

民数记 5:27



27 叫他喝了以後,他若被玷污,得罪了丈夫,这致咒诅的进入他里面变苦了,他的肚腹就要发胀,大腿就要消瘦,那妇人便要在他民中被人咒诅。




"A Mother and Child Entering a Cottage" by Helen Allingham

All changes of place in the Bible represent changes in spiritual state. “Entering” – usually used as entering someone’s house or “going in unto” someone – particularly means adopting a spiritual state that is compatible with someone else in order to communicate with them or be conjoined with them. This is easily seen in the fact that a man “going in unto” a woman is sort of a Biblical euphemism for a physical relationship. In a broader sense, all the spiritual changes we go through in our lives involve “entering” and “leaving,” so when the Bible uses the phrasing “going in and coming out,” it symbolizes someone’s entire spiritual life.

To enter, as in Genesis 7:1, signifies to be prepared.



Genesis 7:1



1 Yahweh said to Noah, "Come with all of your household into the ship, for I have seen your righteousness before me in this generation.