Die Bibel


創世記 24



1 アブラハムは年が進んで老人となった。はすべての事にアブラハム恵まれた

2 さてアブラハムは所有のすべてを管理させていたの年長のしもべに言った、「あなたのをわたしのももの下に入れなさい。

3 わたしはあなたに天地のをさして誓わせる。あなたはわたしが今一緒に住んでいるカナンびとのうちから、をわたしのにめとってはならない。

4 あなたはわたしのへ行き、親族の所へ行って、わたしのイサクのためにをめとらなければならない」。

5 しもべは彼に言った、「もしその女がわたしについてこの地に来ることを好まない時は、わたしはあなたのをあなたの出身地に連れ帰るべきでしょうか」。

6 アブラハムは彼に言った、「わたしのは決して向こうへ連れ帰ってはならない。

7 天のはわたしを父の、親族の地から導き出してわたしに語り、わたしに誓って、おまえの孫にこの地を与えると言われた。は、み使をあなたのにつかわされるであろう。あなたはあそこからわたしのをめとらねばならない。

8 けれどもその女があなたについて来ることを好まないなら、あなたはこの誓いを解かれる。ただわたしのを向こうへ連れ帰ってはならない」。

9 そこでしもべは主人アブラハムのももの下に入れ、この事について彼に誓った

10 しもべは主人のらくだのうちから頭のらくだを取って出かけた。すなわち主人のさまざまの良い物を携え、立ってアラム・ナハライムにむかい、ナホルのへ行った。

11 彼はらくだをの外の、井戸のそばに伏させた。時は夕暮で、女たちがをくみに出る時刻であった。

12 彼は言った、「主人アブラハムのよ、どうか、きょう、わたしにしあわせを授け、主人アブラハムに恵みを施してください。

13 わたしは泉のそばに立っています。の人々の娘たちをくみに出てきたとき、

14 娘に向かって『お願いです、あなたの水がめを傾けてわたしに飲ませてください』と言い、娘が答えて、『お飲みください。あなたのらくだにも飲ませましょう』と言ったなら、その者こそ、あなたがしもべイサクのために定められた者ということにしてください。わたしはこれによって、あなたがわたしの主人に恵みを施されることを知りましょう」。

15 彼がまだ言い終らないうちに、アブラハムの兄弟ナホルのミルカのベトエルの娘リベカが、水がめを肩に載せて出てきた。

16 その娘は非常に美しく、男を知らぬ処女であった。彼女が泉に降りて、水がめを満たし、上がってきた時、

17 しもべは走り寄って、彼女に会って言った、「お願いです。あなたのがめのを少し飲ませてください」。

18 すると彼女は「わがよ、お飲みください」と言って、急いで水がめを自分のに取りおろして彼に飲ませた。

19 飲ませ終って、彼女は言った、「あなたのらくだもみな飲み終るまで、わたしは水をくみましょう」。

20 彼女は急いでかめの水を水ぶねにあけ、再び水をくみに井戸に走って行って、すべてのらくだのために水をくんだ。

21 その間その人はが彼の旅の祝福されるか、どうかを知ろうと、黙って彼女を見つめていた。

22 らくだが飲み終ったとき、その人は重さ半シケルの金の鼻輪一つと、重さシケルの金の腕輪つを取って、

23 言った、「あなたはだれの娘か、わたしに話してください。あなたの父のにわたしどもの泊まる場所がありましょうか」。

24 彼女は彼に言った、「わたしはナホルの妻ミルカのベトエルの娘です」。

25 また彼に言った、「わたしどもには、わらも、飼葉もたくさんあります。また泊まる場所もあります」。

26 その人は頭を下げ、を拝して、

27 言った、「主人アブラハムのはほむべきかな。はわたしの主人にいつくしみと、まこととを惜しまれなかった。そしては旅にあるわたしを主人兄弟に導かれた」。

28 娘は走って行って、のものにこれらの事を告げた。

29 リベカにひとりのがあって、名をラバンといった。ラバンは泉のそばにいるその人の所へ走って行った。

30 彼は鼻輪と妹のにある腕輪とを見、また妹リベカが「その人はわたしにこう言った」というのを聞いて、その人の所へ行ってみると、その人は泉のほとりで、らくだのそばに立っていた

31 そこでその人に言った、「祝福された人よ、おはいりください。なぜ外に立っておられますか。わたしはを準備し、らくだのためにも場所を準備しておきました」。

32 その人はにはいった。ラバンはらくだの荷を解いて、わらと飼葉をらくだに与え、またを与えてその人のと、その従者たちのを洗わせた。

33 そして彼のに食物を供えたが、彼は言った、「わたしは用向きを話すまでは食べません」。ラバンは言った、「お話しください」。

34 そこで彼は言った、「わたしはアブラハムのしもべです。

35 はわたしの主人を大いに祝福して、大いなる者とされました。はまた彼に、牛、、金、男女の奴隷、らくだ、ろばを与えられました。

36 主人サラは年老いてから、主人に男のを産みました。主人はその所有を皆これに与えました。

37 ところで主人はわたしに誓わせて言いました、『わたしの住んでいる地のカナンびとのを、わたしのにめとってはならない。

38 おまえはわたしの父の、親族の所へ行って、わたしのをめとらなければならない』。

39 わたしは主人に言いました、『もしその女がわたしについてこない時はどういたしましょうか』。

40 人はわたしに言いました、『わたしの仕えているは、み使をおまえと一緒につかわして、おまえの旅にさいわいを与えられるであろう。おまえはわたしの親族、わたしの父のからわたしのをめとらなければならない。

41 そのとき、おまえはわたしにした誓いから解かれるであろう。またおまえがわたしの親族に行く時、彼らがおまえにその娘を与えないなら、おまえはわたしにした誓いから解かれるであろう』。

42 わたしはきょう、泉のところにきて言いました、『主人アブラハムのよ、どうか今わたしのゆく道にさいわいを与えてください。

43 わたしはこの泉のそばに立っていますが、をくみに出てくる娘に向かって、「お願いです。あなたのがめのを少し飲ませてください」と言い、

44 「お飲みください。あなたのらくだのためにも、くみましょう」とわたしに言うなら、その娘こそ、がわたしの主人のために定められた女ということにしてください』。

45 わたしがのうちでそう言い終らないうちに、リベカが水がめを肩に載せて出てきて、水をくみに泉に降りたので、わたしは『お願いです、飲ませてください』と言いますと、

46 彼女は急いで水がめを肩からおろし、『お飲みください。わたしはあなたのらくだにも飲ませましょう』と言いました。それでわたしは飲みましたが、彼女はらくだにも飲ませました。

47 わたしは彼女に尋ねて、『あなたはだれの娘ですか』と言いますと、『ナホルとその妻ミルカのベトエルの娘です』と答えました。そこでわたしは彼女の輪をつけ、に腕輪をつけました。

48 そしてわたしは頭をさげてを拝し、主人アブラハムのをほめたたえました。主人兄弟の娘をにめとらせようと、わたしを正しい道に導かれたからです。

49 あなたがたが、もしわたしの主人にいつくしみと、まことを尽そうと思われるなら、そうとわたしにお話しください。そうでなければ、そうでないとお話しください。それによってわたしは右か左に決めましょう」。

50 ラバンとベトエルは答えて言った、「この事はから出たことですから、わたしどもはあなたによしあしを言うことができません。

51 リベカがここにおりますから連れて行って、が言われたように、あなたの主人にしてください」。

52 アブラハムのしもべは彼らの言葉を聞いて、地に伏し、を拝した。

53 そしてしもべはの飾りと、金の飾り、および衣服を取り出してリベカに与え、そのとにも価の高い品々を与えた。

54 彼と従者たちは飲み食いして宿ったが、あくる彼らが起きた時、しもべは言った、「わたしを主人のもとに帰らせてください」。

55 リベカのとは言った、「娘は数、少なくとも十、わたしどもと共にいて、それから行かせましょう」。

56 しもべは彼らに言った、「はわたしの道にさいわいを与えられましたから、わたしを引きとめずに、主人のもとに帰らせてください」。

57 彼らは言った、「娘を呼んで聞いてみましょう」。

58 彼らはリベカを呼んで言った、「あなたはこの人と一緒に行きますか」。彼女は言った、「行きます」。

59 そこで彼らは妹リベカと、そのうばと、アブラハムのしもべと、その従者とを送り去らせた。

60 彼らはリベカ祝福して彼女に言った、「妹よ、あなたは、ちよろずの人の母となれ。あなたの子孫はその敵のを打ち取れ」。

61 リベカは立って侍女たちと共にらくだに乗り、その人に従って行った。しもべはリベカを連れて立ち去った。

62 さてイサクはベエル・ラハイ・ロイからきて、ネゲブの地に住んでいた

63 イサクは夕暮、野に出て歩いていたが、をあげて、らくだの来るのを見た

64 リベカをあげてイサクを見、らくだからおりて、

65 しもべに言った、「わたしたちに向かって、野を歩いて来るあの人はだれでしょう」。しもべは言った、「あれはわたしの主人です」。するとリベカは、被衣で身をおおった。

66 しもべは自分がしたことのすべてをイサクに話した。

67 イサクはリベカを天幕に連れて行き、リベカをめとってとし、彼女をした。こうしてイサクはの死慰めを得た。


Aus Swedenborgs Werken


Apocalypse Explained #600

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600. And he set his right foot upon the sea, and the left upon the earth.- That this signifies the sense of the letter, which is natural, in which are all things of heaven and the church, is evident from the signification of feet, when used in reference to the angel, who means the Lord as to the Word, as denoting the Divine Truth in ultimates, or the Word in the natural sense, which is the sense of the letter (see above, n. 65, 69); feet, in a general sense (communi sensu), signify natural things, because man, from the head to the soles of the feet, corresponds to heaven, which in its whole compass has reference to one Man (unum Hominem); the head corresponds to the inmost or third heaven, the angels of which are celestial; the breast even to the loins corresponds to the middle or second heaven, the angels of which are called spiritual, while the feet correspond to the ultimate or first heaven, the angels of which are celestial-natural and spiritual-natural; but the soles of the feet correspond to the world, in which everything is natural; the reason why the feet signify natural things, is evident from these facts. More may be seen concerning this correspondence, in Heaven and Hell 59-86, and 87-102).

[2] It is therefore evident, why the feet of the angel, by whom the Lord as to the Word is represented, signify the natural sense of the Word which is the sense of its letter; and from the signification of his right foot upon the sea, and the left foot upon the earth, as denoting all things of heaven and the church; for by the right are signified all things of good from which is truth, and by the left, all things of truth from good, and by the sea and the earth are signified all things exterior and interior, pertaining to heaven and the church, by the sea, exterior things, and by the earth, interior things. And because all things of heaven and the church have reference to good and to truth, and also to things exterior and interior, therefore these words signify generally all things pertaining to heaven and the church. The reason why the angel was seen to stand upon the sea, and upon the earth, is, that the outward appearance of things, in the spiritual world, is similar to that of things in the natural world; for example, in the former as in the latter there are seas, and also lands, circumflowing seas, and lands between them (see above, n. 275, 342, 538). From this fact it is clear, that by sea and earth are signified all things of heaven, and also of the church.

[3] Since right and left are mentioned in the Word throughout, and in some places, the right alone, or the left alone is named, I desire to explain, in a few words, the signification of each used separately, and of both together. This may be known by the position of the quarters in the spiritual world, where to the right is the south, to the left the north, in front the east, and behind the west. For an angel is continually turned to the Lord as the Sun, therefore before him is the Lord as the east, and behind him is the Lord as the west, and at his right hand is the south, and at his left hand the north. It is in consequence of this turning, that the right signifies truth in light, and the left, truth in shade; or, what is the same thing, that the right signifies spiritual good, which is truth in light, and the left spiritual truth, which is truth in shade; thus also the right signifies good from which is truth, and the left, truth from good. Such things are signified by all the right and left parts of the body, and also by the right and left parts of the head; as by the right and left eye, the right and left hand, the right and left foot, and so on, the signification peculiar to each member or part being still retained. The general and particular signification of right and left, in the Word of both the New and the Old Testaments, is clear from these few observations, as in the following places.

[4] Thus in Matthew:

"When thou doest thine alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth; that thine alms may be in secret" (6:3, 4).

These words signify that good must be done from good, and for the sake of good, and not for the sake of self and the world in order to be seen; by alms is meant every good work; and let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth, signifies that good must be done from good itself, and not without good, for otherwise it is not good. The right hand signifies good from which [is truth], and the left hand, truth from good, as stated above; these act as one with those who are in the good of love and charity, but not so with those who in their good actions consider themselves and the world, therefore the left hand here means to know, and to act without good. That thine alms may be in secret, signifies that it may not be for the sake of appearance.

[5] Again:

"And" the king "shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. And he shall say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. And he shall say unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into eternal fire, prepared for the devil and his angels" (25:33, 34, 41).

He who does not know the signification of sheep and goats in the proper sense, may suppose, that sheep mean all the good, and goats all the evil; but in the proper sense, the sheep mean those who are in the good of charity towards their neighbour, and consequently in faith, and the goats those who are in faith separated from charity, thus all those upon whom judgment is to take place in the last time of the church.

For all those who were in the good of love to the Lord, and therefore in the good of charity and faith, were taken up into heaven before the Last Judgment, and all those who were not in the good of charity, and therefore not in faith, consequently all those who were interiorly and at the same time exteriorly evil, were cast down into hell before the Last Judgment; but those who were interiorly good and not equally so exteriorly, also those who were interiorly evil but exteriorly in good, were all left till the Last Judgment, then those who were interiorly good were taken up into heaven, and those who were interiorly evil were cast down into hell. See what is said upon this fact, from things heard and seen, in the small work on the Last Judgment. From these things it is evident, that goats mean those who were in faith separated from charity, and this is also meant by the he-goat in Daniel (8:5-25); and in Ezekiel (34:17). It is therefore evident, that by the right hand, where the sheep are, is meant the good of charity and of faith therefrom, and the left hand, where the goats are, means faith separated from charity. The reason why it is said to the sheep, that they should inherit the kingdom prepared for them from the foundation of the world, is, that, in the heavens, at the right hand is the south, where are all those who are in truths from good, for in the southern part the proceeding Divine itself is of such a quality, as is meant by the kingdom prepared from the foundation of the world, therefore they are also called "the blessed of my Father." By the Father is meant the Divine Good, from which are all things of heaven. It is not said of the goats at the left hand, "prepared from the foundation of the world," but "eternal fire, prepared for the devil and his angels," because the evil make hell for themselves. They are called cursed, because the cursed in the Word mean all those who turn themselves away from the Lord, for such reject the charity and faith of the church. The signification of eternal fire may be seen in Heaven and Hell 566, 575).

[6] The two robbers who were crucified, one on the right, and the other on the left of the Lord, have a similar signification to the sheep and the goats; therefore it was said to the one who acknowledged the Lord, that he should be with Him in paradise (Matthew 27:38; Mark 15:27; Luke 23:39-43). And in John,

Jesus said to His disciples who were fishing, "Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and were no longer able to draw it for the multitude of fishes" (21:6).

[7] Since fishing, in the Word, signifies the instruction and conversion of men who are in external or natural good, in which good most of the Gentiles were at that time, for fish signify the things pertaining to the natural man, and a ship signifies doctrine from the Word, therefore the right side of the ship signifies the good of life. It is therefore evident that the signification of the Lord's commanding them to cast the net on the right side of the ship, is, that they should teach the good of life. That thus they would convert the Gentiles to the church, is signified by their finding in such abundance that they could not draw the net for the multitude of fishes. It must be clear to every one, that the Lord would not have commanded them to cast the net on the right side of the ship, if the right side had not been significative.

[8] Again, in Matthew:

"And if thy right eye hath caused thee to stumble, pluck it out, and cast it from thee. And if thy right [hand] hath caused thee to stumble, cut it off, and cast it from thee" (Matthew 5:29, 30).

That by the right eye and the right hand the Lord did not mean the right eye and the right hand, every one can see from this fact, that the eye was to be plucked out, and the hand to be cut off, if they caused to stumble. But because the eye, in the spiritual sense, signifies everything pertaining to the understanding and thought therefrom, and the right hand everything pertaining to the will and affection thence, it is obvious that by plucking out the right eye, if it caused to stumble, is signified, that if evil be thought, it must be rejected from the thought; and that by cutting off the right hand, if it caused to stumble, is signified, that if evil be willed, it must be shaken off from the will. For neither the eye nor the right hand can cause to stumble, but the thought of the understanding and the affection of the will to which they correspond, can cause to stumble. The reason why the right eye and the right hand are mentioned, and not the left eye and the left hand, is, that by the right is signified good, and in the opposite sense evil, but by the left is signified truth, and, in the opposite sense falsity, and every cause of stumbling is from evil, but not from falsity, unless the falsity be the falsity of evil.

That these things are said concerning the internal man, whose function is to think and will, and not concerning the external, whose function is to see and act, is evident also from the words which immediately precede concerning the woman of another, that merely to look upon her to lust after her is to commit adultery.

[9] In the Gospels, the mother of the sons of Zebedee asked Jesus that one of her sons should sit on His right hand and the other on the left in His kingdom; "Jesus said, Ye know not what ye ask, to sit on my right hand, and on my left, is not mine to give, except to those whom it is granted by the Father" (Matthew 20:20-23; Mark 10:35-40).

The reason why the mother of Zebedee's children, James and John, made this request was, that by mother is meant the church, by James, charity, and by John, the good of charity in act. These two, or those who are in them, in heaven are at the right and left hand of the Lord. There to the right hand is the south, to the left the north, and in the south are those who are in the clear light of truth from good, while in the north are those who are in the obscure light of truth from good. The Divine itself, proceeding from the Lord as the Sun, produces a Divine sphere of such a nature in those quarters, on which account none can possibly dwell there but those who are in such truths from good. This is signified by its being said, that to sit on the right hand, and on the left hand of the Lord, is only for those to whom it is given or prepared by the Father. By the Father is meant the Divine Good of the Divine Love, from which is heaven, and everything pertaining to heaven. These words of the Lord therefore mean, that the Lord gives to sit on His right hand and on His left in the heavens to those for whom an inheritance in the south and north has been prepared from the foundation of the world.

[10] That the right hand means the south in the heavens, is evident in David:

"The heavens are thine, and the earth is thine; thou hast founded the world, and the fulness thereof. The north and the right hand thou hast created them" (Psalm 89:11, 12).

The heaven and the earth mean the higher and lower heavens, and also the internal and external church. The world and the fulness thereof, mean the heavens, and the church in general as to good and truth, the world means heaven and the church as to good, and the fulness thereof, heaven and the church as to truth. And because these, or those who are in them, are in the north and in the south, and the south is at the right hand of the Lord, therefore it is said, the north and the right hand; and since such is the quality of Divine Truth united to Divine Good in those quarters from the foundation of the world, as said above, it is therefore said, "thou hast founded" and "thou hast created."

[11] And in Isaiah:

"The Lord gave you the bread of adversity, and the waters of affliction, but shall not thy teachers be forced to fly away any more, and thine eyes shall again look to thy teachers; and thine ears shall hear the word saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye go to the right hand, and when ye go to the left" (30:20, 21).

These words treat of the state of those who are in temptations, and who, by means of temptations, and after they are past, admit and receive instruction in the truths of doctrine. The temptations themselves are signified by the bread of adversity, and the waters of affliction; by the bread of adversity are signified temptations as to the good of love, and by waters of affliction are signified temptations as to the truths of faith.

For temptations are of two kinds, as to good which is of love, and as to truth which is of faith; bread signifies the good of love, and waters signify the truths of faith, while adversity and affliction signify states of temptation. Instruction in the truths of doctrine is signified by, thine eyes shall again look to thy teachers, eyes denoting understanding and faith, and teachers doctrine. The good of life according to truths of doctrine is signified by, thine ears shall hear the word, ears denoting obedience, and since obedience is of the life, therefore by hearing the word is signified a life according to the truths of doctrine. Instruction and obedience are further described by the words, "saying, This is the way, walk, ye in it, when ye go to the right hand, and when ye go to the left;" by way is signified truth leading; truth leading to the south in heaven is meant by going to the right, and truth leading to the north there is signified by going to the left.

[12] Again, in the same prophet:

"Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thy habitations; hinder not, lengthen thy cords, and make firm thy nails; for thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left; and thy seed shall inherit the nations, and they shall cause the desolate cities to be inhabited" (54:2, 3).

The subject here treated of is the establishment of the church among the Gentiles. To enlarge the place of the tent, signifies the increase of the church in regard to worship from good. To stretch forth the curtains of the habitations, signifies the increase of the church as to truths of doctrine. To lengthen the cords, signifies the extension of those doctrines; to make firm the nails, signifies confirmation from the Word. By breaking forth on the right and on the left, is signified amplification as to the good of charity, and the truth of faith, on the right denoting as to the good of charity, and on the left, as to the truth of faith from that good. By the seed which shall inherit the nations, is signified truth by means of which there are goods, seed denoting truth, and nations goods; and by the desolate cities, which the nations shall cause to be inhabited, are signified truths from the goods of life, desolate cities denoting truths of doctrine, where truths did not exist before, nations denoting the goods of life from which are truths, and to dwell denoting to live.

[13] So again:

"In the wrath of Jehovah of hosts is the land darkened, and the people are become as fuel for the fire; they shall not spare a man (vir) his brother. And if he cut off on the right hand, he shall yet be hungry; and if he eat on the left hand, they shall not be satisfied; they shall eat a man (vir) the flesh of his own arm" (9:19-21).

These words describe the extinction of good by falsity, and of truth by evil; the extinction of all good and truth, however they may be enquired for, is signified by, if he cut off on the right hand, he shall yet be hungry, and if he eat on the left hand, they shall not be satisfied. The right hand denotes good from which truth comes; the left hand denotes truth from good; to cut and to eat towards those, signify inquiry; to be hungry and not to be satisfied, denotes not to be found, and if found, still not to be received. The rest of the passage is explained above (n. 386:2).

[14] And in Ezekiel:

"The likeness of the faces" of the cherubim, "they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side; and the face of an ox on the left side, and they four had the face of an eagle" (1:10).

The signification of the cherubim, and of their faces, which were as the face of a man, of a lion, of all ox, and of an eagle, may be seen above (n. 277-291). The reason why the face of a man and the face of a lion were seen on the right side, is, that by man is signified Divine Truth in light and intelligence, and by the lion, Divine Truth thence in power, such as it is in heaven in the south; and the face of the ox seen on the left side, signifies the good of truth in obscurity, for an ox signifies the good of the natural man, which is in obscurity with those who dwell in heaven to the north.

[15] So in Zechariah:

"In that day will I make the governors of Judah like a furnace of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire in a sheaf; and they may devour all the people round about, on the right hand and on the left; that Jerusalem may yet dwell under herself in Jerusalem" (12:6).

The subject here treated of is the establishment of the celestial church, or the church which will be in the good of love to the Lord, and which is meant by the house of Judah. Her governors mean the goods together with the truths of that church; the dispersion of evils and falsities by these is signified by their being made like a furnace of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire in the sheaf, and by their devouring all the people round about, on the right hand and on the left. The evils that shall be dispersed by that church are signified by the words, "like a furnace among the wood, and like a torch of fire in a sheaf;" and the falsities that shall also be dispersed, are signified by the people round about, whom they shall devour or consume. That that church shall be safe from the infestation of evils and falsities, and shall live in the good of life according to truths of doctrine, is signified by the words, "that Jerusalem shall yet dwell under herself in Jerusalem." To dwell is used in reference to the good of life, and Jerusalem signifies the church as to the truths of doctrine.

[16] Again, in Ezekiel:

"I will set the point of the sword against all their gates; it is made into lightning, it is sharpened for the slaughter. Gather thyself, turn to the right hand, arrange thyself, turn to the left hand, whither thy faces nod" (21:15, 16).

These words describe the destruction of truth by deadly falsities. The sword signifies such falsity destroying truth, while the deadly character and enormity of such falsity is denoted by the sword made into lightning, sharpened for the slaughter. That those who are in such falsity are destitute of any good and truth, although they may make diligent enquiry, is signified by, Gather thyself, turn to the right hand, arrange thyself, turn to the left hand, whither thy faces nod.

[17] And in Zechariah:

"Woe to the worthless shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword upon his arm, and upon his right eye; his arm shall be clean dried up, and the eye of his right side shall be utterly darkened" (11:17).

By the worthless shepherd that leaveth the flock, are meant those who do not teach truth and by it lead to the good of life, and who do not care, whether that which they teach be true or false. By the sword being upon his arm is signified falsity destroying all the good of the will, and by its being upon the eye of his right side falsity destroying all the truth of the understanding. That they shall be deprived of all good and truth is signified by, his arm shall be clean dried up, and the eye of his right side shall be utterly darkened. These words are further explained (n. 131[b], 152).

[18] Since the right side of the body, and the members of the right side, signify good by means of which there is truth, therefore when Aaron and his sons were inaugurated into the priesthood, it was commanded, that the blood of the ram should be taken, and put upon the tip (auricula) of their right ear, upon the thumb of their right hand, and upon the great toe of their right foot (Exodus 29:20).

This was commanded, because blood signified Divine Truth, by means of which is the good of love, for the latter was represented by Aaron, and the former by his sons; and because for the purpose of representing the Divine Good of love, all inauguration is effected by Divine truth, therefore blood was put upon the tip of the right ear, upon the thumb of the right hand, and upon the great toe of the right foot. The tip of the right ear signifies obedience from perception; the thumb of the right hand signifies good in the will, and the great toe of the right foot, good in act.

[19] Since leprosy signifies good consumed by falsities, the way in which this evil can be remedied by Divine means is described by the process of the cleansing of the leper, understood according to the spiritual sense. We shall give only a brief summary of this. The priest was to take of the blood of the offering for sin and put it upon the tip of the right ear of him that was to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot, and the priest was to take of the oil from the log and pour it upon the palm of his left hand, and the priest was to dip his right finger in the oil which was in his left palm and sprinkle of the oil with his right finger seven times before Jehovah (Leviticus 14:14-17, 24-28). Similar things to those above are here signified by the tip of the right ear, the thumb of the right hand, and the great toe of the right foot. The same is also signified by the blood, that is, the Divine Truth, for this purifies man from the falsities which have destroyed the goods pertaining to him; and when he is purified from these, good may be brought forth by means of truths and the man be thus cured of his leprosy.

From what has been stated then it is clear that the right and left signify good from which is truth, and truth from good, as shown above. What other reason could there be for sprinkling the blood upon the right part of those members, and for pouring the oil into the left palm, and sprinkling with the right finger?

[20] Similarly the prophet Ezekiel was commanded to lie upon his left side, and lay the iniquity of the house of Israel upon it (Ezekiel 4:4). A prophet signifies one who teaches, and, in the abstract sense, the doctrine of the church. The left side signifies the doctrine of truth from good, and by means of truths from good, man is purified from his iniquities.

[21] Solomon placed the lavers,

"five near the shoulder of the house on the right hand, and five near the shoulder of the house on the left hand; and he set the" brazen "sea at the right shoulder of the house eastward over against the south" (1 Kings 7:39).

The reason of this was, that the house or temple represented heaven and the church, and the lavers represented purifications from falsities and evils, and thus preparations for entrance into heaven and the church. The right shoulder of the house signified the south in the heavens, where Divine Truth is in its light, and the left shoulder signified the north, where Divine Truth is in its shade. Thus the ten lavers signified all things pertaining to purification, and all who are purified, and by five on the one side, and five on the other, were signified those, or that kind of men, with whom Divine Truth is in light, and with whom it is in shade. For ten signifies all things and all persons, and five, one part or one kind; the brazen sea represented the common purifier (purificatorium), and the reason why this was placed at the right shoulder of the house eastward over against the south, was, that the Divine Truth, which purifies, proceeds from the Divine Love of the Lord, for the east is where the Lord appears as the Sun; and the Divine Truth, which is the light of heaven from that Sun, is in its clearness and brightness in the south. This was the reason why the common purifier was placed eastward over against the south. These interior things (arcana) of the Word cannot be understood in the world, except from a knowledge of the quarters in heaven, which are different from those in the world. Concerning the quarters in heaven, see what has been said from things seen and heard, in Heaven and Hell 141-153).

[22] In the spiritual world, every one enters and walks in ways which lead to those who are in a similar ruling love, and every one is free to go which way he desires, thus in that way into which, and by which, his love leads him, and the ways to the right and the left tend to the one or to the other love, that is, to that which is implanted; for this reason therefore the right and left also signify what is pleasant, free, and desired. Thus in the book of Genesis:

Abraham said unto Lot, "Separate thyself; if to the left hand, I will go to the right; if to the right hand, I will go to the left" (Genesis 13:9).

And again, when Abraham's servant asked Rebecca as a wife for Isaac, he said to Laban:

"Tell me, that I may look to the right hand, or to the left" (Genesis 24:49).

By not departing and going to the right or to the left, is also signified not to go any other way than that in which the Lord Himself leads, and in which the good and truth of heaven and the church lead, thus not to walk erroneously, as that they should not depart from the word of the priest the Levite, and the judge, nor from the precepts in the Word, to the right hand or to the left (Deuteronomy 17:11, 20; 28:14; Joshua 1:7; 2 Sam. 14:19), and that the sons of Israel should not turn to the right hand or to the left, but should go by the way of the king when they passed through the land of Edom, (Num. 20:17); and also when they passed through the land of the king of Sihon (Deuteronomy 2:27). That the right hand signifies complete power, and, when used in reference to the Lord, the Divine Omnipotence, may be seen above (n. 298).

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Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.