the Lord's kingdom in heaven and on earth, each tribe in particular meaning some universal division. But what exactly each tribe means will be evident from the verses that follow directly after this, where the subject is the sons of Jacob after whom the twelve tribes were named. In general the twelve tribes meant everything constituting the doctrine of truth and good, that is, of faith and love; for these - that is to say, truth and good, or faith and love - constitute the Lord's kingdom, since what are essentially matters of truth or faith constitute the whole of thought there, and what are essentially matters of good or love constitute the whole of affection. And because the Jewish Church was established so as to represent the Lord's kingdom the divisions of that people into twelve tribes therefore meant those things of His kingdom. This is an arcanum which has not previously been disclosed.

[2] Twelve means all things in general, as shown already in 577, 2089, 2129, 2130 (end), 3272, while 'tribes' means matters of truth and good, or of faith and love, so that 'the twelve tribes' means all of these. Let this meaning of 'the twelve tribes' be substantiated here from the Word before each one is dealt with individually. In John,

The holy city New Jerusalem, having twelve gates, and above the gates twelve angels, and names written which are those of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel. The wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. He measured the city with the measuring rod, twelve thousand stadia. And he measured its wall, a hundred and forty-four cubits, which is the measure of a man, that is, of an angel. The twelve gates were twelve pearls. Revelation 21:12, 14, 16-17, 21.

'The holy city', or the New Jerusalem, means the Lord's new Church, as is evident from each detail of this description. Previous chapters refer to what the condition of the Church was going to be like before its end; this chapter refers to a new Church. That being so, 'the gates', 'the wall', 'the foundations' mean nothing else than things constituting the Church, which are those of charity and faith since these constitute the Church.

[3] From this it may be clear to anyone that 'twelve' used so many times in that description, also 'tribes', and 'apostles' too, are not used to mean twelve, or tribes, or apostles, but that 'twelve' is used to mean all things in their entirety; see what has been shown in 577, 2089, 2129, 2130 (end), 3272. The same is true of the number 'a hundred and forty-four', for this is twelve twelves. And since 'twelve' means all things it is evident that 'the twelve tribes' means all things constituting the Church, which, as stated above, are truth and good, or faith and love. The same is also true of 'the twelve apostles' who as well represented all things constituting the Church, that is, all things of faith and love, see 2129, 3354, 3488, 3857. That number is therefore called 'the measure of a man, that is, of an angel', by which is meant a state of truth and good. For 'measure' means state, see 3104, and 'man' means that which constitutes the Church, as is evident from things said about the meaning of 'man' in 478, 479, 565, 768, 1871, 1894, and also from the fact that the Lord's kingdom is called the Grand Man, which it is called by virtue of good and truth which come from the Lord, dealt with at the ends of chapters in 3624-3649, 3741-3750. And 'angel' has the same meaning, 1705, 1754, 1925, 2821, 3039.

[4] As in John, so also in the Prophets, in the Old Testament Word, is the new Jerusalem referred to, where in a similar way the Lord's new Church is meant, as in Isaiah 65:18-19, and following verses; in Zechariah 14; and in particular in Ezekiel, Chapters 40-48, where the new Jerusalem, the new Temple, and a new earth describe in the internal sense the Lord's kingdom in heaven, and the Lord's kingdom on earth, which is the Church. The contents of those chapters, plainer than anywhere else, show what 'earth', 'Jerusalem', 'Temple', and everything in them meant, and also what 'the twelve tribes' means. For the subject of those chapters is the division of the land and the inheritance of it according to tribes, as well as the city and its walls, foundation, and gates, and everything that was to go with the Temple there. From those chapters let simply matters relating to the tribes be quoted here,

The Lord Jehovih said, This is the boundary of your inheritance of the land, according to the twelve tribes of Israel. You shall divide this land according to the tribes of Israel. But you shall divide it by lot as an inheritance, and for sojourners sojourning in your midst. They shall cast lots with you for an inheritance in the midst of the tribes of Israel. Ezekiel 47:13, 21-23.

As regards the land, it will be for the prince as a possession in Israel. And the princes will no longer oppress My people, and the land they will give to the house of Israel according to their tribes. Ezekiel 45:8.

Concerning inheritances and how they were assigned to individual tribes which are also referred to there by name, see Ezekiel 48:1 and following verses; and concerning the gates of the city which are named after the tribes of Israel, verses 31-34 of the same chapter.

[5] Quite plainly, when the tribes are spoken of here it is not the tribes who are meant, for by that time ten tribes had long since been scattered throughout the whole world, and had not subsequently returned. Nor can they possibly return, for they have become gentiles. And yet reference is made to each individual tribe, and to how it was to inherit the land and what its boundary was to be. What the boundary for the tribe of Dan was to be is stated in verse 2; what the boundary for the tribe of Asher was to be in verse 3; what those of Naphtali, Manasseh, Ephraim, Reuben, and Judah were to be, and concerning the inheritance of the Levites; and what the boundaries of Benjamin, Simeon, Issachar, Zebulun, and Gad were to be in verses 4-29. In addition to all this that chapter declares that the city was to have twelve gates named after the tribes of Israel - three gates facing north, those of Reuben, Judah, and Levi; three gates facing east, those of Joseph, Benjamin, and Dan; three gates facing south, those of Simeon, Issachar and Zebulun; and three gates facing west, those of Gad, Asher, and Naphtali, in verses 31-34.

[6] From all this it is evident that 'the twelve tribes' means all things that belong to the Lord's kingdom, and so all that are matters of faith and love, for these constitute the Lord's kingdom, as stated above. Because the twelve tribes meant all things of the Lord's kingdom they also represented that kingdom by their encampments and by their travellings. In Moses it is said that they were to encamp according to the tribes around the Tent of Meeting - to the east, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun; to the south, Reuben, Simeon, and Gad; to the west, Ephraim Manasseh, and Benjamin; and to the north, Dan, Asher, and Naphtali, and as they were encamped so they travelled, Numbers 2:1-end. In all this they represented the Lord's kingdom, as is quite evident from Balaam's prophecy,

When Balaam lifted up his eyes and saw Israel dwelling according to tribes, the Spirit of God came upon him and he delivered his utterance, and said, How good your tabernacles are, O Jacob; your dwelling-places, O Israel! They are like valleys that are planted, like gardens beside a river, like aloes Jehovah has planted, like cedars beside the waters. Numbers 24:2-3, 5-6.

The fact that Balaam received from Jehovah these words spoken by him is explicitly stated in Numbers 22:8, 18-19, 35, 38; 23:5, 12, 16, 26; 24:2, 13.

[7] From this also it is evident what the inheritances of the land of Canaan according to tribes represented, in connection with which it is said in Moses that he was to take a census of the congregation of the children of Israel, according to their fathers' houses; a census of those twenty or more years old, everyone going into the army of Israel. The land was to be distributed by lot; according to the names of their fathers' tribes they were to receive an inheritance, Numbers 26:2, 7-56; 33:54; 34:19-29. And Joshua's actual division of the land by lot according to tribes is described in Chapters 13, 15, 19 of the Book of Joshua. From these particular details it is evident that the Lord's kingdom was represented, as has been stated; for the land of Canaan meant that kingdom, see 1585, 1607, 3038, 3481, 3705.

[8] The reason why they are called 'armies' and why it is said that 'they encamped according to their armies and travelled according to their armies', Numbers 2:4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 19, 21-23, 26, 28, 30, is that 'an army' had the same meaning [as 'a tribe'], namely truths and goods, see 3448. And the Lord is called Jehovah Zebaoth or 'Jehovah of Armies (or Hosts)' 3448. They were for these reasons called 'the armies of Jehovah' when they departed from Egypt, as in Moses,

It happened at the end of the four hundred and thirty years, on that same day it happened that all the armies of Jehovah were to come out of the land of Egypt. Exodus 12:41.

Anyone may recognize that such people in Egypt, and after that in the wilderness, were not called 'the armies of Jehovah' except in a representative sense, for no good or truth was present in them, the worst of all nations.

[9] From this it is also quite evident what was meant by the names of the twelve tribes on Aaron's breastplate, which was called the Urim and Thummim. Concerning the breastplate the following is said in Moses,

There shall be four rows in it and twelve stones. These stones shall be according to the names of the sons of Israel, twelve according to their names. The engravings of a signet, for each one over its name, there shall be for the twelve tribes. Exodus 28:17, 21; 39:14.

For 'Aaron' represented the Lord's Divine priesthood, and therefore all the vestments worn by him as high priest meant Divine celestial and spiritual things. But the exact meaning of those vestments will in the Lord's Divine mercy be clear where they are the subject. Since the breastplate itself was most holy, the names of it were representations of all the essential characteristics of love and faith in the Lord. These are the Urim and Thummim. The reason why the names were engraved on the precious stones was that 'stones' in general meant truths, 1298, 3720, and 'precious stones' truths shining through from good, 114. And because the name of each individual tribe meant some essential characteristic, a specific stone was also allocated for each tribe, Exodus 28:17-20; 39:10-13, which expressed by means of its colour and transparence the characteristic meant by that tribe. This was how Jehovah or the Lord gave answers by means of the Urim and Thummim.

[10] The two shoham stones which were on the two shoulder-pieces of the ephod had a similar representation but in a lesser degree than the twelve stones on the breastplate. For 'the shoulders' meant all power, and so the Lord's omnipotence, 1085, whereas 'the breast' or heart and lungs meant Divine celestial and spiritual love - 'the heart' Divine celestial love, 'the lungs' Divine spiritual love, see 3635 and the end of the present chapter where the Grand Man and its correspondence with the province of the heart and the province of the lungs is the subject. The two stones on the shoulder-pieces of the ephod are referred to in Moses as follows,

You shall take two shoham stones and engrave on them the names of the sons of Israel, six of the names on one stone and the remaining six names on the other stone, according to their births. You shall put two stones on the shoulder-pieces of the ephod, stones of remembrance for the sons of Israel. Exodus 28:9-12; 39:6-7.

[11] Because 'the tribes' meant what are essentially matters of truth and good, or faith and love, and each tribe meant some universal aspect of these, and since the tribe of Levi meant love, as will be evident from the explanation at verse 34 below, one can therefore recognize what was meant by their placing rods, one for each tribe, in the Tent of Meeting and by Levi's rod alone blossoming with almonds. All this is described in Moses as follows,

He was told to take twelve rods, one rod for each head of their fathers' houses, and these were to be left in the Tent of Meeting, the name of Aaron being written on the rod of Levi. Aaron's rod was placed in the middle of them. And the next day, behold, Aaron's rod for the tribe of Levi had blossomed; it had produced buds, 1 so that it flowered and produced almonds. Numbers 17:2-8.

These occurrences meant that love was the essential, also the first and foremost, thing of all in the Lord's kingdom and that love is the source of all fruitfulness. And the reason why Aaron's name was on the rod was that Aaron represented the Lord as regards His Divine priesthood. For by the Lord's priesthood is meant Divine Good, which essentially is His love and mercy, and by the Lord's kingship is meant Divine Truth which stems from Divine Good, see 1728, 2015 (end), 3670.

[12] From what has been introduced so far one may now see what 'tribes' and 'the twelve tribes' mean in the following places: In John,

I heard the number of the sealed, a hundred and forty-four thousand sealed out of every tribe of Israel - twelve thousand sealed out of the tribe of Judah, twelve thousand sealed out of the tribe of Reuben, twelve thousand sealed out of the tribe of Gad, twelve thousand sealed out of the tribe of Asher, twelve thousand sealed out of the tribe of Naphtali, twelve thousand sealed out of the tribe of Manasseh, twelve thousand sealed out of the tribe of Simeon, twelve thousand sealed out of the tribe of Levi, twelve thousand sealed out of the tribe of Issachar, twelve thousand sealed out of the tribe of Zebulun, twelve thousand sealed out of the tribe of Joseph, twelve thousand sealed out of the tribe of Benjamin. Revelation 7:4-8.

In Moses,

Remember the days of old, understand the years of generation after generation.

When the Most High gave to the nations an inheritance, when He separated the sons of man, He fixed the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the sons of Israel. Deuteronomy 32:7-8.

In David,

Jerusalem, built as a city which is closely compacted together, to which the tribes go up, the tribes of Jah, a testimony to Israel, to confess the name of Jehovah. Psalms 122:3-4.

[13] In Joshua, who was told,

The Ark of the Covenant of the Lord of all the earth is going to pass over before you into the Jordan. Take twelve men from the tribes of Israel, one man from each tribe. And it will happen when the soles of the feet of the priests bearing the Ark of Jehovah, the Lord of all the earth, rest in the waters of the Jordan, that the waters of the Jordan will be cut off. They will stand in one heap. Joshua 3:11-17.

And further,

Take out of the midst of the Jordan, from the places where the priests' feet stood, twelve stones which you are to prepare and carry with you. And let each man take a stone on his shoulder, according to the number of the tribes of Israel, that it may be a sign that the waters of the Jordan were cut off. Moreover Joshua set up twelve stones in the middle of the Jordan, beneath the places where the feet of the priests bearing the Ark of the Covenant had stood. Joshua 4:1-9.

Also in the description about Elijah,

Elijah took twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, to whom the word had come, Israel shall be your name; and he built an altar to the name of Jehovah. 1 Kings 18:31-32.

[14] That 'the tribes' means the goods of love and the truths of faith is also clear from the Lord's words in Matthew,

Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and glory. Matthew 24:30.

Here 'all the tribes of the earth will mourn' means that the acknowledgement of truth and the life of good will not exist any longer, for the subject in that chapter is the close of the age. Similarly in John,

Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, and those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth will wail over Him. Revelation 1:7.

What 'coming in the clouds of heaven' means, see Preface to Genesis 18. See in addition what I have been shown from experience about the number 'twelve', in 2129, 2130.

[15] The reason why all things of faith and love are called 'tribes' is that the same expression in the original language also means a sceptre and a rod. For 'a sceptre' and also 'a rod' mean power, as will in the Lord's Divine mercy be shown elsewhere. For this reason the noun 'tribe' entails the idea that forms of good and truth possess within them all power from the Lord. And angels too are therefore referred to as 'powers' and also 'principalities', for 'princes' means the first and foremost aspects of charity and faith, such as the twelve princes descended from Ishmael, Genesis 25:16, see 2089, as well as the princes who were leaders of the tribes, Numbers 7; 13:4-16.

[16] From what has been said up to now about the twelve tribes one can recognize why the Lord's disciples, who later on were called apostles, were twelve in number, and that like the tribes they represented the Lord's Church as regards goods and truths, 2129, 3354, 3488, 3857. 'Peter' represented faith, 'James' charity, and 'John' the works that flow from charity, see the Prefaces to Genesis 18, 22, and also 3750. This is also quite evident from the things which the Lord said about them and to them.

Mga talababa:

1. literally, flower

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.