

以西結書 44:18



18 他們上要戴細麻布頭巾,腰穿細麻布褲子;不可穿使身體出汗的衣服。





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9828. “腰带” 表一个共同的纽带, 好叫一切事物都关注同一个目的. 这从 “腰带” 或带子的含义清楚可知.

“腰带” 或带子是指一个共同的纽带, 因为它将一切内层事物都聚集在自己里面, 包裹它们, 并将它们保持在关联中; 没有它, 这些内层事物就会松散并分崩离析.

“腰带” 或带子之所以表示旨在让一切事物都能关注同一个目的的一个共同纽带, 是因为在灵界掌权的, 是目的, 以致那里的一切事物都可称作 “目的”. 因为主的国作为一个属灵的世界, 是一个功用或有用服务的国度, 那里的功用或服务就是所关注的目的; 因此, 它是一个目的的国度. 但那里的目的以各种次序彼此跟随, 也关联在一起. 彼此跟随的目的被称为 “居间目的”, 但关联在一起的目的被称为 “有关联的目的”. 这一切目的如此紧密地联结起来并彼此从属, 以致它们无一例外地关注一个目的. 这个目的就是主; 在天上那些接受它的人当中, 它是对主的爱和信. 在那里, 爱是他们所有意愿的目的, 或说是那里一切意愿能力所关注的目的; 信则是他们所有思维的目的, 或说一切思维能力所关注的目的, 这些思维或思维能力都属于理解力.

当每一个事物都关注一个目的时, 它们就被保持在一个连续不断的关联中, 并构成一体; 因为那时, 一切事物都在照着从属和关联的律法而使所有人都转向祂自己, 从而将他们与自己相结合的那一位的视野, 掌管和眷顾之下. 同时, 祂还使所有人都脸朝他们的同伴, 由此将他们彼此联结起来. 这解释了为何在天堂, 所有人的脸都转向主, 主是那里的太阳, 因而是所有人眼前的中心点; 神奇的是, 无论天使转向哪个方向, 主都在那里 (参看3638节). 由于主存在于相爱的良善里面和对邻之仁的良善里面 (因为祂爱所有人, 并通过爱将所有人联结起来), 故天使也通过出于这爱关注他们的同伴而转向主.

因此, 带子代表那些在最后和最低层, 将其它事物聚集起来, 并如此包裹它们, 好叫每一个和一切事物都能被保持在这种关联之中的事物; 在灵界, 这些事物无非是存在于最低或最外层中并包裹内层事物的良善和真理. 腰带代表属天良善, 环绕大腿和胸部的带子代表最低或最外层中的属灵良善和真理.


“腰带或带子” 表示这类事物:

耶和华对先知说, 你去买一根麻布带子束腰, 不可放在水中. 我就买了一根带子束腰. 耶和华的话临到我说, 拿着带子, 往伯拉河去, 将它藏在那里的岩石缝中. 过了多日, 我就往伯拉河去把带子取出来, 看哪, 它已经坏了, 毫无用处了. 耶和华说, 这恶民不肯听我的话, 随从别神. 他们也必像这带子变为无用.(耶利米书 13:1-10)

此处 “细麻布带子” 在灵义上表示教会的良善, 这良善在自己里面将真理包裹并保持在关联之中. 由于那时教会的良善不复存在, 真理随之被驱散, 故经上说它 “不可放在水中”; 因为 “水” 表示洁净, 因而恢复的真理. 藏带子的 “岩石缝” 是指被歪曲的真理;

“伯拉河” 是指在其最低层的良善的属天事物的全部范围和边界. 人若不知道圣言的性质可能以为, 这只不过是把这人民及其毁灭与带子及其毁灭进行比较. 但在圣言中, 一切比较和比喻的说法都是真实的对应 (3579, 8989节). 除非这段经文中的一切细节都具有对应的性质, 否则先知永远不会被吩咐不可将带子放在水中, 要束在腰上, 或往伯拉河去, 将它藏在那里的岩石缝中. 经上之所以说带子要 “束腰”, 是因为由于对应,

“腰” 表示属天之爱的良善 (3021, 4280, 5050-5062节). 束腰的带子因此表示凭作为媒介的圣言通过爱之良善与主结合.

“带子” 是指充当边界并将事物联结起来的良善, 这一点也明显可见于以赛亚书:

从耶西的树干必生出一个嫩枝. 公义必当祂的腰带, 真理必当祂大腿的带子.(以赛亚书 11:1, 5)


“必当腰带的公义” 是指祂的爱之良善, 这良善保护天堂和教会. 当以色列人吃逾越节的羔羊时,

“当腰间束带” (出埃及记 12:11), 这个要求就表示一切事物都要存在于其适当次序中, 预备从主接受良善并付诸行动 (7863节). 这解释了为何经上说那些做好预备的人 “腰间束带”, 这也论及启示录中的七位天使:

那掌管七灾的七位天使, 从殿中出来, 穿着洁白光明的细麻衣, 胸间束着金带.(启示录 15:6)


他是一个多毛的人, 腰束皮带.(列王纪下 1:8)


这约翰身穿骆驼毛的衣服, 腰束皮带.(马太福音 3:4)

以利亚和约翰之所以如此穿衣, 束腰, 是因为他们两人都代表圣言; 因此, 他们的衣服表示外在意义, 就是属世意义上的圣言; 因为 “毛” 表示属世层 (3301, 5247, 5569-5573节),

“骆驼” 表示属世层里面的一般记忆知识 (3048, 3071, 3143, 3145节).

“皮” 或 “皮肤” 表示外在之物 (3540节), 因此,

“皮带” 表示那在自己里面将内层事物聚集起来, 把它们包裹并保持在关联中的. 以利亚代表圣言 (参看创世记 18章序言,2762, 5247节的末尾节), 施洗约翰同样代表圣言 (9372节).

由于真理和良善被恶行解除和驱散, 故约押以诡诈杀了押尼珥之后, 经上论到约押说 “他将争战的血染了腰间束的带” (列王纪上 2:5), 以此表示他驱散并摧毁了这些真理和良善. 因此, 当真理被驱散和摧毁时, 经上说 “分裂代替腰带, 光秃代替整齐的头发” (以赛亚书 3:24). 这论及锡安的女子, 她表示属于属天教会的良善;

“分裂代替腰带” 表示对属天良善的驱散.

在以西结书中, 这话也论及阿荷利巴, 就是耶路撒冷:

因她看见人像画在墙上, 就是用丹色所画迦勒底人的像, 腰间系着带子, 她就贪恋他们.(以西结书 23:14-16)

以此表示被亵渎的真理; 因为 “迦勒底人” 是指那些表面声称相信真理, 内心却否认它们, 从而亵渎它们的人;

“画在墙上的人像” 是指外在事物中的真理的表象,

“丹色所画的像” 也是;

“腰间所系的带子” 是指他们为引诱人们相信他们的真理所伪装的良善.

由此可见在代表性教会, 那将衣服收拢为一的 “带子” 表示什么. 然而, 属世人很难被几乎无法被引导相信所表示的是这类事物, 因为他很难抛开对带子和一般对衣服的属世观念, 而去采纳属灵观念, 就是对在自己里面将真理保持在关联中的良善的观念. 因为出现在眼前的属世事物将心智锁定在它自己身上, 心智不会从那里被移走, 除非理解力的视觉能被提升至天堂之光, 此人因此能几乎从属世事物中抽象出来思考. 当这种情况发生在一个人身上时, 纯属世人所无法理解的关于信之真理和爱之良善的属灵观念就会进入.

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Thanks to our friends at swedenborgwork.com for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)



Arcana Coelestia#3928


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3928. 'And she called his name Naphtali' means the essential nature of it, that is to say, of the temptation in which one overcomes and also of the resistance offered by the natural man. This is clear from the meaning of 'name' and of 'calling the name' as the essential nature, dealt with in 144, 145, 1754, 1896, 2009, 2724, 3421. The particular nature is that which is meant by 'Naphtali', for the name Naphtali is derived from the word 'wrestlings'. And for the same reason 'Naphtali' represents this second general truth of the Church. Temptation is the means by which the internal man is joined to the external, for they are at variance with each other but are made to agree and to correspond by means of temptations. The external man is indeed such that of itself it does not desire anything except bodily and worldly things; these are the delights of the natural man's life. But the internal man - when opened towards heaven and desiring the things of heaven, as is the case with those who are able to be regenerated - takes delight in heavenly things. And when a person undergoes temptations these two types of delight conflict with each other. The person is not directly aware of the conflict, because he is not aware of what heavenly delight is and of what hellish delight is, let alone that they are so utterly contrary to each other. But celestial angels cannot be present at all with a person in his bodily and worldly delight until this has been made subservient, that is to say, until bodily and worldly delight is no longer regarded as an end in itself but something which is meant to be subservient to heavenly delight, as shown above in 3913. Once this has been achieved the angels are able to reside with that person in both; but in this case his delight becomes blessedness, and at length happiness in the next life.

[2] Anyone who believes that the delight of the natural man prior to regeneration is not hell-like, and that devilish spirits are not in possession there, is much mistaken. He is unaware of what the situation is with man - that prior to regeneration genii and spirits from hell have possession of his natural man, no matter how much he seems to himself to be like any other person, and also that he is able to participate with everybody else in what is holy and to reason about the truths and goods of faith, indeed is able to believe that he has become strong in these. If this person does not feel within himself some measure of affection for what is right and fair in his daily work, and for what is good and true in society and in life, let him recognize that his kind of delight in things is the kind that exists with those in hell, for his delight entails no other love than self-love and love of the world. And when these constitute his delight no charity or any faith is present within it. The only means that will weaken and dispel this delight once it has become predominant is the affirmation and acknowledgement of the holiness of faith and of the good of life, which is the first means meant, as shown above, by Dan, and after this by temptation, which is the second means and is meant by Naphtali; for this second means follows the other. Indeed people who do not affirm and acknowledge the goodness and the truth which constitute faith and charity are unable to enter any conflict brought about by temptation as there is nothing within to oppose the evil and falsity towards which natural delight gravitates.

[3] In other places in the Word where Naphtali is mentioned he means a person's state following temptations, as in the prophecy of Jacob, who by then was Israel,

Naphtali is a hind let loose, giving beautiful words. Genesis 49:21.

'A hind let loose' stands for the affection for natural truth in a state that is free, which arises following temptation. This state is also what is at stake within temptations, which are meant by 'Naphtali', for the battle fought in temptations is a struggle for freedom. Likewise in Moses' prophecy,

To Naphtali he said, Naphtali, satisfied with favour, and full with the blessing of Jehovah, will possess the west and the south. Deuteronomy 33:23.

For the representations of Jacob's sons, and of the tribes, depend on the order in which they are mentioned, 3862. And in the prophecy of Deborah and Barak,

Zebulun is a people that consigned its soul to die, as did Naphtali, on the heights of the field. Judges 5:18.

This too refers in the internal sense to the conflicts brought about by temptations, and to a person's presence among those who do not fear anything evil because they are rooted in forms of truth and good, meant by 'being on the heights of the field'.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.