

出埃及記 10:24



24 法老就召摩西來,:你們去事奉耶和華;只是你們的羊群牛群要留下;你們的婦人孩子可以和你們同去。





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7633. “为要把我的神迹放在他中间” 表好叫恶人知道他们陷入邪恶, 叫善人对教会里那些过着邪恶生活之人的状态能有所启示. 这从 “神迹” 的含义清楚可知, “神迹” 是指对真理的确证, 因而是指对真理的认识 (参看6870节), 以及在真理上的启示 (7012节); 因此, “把神迹放在他中间” 表示好叫恶人知道他们陷入邪恶. 它还表示叫善人对教会里那些过着邪恶生活之人的状态能有所启示, 这一点从接下来的经文明显看出来; 在那里, 经上说: “并要叫你在你儿子和你孙子的耳中讲述我在埃及所作的事, 和我放在他们中间的神迹”, 以此表示叫那些处于真理和良善的人能知道那些属于教会并侵扰正直人的人所遭遇的事. 在来世侵扰正直人的, 是那些曾属于教会, 并知道信的诫命, 然而却过着违背它们的生活之人 (参看7317, 7502, 7545, 7554节).

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Thanks to our friends at swedenborgwork.com for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)




"Plowing in the Nivernais" by Auguste-François Bonheur

“Earth” refers to the externals of a person or a community -- their everyday thoughts and actions -- in a broad, general sense. “Ground” refers to the parts of our external lives that are ready for cultivation, ready to be put to use. Cultivation, of course, involves loosening up the soil (breaking down our distracting habits and thoughts) and planting seeds (true concepts and ideas that spring from a desire to be good). As those seeds start growing, we begin to be truly useful. In short, then, “ground” in the Bible can mean a person or community that is receptive to the Lord's teaching. It can also mean a person or church that has received the Lord's teaching and is putting it to use.