

以西结书 26



1 第十一年十一初一日,耶和华的临到我说:

2 人子啊,因推罗向耶路撒冷:阿哈,那作众民之的已经坏,向我开放;他既变为荒场,我必丰盛。

3 所以,耶和华如此:推罗啊,我必与你为敌,使许多国民上来攻击你,如同使波浪涌上来一样。

4 他们必破坏推罗的墙垣,拆毁他的城楼。我也要刮净尘土,使他成为净光的磐石。

5 他必在中作晒网的地方,也必成为列国的掳物。这是耶和华的。

6 属推罗城邑的居民(原文是田间的众女;八节同)必被刀杀灭,他们就知道我是耶和华

7 耶和华如此:我必使诸的巴比伦尼布甲尼撒率领马匹车辆、兵、军队,和许多人民从北方来攻击你推罗。

8 他必用刀杀灭属你城邑的居民,也必造台、筑垒、举盾牌攻击你。

9 他必安设撞城锤攻破你的墙垣,用铁器拆毁你的城楼。

10 因他的马匹众多,尘土扬起遮蔽你。他进入你的城,好像人进入已有破口之城。那时,你的墙垣必因骑的和战车、辎重车的响声震动。

11 他的必践踏你一切的街道,他必用刀杀戮你的居民;你坚固的柱子(或译:柱像)必倒在上。

12 人必以你的财宝为掳物,以你的货财为掠物,破坏你的墙垣,拆毁你华美的房屋,将你的石头头、尘土都抛在中。

13 我必使你唱歌声音止息,人也不再见你弹琴的声音

14 我必使你成为净光的磐石,作晒网的地方;你不得再被建造,因为这是耶和华的。

15 耶和华对推罗如此:在你中间行杀戮,受伤之人唉哼的时候,因你倾倒的响声,海岂不都震动麽?

16 那时靠的君王必都位,除去朝服,脱花衣,披上战兢,上,时刻发抖,为你惊骇。

17 他们必为你作起哀歌:你这有名之城,素为航之人居住,在上为最坚固的;平日你和居民使一切在那里的人无不惊恐;现在何竟毁灭了?

18 如今在你这倾覆的日子,都必战兢;中的群见你归於无有就都惊惶。

19 耶和华如此:推罗啊,我使你变为荒凉,如无人居住的城邑;又使深水漫过你,大水淹没你。

20 那时,我要叫你入阴府,与古时的人一同在的深处、久已荒凉之居住,使你不再有居民。我也要在活人之显荣耀(我也……荣耀:或译在活人之不再有荣耀)。

21 我必叫你令人惊恐,不再存留於世;人虽寻你,却永寻不见。这是耶和华的。


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属天的奥秘 #9825

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9825. “外袍” 表那里内在形式上的神性真理. 这从 “外袍” 的含义清楚可知,

“外袍” 是指属灵国度的中间, 因而是那里的实际真理本身. 因为亚伦的衣服代表主的属灵国度 (9814节), 因而代表那里在自己适当次序中的真理 (参看9822节); 由于这个国度分为三个层级, 即最内层, 中间层和最外层, 所以 “外袍” 表示属于该国度中间层的事物. 该国度之所以划分为三个层级, 是因为最内层与属天层相接触, 最外层与属世层相接触; 中间层由此同等兼具这二者. 事实上, 任何事物若要变得完美, 就必须分为三个层级. 这就是天堂, 以及那里的良善和真理的情况. 众所周知, 天堂分为三层; 因此, 那里的良善和真理也分为三个层级. 每层天堂也分为三个层级. 它的最内层必须直接与更高或在上之物相接触, 最外层则与更低或在下之物相接触, 因此中间层通过它们必须与这二者, 即在上和在下之物相接触, 这层天堂的完美由此而来. 人的内层也是这种情况. 这些内层一般也分为三个层级, 即属天层, 属灵层和属世层. 这些层级当中的每一层同样分为自己的三个层级. 因为一个处于对主之信和爱的良善之人就是对应于最大天堂的一个最小形式的天堂 (9279节). 这也是属自然界的一切事物的情况. 人的属世层分为三个层级 (参看4570节), 他的一切内层和外层事物一般也是 (4154节). 之所以如此, 是因为任何地方都必须有目的, 原因和结果. 目的必须是最内在的, 原因是中间的, 结果是最后的, 好叫事物能变得完美. 这就是为何在圣言中,

“三” 表示从开始到结束的完整之物 (2788, 4495, 7715, 9198, 9488, 9489节). 由此可知为何亚伦的圣衣由以弗得, 外袍和内袍组成; 以弗得代表属灵国度的最外在部分, 内袍代表其中间部分, 内袍代表其最内在部分.

由于以弗得代表属灵国度的中间部分, 而中间部分兼具其它两个部分, 所以这外袍在代表意义上表示属灵国度本身, 如在撒母耳记上:

撒母耳转身要走, 扫罗就扯住他外袍的衣襟, 衣襟就撕裂了. 撒母耳对他说, 如此, 今日耶和华从你身上撕去了以色列国, 将这国赐与你的同伴, 就是比你更好的.(撒母耳记上 15:27, 28)


“撕裂撒母耳的外袍” 表示从扫罗身上撕去以色列国, 因为 “以色列国” 表示主的属灵国度 (4286, 4598, 6424, 6637, 6862, 6868, 7035, 7062, 7198, 7201, 7215, 7223, 8805节). 类似的话又出现在撒母耳记上:

大卫悄悄地割下扫罗外袍的衣襟. 当他将它给扫罗看时, 扫罗说, 现在我知道你必要作王, 以色列的国必坚立在你手里.(撒母耳记上 24:4, 5, 11, 20)


当约拿单与大卫立约时, 他从自己身上脱下外袍, 给了大卫, 又将战衣, 剑, 弓, 腰带都给了他.(撒母耳记上 18:3, 4)

这一切代表作为继承人的约拿单放弃以色列国, 把它交给大卫.

外袍因代表属灵国度, 故也代表总体上该国度的真理; 属灵国度的真理就是那被称为属灵真理的, 它们存在于人心智的理解力部分. 以西结书中的 “外袍” 就表示这些真理:

海上一切的首领都必从宝座上下来, 除去外袍, 剥下刺绣的衣服.(以西结书 26:16)

这论及推罗, 推罗表示良善和真理的认知或知识 (1201节); 此处描述的是在教会中对它们的毁灭;

“他们除去的外袍” 是指存在于理解力部分中的信之真理; 但 “刺绣的衣服” 是指存在于属世层中的记忆知识 (9688节). 之所以表示这些真理, 是因为属于理解力的真理在主的属灵国度中掌权; 但属于意愿的良善在属天国度中掌权. 马太福音:

文士和法利赛人一切所作的事, 都是要给人看的, 衣裳的繸子做长了.(马太福音 23:5)

“衣裳的繸子做长了” 表示夸张性地谈论真理, 只是为了让人听见和看见.

“外袍” 表示这类事物, 这一点从本章下面的经文 (28:31-35) 对它的描述看得更清楚.

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Thanks to our friends at swedenborgwork.com for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)

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Conjugial Love #55

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55. To this I will append two narrative accounts. Here is the first:

I once heard a very sweet melody coming from heaven. The singers there were wives, and also young women, who were singing a little song together. The sweetness of the singing sounded like the harmoniously flowing affection of some love. (Heavenly songs are nothing else but voiced affections, or affections expressed and varied in musical tones. For as thoughts are expressed in spoken words, so affections are expressed in the singing of songs. Angels perceive the subject of the affection from the balance and flow of the musical variations.)

I had many spirits around me at the time, and I heard from some of them that they were listening to this very sweet melody, and that it was the melody of a some lovely affection whose subject they did not know. Therefore they began to make various guesses, but without success. Some guessed that the singing expressed the affection of a bridegroom and bride when they become engaged. Some supposed that it expressed the affection of a bridegroom and bride when they celebrate their wedding. And some thought that it expressed the early love of a husband and wife.

[2] However, an angel from heaven then appeared in the midst of them, and he said that they were singing about a chaste love for the opposite sex.

But the spirits standing around asked what a chaste love for the opposite sex was.

So the angel said that it is the love of a man for a maiden or married woman beautiful in form and lovely in manners, which is free of any idea of lasciviousness, and vice versa [that is, the same sort of love of a woman for a single or married man]."

Having said that, the angel vanished.

The singing continued, and now that the spirits knew the subject of the affection that the singing expressed, they began to hear it with a great deal of variety, each in accordance with the state of his own love. Those who looked upon women chastely heard the singing as harmonious and sweet. Those, however, who looked upon women unchastely heard it as discordant and sorrowful. And those who looked upon women with repugnance heard it as harsh and grating.

[3] But then, suddenly, the plain on which they were standing was turned into a theater, and they heard a voice say, "Examine and discuss this love."

Suddenly, too, spirits from various societies were present, and in the midst of them some angels in white. And the angels then addressed them saying, "We have inquired into all kinds of love in this spiritual world, not only the love of a man for a man, and of a woman for a woman, and the mutual love of a husband and wife, but also the love of a man for women, and the love of a woman for men. We have been allowed to pass through society after society as well, and to investigate, and we have not yet found the prevailing love for the opposite sex to be chaste, except in those who, because of their truly conjugial love, are in a constant state of sexual ability, and these are in the highest heavens.

"Moreover, we have also been granted to perceive an influx of this chaste love for the opposite sex into the affections of our hearts, and we felt it exceed every other love in its sweetness, except the love of two married partners whose hearts are one.

"But we pray you examine and discuss this love, because to you it is new and unknown. Also, because it is so exceedingly pleasant, in heaven we call it heavenly sweetness."

[4] As they were therefore discussing it, the first to speak were spirits who could not think of chastity as applying to marriages, and they said, "When one sees a beautiful and lovely woman, maiden or married, is there anyone who can so chasten the ideas in his thought and so purify them from lust that he loves her beauty, yet without at all wishing to taste it if he could? Who can turn the instinctive lust that every man feels into chasteness like that, thus into something against his own nature, and still feel love? When love for the opposite sex enters from the eyes into the thoughts, can it stop at a woman's face? Does it not instantly descend to her breast and beyond?

"The angels have spoken nonsense, saying that a chaste love like that exists and yet is the sweetest of all loves, and that it is only possible in husbands who are in a state of truly conjugial love and who consequently possess an extraordinary sexual ability with their wives. When these husbands see beautiful women, can they hold the ideas of their thought on high any more than others, and keep them suspended, so to speak, to prevent those ideas from descending and extending to that which prompts such a love?"

[5] After them, spirits spoke who were in both a state of coldness and a state of heat, in a state of coldness towards their wives and in a state of heat towards the opposite sex. And they said, "What is a chaste love for the opposite sex? Is it not a contradiction in terms when the word chastity is added to love and sex? What is left when a contradictory adjective is added but something robbed of its proper attribute, which is meaningless? How can a chaste love for the opposite sex be the sweetest of all loves when it is chastity that deprives it of its sweetness? You all know in what the sweetness of that love lies. Consequently, when the idea naturally accompanying this love is banished, where is the sweetness then, and what does it come from?"

Some others then interrupted and said, "We have been in the company of some very beautiful women, and we have not lusted. Therefore we know what a chaste love for the opposite sex is."

But their companions, who knew their lascivious natures, replied, "You were then in a state of antipathy toward the opposite sex owing to impotence, and that is not a chaste love for the opposite sex but the final result of an unchaste love."

[6] Having heard these things, the angels crossly asked the spirits who were standing to the right, towards the south, to speak, and these spirits said, "There is a love between men, also a love between women, and there is the love of a man for a woman and the love of a woman for a man. And these three pairs of loves are completely different from each other.

"Love between two men is like the love between one intellect and another, for men were created and so are born to become forms of understanding.

"Love between two women is like the love between one affection and another for the understanding of men, for women were created and are born to become forms of love for the understanding of men.

"These loves, namely, the love between two men and the love between two women, do not enter deeply into their hearts, but remain outside and only touch. Thus these loves do not unite the two of them interiorly.

"That is why two men together also spar with each other with endless arguments, like two athletes boxing, and two women sometimes as well, with endless insistence on their own wishes, like two marionettes battling with their fists.

[7] "On the other hand, the love between a man and a woman is a love between intellect and its affection, and this enters deeply and unites them. The union also is the love. But a union of the minds and not at the same time of the bodies, or an effort to a union of minds only, is a spiritual love and therefore a chaste love. This love is possible only in those who are in a state of truly conjugial love and who consequently possess an elevated sexuality, because men like this, out of chastity, do not permit themselves to feel an influx of love on account of the body of any other woman than their wife. And because they possess a highly elevated sexuality, they cannot help but love the opposite sex and at the same time turn their backs on anything unchaste.

"Thus they have a chaste love for the opposite sex, which regarded in itself is interior spiritual friendship. This friendship takes its sweetness from an elevated sexuality, but one that is chaste. These men have an elevated sexuality owing to their total renunciation of licentiousness. And it is chaste, because they are only in love with their wives.

"Now, then, because that love in them does not partake of the flesh but only of the spirit, it is chaste. And because the beauty of a woman, owing to the inherent attraction, enters at the same time into their mind, it is sweet."

[8] On hearing this, many of those standing around put their hands to their ears, saying, "Your words hurt our ears! The things you have said are meaningless to us."

These spirits were unchaste.

Then again, the singing was heard from heaven, and now sweeter than before. But to those unchaste spirits, it grated so discordantly that because of the harshness of the discord, they threw themselves out of the theater and ran away, the few spirits remaining being those who in their wisdom loved conjugial chastity.

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Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.