Die Bibel


何西阿書 10



1 以色列是茂盛的葡萄樹,結果繁多。果子越多,就越增添祭壇土越肥美,就越造美麗的柱像。

2 他們懷二意,現今要定為有罪。耶和華必拆毀他們的祭壇,毀壞他們的柱像。

3 他們必我們沒有王,因為我們不敬畏耶和華。王能為我們做甚麼呢?

4 他們為立約說謊言,起假誓;因此,災罰如苦菜滋生在田間的犁溝中。

5 撒瑪利亞的居民必因伯亞文的牛犢驚恐;崇拜牛犢的民和喜愛牛犢的祭司都必因榮耀離開他,為他悲哀。

6 牛犢帶到亞述當作禮物,獻給耶雷布王。以法蓮必蒙羞;以色列必因自己的計謀慚愧。

7 至於撒瑪利亞,他的王必滅沒,如面的沫子一樣。

8 伯亞文的邱─就是以色列的地方必被毀滅;荊棘和蒺藜必長在他們的祭壇上。他們必對大:遮蓋我們!對小:倒在我們身上!

9 以色列啊,你從基比亞的日子以來時常犯罪。你們的先人曾站在那裡,現今住基比亞的人以為攻擊罪孽之輩的戰事臨不到自己。

10 我必隨意懲罰他們。他們為兩樣的罪所纏;列邦的民必聚集攻擊他們。

11 以法蓮是馴良的母牛犢,喜踹穀,我卻將軛加在他肥美的頸項上,我要使以法蓮拉套(或作:被)。猶大必耕田;雅各地。

12 你們要為自己栽種公,就能收割慈愛。現今正是尋求耶和華的時候;你們要開墾荒地,等他臨到,使公如雨降在你們身上。

13 你們耕種的是奸惡,收割的是罪孽,的是謊話的果子。因你倚靠自己的行為,仰賴勇士眾多,

14 所以在這民中必有鬨嚷之聲,你一切的保障必被拆毀,就如沙勒幔在爭戰的日子拆毀伯亞比勒,將其中的母子一同摔死。

15 因他們的大惡,伯特利必使你們遭遇如此。到了黎明,以色列的王必全然滅絕。


Die Bibel


Isaiah 5



1 Let me sing for my well beloved a song of my beloved about his vineyard. My beloved had a vineyard on a very fruitful hill.

2 He dug it up, gathered out its stones, planted it with the choicest vine, built a tower in its midst, and also cut out a winepress therein. He looked for it to yield grapes, but it yielded wild grapes.

3 "Now, inhabitants of Jerusalem and men of Judah, please judge between me and my vineyard.

4 What could have been done more to my vineyard, that I have not done in it? Why, when I looked for it to yield grapes, did it yield wild grapes?

5 Now I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard. I will take away its hedge, and it will be eaten up. I will break down its wall of it, and it will be trampled down.

6 I will lay it a wasteland. It won't be pruned nor hoed, but it will grow briers and thorns. I will also command the clouds that they rain no rain on it."

7 For the vineyard of Yahweh of Armies is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah his pleasant plant: and he looked for justice, but, behold, oppression; for righteousness, but, behold, a cry of distress.

8 Woe to those who join house to house, who lay field to field, until there is no room, and you are made to dwell alone in the midst of the land!

9 In my ears, Yahweh of Armies says: "Surely many houses will be desolate, even great and beautiful, unoccupied.

10 For ten acres of vineyard shall yield one bath, and a homer of seed shall yield an ephah."

11 Woe to those who rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; who stay late into the night, until wine inflames them!

12 The harp, lyre, tambourine, and flute, with wine, are at their feasts; but they don't respect the work of Yahweh, neither have they considered the operation of his hands.

13 Therefore my people go into captivity for lack of knowledge. Their honorable men are famished, and their multitudes are parched with thirst.

14 Therefore Sheol has enlarged its desire, and opened its mouth without measure; and their glory, their multitude, their pomp, and he who rejoices among them, descend into it.

15 So man is brought low, mankind is humbled, and the eyes of the arrogant ones are humbled;

16 but Yahweh of Armies is exalted in justice, and God the Holy One is sanctified in righteousness.

17 Then the lambs will graze as in their pasture, and strangers will eat the ruins of the rich.

18 Woe to those who draw iniquity with cords of falsehood, and wickedness as with cart rope;

19 Who say, "Let him make speed, let him hasten his work, that we may see it; and let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel draw near and come, that we may know it!"

20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

22 Woe to those who are mighty to drink wine, and champions at mixing strong drink;

23 who acquit the guilty for a bribe, but deny justice for the innocent!

24 Therefore as the tongue of fire devours the stubble, and as the dry grass sinks down in the flame, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust; because they have rejected the law of Yahweh of Armies, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.

25 Therefore Yahweh's anger burns against his people, and he has stretched out his hand against them, and has struck them. The mountains tremble, and their dead bodies are as refuse in the midst of the streets. For all this, his anger is not turned away, but his hand is still stretched out.

26 He will lift up a banner to the nations from far, and he will whistle for them from the end of the earth. Behold, they will come speedily and swiftly.

27 None shall be weary nor stumble among them; none shall slumber nor sleep; neither shall the belt of their waist be untied, nor the latchet of their shoes be broken:

28 whose arrows are sharp, and all their bows bent. Their horses' hoofs will be like flint, and their wheels like a whirlwind.

29 Their roaring will be like a lioness. They will roar like young lions. Yes, they shall roar, and seize their prey and carry it off, and there will be no one to deliver.

30 They will roar against them in that day like the roaring of the sea. If one looks to the land behold, darkness and distress. The light is darkened in its clouds.