

耶利米書 49



1 論亞捫人。耶和華如此以色列沒有兒子麼?沒有後嗣麼?瑪勒堪為何得迦得之地為業呢?屬他的民為何其中的城邑呢?

2 耶和華:日子將到,我必使人見打仗的喊聲,是攻擊亞捫人拉巴的喊聲。拉巴要成為亂堆;屬他的鄉村(原文是女子)要被焚燒。先前得以色列地為業的,此時以色列倒要得他們的地為業。這是耶和華的。

3 希實本哪,你要哀號,因為地變為荒場。拉巴的居民(原文是女子)哪,要呼喊,以麻布束腰;要哭號,在籬笆中跑來跑去;因瑪勒堪和屬他的祭司、首領要一同被擄去。

4 背道的民(原文是女子)哪,你們為何因有山谷,就是水流的山谷誇張呢?為何倚靠財寶:誰能到我們這裡呢?

5 ─萬軍之耶和華:我要使恐嚇從四圍的中臨到你們;你們必被趕出,各一直前往,沒有收聚逃民。

6 來我還要使被擄的亞捫人歸回。這是耶和華的。

7 以東。萬軍之耶和華如此:提幔中再沒有智慧麼?明哲人不再有謀略麼?他們的智慧盡歸無有麼?

8 底但的居民哪,要轉身逃跑在深密處;因為我向以掃追討的時候,必使災殃臨到他。

9 摘葡萄的若到他那裡,豈不剩下些葡萄呢?盜賊若夜間而,豈不毀壞直到夠了呢?

10 我卻使以掃赤露,顯出他的隱密處;他不能自藏。他的後裔、弟兄、鄰舍盡都滅絕;他也歸於無有。

11 你撇下孤兒,我必保全他們的命;你的寡婦可以倚靠我。

12 耶和華如此:原不該那杯的一定要。你能盡免刑罰麼?你必不能免,一定要

13 耶和華:我指著自己起誓,波斯拉必令人驚駭、羞辱、咒詛,並且荒涼。他的一切城邑必變為永遠的荒場。

14 我從耶和華那裡見信息,並有使者被差往列國去,:你們聚集攻擊以東,要起來爭戰。

15 我使你在列國中為最小,在世人中被藐視。

16 住在山穴中據守山頂的啊,論到你的威嚇,你因中的狂傲自欺;你雖如大搭窩,我卻從那裡拉你來。這是耶和華的。

17 以東必令人驚駭;凡經過的人就受驚駭,又因他一切的災禍嗤笑。

18 耶和華:必無在那裡,也無在其中寄居,要像所多瑪、蛾摩拉,和鄰近的城邑傾覆的時候一樣。

19 仇敵必像獅子從約但河邊的叢林上來,攻擊堅固的居所。轉眼之間,我要使以東人逃跑,離開這地。誰蒙揀選,我就派誰治理這地。誰能比我呢?誰能給我定規日期呢?有何牧人能在我面前站立得住呢?

20 你們要耶和華攻擊以東所說的謀略和他攻擊提幔居民所定的旨意。仇敵定要將他們眾微弱的拉去,定要使他們的居所荒涼。

21 因他們仆倒的聲音,就震動。人在紅那裡必見呼喊的聲音。

22 仇敵必如大飛起,展開翅膀攻擊波斯拉。到那日,以東的勇士中疼痛如臨產的婦人。

23 論大馬色。哈馬和亞珥拔蒙羞,因他們見凶惡的信息就消化了。上有憂愁,不得平靜

24 大馬色發軟,轉身逃跑。戰兢將他捉住;痛苦憂愁將他抓住,如產難的婦人一樣。

25 我所喜樂可稱讚的城,為何被撇棄了呢?

26 他的少年人必仆倒在街上;當那日,一切兵丁必默默無聲。這是萬軍之耶和華的。

27 我必在大馬色城中使著起,燒滅便哈達的宮殿

28 論巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒所攻打的基達和夏瑣的諸國。耶和華如此:迦勒底人哪,起來上基達去,毀滅東方人。

29 他們的帳棚和羊群都要奪去,將幔子和一切器皿,並駱駝為自己掠去。人向他們喊著說:四圍都有驚嚇。

30 耶和華:夏瑣的居民哪,要逃奔遠方,在深密處;因為巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒設計謀害你們,起意攻擊你們。

31 耶和華:迦勒底人哪,起來!上安逸無慮的居民那裡去;他們是無無閂、獨自居住的。

32 他們的駱駝必成為掠物;他們眾多的牲畜必成為擄物。我必將剃周圍頭髮的人分散四方(原文是),使災殃從四圍臨到他們。這是耶和華的。

33 夏瑣必成為野狗的處,永遠淒涼;必無在那裡,也無在其中寄居。

34 猶大王西底家登基的時候,耶和華論以攔的臨到先知耶利米說:

35 萬軍之耶和華如此:我必折斷以攔人的,就是他們為首的權力。

36 我要使風從方颳,臨到以攔人,將他們分散方(原文是風)。這被趕散的人沒有一國不到的。

37 耶和華:我必使以攔人在仇敵和尋索其命的人面前驚惶;我也必使災禍,就是我的烈怒臨到他們,又必使刀追殺他們,直到將他們滅盡。

38 我要在以攔設立我的寶座,從那裡除滅君和首領。這是耶和華的。

39 到末後,我還要使被擄的以攔人歸回。這是耶和華的。




列王纪下 3:25



25 拆毀摩押的城邑,各滿一切美田,塞住一切泉,砍伐各種佳,只剩下吉珥哈列設的牆;甩的兵在四圍攻打那城。



The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings#107


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107. I need to append some information about the teachings concerning love for the Lord and concerning caring that were held by the ancient people among whom there was a church. The purpose is to make known the nature of a body of teaching that used to exist but is not in existence today. This is drawn from Secrets of Heaven 7257-7263.

Good that is done out of love for the Lord is called "heavenly good," and good that is done out of love for one's neighbor or caring is called "spiritual good. " The angels who live in the inmost or third heaven are devoted to doing good because they love the Lord, so they are called "heavenly angels"; while the angels who live in the intermediate or second heaven are devoted to doing good because they love their neighbor and are therefore called "spiritual angels. "

[2] The teachings concerning how to do good in a heavenly way, which is good that is done out of love for the Lord, are the most extensive and at the same time the deepest of all teachings. They are the teachings that are followed by the angels of the inmost or third heaven, which are so extensive and deep that if we heard them from the angels' own mouths we would understand scarcely a thousandth part of them. These teachings also contain things that simply cannot be expressed. While it is the inner meaning of the Word that contains teachings concerning spiritual love, it is the Word's inmost meaning that contains these heavenly teachings. 1

[3] The teachings concerning how to do good in a spiritual way, which is good that is done out of love for one's neighbor, are also extensive and deep, but much less so than the teachings concerning how to do good in a heavenly way, which is good that is done out of love for the Lord. How extensive the teachings are that concern loving our neighbor or caring is established by the fact that they touch every least thing we think and intend and therefore everything we do and say, and also from the fact that caring is not the same thing in one person as in another and that one neighbor is not the same as another.

[4] Because the teachings concerning caring were so extensive, the ancient people (for whom that was the main thing taught by their church) distinguished caring about one's neighbor into many categories. These they then went on to subdivide, assigning designations to the individual types and teaching how caring was to be practiced toward people of one particular type and toward people of another particular type. In this way they imposed an order on their teachings about caring and on the practice of caring so that it was clearly understandable.

[5] They had many designations for the people to whom caring was extended. Some they called "the blind"; some "the deaf"; some "the lame"; some "the poor," as well as "the wretched" and "the afflicted"; some "orphans"; and some "widows. " In general, though, they spoke of "the hungry" to whom they would give food, "the thirsty" to whom they would give drink, "the strangers" whom they would take in, "the naked" whom they would clothe, "the sick" whom they would attend, and those "bound and in prison" whom they would visit.

The particular kinds of people intended by each category have been laid out in Secrets of Heaven as follows: "the blind" in §§2383, 6990; "the deaf" in §4302; "the poor" in §§2129, 4459, 9209, 9253, 10227; "the wretched" in §2129; "the afflicted" in §§6663, 6851, 9196; "orphans" in §§4844, 9198, 9199, 9200; "widows" in §§4844, 9198, 9200; "the hungry" in §§4958, 10227; "the thirsty" in 4958, 8568; "the strangers" in 4444, 7908, 8007, 8013, 9196, 9200; "the naked" in §§1073, 5433, 9960; "the sick" in §§4958, 6221, 8364, 9031; and those "bound in prison" in §§5037, 5038, 5086, 5096.

Everything we can be taught about caring is summed up in the services extended to the hungry, the thirsty, the strangers, the naked, the sick, and those bound in prison, of whom the Lord spoke in Matthew 25:34, 35, 36, and following; see §§4954-4959.

[6] These designations were given from heaven to the ancient people who were part of the church; they used them to refer to the spiritual condition of others. That church's teachings, focused on caring, told them not only what other people were like but also which particular kind of caring was appropriate for each.

That is why we find these same designations in the Word and why when spiritually understood they mean people of these kinds.

The Word truly understood teaches nothing else except loving the Lord and caring about our neighbor, as the Lord himself taught:

You are to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. The second is like it: you are to love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commandments. (Matthew 22:37, 38, 39, 40)

"The Law and the Prophets" are the whole Word: 2606, 3382, 6752, 7463.

[7] These designations are found in the Word so that the Word, which in its own right is spiritual, might be earthly in its outermost form. As a result, people whose devotion was external would show caring toward people who were in that condition physically; but those whose devotion was internal would show caring toward people who were in that condition spiritually. Therefore the simple would understand and do what the Word teaches in a simple way and the wise would do so in a wise way; and through their outward caring the simple might be introduced into its inner forms.



1. The "inmost meaning" (sensu intimo) is the level elsewhere referred to as "heavenly" ( coelestis, traditionally rendered "celestial"), while the "inner meaning" (sensu interno) is elsewhere referred to as "spiritual" (spiritualis). These are contrasted with the literal meaning, which is characterized as "outer" or "earthly. " See Secrets of Heaven 4279, 10614:2; True Christianity 212, 248; and for a brief summarizing discussion, Woofenden and Rose 2008, 25. Sometimes Swedenborg uses the term "inner meaning" loosely of both the inmost and inner meaning in contrast with the literal. [GFD, RS, SS]

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.