

Jeremiah 44:24



24 Ja Jeremia sanoi kaikelle kansalle ja kaikille vaimoille: kuulkaat Herran sanaa kaikki, jotka Juudasta Egyptin maassa olette.

SWORD version by Tero Favorin (tero at favorin dot com)



Apocalypse Explained#399


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399. Verse 12. And I saw when he had opened the sixth seal, signifies still further prediction respecting the state of the church, as is evident from the signification of "opening the seals" of the book which was in the Lord's hand, as being to reveal things hidden, and to predict things future (of which above, n. 352, 361, 369, 378, 390).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.



Psalms 18:7



7 Then the earth shook and trembled. The foundations also of the mountains quaked and were shaken, because he was angry.