

Ezekiel 28:18



18 δια-P ο- A--ASN πληθος-N3E-ASN ο- A--GPF αμαρτια-N1A-GPF συ- P--GS και-C ο- A--GPF αδικια-N1A-GPF ο- A--GSF εμπορια-N1A-GSF συ- P--GS βεβηλοω-VAI-AAI2S ο- A--APN ιερον-N2N-APN συ- P--GS και-C εκαγω-VF--FAI1S πυρ-N3--ASN εκ-P μεσος-A1--GSM συ- P--GS ουτος- D--ASN καταεσθιω-VF--FMI3S συ- P--AS και-C διδωμι-VF--FAI1S συ- P--AS εις-P σποδος-N2--ASF επι-P ο- A--GSF γη-N1--GSF συ- P--GS εναντιον-P πας-A3--GPM ο- A--GPM οραω-V3--PAPGPM συ- P--AS



Arcana Coelestia#10569


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10569. 'And how will it ever be made known that I have found grace in Your eyes, I and Your people? Will it not be in Your going with us?' means acceptance in preference to others if the Divine shows Himself among them. This is clear from the meaning of 'being made known', when it has reference to the Divine among them, as being revealed; from the meaning of 'finding grace in Jehovah's eyes' as being accepted, dealt with above in 10563, in this instance being accepted in preference to others since the words that follow state that if accepted 'I and Your people will be made more distinguished than all the people who are on the face of the ground'; and from the meaning of 'going with us', when it has reference to Jehovah, as the Divine acting as leader, at this point into the land of Canaan, dealt with above in 10567. From all this it is evident that 'how will it ever be made known that I have found grace in Your eyes, I and Your people? Will it not be in Your going with us?' means acceptance in preference to others if the Divine shows Himself among them.

[2] When the words 'in Jehovah's eyes' are used the meaning is the Lord's Divine presence within the truths and forms of the good of faith and love residing with people on earth and with angels in heaven. The reason why the Lord is present within truths and forms of the good of faith and love is that these originate in the Lord Himself, and when the Lord is present within these things as they reside with people on earth or with angels, He is present in what is His residing with them and not in what is their own or their proprium, since this is evil. So it is also that in the Word, in places where people who are receptive of the things which are Divine and the Lord's are the subject, faith and also a receptive understanding is meant by 'the eyes'; for the understanding is the eye within, and faith is the truth that is seen and perceived by it. Regarding 'the eyes', that when people are the subject in the Word, faith and also the understanding are meant by them, see 2701, 4403-4421, 4523-4534, 9051.

[3] The origin of this sight must also be stated. A real light exists that enlightens the understanding, altogether distinct and separate from the light which enables the eyes of the body to see. The light which enlightens the understanding comes from heaven, whereas that which enables the eyes of the body to see exists in the world. The light of heaven flows from the Lord as the Sun there and is essentially Divine Truth emanating from the Lord's Divine Good. From this it is evident why it is that by 'the eyes', when they are attributed to Jehovah, the Lord's Divine presence is meant, and that by 'the eyes', when they are attributed to people receptive of the Lord's Divine Truth or His light, faith and an enlightened understanding are meant.

[4] The existence of the real light that enlightens human minds and forms the understanding is not known in the world, even though people attribute vision and light to the understanding, and even though very many times in the Word the Lord is called the Light, which is taken to mean that He is seen by means of faith and the light of faith. The fact that the real light is what enlightens human minds, and that Divine Truth emanating from the Lord as the Sun is that Light, imparting an intelligent understanding of truth where it is received, see in the places referred to in 9548, 9684, and also what is said in 9570, 9571(end), 9594.

[5] From all this it becomes clear what is meant in the Word by 'Jehovah's eyes', as in Isaiah,

Incline Your ear, O Jehovah, and hear; and open Your eyes, O Jehovah, and see. Isaiah 37:17.

In Jeremiah,

I will set My eye on them for good, and I will bring them back onto their land and build them. Jeremiah 24:6.

In David,

Behold, the eye of Jehovah is on those who fear Him. Psalms 33:18.

And in the same author,

Jehovah is in His holy temple, Jehovah's throne is in heaven; His eyes see, and His eyelids test the sons of man. Psalms 11:4.

And elsewhere.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Arcana Coelestia#1813


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1813. 'He reckoned it to him as righteousness' means that in this the Lord first became righteousness. This too becomes clear from the train of thought in the internal sense, in which the Lord is the subject. That the Lord alone became righteousness for the sake of the whole human race becomes clear from the consideration that He alone has fought out of Divine Love, that is to say, out of love towards the whole human race, whose salvation, that and nothing else, He desired and longed for in His conflicts. The Lord was not born righteousness as regards the Human Essence but became righteousness through the conflicts brought about by temptations and through victories, something He achieved by His own power. And as often as He fought and won the victory, this was reckoned to Him as righteousness, that is, it was added to the righteousness He was becoming, as an increase to it every time, until He became perfect righteousness.

[2] When one who is begotten from a human father, that is, from the seed of a human father, fights for himself, he cannot possibly do so out of any other love than love of self and love of the world, thus not out of heavenly love but out of hellish, for such is the nature of the proprium he possesses from his father in addition to the proprium he has acquired by his own actions. Consequently the person who imagines that he fights the devil from himself is grossly mistaken. So too the person who wishes to make himself righteous by his own powers, that is, to believe that the goods of charity and the truths of faith come from himself, and consequently to merit heaven through them, is acting and thinking contrary to the good and truth of faith. For it is a truth of faith, that is, it is the truth itself, that the Lord is the one who does battle. Thus because he is acting and thinking contrary to a truth of faith, he deprives the Lord of what is His and makes what is the Lord's his own; or what amounts to the same, he replaces the Lord with himself and so with that in himself which is from hell. It is for this reason that people wish to become great or the greatest in heaven, and thus it is that they believe quite wrongly that the Lord fought against the hells so that He might be the greatest. The human proprium has delusions such as these within it which have all the appearance of being truths but which are quite the reverse.

[3] That the Lord came into the world so as to become righteousness, and that He alone is righteousness, was also foretold by the Prophets. Thus it was possible to know of this even before His Coming, and also to know that He could not become righteousness except by means of temptations and victories over all evils and over all the hells, as in Jeremiah,

In His days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell with confidence. And this is His name which they will call Him. Jehovah our Righteousness. Jeremiah 23:6.

In the same prophet,

In those days and at that time I will cause a shoot of righteousness to sprout forth for David, and he will execute judgement and righteousness in the land. In those days Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will dwell with confidence. And this is what they will call Him, Jehovah our Righteousness. Jeremiah 33:15-16.

In Isaiah,

He saw and there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor, and His own arm brought salvation to Him, and His righteousness upheld Him. And He put on righteousness as a breastplate, and a helmet of salvation upon His head. Isaiah 59:16-17.

And see especially Isaiah 63:3, 5. 'His own arm' stands for His own power. Since the Lord alone is righteousness, the expression a habitation of righteousness is also used, in Jeremiah 31:23; 50:7.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.