

synty 24



1 Ja Abraham oli vanha ja joutunut ijälliseksi: ja Herra oli siunannut hänen kaikissa.

2 Niin sanoi Abraham vanhimmalle huoneensa palvelialle, joka kaikki hallitsi, mitä hänellä oli: laske nyt kätes minun kupeeni alle.

3 Ja minä vannotan sinua Herran taivaan ja maan Jumalan kautta; ettes ota emäntää minun pojalleni Kanaanealaisten tyttäristä, joiden seassa minä asun.

4 Vaan mene minun isäni maalle ja minun sukuni tykö; ja ota minun pojalleni Isaakille emäntä.

5 Ja palvelia sanoi: jos niin tapahtuis, ettei vaimo tahtoisi seurata minua tähän maahan: pitääkö minun kumminkin viemän jällensä sinun poikas sille maalle, jostas lähtenyt olet?

6 Abraham sanoi hänelle: kavahda sinuas, ettes vie minun poikaani sinne jällensä.

7 Herra taivaan Jumala, joka minun otti isäni huoneesta ja syntymä-maaltani, ja joka minun kanssani puhui, ja myös vannoi minulle, sanoen: sinun siemenelles minä annan tämän maan: hän lähettää enkelinsä sinun edelläs, ettäs ottaisit minun pojalleni emännän sieltä.

8 Jos ei vaimo tahtoisi seurata sinua, niin sinä olet vapaa tästä minun valastani; ainoastansa älä vie minun poikaani sinne jälleen.

9 Niin laski palvelia kätensä herransa Abrahamin kupeen alle; ja vannoi hänelle sen.

10 Niin otti palvelia kymmenen kamelia herransa kameleista, ja läksi matkaan, ja otti myötänsä kaikkinaisesta herransa tavarasta: ja vaelsi Mesopotamiaan Nahorin kaupunkiin.

11 Ja hän antoi kamelein laskea polvillensa ulkona kaupungista vesikaivon tykönä; ehtoopuolella, jolla ajalla vaimoväen tapa oli lähteä vettä ammuntamaan.

12 Ja sanoi: Herra, minun herrani Abrahamin Jumala, anna minun kohdata tänäpänä (herrani morsiamen); ja tee laupius minun herrani Abrahamin kanssa.

13 Katso, minä seison tässä vesikaivon tykönä: ja heidän tyttärensä, jotka asuvat tässä kaupungissa, tulevat vettä ammuntamaan.

14 Jos joku piika tulee, jolle minä sanon: kallista tänne vesiastias juodakseni, ja hän sanoo: juo, minä juotan myös sinun kamelis: että hän on se, jonkas olet edeskatsonut palvelialles Isaakille, ja siitä ymmärtäisin tehnees laupiuden minun herrani kanssa.

15 Ja ennenkuin hän lakkasi puhumasta, katso, Rebekka tuli, joka syntynyt oli Betuelille, Milkan, Abrahamin veljen Nahorin emännän pojalle. Ja hänellä vesiastiansa olallansa.

16 Ja piika oli sangen ihana nähdä, ja vielä neitsy, ja ei yksikään mies ollut häneen ryhtynyt: hän meni alas kaivon tykö, ja täytti astiansa, ja tuli ylös.

17 Niin palvelia juoksi häntä vastaan, ja sanoi: annas minun juoda vähä vettä astiastas.

18 Hän sanoi: juo minun herrani: ja hän kiiruusti laski alas vesiastiansa kätensä päälle, ja antoi hänen juoda.

19 Ja kuin hän oli antanut hänen juoda, sanoi hän: minä myös ammunnan vettä kameleilles, niinkauvan että he kaikki saavat juoda.

20 Ja hän kaasi kohta veden astiastansa ruuheen, ja juoksi taas kaivolle ammuntamaan: ja ammunsi kaikille hänen kameleillensa.

21 Mutta mies ihmetteli häntä: ja oli ääneti, ja tahtoi tietää, jos Herra oli tehnyt hänen matkansa onnelliseksi, taikka ei.

22 Ja koska kaikki kamelit olivat juoneet, antoi mies hänelle kulta-otsalehden, joka painoi puolen sikliä: niin myös kaksi rannerengasta hänen käsiinsä, jotka painoivat kymmenen sikliä kultaa.

23 Ja sanoi: kenenkäs tytär olet? sanos minulle se: onko isäs huoneessa siaa meidän yötä ollaksemme?

24 Hän sanoi hänelle: minä olen Betuelin, Milkan pojan, tytär, jonka hän synnytti Nahorille.

25 Ja hän vielä sanoi hänelle: on myös olkia ja karjan ruokaa kyllä meillä: ja myös siaa yötä olla.

26 Ja mies kumarsi maahan ja rukoili Herraa:

27 Ja sanoi: kiitetty olkoon Herra, minun herrani Abrahamin Jumala, joka ei ottanut pois laupiuttansa ja totuuttansa minun herraltani: minua on Herra johdattanut tällä tiellä, minun herrani veljen huoneesen.

28 Niin piika juoksi ja ilmoitti nämät asiat äitinsä huoneessa.

29 Oli myös Rebekallla veli, jonka nimi oli Laban: ja Laban juoksi miehen tykö lähteelle.

30 Sillä koska hän näki otsalehden ja rannerenkaat sisarensa käsissä, ja kuuli sisarensa Rebekan puheet, sanovan: näin on mies puhunut minulle; tuli hän miehen tykö, ja katso, hän seisoi kamelein tykönä lähteellä.

31 Ja sanoi: tule sisälle, sinä Herran siunattu, mitäs seisot ulkona? minä olen huoneen valmistanut, ja sian kameleille.

32 Niin meni mies huoneesen, ja riisui kamelit: ja hän antoi olkia ja ruokaa kameleille, ja vettä pestä hänen jalkojansa, ja miesten jalkoja, jotka hänen kanssansa olivat.

33 Sitte pantiin ruokaa hänen eteensä: mutta hän sanoi: en minä syö ennenkuin minä olen puhunut minun asiani. He vastasivat: puhu.

34 Hän sanoi: minä olen Abrahamin palvelia.

35 Ja Herra on runsaasti siunannut minun herrani, ja hän on suureksi tullut, ja on antanut hänelle lampaita ja karjaa, hopiaa ja kultaa, palvelioita ja piikoja, kameleja ja aaseja.

36 Niin myös Saara minun herrani emäntä on synnyttänyt minun herralleni pojan, vanhalla ijällänsä: hänelle on hän antanut kaikki mitä hänellä on.

37 Ja minun herrani vannotti minua, sanoen: ei sinun pidä ottaman minun pojalleni emäntää Kanaanealaisten tyttäristä, joiden maalla minä asun.

38 Vaan mene minun isäni huoneesen, ja minun sukuni tykö; ja ota (sieltä) minun pojalleni emäntä.

39 Mutta minä sanoin minun herralleni: taitais tapahtua, ettei vaimo seuraisi minua?

40 Niin hän sanoi minulle: Herra, jonka edessä minä vaellan, lähettää enkelinsä sinun kanssas, joka tekee sinun matkas onnelliseksi, ottamaan minun pojalleni emäntä minun suvustani ja minun isäni huoneesta.

41 Silloin sinä tulet vapaaksi minun valastani, koskas tulet minun sukuni tykö: ja jos ei he anna sinulle, niin sinä olet vapaa valasatani.

42 Niin tulin minä tänäpänä lähteelle, ja sanoin: Herra, minun herrani Abrahamin Jumala, jos sinä olet tehnyt minun matkani onnelliseksi, jota minä nyt vaellan.

43 Katso, niin seison minä tässä vesilähteen tykönä: koska yksi piika tulee vettä ammuntamaan, ja minä sanon hänelle: annas minulle vähä vettä juoda astiastas:

44 Ja hän sanoo minulle: juo sinä, minä ammunnan myös sinun kameleilles: se on se vaimo, jonka Herra on edeskatsonut minun herrani pojalle.

45 En minä vielä päässyt puhumasta sydämessäni, katso, niin Rebekka tuli, ja hänen vesiastiansa hänen olallansa, astui alas lähteelle ja ammunsi: ja minä sanoin hänelle: annas minun juoda.

46 Ja hän riensi ja laski vesiastian olaltansa alas, ja sanoi: juo, minä juotan myös kamelis. Niin minä join, ja hän juotti myös kamelit.

47 Ja minä kysyin häneltä, ja sanoin: kenekä tytär sinä olet? hän vastasi: minä olen Betuelin tytär, Nahorin pojan, jonka Milka hänelle synnytti. Niin minä panin otsalehden hänen otsaansa, ja rannerenkaat hänen käsiinsä:

48 Ja kumarsin itseni maahan ja rukoilin Herraa: ja kiitin Herraa, minun herrani Abrahamin Jumalaa, joka minun oli johdattanut oikiaa tietä, ottamaan hänen pojallensa minun herrani veljen tytärtä.

49 Ja nyt, jos te olette ne, jotka osotatte minun herralleni laupiuden ja totuuden, niin sanokaat minulle: ja jos ei, niin sanokaat myös minulle, että minä kääntäisin itseni oikialle taikka vasemmalle puolelle.

50 Niin vastasi Laban ja Betuel, ja sanoivat: tämä asia on tullut Herralta; sentähden emme taida sinua vastaan puhua, pahaa taikka hyvää.

51 Siinä on Rebekka edessäs, ota häntä ja mene, ja olkaan sinun herras pojan emäntä, niinkuin Herra on sanonut.

52 Ja koska Abrahamin palvelia kuuli heidän sanansa; kumarsi hän maahan Herran eteen.

53 Ja palvelia toi hopia- ja kultakalut, ja vaatteet, ja antoi Rebekalle: vaan hänen veljellensä ja äidillensä antoi hän (muita) kalleita kaluja.

54 Niin he söivät ja joivat, hän ja miehet, jotka hänen kanssansa olivat, ja siellä pitivät yötä: ja he nousivat aamulla varhain: ja hän sanoi: päästäkäät minua herrani tykö.

55 Mutta hänen veljensä ja äitinsä sanoivat: olkaan piika meidän tykönämme edes kymmenenkin päivää: sitte sinä saat mennä.

56 Niin sanoi hän heille: älkäät viivyttäkö minua: sillä Herra on tehnyt minun matkani onnelliseksi: laskekaat minua menemään minun herrani tykö.

57 Niin he sanoivat: kutsukaamme piika, ja kysykäämme mitä hän sanoo.

58 Ja he kutsuivat Rebekan, ja sanoivat hänelle: tahdotkos mennä tämän miehen kanssa? hän vastasi: menen.

59 Niin he laskivat sisarensa Rebekan menemään, ja hänen imettäjänsä, Abrahamin palvelian kanssa; ja ne jotka hänen seurassansa olivat.

60 Ja he siunasivat Rebekkaa ja sanoivat hänelle: sinä olet meidän sisaremme, lisäänny tuhannen tuhanteen; ja sinun siemenes omistakoon vihamiestensä portit.

61 Niin Rebekka nousi piikoinensa, ja istuivat kamelein päälle, ja seurasivat sitä miestä. Ja palvelia otti Rebekan, ja meni matkaansa.

62 Mutta Isaak palasi siltä kaivolta, joka kutsuttiin sen elävän, joka minun näkee: sillä hän asui etelän maalla.

63 Ja oli lähtenyt rukoilemaan kedolle ehtoopuolella: ja nosti silmänsä, ja näki, ja katso, kamelit lähestyivät.

64 Ja Rebekka nosti silmänsä ja näki Isaakin: ja pudotti itsensä maahan kamelin päältä:

65 Ja sanoi palvelialle: mikä mies tämä on, joka kedolla käy meitä vastaan? palvelia vastasi: se on minun herrani: niin hän otti vaatteen ja peitti itsensä.

66 Ja palvelia jutteli Isaakille kaiken asian, kuin hän oli toimittanut.

67 Ja Isaak vei hänen äitinsä Saaran majaan: ja otti Rebekan emännäksensä, ja rakasti häntä: ja niin Isaak lohdutettiin äitinsä jälkeen.


SWORD version by Tero Favorin (tero at favorin dot com)



Arcana Coelestia#2851


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2851. And thy seed shall inherit the gate of thine enemies. That this signifies that charity and faith shall succeed in the place where evil and falsity were before, is evident from the signification of “inheriting,” as being to receive the Lord’s life (see n. 2658); here, to succeed in the place, because when charity and faith are in the place where evil and falsity were before, then the Lord’s life succeeds there; from the signification of “seed,” as being charity and faith (see n. 1025, 1447, 1610, 1941); from the signification of a “gate” (explained in what follows); and from the signification of “enemies,” as being evils and falsities, or what is the same, those who are in evil and falsity: in the internal sense of the Word these are signified by “enemies” and “foes.”

[2] As regards the signification of a “gate,” there are in general two gates with every man; the one opens toward hell, and is opened to the evils and falsities therefrom; in this gate are infernal genii and spirits; the other gate opens toward heaven, and is opened to good and the truths therefrom; in this gate are angels. There is thus a gate which leads to hell, and a gate which leads to heaven. The gate of hell is opened to those who are in evil and falsity, and only through chinks round about above does anything of the light from heaven enter, by means of which they are able to think and reason; but the gate of heaven is opened to those who are in good and the truth therefrom.

[3] For there are two ways which lead into man’s rational mind-a higher or internal one, through which good and truth from the Lord enter, and a lower or external one, through which evil and falsity come up from hell. The rational mind itself is in the middle, and to it these ways tend. That mind, from the goods and truths which are in it, is compared in the Word to a city, and is called a “city.” And because it is compared to a city, and is called a “city,” gates are attributed to it, and it is often described as being besieged and stormed by enemies, that is, by evil genii and spirits; and as being defended by angels from the Lord, that is by the Lord. The infernal genii and spirits, with their evils and falsities, cannot come further than to the lower or outer gate, and in no case into the city. If they could get into the city, or into the rational mind, all would be over with the man. But when they come so far as to seem to themselves to have taken that city by storm, it is then closed, so that good and truth no longer flow into it from heaven except as was said some little through chinks round about. From this it is that such persons no longer have anything of charity or anything of faith, but make good consist in evil, and truth in falsity. From this also it is that they are no longer truly rational, although they seem to themselves to be so (n. 1914, 1944). And it is from this that they are called dead men, although they believe that they are more alive than others (n. 81, 290 at the end). These things are so because the gate of heaven is closed to them. That it is closed to them manifestly appears and is perceived in the other life; as also on the other hand that the gate of heaven is open to those who are in good and truth.

[4] As regards the “gate of enemies” in particular, which is treated of in this verse, it is with man in his natural mind. When man is wholly natural, or not regenerate, evils and falsities occupy the gate; or what is the same, evil genii and spirits flow into it with cupidities of evil and persuasions of falsity (see n. 687, 697, 1692); but when man becomes spiritual, or is being regenerated, then the evils and falsities, or what is the same, the evil genii and spirits, are driven away from the gate, or from the mind; then goods and truths, or charity and faith, take their place; which things are signified by its being said, “thy seed shall inherit the gate of thine enemies.” This takes place in particular with every man when he is being regenerated; and in like manner in the other life with those who come into the Lord’s kingdom; and it also takes place in the general body, or in the church, which is composed of many.

[5] This was represented by the sons of Israel expelling the nations from the land of Canaan. The latter is meant in the literal sense where it is said, “thy seed shall inherit the gate of thine enemies;” but in the internal sense are signified the things which have been told. Hence in ancient times it became customary to speak thus when blessing those who were entering into marriage; as is also manifest from the benediction of Laban to his sister Rebekah, when she was going away betrothed to Isaac:

Our sister, be thou thousands of ten thousands, and let thy seed inherit the gate of those that hate thee (Genesis 24:60).

[6] That such things are signified in the Word by the “gate of enemies” or of “those that hate,” may be seen from the following passages.

In Isaiah:

I will kill thy root with famine, and I will slay them that remain of thee. Howl, O gate; cry, O city; thou art melted away, O Philistia, all of thee, for there cometh a smoke out of the north (Isaiah 14:30-31);

to “kill the root with famine, and to slay them that remain,” denotes to take away the goods and truths which had been stored up interiorly by the Lord. That “they that remain” mean these, may be seen above (n. 468, 530, 560-562, 661, 798, 1050, 1738, 1906, 2284). The “gate” denotes access to the interiors, or to the rational mind; the “city,” that mind, or what is the same, the goods and truths in it (n. 402, 2268, 2450, 2451, 2712); “Philistia” denotes the memory-knowledge of the knowledges of faith, or what is the same, those who are in the memory-knowledge of them, but not in the goods of faith (n. 1197, 1198); “a smoke out of the north” signifies that there is falsity from hell (that “smoke” is falsity from evil, may be seen above, n. 1861).

[7] In the same:

The city of emptiness shall be broken down, every house shall be shut up that no one may come in; there is a crying in the streets because of the wine; all gladness shall be desolated, the joy of the land shall be exiled, that which is left in the city shall be desolation, and the gate shall be smitten with devastation, for thus shall it be in the midst of the earth, among the people (Isaiah 24:10-13).

The “city of emptiness which shall be broken down” denotes the human mind as being deprived of truth; that “every house shall be shut up,” denotes being without good (that a “house” is good, may be seen above, n. 2233, 2234; the “crying in the streets because of the wine” denotes a state of falsity (that a “cry” is predicated of falsities, may be seen above, n. 2240; also that “wine” is truth, of which the cry is that there is none, n. 1071, 1798; that “streets” are what lead to truths, n. 2336); “gladness which is desolated” is predicated of truth; the “joy of the land which is exiled” is predicated of good; hence it is manifest what is signified by “that which is left in the city shall be desolation,” and by “the gate shall be smitten with devastation;” the gate is said to be “devastated” when nothing but evils and falsities reign.

[8] In Jeremiah:

The ways of Zion do mourn, because none come to the appointed feast; all her gates are desolate, her priests do sigh, her virgins are afflicted, and she herself is in bitterness; her adversaries have become the head, her enemies are secure, because Jehovah hath afflicted her for the multitude of her transgressions; her children are gone into captivity before the adversary (Lam. 1:4-5);

“the ways of Zion mourning” denotes there being no longer truths from good (that “ways” are truths, may be seen above, n. 189, 627, 2333); “all the gates being desolated” denotes that all the approaches are occupied by falsities; “the enemies having become the head” denotes that evils reign.

[9] In the same:

Jehovah hath made the rampart and the wall of the daughter of Zion to lament; they languish together; her gates are sunk into the earth; He hath destroyed and broken her bars; her king and her princes are among the nations; the law is not; yea her prophets found no vision from Jehovah; all thine enemies have opened their mouth against thee; they hissed and gnashed the teeth; they said, We have swallowed her up; surely this is the day that we looked for; we have found, we have seen it (Lam. 2:8-9, 16);

“the gates sunk down into the earth” denotes the natural mind occupied by evils and falsities; “her king and her princes being among the nations” denotes that truths are immersed in evils (that a “king” is truth in general, may be seen above, n. 1672, 1728, 2015, 2069; also that “princes” are primary truths, n. 1482, 1089; and that “nations” are evils, n. 1259, 1260, 1849, 1868, 2588).

[10] In Moses:

A nation from far, from the end of the earth, shall straiten thee in all thy gates, in all thy land; thus shall thine enemy straiten thee (Deuteronomy 28:49, 52, 63).

This is among the curses which Moses foretold to the people if they should not remain in the precepts and statutes: a “nation from far from the end of the earth,” in the internal sense, denotes evils and falsities, or those who are in evil and falsity; to “besiege in all the gates” denotes cutting off all access to good and truth.

[11] In Nahum:

Behold, thy people in the midst of thee are women, the gates of thy land are set wide open to thine enemies, the fire hath devoured thy bars; draw thee water for the siege; strengthen thy fortresses; go into the clay and tread the mortar, make strong the brickkiln (Nahum 3:13-14);

“the gates of thy land being set wide open to thine enemies” denotes that evils occupy the place where there should be goods. In the book of Judges:

The highways ceased, and they walked through byways, they went through crooked ways, the villages ceased in Israel. He chose new gods; then was war against the gates; was there a shield seen or a spear in forty thousands of Israel? (Judg. 5:6-8).

The prophecy of Deborah and Barak; there being “war against the gates” denotes against goods and truths.

[12] In David:

They that dwell in the gate plot against me, they that drink strong drink sing songs (Psalms 69:12);

“they that dwell in the gate” denotes evils and falsities, and also the infernals.

In Ezekiel:

In the visions of God he brought me to the door of the inner gate that looketh toward the north. (He there saw the great abominations of the house of Israel.) He also brought me to the door of the gate of the house of Jehovah that looketh toward the north; he there also saw abominations (Ezekiel 8:6, 14-15);

“the door of the inner gate that looketh toward the north” denotes the place where interior falsities are; “the door of the gate of the house of Jehovah toward the north” denotes the place where interior evils are (that the falsities and evils are interior ones, and that it is an interior sphere in which such spirits and genii are, may be seen above, n. 2121-2124).

[13] In David:

Lo, sons are a possession of Jehovah, and the fruit of the womb is His reward; as arrows in the hand of a mighty man, so are sons of the youth. Happy is the man that hath filled his quiver with them; they shall not be ashamed, for they shall speak with the enemies in the gate (Psalms 127:3-5);

“to speak with the enemies in the gate” denotes to have no fear of evils and falsities, and thus not of hell.

In Isaiah:

In that day shall Jehovah Zebaoth be for a spirit of judgment to Him that sitteth in judgment, and for strength to them that turn back the battle to the gate; and these also are insane through wine, and through strong drink are gone astray (Isaiah 28:5-7).

In the same:

They shall be cut off that make men to sin by a word, and lay a snare for him that reproveth in the gate; and make the just to turn aside to a thing of naught (Isaiah 29:20-21).

In the same:

Elam bare the quiver in a chariot of a man, and horsemen; Kir uncovered the shield; and the choice of thy valleys was full of chariots and horsemen; placing they placed themselves at the gate, and he looked in that day to the armory of the house of the forest (Isaiah 22:6-8).

In Jeremiah:

Judah hath mourned, and the gates thereof languished; they have mourned to the earth, and the cry of Jerusalem is gone up; their nobles have sent their little ones to the waters; they came to the pits, they found no waters (Jeremiah 14:2-3).

In the same:

The elders have ceased from the gate, the young men from their music (Lam. 5:14).

[14] It may be seen from these passages what is signified by the “gate of enemies,” namely, that it is hell, or infernal spirits, who are continually attacking goods and truths. Their seat with man as before said is in his natural mind. But when a man is of such a character as to admit goods and truths, and thus angels, the infernal spirits are then driven away by the Lord from that seat; and on their being driven away, the gate of heaven or heaven itself is opened. This gate is also mentioned in the Word in various places; as in Isaiah:

A song in the land of Judah. We have a strong city, salvation will He appoint for walls and bulwarks; open ye the gates, and the righteous nation that keepeth fidelities shall enter in (Isaiah 26:1-2).

In the same:

Thus said Jehovah to His anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him; and I will loose the loins of kings, to open the doors before him, and the gates shall not be shut; I will go before thee, and will make the crooked places straight, and I will break in pieces the doors of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron (Isaiah 45:1-2).

In the same:

The sons of the stranger shall build up thy walls, and their kings shall minister unto thee; they shall open thy gates continually, they shall not be shut day nor night; violence shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting and destruction within thy borders; and thou shalt call thy walls salvation, and thy gates praise (Isaiah 60:10-11, 18).

In the same:

Go through, go through the gates; prepare ye the way for the people, level, make level the highway; say ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold thy salvation cometh (Isaiah 62:10-12).

In Micah:

They shall pass through the gate, and shall go out thereat, and their King shall pass on before them, and Jehovah in their beginning (Micah 2:13).

In David:

Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? Jehovah strong and mighty, Jehovah mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; lift them up, ye everlasting doors (Psalms 24:7-10).

Praise Jehovah, O Jerusalem; praise thy God, O Zion: for He hath strengthened the bars of thy gates, He hath blessed thy children within thee (Psalms 147:12-13).

[15] From these passages it is manifest that the “gate of heaven” is where angels are with man, that is, where there is an influx of good and truth from the Lord; and thus that as before said there are two gates. Concerning these two gates the Lord speaks thus in Matthew:

Enter ye in by the strait gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be that go in thereat; because strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it (Matthew 7:12-14; Luke 13:23-24).

Moreover the gates to the New Jerusalem and the gates to the new temple are much treated of in Ezekiel, and also by John in Revelation, by which nothing else is meant than the entrances to heaven (see Ezekiel 40:6-49; 43:1-2, 4; 44:1-3; 46:1-9, 12; 48:31-34; Revelation 21:12-13, 21, 25; 22:14; Isaiah 54:11-12). Hence Jerusalem is called the “gate of the people” (Micah 1:9; Obad. verse 13).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.



Arcana Coelestia#2240


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2240. That a “cry” denotes falsity, and “sin” evil, is evident from the signification in the Word of a “cry.” That a “cry” signifies falsity, can be evident to no one unless he knows the internal sense of the Word. The word sometimes occurs in the Prophets, and when vastation and desolation are there treated of, it is said that men “howl and cry,” by which is signified that goods and truths have been vastated; and a term is there made use of by which in the internal sense falsity is described; as in Jeremiah:

A voice of the cry of the shepherds, and the howling of the powerful ones of the flock because Jehovah layeth waste their pasture (Jeremiah 25:36),

where the “cry of the shepherds” denotes that they are in falsity, from which there comes vastation.

[2] In the same:

Behold, waters rise up from the north, and shall become an overflowing stream, and shall overflow the land and the fullness thereof, the city and them that dwell therein and the men shall cry, and every inhabitant of the land shall howl, because of the day that cometh to lay waste (Jeremiah 47:2, 4),

where the desolation of faith is treated of, which is brought about by falsities; the “overflowing stream” is falsity (as shown in Part First, n. 705, 790

[3] In Zephaniah:

The voice of a cry from the fish gate, and a howling from the second, and a great shattering from the hills, and their wealth shall become a spoil, and their houses a desolation (Zeph. 1:10, 13),

where also a “cry” is predicated of the falsities which lay waste.

[4] In Isaiah:

In the way of Horonaim they shall rouse up a cry of shattering, for the waters of Nimrim shall be desolations, for the grass has dried up, the herb is consumed, there is no green thing (Isaiah 15:5-6; Jeremiah 48:3), where the desolation of faith and its consummation is described by a “cry.”

[5] In Jeremiah:

Judah hath mourned, and her gates languish, they have been blackened upon the earth, and the cry of Jerusalem is gone up; and their illustrious ones have sent their younger ones to the waters; they came to the pits, they found no waters, they returned with their vessels empty (Jeremiah 14:2-3),

where the “cry of Jerusalem” denotes falsities; for by their “finding no waters” is signified that there were no knowledges of truth, which are “waters” (as shown in Part First,n. 28, 680, 739).

[6] In Isaiah:

I will exult in Jerusalem and be glad in My people, and the voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her, nor the voice of crying (Isaiah 65:19),

where there “not being heard the voice of weeping” denotes that there shall not be evil; “nor the voice of crying” denotes that there shall not be falsity. Very many of these things cannot be understood from the sense of the letter, but only from the internal sense, and this is the case with a “cry.”

[7] In the same:

Jehovah looked for judgment, but behold a scab; for righteousness, but behold a cry (Jeremiah 5:7),

where also the vastation of good and truth is treated of. There is in this passage a kind of reciprocation, such as is occasionally found in the Prophets, and which is of such a nature that in the place of truth there is found evil, which is meant by there being “a scab instead of judgment;” and falsity in place of good, which is meant by there being “a cry instead of righteousness” (for that “judgment” is truth, and “righteousness” good, was shown above, n. 2235).

[8] There is a like reciprocation in Moses, where Sodom and Gomorrah are treated of:

Of the vine of Sodom is their vine, and of the fields of Gomorrah are their grapes; they have grapes of gall, clusters of bitternesses. (Deuteronomy 32:32),

where there is a similar mode of speaking; for the “vine” is predicated of truths and falsities, and the “fields” and “grapes,” of goods and evils; so that “the vine of Sodom” is falsity from evil, and “the fields and grapes of Gomorrah” are evils from falsities; for there are two kinds of falsity (see Part First,n. 1212); and so also there are two kinds of evil. Both kinds of falsity and evil are signified in this verse by the “cry of Sodom and Gomorrah having become great, and their sin having become exceeding grievous;” as is evident from the fact that “cry” is named in the first place, and “sin” in the second; and yet “Sodom,” which is evil from the love of self, is mentioned first; and “Gomorrah,” which is the derivative falsity, second.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.