Die Bibel


撒迦利亚书 10



1 当春的时候,你们要向发闪电的耶和华。他必为众降下甘霖,使田园生长菜蔬。

2 因为,家神所言的是虚空;卜士所见的是虚假;做梦者所的是假梦。他们白白地安慰人,所以众人如流离,因无牧人就受苦。

3 我的怒气向牧人发作;我必惩罚公山羊;因我─万军之耶和华眷顾自己的羊群,就是犹大家,必使他们如骏在阵上。

4 房角石、钉子、争战的,和一切掌权的都从他而出。

5 他们必如勇士在阵上将仇敌践踏在街上的泥土中。他们必争战,因为耶和华与他们同在;骑的也必羞愧。

6 我要坚固犹大,拯约瑟,要领他们归回。我要怜恤他们;他们必像未曾弃绝的一样,都因我是耶和华─他们的,我必应允他们的祷告。

7 以法莲人必如勇士;他们中畅快如同喝酒;他们的儿女必见而快活;他们的必因耶和华喜乐。

8 我要发嘶声,聚集他们,因我已经救赎他们。他们的人数必加增,如从前加增一样。

9 我虽然(或译:必)播散他们在列国中,他们必在远方记念我。他们与儿女都必存活,且得归回。

10 我必再领他们出埃及,招聚他们出亚述,领他们到基列和利巴嫩;这尚且不够他们居住。

11 耶和华必经过苦击打浪,使尼罗河的深处都枯乾。亚述的骄傲必致卑微;埃及的权柄必然灭没。

12 我必使他们倚靠我,得以坚固;一举一动必奉我的名。这是耶和华的。


Die Bibel


Isaiah 19:1-17



1 The burden of Egypt: "Behold, Yahweh rides on a swift cloud, and comes to Egypt. The idols of Egypt will tremble at his presence; and the heart of Egypt will melt in its midst.

2 I will stir up the Egyptians against the Egyptians, and they will fight everyone against his brother, and everyone against his neighbor; city against city, and kingdom against kingdom.

3 The spirit of Egypt will fail in its midst. I will destroy its counsel. They will seek the idols, the charmers, those who have familiar spirits, and the wizards.

4 I will give over the Egyptians into the hand of a cruel lord. A fierce king will rule over them," says the Lord, Yahweh of Armies.

5 The waters will fail from the sea, and the river will be wasted and become dry.

6 The rivers will become foul. The streams of Egypt will be diminished and dried up. The reeds and flags will wither away.

7 The meadows by the Nile, by the brink of the Nile, and all the sown fields of the Nile, will become dry, be driven away, and be no more.

8 The fishermen will lament, and all those who fish in the Nile will mourn, and those who spread nets on the waters will languish.

9 Moreover those who work in combed flax, and those who weave white cloth, will be confounded.

10 The pillars will be broken in pieces. All those who work for hire will be grieved in soul.

11 The princes of Zoan are utterly foolish. The counsel of the wisest counselors of Pharaoh has become stupid. How do you say to Pharaoh, "I am the son of the wise, the son of ancient kings?"

12 Where then are your wise men? Let them tell you now; and let them know what Yahweh of Armies has purposed concerning Egypt.

13 The princes of Zoan have become fools. The princes of Memphis are deceived. They have caused Egypt to go astray, who are the cornerstone of her tribes.

14 Yahweh has mixed a spirit of perverseness in the midst of her; and they have caused Egypt to go astray in all of its works, like a drunken man staggers in his vomit.

15 Neither shall there be for Egypt any work, which head or tail, palm branch or rush, may do.

16 In that day the Egyptians will be like women. They will tremble and fear because of the shaking of the hand of Yahweh of Armies, which he shakes over them.

17 The land of Judah will become a terror to Egypt. Everyone to whom mention is made of it will be afraid, because of the plans of Yahweh of Armies, which he determines against it.