Die Bibel


Postanak 1


1 U početku stvori Bog nebo i zemlju.

2 A zemlja beše bez obličja i pusta, i beše tama nad bezdanom; i duh Božji dizaše se nad vodom.

3 I reče Bog: Neka bude svetlost. I bi svetlost.

4 I vide Bog svetlost da je dobra; i rastavi Bog svetlost od tame.

5 I svetlost nazva Bog dan, a tamu nazva noć. I bi veče i bi jutro, dan prvi.

6 Potom reče Bog: Neka bude svod posred vode, da rastavlja vodu od vode.

7 I stvori Bog svod, i rastavi vodu pod svodom od vode nad svodom; i bi tako.

8 A svod nazva Bog nebo. I bi veče i bi jutro, dan drugi.

9 Potom reče Bog: Neka se sabere voda što je pod nebom na jedno mesto, i neka se pokaže suvo. I bi tako.

10 I suvo nazva Bog zemlja, a zborišta vodena nazva mora; i vide Bog da je dobro.

11 Opet reče Bog: Neka pusti zemlja iz sebe travu, bilje, što nosi seme, i drvo rodno, koje rađa rod po svojim vrstama, u kome će biti seme njegovo na zemlji. I bi tako.

12 I pusti zemlja iz sebe travu, bilje, što nosi seme po svojim vrstama, i drvo, koje rađa rod, u kome je seme njegovo po njegovim vrstama. I vide Bog da je dobro.

13 I bi veče i bi jutro, dan treći.

14 Potom reče Bog: Neka budu videla na svodu nebeskom, da dele dan i noć, da budu znaci vremenima i danima i godinama;

15 I neka svetle na svodu nebeskom, da obasjavaju zemlju. I bi tako.

16 I stvori Bog dva videla velika: videlo veće da upravlja danom, i videlo manje da upravlja noću, i zvezde.

17 I postavi ih Bog na svodu nebeskom da obasjavaju zemlju.

18 I da upravljaju danom i noću, i da dele svetlost od tame. I vide Bog da je dobro.

19 I bi veče i bi jutro, dan četvrti.

20 Potom reče Bog: Neka vrve po vodi žive duše, i ptice neka lete iznad zemlje pod svod nebeski.

21 I stvori Bog kitove velike i sve žive duše što se miču, što provrveše po vodi po vrstama svojim, i sve ptice krilate po vrstama njihovim. I vide Bog da je dobro;

22 I blagoslovi ih Bog govoreći: Rađajte se i množite se, i napunite vodu po morima, i ptice neka se množe na zemlji.

23 I bi veče i bi jutro, dan peti.

24 Potom reče Bog: Neka zemlja pusti iz sebe duše žive po vrstama njihovim, stoku i sitne životinje i zveri zemaljske po vrstama njihovim. I bi tako.

25 I stvori Bog zveri zemaljske po vrstama njihovim, i stoku po vrstama njenim, i sve sitne životinje na zemlji po vrstama njihovim. I vide Bog da je dobro.

26 Potom reče Bog: Da načinimo čoveka po svom obličju, kao što smo mi, koji će biti gospodar od riba morskih i od ptica nebeskih i od stoke i od cele zemlje i od svih životinja što se miču po zemlji.

27 I stvori Bog čoveka po obličju svom, po obličju Božjem stvori ga; muško i žensko stvori ih.

28 I blagoslovi ih Bog, i reče im Bog: Rađajte se i množite se, i napunite zemlju, i vladajte njom, i budite gospodari od riba morskih i od ptica nebeskih i od svih zveri što se miče po zemlji.

29 I još reče Bog: Evo, dao sam vam sve bilje što nosi seme po svoj zemlji, i sva drveta rodna koja nose seme; to će vam biti za hranu.

30 A svim zverima zemaljskim i svim pticama nebeskim i svemu što se miče na zemlji i u čemu ima duša živa, dao sam svu travu da jedu. I bi tako.

31 Tada pogleda Bog sve što je stvorio, i gle, dobro beše veoma. I bi veče i bi jutro, dan šesti.

Aus Swedenborgs Werken


True Christianity #34

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34. In people, the Infinite Divine is present the way something is present in an image of itself. The Word shows this, when we read the following:

Finally God said, "Let us make human beings in our image, according to our likeness. " Therefore God created human beings in his own image; in the image of God he created them. (Genesis 1:26-27)

From this statement it follows that human beings are organisms that are open to God, and organisms whose quality depends on their response.

[2] The human mind - the source and determiner of our humanness - has been formed into three areas to match three levels. On the first level the human mind is heavenly; angels of the highest heaven are on that level. On the second level it is spiritual; angels of the middle heaven are on that level. On the third level it is earthly; angels of the lowest heaven are on that level.

Organized as it is to accommodate these three levels, the human mind is a vessel for receiving divine inflow. Yet what is divine does not flow in beyond our smoothing of the way [Isaiah 40:4] or our opening of the door [Revelation 3:20]. If we smooth the way and open the door all the way to the highest level, the heavenly one, then we truly become an image of God. After death we will become an angel of the highest heaven. If we smooth the way or open the door only to the middle or spiritual level, then we still become an image of God, but one that is not as complete. After death we will become angels of the middle heaven. But if we smooth the way or open the door only to the lowest or earthly level, then we become an image of God at the lowest level, provided we acknowledge God and worship him with acts of devotion. After death we will become angels of the lowest heaven.

If we do not acknowledge God and do not worship him with acts of devotion, we divest ourselves of the image of God and become like one type of animal or another, except for the fact that we still enjoy the ability to understand and therefore to speak. If under those circumstances we close our highest earthly level, which corresponds to the highest heavenly level, we become like farm animals in what we love. If we close our middle earthly level, which corresponds to the middle spiritual level, we become like foxes in what we love, and like birds that come out in the evening, as far as our intellectual discernment goes. If we close even our lowest earthly level to its spiritual counterpart, we become like wild animals in what we love and like fish in our understanding of truth.

[3] Divine life flows in from the sun of the angelic heaven and energizes us much the way light from our sun flows into a transparent object. Our highest level receives life the way light flows into a diamond; our second level receives life the way light flows into a crystal; our lowest level receives life the way light flows into translucent glass or parchment.

If the lowest degree is totally closed spiritually, as happens when we deny the existence of God and worship Satan, life flows into us from God much the way light flows into opaque things on earth: rotten wood, swamp sod, dung, and so on. At that stage we become spiritual cadavers.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.