Die Bibel


Hesekiel 37



1 HERRENS hand kom över mig, och genom HERRENS Ande fördes jag åstad och sattes ned mitt på slätten, som nu låg full med ben.

2 Och han förde mig fram runt omkring dem, och jag såg att de lågo där i stor myckenhet utöver dalen och jag såg att de voro alldeles förtorkade.

3 Och han sade till mig: »Du människobarn, kunna väl dessa ben åter bliva levande?» Jag svarade: »Herre, Herre, du vet det.»

4 Då sade han till mig: »Profetera över dessa ben och säg till dem: I förtorkade ben, hören HERRENS ord;

5 säger Herren, HERREN till dessa ben: Se, jag skall låta ande komma in i eder, så att I åter bliven levande.

6 Jag skall fästa senor vid eder och låta kött växa på eder och övertäcka eder med hud och giva eder ande, så att I åter bliven levande; och I skolen förnimma att jag är HERREN

7 Och jag profeterade, såsom det hade blivit mig bjudet. Och när jag nu profeterade, hördes ett rassel, och där blev ett gny, och benen kommo åter tillhopa, så att det ena benet fogades till det andra.

8 Och jag såg huru senor och kött växte på dem, och huru de övertäcktes med hud därovanpå; men ingen ande var ännu i dem.

9 Då sade han till mig: »Profetera och tala till anden, ja, profetera, du människobarn, och säg till anden: Så säger Herren, HERREN: Kom, du ande, från de fyra väderstrecken och blås på dessa dräpta, så att de åter bliva levande.»

10 Och jag profeterade, såsom han hade bjudit mig. Då kom anden in i dem, och de blevo åter levande och reste sig upp på sina fötter, en övermåttan stor skara.

11 Och han sade till mig: »Du människobarn, dessa ben, de äro alla Israels barn. Se, de säga: 'Våra ben äro förtorkade, vårt hopp har blivit om intet, det är ute med oss.'

12 Profetera därför och säg till dem: Så säger Herren, HERREN: Se, jag vill öppna edra gravar och hämta eder, mitt folk, upp ur edra gravar och låta eder komma till Israels land.

13 Och I skolen förnimma att jag är HERREN, när jag öppnar edra gravar och hämtar eder, mitt folk, upp ur edra gravar.

14 Och jag skall låta min ande komma in i eder, så att I åter bliven levande, och jag skall låta eder få bo i edert land; och I skolen förnimma att jag, HERREN, har tala det, och att jag också har fullborda det, säger HERREN

15 Och HERRENS ord kom till mig han sade:

16 Du människobarn, tag dig en trästav och skriv på den: »För Juda och hans fränder bland Israels barn.» Tag sedan en annan trästav och skriv på den: »En stav för Josef, Efraim, och för hans fränder av hela Israels hus

17 Foga dem sedan tillhopa med varandra till en enda stav, så att de bliva förenade till ett i din hand.

18 När då dina landsmän säga till dig: »Förklara för oss vad du menar härmed»,

19 så svara dem: »Så säger Herren, HERREN: Se, jag vill taga Josefs stav, den som är i Efraims hand, vilken stav ock gäller för de stammar av Israel, som äro hans fränder, och intill denna vill jag lägga Judas stav, båda tillhopa, och så göra dem till en enda stav, så att de bliva ett i min hand

20 Och stavarna som du har skrivit på skall du hålla i din hand inför deras ögon.

21 Och du skall tala till dem: Så säger Herren, HERREN: Se, jag skall hämta Israels barn ut ifrån de folk till vilka de hava måst vandra bort; jag skall samla dem tillhopa från alla håll och föra dem in i deras land.

22 Och jag skall göra dem till ett enda folk i landet, på Israels berg; en och samma konung skola de alla hava; de skola icke mer vara två folk och icke mer vara delade i två riken.

23 Sedan skola de icke mer orena sig med sina eländiga avgudar och styggelser och med alla slags överträdelser. Och jag skall frälsa dem och hämta dem från alla orter där de hava syndat, och skall rena dem, så att de bliva mitt folk, och jag skall vara deras Gud.

24 Och min tjänare David skall vara konung över dem, och de skola så alla hava en och samma herde; och de skola vandra efter mina rätter och hålla mina stadgar och göra efter dem.

25 Så skola de få bo i det land som jag gav åt min tjänare Jakob, det vari edra fäder bodde. De skola själva få bo där, så ock deras barn och deras barnbarn till evig tid; och min tjänare David skall vara deras hövding evinnerligen.

26 Och jag skall med dem sluta ett fridsförbund; ett evigt förbund med dem skall det vara. Jag skall insätta dem och föröka dem och låta min helgedom stå bland dem evinnerligen.

27 Ja, min boning skall vara hos dem, och jag skall vara deras Gud, och de skola vara mitt folk.

28 Så skola folken förnimma att jag är HERREN, som helgar Israel, då nu min helgedom förbliver ibland dem evinnerligen.





David the King

David is one of the most significant figures in the Bible. He was a musician, one of history’s greatest poets, the boy warrior who killed the giant Goliath, a devout servant of God, a great leader of men and ultimately Israel’s greatest king. His stories cover the second half of the First Book of Samuel and all of the Second Book of Samuel, and his legacy was such that Jesus himself was born in the “City of David” to fulfill prophecies. For all that, David the man was not perfect. Most notoriously, he ordered his soldiers to make sure one of their comrades was killed in battle because he had seen the man’s wife bathing and wanted her as his own. He was also willing to actually ally with the Philistines for a time, while his predecessor Saul was still king. But in spiritual terms, David’s meaning matches his reputation: He represents the Lord, and especially the Lord as we are able to know Him and understand Him. The Writings call this “divine truth,” and it can be our ultimate guide if we want to serve the Lord and make His desires our own. This representation makes sense if we look at following the Lord as a whole picture. There are essentially two elements. First, we need to accept the Lord, believe in Him, open our hearts to Him, worship Him. These are matters of affection, and related to the Lord’s divine goodness. And they are generally represented by priests, who lead worship and perform rituals. Second, we need to act in accord with the Lord’s wishes: We need to serve others, care for those in need, defend the defenseless and work to make life and society better for everyone. These actions require thought, judgment, design, and are thus related to Lord’s divine truth, or divine guidance. They are generally represented by kings, who are men of action and are responsible for the activity of their nations. As the greatest of the kings, David represents this truth in its greatest form.

Aus Swedenborgs Werken


Apocalypse Explained #1082

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1082. And shall eat her flesh, signifies rejection of its evils, which are adulterated goods, and then the manifestation that they were without any good. This is evident from the signification of "flesh," as being the good of the Word and of the church, and in the contrary sense the evil thereof. Here "flesh" means evils, which are adulterated goods. Also from the signification of "to eat," as being to consume, but here to reject wholly, because this is said of the Reformed, who have rejected the works or goods of Babylon, which consist especially in gifts to the idols of their saints, to their sepulchers, also to monasteries, and to the monks themselves, given as offerings for various expiations. It follows that the same words mean also the manifestation that they were without any good, for when spurious and meritorious goods are rejected, which are signified by the "flesh that they should eat," it is then manifest that they are without any good.

[2] "Flesh" has various significations in the Word. It signifies what is man's own [proprium], thus either his good or evil, and from this it signifies the whole man. But in the highest sense it signifies the Lord's Divine Human, and particularly the Divine good of the Divine love that proceeds from Him. That "flesh" signifies the Divine Human as to the good of love is evident in John:

Jesus said, I am the living bread, which cometh down out of heaven; if anyone eat of this bread he shall live forever; and the bread which I will give is My flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. The Jews, therefore, strove one with another, saying, How can this one give His flesh to eat? Jesus therefore said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His blood ye shall not have life in yourselves. He that eateth My flesh and drinketh My blood hath eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day; for My flesh is truly food, and My blood is truly drink. He that eateth My flesh and drinketh My blood abideth in Me and I in him. This is the bread which cometh down out of heaven (John 6:51-58).

It is clearly evident that "flesh" here means the own [proprium] of the Lord's Divine Human, which is the Divine good of the Divine love, and is that which is called in the Holy Supper the body. (That the "body" there, that is, the "flesh," is the Divine good, and the "blood" is the Divine truth, may be seen above, n. 329.) And as "bread and wine" have the same signification as "flesh and blood," "bread" meaning the Divine good, and "wine" the Divine truth, therefore these were commanded in place of flesh and blood.

[3] Divine good from the Lord was signified also by the flesh of the sacrifices that Aaron, his sons, and those who sacrificed, and others who were clean, might eat:

And that this was holy (may be seen in Exodus 12:7-9, 29:31-34; Leviticus 7:15-21; 8:31; Deuteronomy 12:27; 16:4);

Consequently if an unclean person ate of that flesh he would be cut off from his people (Leviticus 7:21).

That those sacrifices were called bread (Leviticus 22:6-7).

That that flesh was called the flesh of holiness (Jeremiah 11:15; Haggai 2:12),

And the flesh of the offering, which was to be upon the table in the Lord's kingdom (Ezekiel 40:43).

The Lord's Divine Human is also called "flesh" in John:

The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us; and we saw His glory, the glory as of the only-begotten of the Father (John 1:14).

[4] That "flesh" signified also the good with man can be seen from the following passages. In Ezekiel:

I will give them one heart, and I will give a new spirit in the midst of you, and I will take away the heart of stone out of their flesh, and I will give them a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 11:19; 36:26).

"Heart of flesh" means the will and love of good. In David:

O God, Thou art my God, in the morning I seek Thee; my soul thirsteth for Thee; my flesh longeth for Thee in a land of drought and weariness without waters (Psalms 63:1).

In the same:

My soul longeth for the courts of Jehovah; my heart and my flesh cry out unto the living God (Psalms 84:2).

The "flesh" that longeth for Jehovah, and that crieth out unto the living God, signifies man as to good of the will, for the "flesh" of man corresponds to the good or evil of his will, and the "blood" to the truth or falsity of his understanding; here "flesh" means the good of the will, because it longeth for Jehovah and crieth out unto God.

[5] In Job:

I have known my Redeemer, He liveth, and at the last He shall rise upon the dust; and afterwards these things shall be encompassed by my skin, and from my flesh I shall see God (Job 19:25-27).

To see God from one's flesh signifies from one's own voluntary made new by the Lord, and thus good. In Ezekiel:

Upon the bones seen in the midst of the valley, I will put sinews, and I will cause flesh to come up upon them, and I will cover them with skin, and I will give spirit unto them that they may live (Ezekiel 37:6, 8).

Here, too, "flesh" signifies what is one's own [proprium] of the will made new by the Lord, and thus good. What "bones" and the rest signify here may be seen above (n. 418, 419, 665). In Revelation:

Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God, that ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of commanders of thousands, and the flesh of the mighty, and the flesh of horses and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all, free and bond, small and great (Revelation 19:17-18; Ezekiel 39:17-19).

That "flesh" here does not mean flesh but goods of every kind, is clearly evident.

[6] But on the other hand, that "flesh" signifies man's own voluntary, which regarded in itself is evil, is evident from the following passages. In Isaiah:

They shall eat every man the flesh of his own arm (Isaiah 9:20).

In the same:

I will feed thine oppressors with their own flesh (Isaiah 49:26).

In Jeremiah:

I will feed you with the flesh of their sons and with the flesh of their daughters; and they shall eat every man the flesh of his companion (Jeremiah 19:9).

In Zechariah:

The rest shall eat everyone the flesh of another (Zechariah 11:9).

In Moses:

I will chastise you sevenfold for your sins, and ye shall eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters (Leviticus 26:28-29).

[7] In Jeremiah:

Cursed is the man who trusteth in man and maketh flesh his arm (Jeremiah 17:5).

Here "flesh" signifies what is man's own [proprium] which in itself is evil; to appropriate this to oneself is signified by eating and feeding upon it. Again, "flesh" signifies what is man's own [proprium] in Matthew:

Jesus said, Blessed art thou, Simon, for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee (Matthew 16:17).

In John:

As many as received, to them gave He power to become sons of God, who were born, not from bloods nor from the will of the flesh, but from God (John 1:12-13).

In Ezekiel:

Jerusalem committed whoredom with the sons of Egypt her neighbors, great in flesh (Ezekiel 16:26).

In Isaiah:

Egypt is man and not God, and his horses are flesh and not spirit (Isaiah 31:3).

In John:

It is the spirit that quickeneth, the flesh profiteth nothing (John 6:63).

In the same:

That which is born of the flesh is flesh, that which is begotten of the spirit is spirit (John 3:6).

In David:

God remembered that they were flesh, a breath that passeth away and returneth not (Psalms 78:39).

The evil of man's will, which is what is his own [proprium] from birth is what is signified in these passages by "flesh"; also by:

The flesh that the sons of Israel lusted after in the desert, and on account of which they were smitten with a great plague, and from which the place was called graves of lust (Numbers 11:4-34).

Moreover, in the Word the expression "all flesh" is frequently used as meaning every man (as in Genesis 6:12, 13, 17, 19; Isaiah 40:5, 6; 49:26; 66:16, 23, 24; Jeremiah 25:31; 32:27; 45:5; Ezekiel 20:48, 21:4, 5; and elsewhere).

(Continuation respecting the Word)

[8] The spiritual by influx presents what is correspondent to itself in the natural, in order that the end may become a cause, and the cause become an effect, and thus the end through the cause may present itself in the effect as visible and sensible. This trine, namely, end, cause, and effect, is given from creation in every heaven. The end is the good of love, the cause is truth from that good, and the effect is use. That which produces is love, and the product therefrom is of love from good by means of truth. The final products, which are in our world, are various, as numerous as the objects are in its three kingdoms of nature, animal, vegetable, and mineral. All products are correspondences.

[9] As this trine, namely, end, cause, and effect, exists in each heaven, there must be in each heaven products that are correspondences, and which in form and aspect are like the objects in the three kingdoms of our earth; from which it is clear that each heaven is like our earth in external appearance, differing only in excellence and beauty according to degrees. Now in order that the Word may be full, that is, may consist of effects in which are a cause and an end, or may consist of uses, in which truth is the cause and good is the end and love is that which produces, it must needs consist of correspondences; and from this it follows that the Word in each heaven is like the Word in our world, differing only in excellence and beauty according to degrees. What this difference is shall be told elsewhere.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.