

以西結書 16:60



60 然而我要追念在你幼年時與你所立的約,也要與你立定永約。





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3147. “又拿水给他洗脚” 表那里的洁净. 这从 “清洗的水”, 或用水清洗和 “脚” 的含义清楚可知: “清洗的水” 或用水清洗是指洁净, 如下文所述; “脚” 是指属世之物, 或也可说, 属世人中的事物 (参看2162节). 在代表性教会, 用水洗脚是一种礼仪, 由此表示洗去属世人的不洁之物. 属世人的不洁之物全都是那些属于我欲和物欲的事物. 这些不洁之物被洗去后, 良善与真理便流入进来, 因为唯独这些不洁之物阻碍良善与真理从主流入.

良善不断从主流入, 但当经由内在人或属灵人抵达外在人或属世人时, 它在那里要么被败坏, 要么被弹回, 要么被窒息. 不过, 属于我欲和物欲的事物被除去后, 良善便在那里被接受, 并结出果实, 因为此时人实践仁爱的行为. 这一事实从多种考虑可以看出来, 如当人处于不幸, 悲伤和疾病状态时, 属于外在人或属世人的事物只是沉寂下来, 这人随即开始虔诚地思考, 并意愿良善, 也开始尽可能地实践敬虔的行为. 不过, 一旦这种状态改变, 所有这些事也会改变.

在古教会, 各种 “洗” 是表示这些事的符号; 但在犹太教会, 它们则成了代表形式. 在古教会, 各种 “洗” 是有意义的符号; 而在犹太教会, 它们则成了代表形式. 这是因为古教会成员将仪式视为敬拜的某种外在行为, 他们并不认为自己通过这种清洗就能洁净, 而是相信通过洗去属世人的污秽才能洁净. 如前所述, 属世人的污秽就是属于我欲和物欲的事物. 而犹太教会成员则认为自己通过这种洗就能洁净, 既不知道, 也不想知道所指是内在的洁净.

“洗” 表示洗去那污秽, 这清楚可见于以赛亚书:

你们要洗濯, 自洁, 从我眼前除掉你们的恶行, 要止住作恶. (以赛亚书 1:16)

显然, 这里的 “洗濯” 表示使自己洁净, 除掉邪恶. 又:

主以审判之灵和清洗之灵, 将锡安女子的污秽洗去, 又将耶路撒冷的血从城当中涮净. (以赛亚书 4:3)

此处 “将锡安女子的污秽洗去, 又将耶路撒冷的血涮净” 表从恶与假中洁净. 耶利米书:

耶路撒冷啊, 你当洗去心中的恶, 使你可以得救. 恶念存在你里面要到几时呢? (耶利米书 4:14)


我用水洗你, 洗净你身上的血, 又用油抹你. (以西结书 16:9);

这论及耶路撒冷, 耶路撒冷在此表示古教会. “用水洗” 表洁除虚假, “洗净血” 表清除邪恶, “用油抹” 表那时充满良善. 诗篇:

求你洗净我的罪孽, 并洁除我的罪! 求你用牛膝草洁净我, 我就干净; 求你洗涤我, 我就比雪更白. (诗篇 51:2, 7)

此处 “洗涤” 明显表示从恶及其假中洁净.

这些就是代表性教会中 “洗” 所表示的事. 为了作代表, 当他们变得不洁, 并且需要洁净时, 该教会就要求人们洗皮肤, 手, 脚, 以及衣服. 所有这些都表示属于属世人的事. 同样为了作代表, 铜造的洗濯盆, 也就是说列王纪上 (7:23-39) 所提到的 “铜海和十个铜盆” 被安在圣殿的外面; 还有亚伦和他儿子用来洗濯的铜盆被放在会幕和坛的中间, 因而在会幕外面 (出埃及记 30:18, 19, 21); 它们也表示仅外在事物或属世之物需要被洁净. 除非它们被洁净, 也就是说, 属于我欲和物欲的事物被除去, 否则, 属于对主和对邻之爱的内在事物绝无可能流入进来, 如前所述.

为了更好地理解这些事, 也就是说, 外在事物需要被洁净, 以善行, 或也可说如今被称作信的果子的仁之良善为例来说明. 这些都是外在事物, 因为它们是仁爱的行为. 若不除去那些属于我欲和物欲的事物, 善行就是恶行. 在除去这些事物之前所做的行为表面上看似良善, 内里其实是邪恶. 因为所做的这些行为要么为名, 要么为利, 要么为个人的荣耀, 要么为回报. 相应地, 它们或是邀功的, 或是虚伪的, 因为属于我欲和物欲的事物使这些行为变得如此. 不过, 一旦除去这些恶, 这些行为就变成良善, 并且是仁之良善. 也就是说, 它们无关自我, 这个世界, 名声或回报, 因而不是邀功或虚伪的. 在这种情况下, 属天之爱和属灵之爱便从主流入这些行为, 并使它们变成行为上的爱与仁. 与此同时, 主还通过这些爱洁净属世人或外在人, 将其整理成序, 以便人相应地接受所流入的属天和属灵之物.

这从主给门徒洗脚时所教导的话非常清楚地看出来. 如我们在约翰福音中读到:

然后, 祂挨到西门彼得, 彼得对他说, 主啊, 你洗我的脚吗? 耶稣回答他说, 我所做的, 你如今不知道, 后来必明白. 彼得对祂说, 你永不可洗我的脚! 耶稣回答他说, 我若不洗你, 你就与我无分了. 西门彼得对祂说, 主啊, 不单我的脚, 还有手和头呢! 耶稣对他说, 凡洗过澡的人, 只要把脚一洗, 全身就干净了; 你们是乾净的, 然而不都是乾净的. (约翰福音 13:4-17)

“凡洗过澡的人, 只要把脚一洗, 全身就干净了” 表凡已被改造的人只需洁净属世之物, 也就是说, 将恶与假从他们身上除去. 这时, 一切事物就都被来自主的属灵之物的流注整理成序了. 此外, “洗脚” 是一种仁爱行为, 意味着人不应老想着别人的邪恶; “洗脚” 还是一种谦卑行为, 意味着洁除别人身上如同身体污秽那样的邪恶. 这也可从主的话明显看出来 (约翰福音 13:12-17; 路加福音 7:37, 38, 44, 46; 约翰福音 11:2; 撒母耳记上 25:41).

谁都能看出, 洗自己不是洁除人的恶与假, 只是洗去附着在人身上的脏东西. 然而, 由于洗礼是教会所规定的仪式之一, 故可知, 它含有某种特定概念, 即属灵的洗礼, 也就是洁除内在附着于人身上的污秽. 因此, 凡教会中知道这些事, 并思想心的洁净, 也就是从属世人中除去我欲和物欲的邪恶, 竭尽全力去实现的人会按照规定奉行作为外在敬拜的洗礼仪式. 但在那些不知道, 也不想知道这些事, 反以为仅洗衣, 洗皮肤, 手和脚这样的仪式就会洁净他们, 并且只要做了这些事, 他们就可以继续过着贪婪, 仇恨, 报复, 无情, 残忍 (所有这些都是属灵的污秽) 的生活之人当中, 举行仪式就是进行偶像崇拜. 尽管如此, 他们仍能通过这种仪式去作代表, 并通过代表去展现教会的某种事物, 从而在主到来之前, 天堂与人类能有某种结合. 然而, 这种结合具有这样的特点: 天堂对教会中人影响很小, 或根本没有任何影响.

犹太人和以色列人是这样: 他们根本不思想内在人, 也不愿了解有关它的任何情况, 因此对关系到死后生命的属天和属灵之物一无所知. 为防止与天堂, 因而与主的一切联系终止, 他们与表示内在事物的外在仪式牢牢绑在一起. 一般来说, 他们的被掳和灾祸都是为了外在仪式因代表的缘故而被严格执行. 正因如此, 摩西要用水洗亚伦和他儿子, 好让他们成圣 (出埃及记 29:4; 40:12; 利未记 8:6). 亚伦和他儿子在进入会幕, 或就近供职的祭坛之前, 要洗水洗脚, 免得死亡; 并且这要作他们永远的定例 (出埃及记 30:18-21; 40:30-31). 穿圣服之前, 亚伦要洗身 (利未记 16:4, 24). 要用除罪水弹在利未人身上, 以洁净他们; 他们要用剃头刀刮全身, 洗衣, 从而洁净自己 (民数记 8:6-7). 凡吃动物尸体, 哪怕是洁净动物, 或被撕裂的尸体之人, 都要用水洗衣洗澡, 若不洗自己洗澡, 他必担当自己的罪孽 (利未记 17:15-16). 凡摸了患漏症人的床, 或坐那人所坐之物的, 凡摸那人身体的, 要用水洗衣洗澡, 并且必不洁净到晚上 (利未记 15:5-7, 10-12等). 那放羊归与阿撒泻勒的人要洗身 (利未记 16:26). 求洁净的麻风病人要洗衣, 剃去毛发, 用水洗澡, 就洁净了 (利未记 14:8, 9). 甚至不洁之人所摸的器皿本身也变得不洁, 要放在水中, 并且必不洁净到晚上 (利未记 11:32). 从所有这些律法可以看出, 没有人通过洗礼的仪式而洁净内在事物, 这种人只是因上述原因而代表灵性上纯洁或洁净的人. 主在马太福音 (15:1-20) 和马可福音 (7:1-23) 非常明确地教导了这一点.

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Thanks to our friends at swedenborgwork.com for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)



Arcana Coelestia#8568


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8568. 'And the people thirsted there for water' means an increase in the desire for truth. This is clear from the meaning of 'thirsting' as craving and desiring, and as having reference to truth just as 'hungering' has reference to good; and from the meaning of 'water' as the truth of faith, dealt with above in 8562. The fact that 'thirsting' is craving and desiring - desiring truth, meant by 'water' - is plainly evident from a large number of places in the Word, such as in Amos,

Behold, the days are going to come, in which I will send a famine on the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but for hearing the words of Jehovah. And they will wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east; and they will run to and fro to seek the Word of Jehovah, and will not find it. On that day the beautiful virgins and the young men will faint for thirst. Amos 8:11-13.

The desire to know the truth is described here by 'thirsting'. The desire for truth is meant by 'I will not send a thirst for water, but for hearing the words of Jehovah' and by 'they will run to and fro to seek the Word of Jehovah'. The lack of truth and a resulting deprivation of spiritual life is described by 'on that day the beautiful virgins and the young men will faint for thirst', 'the beautiful virgins' being those with affections for good, and 'the young men' those with affections for truth.

[2] In Isaiah,

Ho, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and he who has no money, come, buy [and] eat! Come and buy wine and milk without money and without price. Isaiah 55:1.

'Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters' plainly stands for one desiring the truths of faith. 'Buying wine and milk without price' stands for acquiring from the Lord, thus for nothing, the good and truth of faith. For the meaning of 'the waters' as the truth of faith, see above in 8562; for 'wine' as the good of faith, 6377; and also 'milk', 2184. Anyone may see that 'going to the waters and buying wine and milk' is not used to mean the acquisition of wine and milk, but the kinds of things that belong to heaven and the Church.

[3] The like occurs in John,

To him who thirsts I will give from the spring of the water of life for nothing. Revelation 21:6.

'The spring of the water of life' stands for the truth and good of faith. 'The thirsting one' stands for one desiring them from affection for them, as accords with the Lord's words in John,

Jesus said to the Samaritan woman, Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again, but he who drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give will become in him a spring of water welling up into eternal life. John 4:13-14.

'Water' here plainly stands for the truth of faith obtained from the Word, and so from the Lord; and 'not thirsting' stands for his being never again in want of truth.

[4] Something similar appears elsewhere in John,

Jesus said, I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst. John 6:35.

And in the same gospel,

Jesus cried out, saying, If anyone thirsts let him come to Me and drink. Whoever believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, Out of his belly will flow rivers of living water. John 7:37-38.

'Thirsting stands for desiring truth, 'drinking for receiving instruction, and 'rivers of living water' for Divine Truth that flows from the Lord alone.

[5] In Isaiah,

To the thirsty bring water, O inhabitants of the land of Tema; meet with his bread the fugitive. Isaiah 21:14.

'To the thirsty bring water' stands for giving instruction in truths to one desiring them, and so refreshing the life of his soul. In the same prophet,

The fool will speak folly, and his heart will work iniquity, to practice hypocrisy, and to utter error against Jehovah; to empty the soul of the hungry one, and to cause the drink of the thirsting one to fail. Isaiah 32:6.

'The hungry one' stands for one desiring good, and 'one thirsting for drink' for one desiring truth.

[6] In the same prophet,

The poor and the needy are seeking water, but there is none; their tongue is parched with thirst. I will open streams on the sloping heights, and I will place springs in the midst of valleys; I will make the wilderness into a pool of water, and the dry land into wellsprings of water. Isaiah 41:17-18.

It is perfectly clear to anyone that 'seeking water' is seeking truth, that

'being parched with thirst' is being deprived of spiritual life owing to the lack of truth, and that 'streams, springs, a pool, and wellsprings of water' are the truths of faith in which they are to receive instruction.

In the same prophet,

Say, Jehovah has redeemed His servant Jacob. At that time they will not thirst; in waste places He will lead them. He will make water flow for them from the rock; and He will cleave the rock so that water flows out. Isaiah 48:20-21.

'They will not thirst' stands for their having no lack of truths; here 'water' plainly stands for the truths of faith.

[7] In the same prophet,

They will not hunger, nor will they thirst, nor will heat or the sun strike them; for the One having mercy on them will lead them, so that also by the wellsprings of water He will lead them. Isaiah 49:10.

'They will not hunger' stands for their having no lack of good, 'they will not thirst' for their having no lack of truth. 'Wellsprings of water' stands for cognitions of truth out of the Word.

[8] Something similar occurs in Moses,

Jehovah was leading you through a great and frightening wilderness, with serpents, fiery snakes, and scorpions, and dry places where there was no water; and He brought water for you out of the rock of the crag. Deuteronomy 8:15.

In Isaiah,

Behold, your God will come. At that time waters will break forth in the wilderness, and streams in the plain of the wilderness; and the dry place will become a pool and the thirsty ground wellsprings of water. Isaiah 35:4, 6-7.

'Waters in the wilderness which will break forth', 'streams', 'a pool', and

'wellsprings of water' plainly stand for the truths of faith and cognitions of those truths, which would be received from the Lord when He came into the world.

[9] In David,

O God, [You are] my God; in the morning I seek You. My soul thirsts for You; my flesh in a dry land longs for You, and I am weary without water. Psalms 63:1.

Here 'thirsting' has reference to truth, and 'I am weary without water' stands for the fact that there are no truths. 'Thirst' stands for a lack of truth and the resulting deprivation of spiritual life in Isaiah,

Therefore My people will go into exile because they have no knowledge, and their honourable men will be famished, 1 and their multitude parched with thirst. Isaiah 5:13.

In the same prophet,

I make the rivers into a desert; their fish become putrid because there is no water, and they will die of thirst. Isaiah 50:2.

[10] From all this one may now see what is meant in the present chapter by there was no water for the people to drink, verse 1; by their saying, Give us water and let us drink, verse 2; by the people thirsted there for water, verse 3; and by the declaration that water would come out of the rock, verse 6. All of this makes it clear that their grumbling because of the lack of water means temptation arising from a lack of truth. For when a person enters temptation because of a lack of truth he is gripped by an intense desire for it, and at the same time by despair of eternal salvation on account of this. These feelings are responsible for the grief at that time and for the complaining.


1. literally, their glory will be men (homo) of famine

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.