Mooseksen kirja 12:8



8 Jos ei hänellä ole varaa karitsaan, niin ottakaan kaksi mettistä, eli kaksi kyhkyläisen poikaa, toisen polttouhriksi ja toisen rikosuhriksi. Ja niin papin pitää sovittaman hänen, että hän puhdistettaisiin.

Puna sa talatang ito  

Ni Henry MacLagan

Verse 8. But if the regenerating member of the church is unable in completing life's work to worship the Lord from celestial good, and thus to become an angel of the third heaven, he shall do so from spiritual good, and become an angel of the second or of the ultimate heaven, by the worship of the Lord from charity, and by the removal of evil according to that state. And thus also there will be complete purification.

SWORD version by Tero Favorin (tero at favorin dot com)