Die Bibel


创世记 17



1 亚伯兰岁的时候,耶和华向他显现,对他:我是全能的神。你当在我面前作完全人,

2 我就与你立约,使你的後裔极其繁多。

3 亚伯兰俯伏在地;又对他

4 我与你立约:你要作多国的父。

5 从此以後,你的名不再亚伯兰,要亚伯拉罕,因为我已立你作多国的父。

6 我必使你的後裔极其繁多;国度从你而立,君从你而出。

7 我要与你并你世世代裔坚立我的约,作永远的约,是要作你和你裔的

8 我要将你现在寄居的,就是迦南,赐你和你的永远为业,我也必作他们的

9 又对亚伯拉罕:你和你的裔必世世代遵守我的约。

10 你们所有的男子都要受割礼;这就是我与你并你的裔所立的约,是你们所当遵守的。

11 你们都要受割礼(原文作割阳皮;14,23,24,25节同);这是我与你们立约的证据。

12 你们世世代的男子,无论是家里生的,是在你後裔之外用子从外人买的,生下来第八日,都要受割礼

13 你家里生的和你用子买的,都必须受割礼。这样,我的约就立在你们体上作永远的约。

14 但不受割礼的男子必从民中剪除,因他背了我的约。

15 又对亚伯拉罕:你的妻子撒莱不可再撒莱,他的名要撒拉。

16 我必赐福他,也要使你从他得一个儿子。我要赐福他,他也要作多国之母;必有百姓的君从他而出。

17 亚伯拉罕就俯伏在地喜笑,:一岁的人还能得孩子麽?撒拉已经九十岁了,还能生养麽?

18 亚伯拉罕:但愿以实玛利活在你面前。

19 :不然,你妻子撒拉要给你生一个儿子,你要给他起名以撒。我要与他坚定所立的约,作他永远的约。

20 至於以实玛利,我也应允你:我必赐福他,使他昌盛,极其繁多。他必生十二个族长;我也要使他成为国。

21 到明年这时节,撒拉必给你生以撒,我要与他坚定所立的约。

22 亚伯拉罕完了话,就离开他上升去了。

23 正当那日,亚伯拉罕遵着的命,给他的儿子以实玛利和家里的一切男子,无论是在家里生的,是用子买的,都行了割礼

24 亚伯拉罕割礼的时候年岁。

25 儿子以实玛利割礼的时候年十三岁。

26 正当那日,亚伯拉罕和他儿子以实玛利一同受了割礼

27 家里所有的人,无论是在家里生的,是用子从外人买的,也都一同受了割礼





Photo by Jenny Stein

To beget or to be begotten is very similar in meaning to birth: It represents one spiritual state leading to the next spiritual one. "Beget," however, is generally linked to fatherhood and the man's role in procreation, while bearing and giving birth is solely the woman's province. This leads to some shades of meaning: Since men typically represent true ideas and women good affections, "begetting" often illustrates how ideas can lead us to do what is good, while giving birth often illustrates how good affections lead us to true thoughts. But it's a blurry line, affected by context and sometimes affected by translation issues. In fact, the most famous "begetting" – Jesus's place as God's "only begotten son" – runs contrary to that pattern. God in His essence is perfect divine love, expressed in the form of perfect divine truth. In "begetting" Jesus He gave his own divine truth – His divine expression – a human form, of human flesh. So it was love begetting truth.