Ang Bibliya


Daniel 2



1 I sitt andra regeringsår hade Nebukadnessar drömmar av vilka han blev orolig till sinnes, och sömnen vek bort ifrån honom.

2 Då lät konungen tillkalla sina spåmän, besvärjare, trollkarlar och kaldéer, för att de skulle giva konungen till känna vad han hade drömt, och de kommo och trädde fram för konungen.

3 Och konungen sade till dem: »Jag har haft en dröm, och jag är orolig till sinnes och ville veta vad jag har drömt.»

4 talade kaldéerna till konungen på arameiska: »Må du leva evinnerligen, o konung! Förtälj drömmen för dina tjänare, så skola vi meddela uttydningen.»

5 Konungen svarade och sade till kaldéerna: »Nej, mitt oryggliga beslut är, att om I icke sägen mig drömmen och dess uttydning, skolen I huggas i stycken, och edra hus skola göras till platser för orenlighet.

6 Men om I meddelen drömmen och dess uttydning, så skolen I få gåvor och skänker och stor ära av mig. Meddelen mig alltså nu drömmen och dess uttydning.»

7 De svarade för andra gången och sade: »Konungen må förtälja drömmen för sina tjänare, så skola vi meddela uttydningen.»

8 Konungen svarade och sade: »Jag märker nogsamt att I viljen vinna tid, eftersom I sen att mitt beslut är oryggligt,

9 att om I icke sägen mig drömmen, domen över eder icke kan bliva annat än en. Ja, I haven kommit överens om att inför mig föra lögnaktigt och bedrägligt tal, i hopp att tiderna skola förändra sig. Sägen mig alltså nu vad jag har drömt, så märker jag att I ock kunnen meddela mig uttydningen därpå.»

10 Då svarade kaldéerna konungen och sade: »Det finnes ingen människa på jorden, som förmår meddela konungen det som han vill veta; aldrig har ju heller någon konung, huru stor och mäktig han än var, begärt sådant som detta av någon spåman eller besvärjare eller kaldé.

11 Ty det som konungen begär är alltför svårt, och ingen finnes, som kan meddela konungen det, förutom gudarna; och de hava icke sin boning ibland de dödliga.

12 Då blev konungen vred och mycket förtörnad och befallde att man skulle förgöra alla de vise i Babel.

13 När alltså påbudet härom hade blivit utfärdat och man skulle döda de vise, sökte man ock efter Daniel och hans medbröder för att döda dem.

14 Då vände sig Daniel med kloka och förståndiga ord till Arjok, översten för konungens drabanter, vilken hade dragit ut för att döda de vise i Babel.

15 Han tog till orda och frågade Arjok, konungens hövitsman: »Varför har detta stränga påbud blivit utfärdat av konungen?» Då omtalade Arjok för Daniel vad som var på färde.

16 Och Daniel gick in och bad konungen att tid måtte beviljas honom, så skulle han meddela konungen uttydningen.

17 Därefter gick Daniel hem och omtalade för Hananja, Misael och Asarja, sina medbröder, vad som var på färde,

18 och han uppmanade dem att bedja himmelens Gud om förbarmande, så att denna hemlighet bleve uppenbarad, på det att icke Daniel och hans medbröder måtte förgöras tillika med de övriga vise Babel.

19 Då blev hemligheten uppenbarad för Daniel i en syn om natten. Och Daniel lovade himmelens Gud därför;

20 Daniel hov upp sin röst och sade: »Lovat vare Guds namn från evighet till evighet! Ty vishet och makt höra honom till.

21 Han låter tider och stunder omskifta, han avsätter konungar och tillsätter konungar, han giver åt de visa deras vishet och åt de förståndiga deras förstånd.

22 Han uppenbarar det som är djupt och förborgat, han vet vad i mörkret är, och hos honom bor ljuset.

23 Dig, mina fäders Gud, tackar och prisar jag för att du har givit mig vishet och förmåga, och för att du nu har uppenbarat för mig det vi bådo dig om; ty det som konungen ville veta har du uppenbarat för oss

24 I följd härav gick Daniel in till Arjok, som av konungen hade fått befallning att förgöra de vise i Babel; han gick åstad och sade till honom så: »De vise i Babel må du icke förgöra. För mig in till konungen, så skall jag meddela konungen uttydningen.»

25 Då förde Arjok med hast Daniel inför konungen och sade till honom så: »Jag har bland de judiska fångarna funnit en man som kan säga konungen uttydningen.»

26 Konungen svarade och sade till Daniel, som hade fått namnet Beltesassar: »Förmår du säga mig den dröm som jag har haft och dess uttydning?»

27 Daniel svarade konungen och sade: »Den hemlighet som konungen begär att få veta kunna inga vise, besvärjare, spåmän eller stjärntydare meddela konungen.

28 Men det finnes en Gud i himmelen, som kan uppenbara hemligheter, och han har låtit konung Nebukadnessar veta vad som skall ske i kommande dagar. Detta var din dröm och den syn du hade på ditt läger:

29 När du, o konung, låg på ditt läger, uppstego hos dig tankar på vad som skall ske i framtiden; och han som uppenbarar hemligheter lät dig veta vad som skall ske.

30 Och för mig har denna hemlighet blivit uppenbarad, icke i kraft av någon vishet som jag äger framför alla andra levande varelser, utan på det att uttydningen må bliva kungjord för konungen, så att du förstår ditt hjärtas tankar.

31 Du, o konung, såg i din syn en stor bildstod stå framför dig, och den stoden var hög och dess glans övermåttan stor, och den var förskräcklig att skåda.

32 Bildstodens huvud var av bästa guld, dess bröst och armar voro av silver, dess buk och länder av koppar; dess ben voro av järn,

33 dess fötter delvis av järn och delvis av lera.

34 Medan du nu betraktade den, blev en sten lösriven, dock icke genom människohänder, och den träffade bildstoden på fötterna, som voro av järn och lera, och krossade dem.

35 Då blev på en gång alltsammans krossat, järnet, leran, kopparen, silvret och guldet, och det blev såsom agnar på en tröskloge om sommaren, och vinden förde bort det, så att man icke mer kunde finna något spår därav. Men av stenen som hade träffat bildstoden blev ett stort berg, som uppfyllde hela jorden.

36 Detta var drömmen; och vi vilja nu säga konungen uttydningen:

37 Du, o konung, konungarnas konung, åt vilken himmelens Gud har givit rike, väldighet, makt och ära,

38 och i vilkens hand han har givit människors barn och djuren på marken och fåglarna under himmelen, varhelst varelser bo, och som han har satt till herre över allasammans, du är det gyllene huvudet.

39 Men efter dig skall uppstå ett annat rike, ringare än ditt, och därefter ännu ett tredje rike, ett som är av koppar, och det skall råda över hela jorden.

40 Ett fjärde rike skall ock uppstå och vara starkt såsom järn, ty järnet krossar och sönderslår ju allt; och såsom järnet förstör allt annat, så skall ock detta krossa och förstöra.

41 Men att du såg fötterna och tårna vara delvis av krukmakarlera och delvis av järn, det betyder att det skall vara ett söndrat rike, dock så att det har något av järnets fasthet, ty du såg ju järn vara där, blandat med lerjord.

42 Och att tårna på fötterna voro delvis av järn och delvis av lera, det betyder att riket skall vara delvis starkt och delvis svagt.

43 Och att du såg järnet vara blandat med lerjord, det betyder att väl en beblandning där skall äga rum genom människosäd, men att delarna likväl icke skola hålla ihop med varandra, lika litet som järn kan förbinda sig med lera.

44 Men i de konungarnas dagar skall himmelens Gud upprätta ett rike som aldrig i evighet skall förstöras och vars makt icke skall bliva överlämnad åt något annat folk. Det skall krossa och göra en ände på alla dessa andra riken, men självt skall det bestå evinnerligen;

45 ty du såg ju att en sten blev lösriven från berget, dock icke genom människohänder, och att den krossade järnet, kopparen, leran, silvret och guldet. Så har en stor Gud uppenbarat för konungen vad som skall ske i framtiden, och drömmen är viss, och dess uttydning är tillförlitlig.»

46 Då föll konung Nebukadnessar på sitt ansikte och tillbad inför Daniel, och befallde att man skulle offra åt honom spisoffer och rökoffer.

47 Och konungen svarade Daniel och sade: »I sanning, eder Gud är en Gud över andra gudar och en herre över konungar och en uppenbarare av hemligheter, eftersom du har kunnat uppenbara denna hemlighet.»

48 Därefter upphöjde konungen Daniel och gav honom många stora skänker och satte honom till herre över hela Babels hövdingdöme och till högste föreståndare för alla de vise i Babel.

49 Och på Daniels bön förordnade konungen Sadrak, Mesak och Abed-Nego att förvalta Babels hövdingdöme; men Daniel själv stannade vid konungens hov.


Mula sa Mga gawa ni Swedenborg


Apocalypse Revealed # 567

Pag-aralan ang Sipi na ito

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1. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on its horns ten jewels, 1 and on its heads a blasphemous name.

2. Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, whose feet were like those of a bear, and its mouth like the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave it its power, its throne, and great authority.

3. And I saw one of its heads appearing as though fatally wounded, and its mortal injury was healed. And all the earth went marveling after the beast.

4. Then they worshiped the dragon which gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, "Who is like the beast? Who can fight against it?"

5. And it was given a mouth speaking great and blasphemous things, and it was given authority to do so for forty-two months.

6. Then it opened its mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, and against His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven.

7. It was granted it to make war with the saints and overcome them. And it was given authority over every tribe, tongue, and nation.

8. All who dwell on the earth will worship it, all whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

9. If anyone has an ear, let him hear.

10. Anyone who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; anyone who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.

11. Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and it had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon.

12. And it exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose mortal injury was healed.

13. It also performs great signs, so as to even make fire come down from heaven to earth in the sight of men,

14. and to lead astray those who dwell on the earth, because of the signs which it was granted to do in the presence of the beast, telling those dwelling upon the earth to make an image of the beast that was injured by the sword and lived.

15. It was also granted it to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast might speak and cause whoever does not worship the image of the beast to be killed.

16. And it causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive from it a mark on their right hand and on their foreheads,

17. so that no one can buy or sell if he does not have the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of its name.

18. Here is wisdom: let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and its number is 666.


The Contents of the Whole Chapter

The dragon continues to be the subject in this chapter, which describes the doctrine and faith meant by the dragon. The character of that doctrine and faith among the laity, and then its character among the clergy. The beast rising up out of the sea describes the doctrine and faith among the laity (verses 1-10), and the beast coming up out of the earth the doctrine and faith among the clergy (verses 11-17).

Lastly it describes the clergy's falsification of the Word's truth (verse 18).

The Contents of the Individual Verses:

Verse ContentsSpiritual Meaning
1. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea,The laity in the Protestant Reformed churches who are caught up in the doctrine and faith of the dragon regarding God and salvation.
having seven headsThe irrationality resulting from their absolute falsities.
and ten horns,Their great power.
and on its horns ten jewels, 2 Their power to falsify many of the Word's truths.
and on its heads a blasphemous name.Their denial of the Lord's Divine humanity and affirmation of their church's doctrine, drawn not from the Word but from their own intelligence.
2. Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard,Their heresy destructive of the church, being founded on the Word's truths falsified,
whose feet were like those of a bear,full of misconceptions taken from the literal sense of the Word, read but not understood.
and its mouth like the mouth of a lion.Their reasonings based on falsities as though on truths.
And the dragon gave it its power, its throne, and great authority.This heresy prevails and reigns as a result of its acceptance by the laity.
3. And I saw one of its heads appearing as though fatally wounded,Their doctrine of faith alone does not accord with the Word, in which works are so often commanded.
and its mortal injury was healed.A remedy for this explained.
And all the earth went marveling after the beast.That doctrine and faith then accepted with joy.
4. Then they worshiped the dragon which gave authority to the beast;Their acknowledgment that the doctrine is such as declared by the leaders of the church and its teachers, who have caused the doctrine to prevail as a result of its acceptance by the general populace.
and they worshiped the beast,An acknowledgment by the general populace that the doctrine is a sacred truth.
saying, "Who is like the beast? Who can fight against it?"The preeminence of that doctrine because no one can dispute it.
5. And it was given a mouth speaking great and blasphemous things,It teaches evils and falsities.
and it was given authority to do so for forty-two months.The scope to teach and practice the evils and falsities accompanying that doctrine even to the end of that church, until the beginning of a new one.
6. Then it opened its mouth in blasphemies against God and His name,Their assertions, which are scandalous, against the Divine itself and the Lord's Divine humanity, and at the same time against everything that the church has from the Word by which the Lord is worshiped.
and against His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven.Scandalous assertions against the Lord's celestial church and against heaven.
7. It was granted it to make war with the saints and overcome them.They attacked the Word's Divine truths and overturned them.
And it was given authority over every tribe, tongue, and nation.Their consequent dominion over everything connected with the church, over everything pertaining to its doctrine and over everything pertaining to its life.
8. All who dwell on the earth will worship it, all whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the LambThey all acknowledged that heresy as a sacred tenet of the church, all but those who believed in the Lord.
slain from the foundation of the world.The Lord's Divine humanity unacknowledged from the inception of the church.
9. If anyone has an ear, let him hear.Let people who wish to be wise pay attention to this.
10. Anyone who leads into captivity shall go into captivity;Someone who uses that heresy to draw others away from believing rightly and living rightly is drawn by his own falsities and evils into hell.
anyone who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword.Someone who uses falsities to destroy another's soul is destroyed by falsities and perishes.
Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.Through the temptations or trials occasioned by these falsities a person of the Lord's New Church is examined to discover his character in respect to his life and faith.
11. Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth,The clergy who are caught up in the dragon's doctrine and faith regarding God and salvation.
and it had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon.They quote the Word in speaking, teaching and writing as though it were the Lord's Divine truth, and yet it is truth falsified.
12. And it exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence,They have defended the dogmas, and the dogmas prevail in consequence of it.
and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose mortal injury was healed.By supporting arguments they have established that what the general populace has accepted be acknowledged as a sacred tenet of the church.
13. It also performs great signs,Testifications that their teachings are true, even though they are false.
so as to even make fire come down from heaven to earth in the sight of men,Assertions that their falsities are true.
14. and to lead astray those who dwell on the earth, because of the signs which it was granted to do in the presence of the beast,Through their testifications and assertions they lead people in the church into errors.
telling those dwelling upon the earth to make an image of the beast that was injured by the sword and lived.They induce people in the church to accept as doctrine that faith is the only means of salvation, for the reason stated.
15. It was also granted it to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast might speakThey were permitted to use the Word to defend the doctrine, so as to cause the doctrine to be seemingly animated by it.
and cause whoever does not worship the image of the beast to be killed.They pronounce damnation on people who do not acknowledge their doctrine of faith as a sacred doctrine of the church.
16. And it causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave,All the people in Protestant Reformed church, of whatever condition, degree of education, or degree of intelligence.
to receive from it a mark on their right hand and on their foreheads,No one is acknowledged as a Protestant Reformed Christian but one who accepts that doctrine in faith and love.
17. so that no one can buy or sell if he does not have the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of its name.No one allowed to teach from the Word but one who acknowledges that doctrine and swears to a belief in it and love for it, and to such as is in conformity with it.
18. Here is wisdom:From what we have said and explained in this chapter, it is the part of a wise person to see and understand the nature of the doctrine and faith among the clergy regarding God and salvation.
let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast,One who is enlightened by the Lord can discern the character of the arguments the clergy use from the Word in defense of that doctrine and faith.
for it is the number of a man,The character of the Word and so of the church.
and its number is 666.Their character being this, that by them all the Word's truth has been falsified.



And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea. This symbolizes the laity in the Protestant Reformed churches who are caught up in the doctrine and faith of the dragon regarding God and salvation.

The nature and character of the faith of the dragon may be seen in no. 537. The same faith continues to be the subject in this chapter, and the beast here that John saw rising up out of the sea means that faith among the laity, whereas the beast from the earth, described in verse 11, means that faith among the clergy.

That the dragon continues to be the subject here is apparent from the following statements in this chapter: that the dragon gave to the beast rising up out of the sea its power, its throne, and great authority (verse 2); that they worshiped the dragon which gave authority to the beast (verse 4); and, concerning the beast coming up out of the earth, that it spoke like a dragon (verse 11); and that it exercised all the authority of the first beast in the presence of the dragon (verse 12).

The laity are the people meant by the beast from the sea, and the clergy those meant by the beast from the earth, because the sea symbolizes the outer aspect of the church, and the land its inner aspect (no. 398 and elsewhere); and the laity are concerned with the external elements of the church's doctrine, while the clergy are concerned with its internal elements. That is why the beast from the earth is later called a false prophet. 3

That they are people in the Protestant Reformed churches is because the Protestant Reformed are the subject to the end of chapter 16, while Roman Catholics are the subject in chapters 17, 18. Then the subject after that is the Last Judgment and finally the New Church.

[2] These people were seen as beasts because the dragon is a beast, and because a beast in the Word symbolizes a person in respect to his affections - harmless and useful beasts a person in respect to good affections, and harmful and useless ones a person in respect to evil affections. People of the church are in general called sheep, therefore, and a company of them a flock, and one who teaches is called a shepherd.

That is also why the Word in respect to its power, affection, understanding and wisdom is described above in chapter four by four living creatures - a lion, a calf, an eagle and a human being - and an understanding of the Word by horses in chapter six.

The reason is that in the spiritual world a person's affections look at a distance like animals, as we have often said before; and regarded in themselves, animals are no more than embodiments of natural affections, while people are embodiments not only of natural affections, but also at the same time of spiritual affections.

[3] That animals mean people in respect to their affections can be seen from the following passages:

You... will cause to fall a kindly rain. You will confirm Your inheritance... The beast, Your congregation, 4 shall dwell in it. (Psalms 68:9-10)

...every wild beast of the forest is Mine, the beasts on a thousand mountains. I know every bird of the mountains; the beast of My fields is with Me. (Psalms 50:10-11)

...Assyria was a cedar in Lebanon... ...its height was exalted... All the birds of the heavens made their nests in its boughs, and under its branches all the beasts of the field brought forth their young, and in its shade all great nations made their home. (Ezekiel 31:3-6, cf. 31:10, 31:13, Daniel 4:10-16)

In that day I will make a covenant for them with the beast of the field, and with the bird of the heavens... And I will betroth you to Me forever. (Hosea 2:18-19)

Rejoice and be glad! ...Do not be afraid, you beasts of My fields, for the habitations of the wilderness have become grassy meadows. (Joel 2:21-23)

In that day there shall be a great tumult... Judah... will fight against Jerusalem... And such also shall be the plague on the horse, the mule, the camel, and the donkey, and every beast... And it shall come to pass that the remnant... shall go up (to Jerusalem). (Zechariah 14:13-16)

Birds shall abominate him, and every beast of the earth shall disdain him. (Isaiah 18:6), son of man..., "Say to every winged bird and to every beast of the field, '...Gather together... to My sacrifice... on the mountains of Israel... (Thus) I will set My glory among the nations.'" (Ezekiel 39:17-21)

(Jehovah) gathers the outcasts of Israel... Every beast of My fields, come... (Isaiah 56:8-9)

(Jehovah) will destroy Assyria... There shall lie down in her midst every wild beast of the nation, both the desert owl and the screech owl in her pomegranates... (Zephaniah 2:13-14)

(The sheep) were scattered without a shepherd, and they became food for every wild beast of the field... (Ezekiel 34:5, cf. 34:8)

I will cast you out on the face of the field, and cause to dwell on you every bird of the heavens. And with you I will satiate the wild beasts of the whole earth. (Ezekiel 32:4; see also 5:17; 29:5; 33:27; 39:4, Jeremiah 15:3; 16:4; 19:7; 27:5-6)

An enemy reproaches Jehovah... Do not deliver the life of (the) turtledove to the beast! (Psalms 74:18-19)

"I saw in... vision... four... beasts coming up from the sea... The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings... ...a second, like a bear... ...(a third) like a leopard... ...and a fourth..., dreadful... (Daniel 7:2-7)

...the Spirit drove (Jesus) out into the wilderness. And He was... with the beasts; and the angels ministered to Him. (Mark 1:12-13)

[4] He was not with beasts, but with devils, who are here meant by beasts.

So also in other places where beasts and wild beasts are mentioned, such as Isaiah 35:9; 43:20; Jeremiah 12:4, 8-10; Ezekiel 8:10; 34:23, 25, 28; 38:18-20; Hosea 4:2-3; 13:8; Exodus 23:28-30; Leviticus 26:6; Deuteronomy 7:22; 32:24. Beasts in these places symbolize people in respect to their affections.

[5] Man and beast mentioned together in the following passages symbolize a person in respect to his spiritual affection and in respect to his natural affection: Jeremiah 7:20; 21:6; 27:5; 31:27; 32:43; 33:10-12; 36:29; 50:3; Psalms 36:6; Numbers 18:15.

All the animals that were sacrificed symbolized good affections. So, too, animals that were eaten. And the converse animals that were not to be eaten (Leviticus 20:25-26).

Mga talababa:

1.,. and 2. The word translated as "jewels" here means diadems or crowns in the original Greek and Latin, but the writer's definitions of the term elsewhere make plain that he regularly and consistently interpreted it to mean jewels or gems.

3Revelation 16:13; 19:20; 20:10

4. The beast, Your congregation, reflects the Latin translation of the Bible by Sebastian Schmidt, which includes the phrase translated as Your congregation in parentheses as an alternate reading. This is actually the preferred reading, but "the beast" accords with Roman Catholic tradition.

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Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.

Ang Bibliya


Deuteronomy 32:24



24 [They shall be] wasted with hunger, and devoured with burning heat and bitter destruction. I will send the teeth of animals on them, With the poison of crawling things of the dust.