

Левит 19:23



23 Когда придете въ землю, и посадите какое либо дерево, котораго плоды јдятъ: то плоды его почитайте за необрјзанные; три года должно почитать ихъ за необрјзанные, не должно јсть ихъ;



Explanation of Leviticus 19:23

作者: Henry MacLagan

Verse 23. And also on the realization of the heavenly life of good through repentance, when truth is exercised from good in various ways for the uses of life, it shall be acknowledged, that even man's best actions are, relatively, impure; and that not only during regeneration, but even in heaven itself, good is continually from the Lord, and is never to be appropriated by man nor by angel, as derived from selfish love.