

撒母耳記下 12



1 耶和華差遣拿單去見大衛。拿單到了大衛那裡,對他:在座城裡有兩個人:個是富戶,個是窮人。

2 富戶有許多牛群羊群

3 窮人除了所買來養活的隻小母羊羔之外,別無所有。羊羔在他家裡和他兒女同長大,他所的,他所的,睡在他中,在他看來如同女兒樣。

4 有一客到這富戶家裡;富戶捨不得從自己的牛群羊群中取一隻預備給客吃,卻取了那窮羔,預備給客吃。

5 大衛就甚惱怒那,對拿單:我指著永生的耶和華起誓,行這事的該死!

6 他必償還羊羔倍;因為他行這事,沒有憐恤的心。

7 拿單對大衛:你就是那耶和華以色列的如此:我你作以色列的王,救你脫離掃羅的

8 我將你人的家業賜你,將你人的妻交在你裡,又將以色列猶大家賜你;你若還以為不足,我早就加倍地賜你。

9 你為甚麼藐視耶和華的命令,行他眼中看為惡的事呢?你借亞捫人的刀殺害赫人烏利亞,又娶了他的妻為妻。

10 你既藐視我,娶了赫人烏利亞的妻為妻,所以刀必永不離開你的家。

11 耶和華如此:我必從你家中興起禍患攻擊你;我必在你眼前把你的妃嬪賜別人,他在日光之下就與他們同寢。

12 你在暗中行這事,我卻要在以色列眾人面前,日光之下,報應你。

13 大衛對拿單:我得耶和華了!拿單耶和華已經除掉你的,你必不至於

14 只是你行這事,叫耶和華的仇敵大得褻瀆的機會,故此,你所得的孩子必定要

15 拿單就回家去了。耶和華擊打烏利亞妻給大衛所生的孩子,使他得重病。

16 所以大衛為這孩子懇求,而且禁食,進入內室,終夜躺在上。

17 他家中的老臣來到他旁邊,要把他從上扶起來,他卻不肯起來,也不同他們吃飯。

18 到第七日,孩子死了大衛的臣僕不敢告訴他孩子死了,因他們:孩子還活著的時候,我們勸他,他尚且不肯我們的話,若告訴他孩子死了,豈不更加憂傷麼?

19 大衛見臣僕彼此低聲話,就知道孩子死了,問臣僕:孩子死了麼?他們死了

20 大衛就從起來沐浴,抹膏,換了衣裳,進耶和華的殿敬拜;然後回宮,吩咐人擺飯,他便吃了

21 臣僕問他:你所行的是甚麼意思?孩子活著的時候,你禁食哭泣;孩子死了,你倒起來飯。

22 大衛:孩子還活著,我禁食哭泣;因為我想,或者耶和華憐恤我,使孩子不死也未可知。

23 孩子死了,我何必禁食,我豈能使他返回呢?我必往他那裡去,他卻不能回我這裡來。

24 大衛安慰他的妻拔示巴,與他同寢,他就生了兒子,給他起名所羅門耶和華也喜他,

25 就藉先知拿單賜他一個名字耶底底亞,因為耶和華愛他。

26 約押攻取亞捫人的京城拉巴。

27 約押打發使者去見大衛:我攻打拉巴,取其城。

28 現在你要聚集其餘的軍兵來,安營圍攻這城,恐怕我取了這城,人就以我的名這城。

29 於是大衛聚集眾軍,往拉巴去攻城,就取了這城,

30 奪了亞捫人之王所戴的冠冕(王:或譯瑪勒堪;瑪勒堪就是米勒公,又名摩洛,亞捫族之神名),其上的子重一他連得,又嵌著寶。人將這冠冕戴在大衛上。大衛從城裡奪了許多財物,

31 將城裡的人拉出來,放在鋸,或,或,或叫他經過磚(或譯:強他們用鋸,或用打糧食的器,或用斧做工,或使在磚裡服役);大衛待亞捫各城的居民都是如此。其後,大衛和眾軍都回耶路撒冷去了。


Från Swedenborgs verk


Spiritual Experiences #2617

Studera detta avsnitt

/ 6110  

2617. 1 These hellish pleasures prevailed in the descendants of Jacob, who felt no greater pleasure than that of tormenting the nations, as we also read concerning David, that he thus tormented the children of Ammon, 2 Sam. 12:31, where such practices and similar grinding tortures are meant. But they were hellish, never commanded, nor ever permitted to anyone except to those whose femoral nerve was dislocated, that is, with whom the lower part of the thigh is separated from its higher part, so that the opposite pleasure is in the lower part to that in the higher one.

Therefore, by the dislocated nerve of Jacob this separation, or change into the opposite is meant. Hence it is clear what is meant by the heel being bruised in Gen.

[3:15] by the serpent; also by Jacob's holding the heel of Esau, and his name having the same meaning 2 [25:26]. Thus he specifically is meant by the serpent who bruises the heel of the woman's seed. 1748, 16 July.


1. 2616 is lacking in the original.

2. That is, "to take hold of the heel, to supplant."

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Thanks to the Academy of the New Church, and Bryn Athyn College, for the permission to use this translation.



2 Samuel 12:31



31 He brought forth the people who were therein, and put them under saws, and under iron picks, and under axes of iron, and made them pass through the brick kiln: and he did so to all the cities of the children of Ammon. David and all the people returned to Jerusalem.