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Apocalypse Explained #432

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/ 1232  

432. Verse 5. Of the tribe of Judah twelve thousand sealed; of the tribe of Reuben twelve thousand sealed; of the tribe of Gad twelve thousand sealed.

5. "Of the tribe of Judah twelve thousand sealed," signifies love to the Lord, and that all who are in that love are in heaven, and come into heaven n. 433; "of the tribe of Reuben twelve thousand sealed," signifies the light of truth from that good, and that all who are in that light are in heaven and come into heaven n. 434; "of the tribe of Gad twelve thousand sealed," signifies the consequent good of life (n. 435, 436).

/ 1232  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.

Од делата на Сведенборг


Arcana Coelestia #4294

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/ 10837  

4294. Verses 29-32 And Jacob asked and said, Tell me, I pray, your name. And he said, Why is it that you ask my name? And he blessed him there. And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel, [saying,] For I have seen God face to face, and my soul is delivered. And the sun rose on him as he passed over Penuel, and he was limping on his thigh. Therefore the children of Israel do not eat the sinew of that which was displaced, which is on the hollow of the thigh, even to this day, because he touched, in the hollow of Jacob's thigh, the sinew of that which was displaced.

'Jacob asked and said, Tell me, I pray, your name' means the angelic heaven and the nature of that heaven. 'And he said, Why is it that you ask my name?' means that heaven was unwilling to reveal itself. 'And he blessed him there' means a joining to the Divine celestial-spiritual. 'And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel' means a state of temptations. 'For I have seen God face to face, and my soul is delivered' means that He suffered the severest temptations, seemingly attributable to the Divine. 'And the sun rose on him' means when the one kind of good was joined to the other. 'As he passed over Penuel' means a state of truth within good. 'And he was limping on his thigh' means that truths were not yet arranged into such an order that together with good they could all enter celestial-spiritual good. 'Therefore the children of Israel do not eat the sinew of that which was displaced, which is on the hollow of the thigh' means that no truths containing falsities were assimilated. 'Even to this day' means that, perpetually so, falsities would not be attached. 'Because he touched, in the hollow of Jacob's thigh, the sinew of that which was displaced' means for the reason that they were indeed falsities.

[2] In the internal historical sense, where the descendants of Jacob are the subject, 'Jacob asked and said, Tell me, I pray, your name' means evil, spirits 'He said, Why is it that you ask my name?' means that they did not acknowledge evil spirits to be the origin. 'He blessed him there' means that so it was done. 'Jacob called the name of the place Peniel' means a state in which they took on representations. 'For I have seen God face to face, and my soul is delivered' means His presence through representations. 'The sun rose on him' means when they entered into representations. 'As he passed over Penuel' means when they entered the land of Canaan. 'He was limping on his thigh' means that with those descendants goods and truths had been destroyed completely. 'Therefore the children of Israel do not eat the sinew of that which was displaced, which is on the hollow of the thigh' means that those descendants ought to know this. 'Even to this day' means that their nature was perpetually so. 'Because he touched, in the hollow of Jacob's thigh, the sinew of that which was displaced' means because of their heredity which could not be rooted out through regeneration because they would not allow that to happen.

/ 10837  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Jeremiah 5:20-31



20 "Declare this in the house of Jacob, and publish it in Judah, saying,

21 'Hear now this, foolish people, and without understanding; who have eyes, and don't see; who have ears, and don't Hear:

22 Don't you fear me?' says Yahweh 'Won't you tremble at my presence, who have placed the sand for the bound of the sea, by a perpetual decree, that it can't pass it? and though its waves toss themselves, yet they can't prevail; though they roar, yet they can't pass over it.'

23 "But this people has a revolting and a rebellious heart; they have revolted and gone.

24 Neither do they say in their heart, 'Let us now fear Yahweh our God, who gives rain, both the former and the latter, in its season; who preserves to us the appointed weeks of the harvest.'

25 "Your iniquities have turned away these things, and your sins have withheld good from you.

26 For among my people are found wicked men. They watch, as fowlers lie in wait. They set a trap. They catch men.

27 As a cage is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit. Therefore they have become great, and grew rich.

28 They have grown fat. They shine; yes, they excell in deeds of wickedness. They don't plead the cause, the cause of the fatherless, that they may prosper; and they don't judge the right of the needy.

29 "Shall I not punish for these things?" says Yahweh. "Shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this?

30 "An astonishing and horrible thing has happened in the land.

31 The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule by their own authority; and my people love to have it so. What will you do in the end of it?