

以西结书 13



1 耶和华的临到我说:

2 人子啊,你要预言攻击以色列预言先知,对那些本己预言:你们当耶和华的

3 耶和华如此:愚顽的先知有祸了,他们随从自己的心意,却一无所见。

4 以色列啊,你的先知好像荒场中的狐狸

5 没有上去堵挡破口,也没有为以色列家重修垣,使他们当耶和华的日子在阵上站立得住。

6 这些人所见的是虚假,是谎诈的占卜。他们耶和华的,其实耶和华并没有差遣他们,他们倒使人指望那必然立定。

7 你们岂不是见了虚假的异象麽?岂不是了谎诈的占卜麽?你们,这是耶和华的,其实我没有

8 所以耶和华如此:因你们的是虚假,见的是谎诈,我就与你们反对。这是耶和华的。

9 我的必攻击那见虚假异象、用谎诈占卜的先知,他们必不列在我百姓的会中,不录在以色列家的册上,也不进入以色列地;你们就知道我是耶和华

10 因为他们诱惑我的百姓,说:平安!其实没有平安,就像有人立起,他们倒用未泡透的灰抹上。

11 所以你要对那些抹上未泡透灰的人:墙要倒塌,必有暴雨漫过。大冰雹啊,你们要降下,狂也要吹裂这墙。

12 倒塌之後,人岂不问你们:你们抹上未泡透的灰在哪里呢?

13 所以耶和华如此:我要发怒,使狂吹裂这墙,在怒中使暴雨漫过,又发怒降下大冰雹,毁灭这墙。

14 我要这样拆毁你们那未泡透灰所抹的,拆平到,以致根基露出,必倒塌,你们也必在其中灭亡;你们就知道我是耶和华

15 我要这样向和用未泡透灰抹的人成就我怒中所定的,并要对你们和抹的人都没有了。

16 这抹墙的就是以色列的先知,他们指着耶路撒冷预言,为这城见了平安的异象,其实没有平安。这是耶和华的。

17 人子啊,你要面向本民中、从己发预言的女子预言,攻击他们,

18 耶和华如此:这些妇女有祸了!他们为众人的膀臂缝靠枕,给高矮之人做下垂的巾,为要猎取人的性命。难道你们要猎取我百姓的性命,为利己将人活麽?

19 你们为两把大麦,为几块饼,在我民中亵渎我,对肯谎言的民谎,杀不该的人,活不该活的人。

20 所以耶和华如此:看哪,我与你们的靠枕反对,就是你们用以猎取人、使人的性命如鸟飞的。我要将靠枕从你们的膀上扯去,释放你们猎取如鸟飞的人。

21 我也必撕裂你们下垂的头巾,救我百姓脱离你们的,不再被猎取,落在你们中。你们就知道我是耶和华

22 我不使人伤,你们却以谎话使他伤,又坚固恶人的,使他不回头离开恶道得以活。

23 你们就不再见虚假的异象,也不再行占卜的事;我必救我的百姓脱离你们的;你们就知道我是耶和华


Од делата на Сведенборг


Coronis (An Appendix to True Christian Religion) #35

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35. Since the Churches in the Christian world, both the Roman Catholic Church and those separated from it, which are named after their leaders, Luther, Melancthon and Calvin, trace all sin from Adam and his transgression, it is permissible to subjoin here something about the sources whence evils are inherited; for these sources are as many as there are fathers and mothers in the world. That inclinations, aptitudes and propensities to various evils are derived from these, is clear as daylight from the testimony of experience, and also from the assent of reason. Who does not know, from the collective testimony of experience, that there is a general likeness of dispositions, and hence of manners and features, from parents in children and children's children, even to indefinite posterity? Who cannot thence infer that original sins are from them? The notion suggested to every one, when he looks at the countenances and manners of brothers and relatives in families, causes him to know and acknowledge this.

[2] What reason, then, is there for deducing the origin of all evils from Adam and his seed? Is there not equal reason for deducing it from parents? Does not the germ of these similarly propagate itself? To deduce the tendencies from which, and according to which, the spiritual forms of the minds of all men n the universe exist, from Adam's seed alone, would be exactly like deriving birds of every species from one egg, also beasts of very nature from one seed, and trees of every kind of fruit from one root. Is there not an infinite variety of men? one like a sheep, another like a wolf? one like a kid, another like a panther? one like a gentle cob harnessed to a carriage, another like an untamable wild ass before it? one like a playful calf, another like a voracious tiger? and so on. Whence has each his peculiar disposition but from his father and his mother? Why, then, from Adam? - by whom, however, is described in a representative type the first Church of this earth, as has been already shown? Would not this be like tracing from one stock, deeply hidden in the earth, a plantation of trees of every appearance and use, and from a single plant shrubs of every value? Would that not also be like extracting light from the obscurity of the ages and of histories, and like unravelling the thread of a riddle that is without an answer? Why not rather derive them from Noah,

Who walked with God (Gen. 6:9),


Whom God blessed (Gen. 9:1),

and from whom with his three sons alone surviving

The whole earth was overspread (Gen. 9:19)?

Would not the hereditary qualities of the generations from Adam be thus extirpated, as if drowned by a flood?

[3] But, my friend, I will lay bare the true source of sins. Every evil is conceived of the devil as a father and is born of atheistical faith as a mother; and, on the other hand, every good is conceived of the Lord as a father and is born, as of a mother, of saving faith in Him. The generations of all goods in their infinite varieties with men, are from no other origin than from the marriage of the Lord and the Church; and, on the contrary, the generations of all evils in their varieties with them, are from no other origin than from the union of the devil with the community of the profane. Who does not know, or may not know, that a man must be regenerated by the Lord, that is, be created anew, and that, so far as this takes place, so far he is in goods? Hence this follows: that, in so far as a man is unwilling to be generated anew, or created anew, so far he takes up and retains the evils implanted in him from his parents. This is what lies concealed in the first precept of the Decalogue:

I am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the sons, upon the third and upon the fourth generation of them that hold Me in hatred, and showing mercy unto thousands who love Me and keep My commandments (Exod. 20:5-6; Deut. 5:9-10).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.