

Genesis 28



1 Povolal pak Izák Jákoba, a požehnal jemu, a přikázal mu, řka: Nepojímej ženy ze dcer Kananejských.

2 Ale vstana, jdi do Pádan Syrské do domu Bathuele, otce matky své, a pojmi sobě odtud manželku ze dcer Lábana ujce svého.

3 A Bůh silný všemohoucí požehnejž tobě, a dejžť zrůst, a rozmnožiž tě, abys byl v zástup mnohého lidu.

4 A dejž tobě požehnání Abrahamovo, tobě i semeni tvému s tebou, abys dědičně obdržel zemi, v níž pohostinu jsi, kterouž dal Bůh Abrahamovi.

5 I odeslal Izák Jákoba, kterýžto šel do Pádan Syrské k Lábanovi synu Bathuele Syrského, bratru Rebeky matky Jákobovy a Ezau.

6 Vida pak Ezau, že požehnání dal Izák Jákobovi, a že ho odeslal do Pádan Syrské, aby sobě odtud vzal manželku, a že, když mu požehnání dával, přikázal mu, řka: Nepojmeš ženy ze dcer Kananejských;

7 A že by uposlechl Jákob otce svého a matky své a odšel do Pádan Syrské;

8 Vida také Ezau, že dcery Kananejské těžké byly v očích Izákovi otci jeho:

9 Tedy odšel Ezau k Izmaelovi, a mimo prvnější ženy své, pojal sobě za ženu Mahalat, dceru Izmaele, syna Abrahamova, sestru Nabajotovu.

10 Vyšed pak Jákob z Bersabé, šel do Cháran.

11 I trefil na jedno místo, na kterémžto zůstal přes noc, (nebo slunce již bylo zapadlo,) a nabrav kamení na místě tom, položil pod hlavu svou, a spal na témž místě.

12 I viděl ve snách, a aj, žebřík stál na zemi, jehožto vrch dosahal nebe; a aj, andělé Boží vstupovali a sstupovali po něm.

13 A aj, Hospodin stál nad ním, a řekl: Já jsem Hospodin, Bůh Abrahama otce tvého, a Bůh Izákův; zemi tu, na kteréž ty spíš, tobě dám a semeni tvému.

14 A bude símě tvé jako prach země; nebo rozmůžeš se k západu, i k východu, na půlnoci, i ku poledni; nad to požehnány budou v tobě všecky čeledi země, a v semeni tvém.

15 A aj, já jsem s tebou, a ostříhati tě budu, kamžkoli půjdeš, a přivedu tě zase do země této; nebo neopustím tebe, až i učiním, což jsem mluvil tobě.

16 Procítiv pak Jákob ze sna svého, řekl: V pravdě Hospodin jest na místě tomto, a já jsem nevěděl.

17 (Nebo zhroziv se, řekl: Jak hrozné jest místo toto! Není jiného,jediné dům Boží, a tu jest brána nebeská.)

18 Vstav pak Jákob ráno, vzal kámen, kterýž byl podložil pod hlavu svou, a postavil jej na znamení pamětné, a polil jej svrchu olejem.

19 Protož nazval jméno místa toho Bethel, ješto prvé to město sloulo Lůza.

20 Zavázal se také Jákob slibem, řka: Jestliže Bůh bude se mnou, a ostříhati mne bude na cestě této, kterouž já jdu; a dá-li mi chléb ku pokrmu a roucho k oděvu,

21 A navrátím-li se v pokoji do domu otce svého, a bude mi Hospodin za Boha:

22 Kámen tento, kterýž jsem postavil na památku, bude domem Božím; a ze všech věcí, kteréž mi dáš, desátky spravedlivě tobě dám.




Arcana Coelestia#9955


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9955. And thou shalt fill their hand. That this signifies a representative of the Lord as to the truth of faith, is evident from the signification of “filling the hand” of Aaron and of his sons, as being to inaugurate into the representation of the Lord in respect to the Divine truth which is of faith; for by “the hand” is signified the power that belongs to truth from good; and therefore “the hand” is predicated of truth (see n. 3091, 3387, 4931-4937, 7518, 8281, 9025). From this then it is that just as anointing represented the Lord as to Divine good, so the filling of the hands represented the Lord as to Divine truth; for all things in the universe bear relation to good and truth, and to both, in order that they may be anything; and therefore in the Word where good is treated of, truth also is treated of (see the places cited in n. 9263, 9314). In what manner the hands were filled, is described in the following chapter; and therefore of the Lord’s Divine mercy the meaning of it shall be told there.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.



Arcana Coelestia#8281


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8281. Thy right hand, O Jehovah, is magnified in strength. That this signifies that the Lord’s omnipotence has been shown, is evident from the signification of the “right hand of Jehovah,” as being omnipotence, of which below; and from the signification of “is magnified in strength,” as being shown, for Divine power is shown by the strength by which it is magnified. That the “right hand of Jehovah” denotes omnipotence, is because by “hand” in the Word is signified power, and thus by “right hand” eminent power; consequently when the “hand” or “right hand” is said of Jehovah, it denotes Divine power, or omnipotence. (That “hand” and “right hand” denote power, see n. 878, 4931-4937, 6292, 6947, 7188, 7189, 7518; and when predicated of Jehovah, omnipotence, n. 3387, 7518, 7673, 8050, 8069, 8153)

[2] That the “right hand of Jehovah” denotes Divine power, or omnipotence, is also evident from the following passages in the Word, in Matthew:

Jesus said, Henceforth ye shall see the Son of man sitting at the right hand of power, and coming upon the clouds of heaven (Matthew 26:64; Mark 14:62).

From henceforth shall the Son of man be sitting at the right hand of the power of God (Luke 22:69).

The saying of Jehovah unto my Lord, Sit at my right hand, until I make thine enemies a footstool for thy feet; thou art a priest forever after the manner of Melchizedek, the Lord at thy right hand hath smitten kings in the day of anger (Psalms 110:1, 4-5; Matthew 22:44).

He who does not know that the “right hand,” when said of Jehovah, signifies omnipotence, cannot receive any other idea from these words of the Lord, than that the Lord will sit at the right hand of His Father, and have dominion like one who sits at the right hand of a king on earth. But the internal sense teaches what is meant in these passages by “sitting at the right hand,” namely, the Divine omnipotence; consequently it is also said, “to sit at the right hand of power,” and “at the right hand of the power of God.”

[3] That it is the Lord who has omnipotence, is manifest; for this is said of the Lord, and by “the Lord” in David is meant the Lord in respect to Divine truth, and also by the “Son of man” in the Evangelists; for Divine truth is that which has omnipotence from Divine good. (That Divine truth has omnipotence, see n. 6948, 8200; in general that power belongs to truth from good, n. 3091, 3563, 4231, 6344, 6493; and that consequently “hand” is predicated of truth, n. 3091, 4931; and that the “Son of man” denotes the Divine truth proceeding from the Lord, n. 2159, 2803, 2813, 3704)

[4] Divine power or omnipotence is also signified by the “right hand” in the following passages in David:

Now know I that Jehovah saveth His anointed; they will answer Him in heaven through the powers of the salvation of His right hand (Psalms 20:6).

O Jehovah, look from the heavens, and see, and visit this vine; and the shoot which Thy right hand hath planted, upon the son Thou hadst made strong for Thyself (Psalms 80:14-15, 80:17).

Thou hast an arm with might; strong is Thy hand, exalted shall be Thy right hand (Psalms 89:13).

My strength and song is Jah, He is become my salvation; the voice of shouting and of salvation is in the tents of the righteous, the right hand of Jehovah hath done valiantly, the right hand of Jehovah is exalted, the right hand of Jehovah hath done valiantly (Psalms 118:14-16).

[5] In these passages the “right hand of Jehovah” denotes omnipotence; and in the supreme sense the Lord as to Divine truth. This is more evident elsewhere in David:

Let Thy hand, O Jehovah, be for the man of Thy right hand, for the son of man Thou hast made strong for Thyself (Psalms 80:17); where “the man of the right hand of Jehovah,” and “the son of man,” denote the Lord as to Divine truth. In the same:

Thou hast driven out the nations with Thy hand, not by their sword have they possessed the land, and their arm hath not saved them, but Thy right hand, and Thine arm, and the light of Thy faces (Psalms 44:2-3); where “the light of the faces of Jehovah” denotes Divine truth from Divine good; so also “the right hand,” and “the arm.” And in Isaiah:

God hath sworn by His right hand, and by the arm of His strength (62:8);

here also the “right hand of God,” and the “arm of His strength” denote the Lord as to Divine truth; for Jehovah or the Lord does not swear by any other than Himself (n. 2842), thus by the Divine truth, for this is Himself, because from Himself.

[6] Hence it is that in the Word throughout the Lord is called not only the “right hand” and “arm” of Jehovah, but also “the strength by which He breaks in pieces enemies,” and likewise “the hammer,” as in Jeremiah 51:20-21, seq . Moreover the Lord came into the world, and there became Divine truth, and afterward Divine good from which is Divine truth, in order that He might shut up all evils and falsities in the hells, and gather together goods and truths into the heavens, and there dispose them into Divine order. From all this it is now evident that by “the right hand of Jehovah” in the Word is signified the omnipotence which the Divine has by means of Divine truth. That “the right hand” denotes eminent power, derives its origin from the fact that they who in the Grand Man or heaven have relation to the shoulders, the arms, and the hands, are they who are powerful from the truth which is from good; that is, from the faith which is from love (n. 4931-4937, 7518).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.