

Arcana Coelestia#9953


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9953. And on his sons with him. That this signifies such a state there in the external things proceeding therefrom, is evident from the signification of “putting on,” as being to induce a state such as is represented by the garments (of which just above, n. 9952); here such a state as is represented by the garments of the sons of Aaron, which is a state of the external things that proceed from Divine truth in the spiritual kingdom; for by “sons,” and so also by their “garments,” is signified that which proceeds (according to what was said just above, n. 9950).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.



Mark 5:9



9 He asked him, "What is your name?" He said to him, "My name is Legion, for we are many."



Arcana Coelestia#8559


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8559. After their journeys. That this signifies according to the order of life for receiving the life of heaven, is evident from the signification of “journeys,” as being what is progressive of spiritual life (of which just above, n. 8557), thus the order of that life (n. 1293). That it denotes for receiving the life of heaven, is because that life is a gift of the Lord to man by means of the temptations that are described by the journeys of the sons of Israel in the wilderness. The life of heaven is to be led of the Lord by means of good. In order that a man may come to that life, good must be implanted by means of truth; that is, charity by means of faith. So long as this is being done, the man is in the way to heaven, but is not yet in heaven. And in order that at that time the truths which are of faith may be confirmed, and may also be conjoined with good, the man is let into temptations, for these are the means of the conjunction of good and truth. When therefore the man is in good, that is, in the affection of doing good for the sake of good, thus for the sake of the neighbor, he is uplifted into heaven, for he is in the order of heaven, and is led of the Lord by means of good. From all this it can be seen what is meant by “the life of heaven.”

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.