

如申命记 19



1 耶和華─你將列國之民剪除的時候,耶和華─你也將他們的你,你接著他們的城邑並他們的房屋

2 就要在耶和華─你所賜你為業的上分定座城。

3 要將耶和華─你使你承受為業的分為段;又要預備道路,使誤殺人的,都可以逃到那裡去。

4 誤殺人的逃到那裡可以存活,定例乃是這樣:凡素無仇恨,無心殺了人的,

5 就如人與鄰舍同入林砍伐樹木拿斧子砍,本想砍下樹木,不料,斧頭脫了把,飛落在鄰舍身上,以致於,這人逃到那些城的座城,就可以存活,

6 免得報血仇的,心中火熱追趕他,因遠就追上,將他殺死;其實他不該死,因為他與被殺的素無仇恨

7 所以我吩咐你說,要分定座城。

8 耶和華─你若照他向你列祖所起的誓擴張你的境界,將所應許賜你列祖的全然你,

9 你若謹守遵行我今日所吩咐的這一切誡命耶和華─你的,常常遵行他的道,就要在這座城之外,再添座城,

10 免得無辜之人的血流在耶和華─你所賜你為業的上,流血的罪就歸於你。

11 若有恨他的鄰舍,埋伏著起來擊殺他,以致於,便逃到這些城的座城,

12 本城的長老就要打發人去,從那裡帶出他來,交在報血仇的中,將他治

13 你眼不可顧惜他,卻要從以色列中除掉流無辜血的罪,使你可以得福。

14 耶和華─你所賜你承受為業之,不可挪移你鄰舍的界,那是先人所定的。

15 無論犯甚麼,作甚麼惡,不可憑作見證,總要憑兩作見證才可定案。

16 若有凶惡的見證人起來,見證某作惡,

17 這兩個爭訟的人就要站在耶和華面前,和當時的祭司,並審判官面前,

18 審判官要細細的查究,若見證人果然是作假見證的,以假見證陷害弟兄,

19 你們就要待他如同他想要待的弟兄。這樣,就把那惡從你們中間除掉。

20 別人見都要害怕,就不敢在你們中間再行這樣的惡了。

21 你眼不可顧惜,要以命償命,以眼還眼,以,以,以





St. Stephen before the High Priest and Elders of the Sanhedrin, by Mariotto di Nardo

Like most meanings in the Bible this can change depending on context to a meaning perverted into the opposite. Instead of a mind full of knowledge and love of the neighbor, the love can be twisted around to pride in one's own self-intelligence and lead toward evil instead of good. The elders and chief priests who sat in judgment on Jesus in Caiaphas' house show the other side of the representation. Elders are mentioned in the Bible mainly in two ways: First the elders of Israel: and second the 24 elders seated about the throne of God in Revelation. In both cases, they mean wisdom, which comes from using the truths we've learned to do what's right in our everyday lives. The elders of Israel mean the chief things of wisdom in the church called Israel. The elders mentioned in Revelation 4 mean the wisdom of the highest heavens, and by extension the whole of the heavens.