The Woman Caught in Adultery

Ky është teksti origjinal i: The Woman Caught in Adultery, nga Junchol Lee


According to Leviticus and Deuteronomy, the woman who was caught in adultery was punishable by death with stones. Yet, the teachings of Jesus have been mercy and forgiveness. Would it be still right to simply forgive an obvious offense? Or should it be punished according to the law? Forgiveness brings love and mercy, while utter leniency may not be the most appropriate way of living together in this world. How should we know what to do at each given moment?

Krijuar ose përkthyer nga: Junchol Lee

Data e krijimit: 2011

Kredia: Thanks to the Rev. Junchol Lee, the San Francisco Swedenborgian Church, and the Louis C. Iungerich Publication Fund for their support for publishing these talks.

Copyright by the author. All rights reserved.

Liçensë: Used with permission - shih termat

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The Woman Caught in Adultery. Retrieved from:
