

申命记 19



1 耶和华─你将列国之民剪除的时候,耶和华─你也将他们的你,你接着他们的城邑并他们的房屋

2 就要在耶和华─你所赐你为业的上分定座城。

3 要将耶和华─你使你承受为业的分为段;又要预备道路,使误杀人的,都可以逃到那里去。

4 误杀人的逃到那里可以存活,定例乃是这样:凡素无仇恨,无心杀了人的,

5 就如人与邻舍同入林砍伐树木拿斧子砍,本想砍下树木,不料,斧头脱了把,飞落在邻舍身上,以致於,这人逃到那些城的座城,就可以存活,

6 免得报血仇的,心中火热追赶他,因远就追上,将他杀死;其实他不该死,因为他与被杀的素无仇恨

7 所以我吩咐你说,要分定座城。

8 耶和华─你若照他向你列祖所起的誓扩张你的境界,将所应许赐你列祖的全然你,

9 你若谨守遵行我今日所吩咐的这一切诫命耶和华─你的,常常遵行他的道,就要在这座城之外,再添座城,

10 免得无辜之人的血流在耶和华─你所赐你为业的上,流血的罪就归於你。

11 若有恨他的邻舍,埋伏着起来击杀他,以致於,便逃到这些城的座城,

12 本城的长老就要打发人去,从那里带出他来,交在报血仇的中,将他治

13 你眼不可顾惜他,却要从以色列中除掉流无辜血的罪,使你可以得福。

14 耶和华─你所赐你承受为业之,不可挪移你邻舍的界,那是先人所定的。

15 无论犯甚麽,作甚麽恶,不可凭作见证,总要凭两作见证才可定案。

16 若有凶恶的见证人起来,见证某作恶,

17 这两个争讼的人就要站在耶和华面前,和当时的祭司,并审判官面前,

18 审判官要细细的查究,若见证人果然是作假见证的,以假见证陷害弟兄,

19 你们就要待他如同他想要待的弟兄。这样,就把那恶从你们中间除掉。

20 别人见都要害怕,就不敢在你们中间再行这样的恶了。

21 你眼不可顾惜,要以命偿命,以眼还眼,以,以,以





Washington Crossing the Delaware by Emanuel Leutze

To command is to give an order that something must be done, and is directed to an individual, or a group. It is an imperative, not a suggestion. Commanding can be done in two ways, or from two differing motives. It often comes in an organization, where it is used to impose an order that is necessary to do the organization's work, such as a business, or government or an army, and can be legitimate, or is used in a family by parents to maintain an orderly home. But it can also be used by a person who loves power and having gotten it in some way, loves to impose his or her will on others for selfish gratification. So one motive is love of a use, or of good, and the other is for the love of self, or possessions. The Lord, from His infinite love, has given mankind commandments because He is order itself, and knows that our happiness to eternity depends on our acceptance of His order of creation, which ultimately is the only order that exists.