

تثنية 32:38



38 التي كانت تاكل شحم ذبائحهم وتشرب خمر سكائبهم. لتقم وتساعدكم وتكن عليكم حماية.



Explanation of Deuteronomy 32:38

作者: Alexander Payne

Verse 38. Which consumed the good of their worship, and destroyed all perception of truth in the soul; which are unable to oppose evils, or to afford any real help or protection in temptations.



Heaven and Hell#24


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24. The heavenly kingdom is also called the Lord's priestly kingdom - in the Word, "his dwelling;" and the spiritual kingdom is called his royal kingdom - in the Word, "his throne." The Lord in the world was called "Jesus" because of his heavenly divine nature, and "the Christ" because of his spiritual divine nature.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.