

1 Samuel 3



1 Le jeune Samuel était au service de l'Eternel devant Eli. La parole de l'Eternel était rare en ce temps-là, les visions n'étaient pas fréquentes.

2 En ce même temps, Eli, qui commençait à avoir les yeux troubles et ne pouvait plus voir, était couché à sa place,

3 la lampe de Dieu n'était pas encore éteinte, et Samuel était couché dans le temple de l'Eternel, où était l'arche de Dieu.

4 Alors l'Eternel appela Samuel. Il répondit: Me voici!

5 Et il courut vers Eli, et dit: Me voici, car tu m'as appelé. Eli répondit: Je n'ai point appelé; retourne te coucher. Et il alla se coucher.

6 L'Eternel appela de nouveau Samuel. Et Samuel se leva, alla vers Eli, et dit: Me voici, car tu m'as appelé. Eli répondit: Je n'ai point appelé, mon fils, retourne te coucher.

7 Samuel ne connaissait pas encore l'Eternel, et la parole de l'Eternel ne lui avait pas encore été révélée.

8 L'Eternel appela de nouveau Samuel, pour la troisième fois. Et Samuel se leva, alla vers Eli, et dit: Me voici, car tu m'as appelé. Eli comprit que c'était L'Eternel qui appelait l'enfant,

9 et il dit à Samuel: Va, couche-toi; et si l'on t'appelle, tu diras: Parle, Eternel, car ton serviteur écoute. Et Samuel alla se coucher à sa place.

10 L'Eternel vint et se présenta, et il appela comme les autres fois: Samuel, Samuel! Et Samuel répondit: Parle, car ton serviteur écoute.

11 Alors l'Eternel dit à Samuel: Voici, je vais faire en Israël une chose qui étourdira les oreilles de quiconque l'entendra.

12 En ce jour j'accomplirai sur Eli tout ce que j'ai prononcé contre sa maison; je commencerai et j'achèverai.

13 Je lui ai déclaré que je veux punir sa maison à perpétuité, à cause du crime dont il a connaissance, et par lequel ses fils se sont rendus méprisables, sans qu'il les ait réprimés.

14 C'est pourquoi je jure à la maison d'Eli que jamais le crime de la maison d'Eli ne sera expié, ni par des sacrifices ni par des offrandes.

15 Samuel resta couché jusqu'au matin, puis il ouvrit les portes de la maison de l'Eternel. Samuel craignait de raconter la vision à Eli.

16 Mais Eli appela Samuel, et dit: Samuel, mon fils! Il répondit: Me voici!

17 Et Eli dit: Quelle est la parole que t'a adressée l'Eternel? Ne me cache rien. Que Dieu te traite dans toute sa rigueur, si tu me caches quelque chose de tout ce qu'il t'a dit!

18 Samuel lui raconta tout, sans lui rien cacher. Et Eli dit: C'est l'Eternel, qu'il fasse ce qui lui semblera bon!

19 Samuel grandissait. L'Eternel était avec lui, et il ne laissa tomber à terre aucune de ses paroles.

20 Tout Israël, depuis Dan jusqu'à Beer-Schéba, reconnut que Samuel était établi prophète de l'Eternel.

21 L'Eternel continuait à apparaître dans Silo; car L'Eternel se révélait à Samuel, dans Silo, par la parole de L'Eternel.




Exploring the Meaning of 1 Samuel 3

Од страна на Garry Walsh

Chapter 3 tells the beautiful story of the “Call of Samuel.” Young Samuel hears a voice calling him in the night, as he lies down to sleep. Samuel thinks that Eli, who is old and blind, must be calling him. So he runs to Eli and asks what he wants. Eli says that he didn't call, and tells Samuel to go back to bed. This happens two more times, and each time Samuel hears the voice calling, he goes to Eli. The third time this happens, Eli realizes that it must be the Lord's voice that Samuel is hearing. So, Eli tells Samuel to answer the voice with the words, “Speak, Lord, for your servant hears.” When the Lord calls him again, this is how Samuel answers.

God’s words to Samuel are clear. Eli’s sons had done bad things, and Eli had not stopped them. No sacrifice could now keep them from the consequences of their sins. In the morning, Eli begs Samuel to tell him what the Lord said. After Samuel tells him God’s message, Eli accepts that the Lord would do to him and his family what was He knew was good.

There is much that we can learn from the story. The Lord calls Samuel three times before Samuel realizes who is really calling, and answers Him. Numbers in the Bible have symbolic meanings. In this story, the number three represents completeness. When Samuel is called three times, it represents a personal process that is complete, and that gives Samuel a new ability to receive God’s message. (See Apocalypse Revealed 505.)

To “hear” means to perceive, to learn and to come to understand. When Samuel hears and replies to the Lord, he is showing that he is willing to listen to and understand God. It is similar for us. We may not hear the voice of God calling in the night, but we can make space in our lives to try to tune in to His message, in the Word, and in good, wise people we can learn from.

The expression “to hear” can also mean to obey. Someone says, “Do you hear me?” What do they mean? They are asking if you are going to obey. In this story we can see Samuel accepting his role as prophet, i.e. to understand and obey God. So, too, we can recognize God’s messages and begin to obey them in our lives. (See Apocalypse Explained 14.)

The literal story seems to suggest that the Lord would punish Eli and his sons for the wrongs they had done. However, Swedenborg’s Writings teach that the truth is that the Lord never destroys, or is even angry. Instead, evil distances a person from the Lord’s protection and that leaves them vulnerable to the destruction that comes from the evil itself. (See Arcana Coelestia 588.)



Matthew 26:39-44



39 He went forward a little, fell on his face, and prayed, saying, "My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass away from me; nevertheless, not what I desire, but what you desire."

40 He came to the disciples, and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, "What, couldn't you watch with me for one hour?

41 Watch and pray, that you don't enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak."

42 Again, a second time he went away, and prayed, saying, "My Father, if this cup can't pass away from me unless I drink it, your desire be done."

43 He came again and found them sleeping, for their eyes were heavy.

44 He left them again, went away, and prayed a third time, saying the same words.