Die Bibel


Išėjimas 21



1 “Tai nuostatai, kuriuos jiems pateiksi.

2 Jei pirksi vergą hebrają, jis tau tarnaus šešerius metus, o septintaisiais paleisi jį be išpirkimo.

3 Jei jis atėjo vienas, vienas teišeina. Jei atėjo vedęs, jo žmona teišeina su juo.

4 Jei jo šeimininkas davė jam žmoną ir ji pagimdė sūnų ir dukterų, žmona ir jos vaikai lieka šeimininkui, o jis vienas teišeina.

5 Bet jei vergas aiškiai pasakys: ‘Aš myliu savo šeimininką, žmoną bei vaikus ir atsisakau laisvės’,

6 tai jo šeimininkas atves jį pas teisėjus, prives jį prie durų arba prie durų staktos ir perdurs yla jo ausį; ir jis liks jam tarnauti visą gyvenimą.

7 Jei kas parduoda savo dukterį vergijon, ji neišeis, kaip išeina vergai.

8 Jei ji nepatinka šeimininkui, kuris su ja susižadėjo, jis turi leisti ją išpirkti. Jis neturi teisės parduoti jos svetimšaliams, nes apgavo ją.

9 O jei jis sužadėjo ją su savo sūnumi, privalo elgtis su ja kaip su dukterimi.

10 Jei jis paims jam kitą, jis neturi teisės sumažinti jai maisto, rūbų ir santuokinių teisių.

11 Jei jis neatlieka jai šitų trijų dalykų, ji išeis be išpirkimo mokesčio.

12 Kas sumuša žmogų taip, kad jis miršta, tas baudžiamas mirtimi.

13 O jei žmogus negalvojo žudyti, bet Dievas atidavė jį į jo rankas, tai Aš paskirsiu vietą, kur jis galėtų pabėgti.

14 Jei kas savo artimą tyčiomis nužudo panaudodamas klastą, tą paimk ir nuo mano aukuro, kad jis mirtų.

15 Kas suduoda savo tėvui arba motinai, tas baudžiamas mirtimi.

16 Kas pavagia žmogų ir parduoda jį, ar jis surandamas pas jį, baudžiamas mirtimi.

17 Kas keikia savo tėvą ar motiną, tas baudžiamas mirtimi.

18 Jei vyrams susivaidijus, vienas taip sumuša kitą akmeniu ar kumščiu, kad tas nemiršta, bet atsigula į lovą,

19 ir jeigu jis atsikelia ir pasiremdamas lazda gali vaikščioti, sumušėjas nebaudžiamas, tik privalo atlyginti už sugaištą laiką ir sumokėti visas gydymo išlaidas.

20 Jei kas taip sumuša vergą ar vergę lazda, kad tas tuojau miršta,­bus nubaustas.

21 O jei jis išgyvena vieną ar dvi dienas, jis nebaudžiamas, nes vergas yra jo nuosavybė.

22 Jei vyrai vaidijasi ir užgauna nėščią moterį ir ji persileidžia, bet jos pačios nesužaloja, tada užgavėjas baudžiamas pinigine bauda, kokią jam paskiria tos moters vyras, teisėjams tarpininkaujant.

23 Bet jei sužaloja­gyvybė už gyvybę,

24 akis už akį, dantis už dantį, ranka už ranką, koja už koją,

25 nudeginimas už nudeginimą, žaizda už žaizdą, randas už randą.

26 Jei kas išmuša savo vergui ar vergei akį, jis privalo už tai paleisti jį laisvėn.

27 Jei jis išmuša savo vergui ar vergei dantį, jis privalo už tai paleisti jį laisvėn.

28 Jei jautis taip subado vyrą ar moterį, kad tas miršta, jautį užmuškite akmenimis ir nevalgykite jo mėsos. Tačiau jaučio savininkas yra nekaltas.

29 Bet jeigu jautis jau anksčiau badydavo ir jo savininkas buvo įspėtas, tačiau jo neuždarė, ir jei jis mirtinai subadė vyrą ar moterį, jautį užmuškite akmenimis, o jo savininką taip pat bauskite mirtimi.

30 O jei jam bus leista išsipirkti, jis mokės išpirką už savo gyvybę tiek, kiek jam bus paskirta.

31 Jei jautis subado sūnų ar dukterį, laikykitės tos pačios taisyklės.

32 Jei jautis subado vergę ar vergą, tai savininkas sumokės vergo šeimininkui trisdešimt šekelių sidabro, o jautį užmuškite akmenimis.

33 Jei kas atidengia duobę arba jei kas iškasa duobę, bet jos neuždengia, ir į ją įkrinta jautis ar asilas,

34 duobės savininkas atlygins nuostolį, sumokėdamas pinigus gyvulio savininkui, o nugaišęs gyvulys liks jam.

35 Jei kieno jautis taip sužaloja kito jautį, kad tas nugaišta, tai jie parduos gyvąjį jautį ir pasidalins už jį gautus pinigus. Taip pat jie pasidalins ir nugaišusį gyvulį.

36 O jei buvo žinoma, kad jautis jau anksčiau badydavo ir savininkas jo neuždarė, tai jis atiduos jautį už jautį, o nugaišęs priklausys jam”.


Aus Swedenborgs Werken


Arcana Coelestia #8970

studieren Sie diesen Abschnitt

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8970. Exodus 21

1. And these are the judgements which you shall set before them.

2. When you buy a Hebrew slave, he shall serve for six years; and in the seventh he shall go out free, for nothing.

3. If he comes in his body, he shall go out in his body; 1 if he is master of a woman, 2 his woman shall go out with him.

4. If his master has given him a woman and she has borne him sons or daughters, the woman and her children shall be her master's, and he shall go out in his body 3 .

5. And if the slave says plainly, I love my master, my woman, and my children, I will not go out free;

6. His master shall bring him to God, and shall bring him to the door or to the doorpost. And his master shall pierce his ear with an awl; and he shall serve him forever.

7. And when a man sells his daughter to be a female slave, she shall not go out as the male slaves do 4 .

8. If she is bad 5 in the eyes of her master, so that he does not betroth her, let her be redeemed. He shall have no power to sell her to a foreign people 6 - he would be acting treacherously towards her.

9. And if he betroths her to his son, he shall deal with her according to the judgement of daughters 7 .

10. If he takes another one for himself, he shall not diminish her food, her clothing, and her marital rights.

11. And if he does not do these three things for her, she shall go out for nothing, for no silver.

12. Anyone striking a man - and he dies - shall surely die.

13. And one who did not lie in wait, and God caused it to happen at his hand - I will appoint for you a place to which he may flee.

14. And when a man acts from set purpose against his companion, to kill him with guile, you shall take him from My altar to die.

15. And anyone striking his father and his mother shall surely die.

16. And anyone stealing a man and selling him - and he is found in his hand - shall surely die.

17. And anyone cursing his father and his mother shall surely die.

18. And when men quarrel, and a man strikes his companion with a stone or a fist, and he does not die, and lies down in bed, 8

19. If he rises up and walks outside on his staff, the striker shall be innocent; but he shall pay for his cessation [from work] 9 and thoroughly cure him. 10

20. And when a man strikes his male slave or his female slave with a rod, and [the slave] dies under his hand, he shall certainly be avenged.

21. However, if [the slave] stands for a day or two, 11 he shall not be avenged, since he is his silver.

22. And when men brawl and inflict a blow on a pregnant woman, and her offspring come out, and no harm is done, [the one inflicting the blow] shall surely be fined, as the master of the woman 12 imposes on him; and he shall pay in accordance with the judges. 13

23. And if harm is done, you shall pay soul for soul,

24. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,

25. Burning for burning, wound for wound, blow for blow.

26. And when a man strikes the eye of his male slave, or the eye of his female slave, and destroys it, he shall send him away free for his eye.

27. And if he strikes out the tooth of his male slave or the tooth of his female slave, he shall send him away free for his tooth.

28. And when an ox strikes a man or a woman with its horn, and [the person] dies, the ox shall surely be stoned, and its flesh shall not be eaten; and the owner 14 of the ox shall be guiltless.

29. And if the ox has been accustomed to gore in the past, 15 and this has been testified to its owner. 14 and he does not keep it in, and it kills a man or a woman, the ox shall be stoned, and also its owner 14 shall die.

30. If expiation has been imposed on him, 16 he shall pay for the redemption of his soul according to all that has been imposed on him.

31. Whether it strikes a son with its horn or strikes a daughter with its horn, according to this judgement it shall be done to him.

32. If the ox strikes a male slave with its horn, or a female slave, [the owner] shall give their master thirty shekels of silver; and the ox shall be stoned.

33. And when a man opens a pit, or when a man digs a pit, and does not cover it, and an ox or an ass falls into it,

34. The owner 14 of the pit shall make repayment; he shall give silver to its owner, 14 and the dead [animal] shall be his.

35. And when a man's ox inflicts a blow on his companion's ox, and it dies, they shall sell the living ox, and divide the silver from it; and they shall also divide the dead one.

36. Or if it is known that the ox has been accustomed to gore in the past, 17 and its owner 18 does not keep it in, he shall surely repay ox for ox; and the dead one shall be his. 19

37. When a man steals an ox or a member of the flock, and slaughters it or sells it, he shall repay five oxen for the ox, and four of the flock for the member of the flock.


This chapter deals in the internal sense with those who injure or destroy the truth of faith or the good of charity present with themselves or with others; it states what punishment is incurred, and how restoration is effected. Such matters are embodied in the judgements or laws there regarding slaves; regarding death or harm inflicted on companions, or on slaves; and also regarding oxen accustomed to gore, and regarding a pit.


1. i.e. If he comes in single, he shall go out single.

2. i.e. if he is married

3. i.e. alone

4. literally, she shall not go out according to the going out of male slaves

5. i.e. one whom he does not find attractive enough for him to make her his concubine or 'secondary wife'

6. literally, people of the foreigner

7. i.e. she shall have the same rights as a daughter

8. i.e. is confined to bed

9. i.e. recompense him for the time he has been unable to work

10. i.e. see to it that he makes a full recovery

11. i.e. does not die within two days after being struck

12. i.e. the woman's man or husband

13. i.e. as the judges determine

14. literally, lord or master

15. literally, from yesterday three days ago

16. i.e. If he must make atonement

17. literally, from yesterday three days ago

18. literally, lord or master

19. In English versions of the Scriptures Exodus 21 ends here.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.