

出埃及記 36



1 比撒列和亞何利亞伯,並一切裡有智慧的,就是蒙耶和華賜智慧聰明、叫他知道所各樣使用之工的,都要照耶和華所吩咐的做工。

2 耶和華賜他裡有智慧、而且受感前來做這工的,摩西把他們和比撒列並亞何利亞伯一同召來。

3 這些人就從摩西收了以色列人為做所並所使用之工所拿來的禮物。百姓每早晨還把甘心獻的禮物拿來。

4 凡做所一切工的智慧各都離開他所作的工,

5 來對摩西:百姓為耶和華吩咐使用之工所拿來的,富富有餘。

6 摩西傳命,他們就在全中宣告說:無論女,不必再為所拿甚麼禮物來。這樣才攔住百姓不再拿禮物來。

7 因為他們所有的材料夠做一切當做的物,而且有

8 他們中間,凡裡有智慧做工的,用幅幔子做帳幕。這幔子是比撒列用撚的細麻和藍色紫色、朱紅色線製造的,並用巧匠的手工繡上基路伯

9 每幅幔子長二十肘,寬肘,都是樣的尺寸。

10 他使這五幅幔子幅幅相連,又使那五幅幔子幅幅相連;

11 在這相連的幔子末幅邊上做藍色的鈕扣,在那相連的幔子末幅邊上也照樣做;

12 在這相連的幔子上做五十個鈕扣,在那相連的幔子上也做五十個鈕扣,都是兩兩相對;

13 又做五十鉤,使幔子相連。這才成了個帳幕。

14 他用山羊毛織十一幅幔子,作為帳幕以上的罩棚。

15 每幅幔子長三十肘,寬肘;十幅幔子都是樣的尺寸。

16 他把五幅幔子連成一幅,又把幅幔子連成一幅;

17 在這相連的幔子末幅邊上做五十個鈕扣,在那相連的幔子末幅邊上也做五十個鈕扣;

18 又做五十個銅鉤,使罩棚連成個;

19 並用染紅的公羊皮做罩棚的蓋,再用海狗做一層罩棚上的頂蓋。

20 他用皂莢做帳幕的豎板。

21 每塊長肘,寬肘半;

22 每塊有兩榫相對。帳幕切的板是這樣做。

23 帳幕的面做板二十塊。

24 在這二十塊板底又做四十個帶卯的座:兩卯接這塊板上的兩榫,兩卯接那塊板上的兩榫。

25 帳幕的第二面,就是面,也做板二十

26 和帶卯的四十個:這板底有兩卯,那板底也有兩卯。

27 帳幕的後面,就是西面,做板塊。

28 帳幕後面的拐角做板兩塊。

29 板的半截是雙的,上半截是整的,直到第子;在帳幕的兩個拐角上是這樣做。

30 塊板和十六個帶卯的座,每塊板底有兩卯。

31 他用皂莢做閂:為帳幕這面的板做五閂,

32 為帳幕那面的板做五閂,又為帳幕後面的板做五閂,

33 使板腰間的中閂從這一頭通到那一頭。

34 子將板包裹,又做板上的套閂;閂也用子包裹。

35 他用藍色紫色、朱紅色線,和撚的細麻織幔子,以巧匠的手工繡上基路伯

36 為幔子做根皂莢木子,用包裹,子上有鉤,又為子鑄了個帶卯的座。

37 藍色紫色、朱紅色線,和撚的細麻,用繡花的手工織帳幕的簾;

38 又為簾子做五根子和子上的鉤子,用子把頂和子上的杆子包裹。子有五個帶卯的座,是銅的。






The number "two" has two different meanings in the Bible. In most cases "two" indicates a joining together or unification. This is easy to see if we consider the conflicts we tend to have between our "hearts" and our "heads" -- between what we want and what we know. Our "hearts" tell us that we want pie with ice cream for dinner; our "heads" tell us we should have grilled chicken and salad. If we can bring those two together and actually want what's good for us, we'll be pretty happy. We're built that way -- with our emotions balanced against our intellect -- because the Lord is built that way. His essence is love itself, or Divine Love, the source of all caring, emotion and energy. It is expressed as Divine Wisdom, which gives form to that love and puts it to work, and is the source of all knowledge and reasoning. In His case the two aspects are always in conjunction, always in harmony. It's easy also to see how that duality is reflected throughout creation: plants and animals, food and drink, silver and gold. Most importantly, it's reflected in the two genders, with women representing love and men representing wisdom. That's the underlying reason why conjunction in marriage is such a holy thing. So when "two" is used in the Bible to indicate some sort of pairing or unity, it means a joining together. In rare cases, however, "two" is used more purely as a number. In these cases it stands for a profane or unholy state that comes before a holy one. This is because "three" represents a state of holiness and completion (Jesus, for instance, rose from the tomb on the third day), and "two" represents the state just before it.