

Второзаконие 1


1 Сіи суть слова, которыя говорилъ Моисей всјмъ Израильтянамъ за Іорданомъ, въ пустынј на равнинј близъ Суфа, между Фараномъ, и Тофеломъ, и Лававомъ, и Асироѕомъ и Дизагавомъ,

2 въ разстояніи одиннадцати дней пути оть Хорива, на дорогј отъ горы Сеиръ, къ Кадесъ-Варни.

3 Сороковаго года, одиннадцатаго мјсяца, въ первый день мјсяца говорилъ Моисей сынамъ Израилевымъ все, что повелјлъ ему Господь сказать имъ.

4 По убіеніи Сигона, царя Аморрейскаго, который жилъ въ Есевонј, и Ога, царя Васанскаго, который жилъ въ Аштероѕј въ Едреи,

5 за Іорданомъ, въ землј Моавитской, началъ Моисей изъяснять законъ сей, и сказалъ:

6 Господь, Богъ нашъ, говорилъ намъ на Хоривј, и скавалъ: полно вамъ пребывать на горј сей,

7 обратитесь, отправьтесь въ путь и подите на гору Аморрейскую и во всј сосјдственныя съ нею земли, на равнину, на гору, на низкія мјста и на южный край и къ берегамъ моря, въ землю Ханаанскую и къ Ливану, даже до рјки великой, рјки Ефрата.

8 Вотъ, Я даю вамъ землю сію, подите, возьмите въ наслјдіе землю, которую Господь съ клятвою објщалъ дать отцамъ вашимъ, Аврааму, Исааку и Іакову, имъ и потомству ихъ послј нихъ.

9 И я сказалъ вамъ въ то время: не могу одинъ носить васъ;

10 Господь, Богъ вашъ, размножилъ васъ, и вотъ, вы нынј многочисленны, какъ звјзды небесныя.

11 (Господь, Богъ отцевъ вашихъ, да умножитъ васъ въ тысячу кратъ противъ того, сколько васъ теперъ, и да благословитъ васъ, какъ онъ говорилъ вамъ!)

12 Какъ же мнј одному носить тягости ваши, бремена ваши и распри ваши?

13 Изберите себј по колјнамъ вашимъ мужей мудрыхъ, разумныхъ и испытанныхъ, и я поставлю ихъ начальниками вашими.

14 Вы отвјчали мнј и сказали: хорошее дјло велишь ты сдјлать.

15 И взялъ я главныхъ изъ колјнъ вашихъ, мужей мудрыхъ и испытанныхъ, и сдјлалъ ихъ началъниками надъ вами, тысяченальниками, стоначальниками, пятидесятиначальниками, десятиначальниками и надзирателями по колјнамъ вашимъ.

16 И далъ я повелјніе судьямъ вашимъ въ то время, и сказалъ: выслушивайте братьевъ вашихъ и судите справедливо, какъ брата съ братомъ, такъ и пришельца его.

17 Не различайте лицъ на судј; какъ малаго, такъ и великаго выслушивайте, не бойтесь лица человјческаго: ибо это судъ Божій; а дјло, которое для васъ трудно, доводите до меня, я выслушаю его.

18 Такимъ образомъ я далъ вамъ въ то время повелјнія обо всемъ, что надлежало дјлать.

19 И отправились мы отъ Хорива и шли по всей оной великой и страшной пустынј, которую вы видјли, направляя путь къ горј Аморрейской, какъ повелјлъ Господь, Богъ нашъ, и пришли въ Кадесъ-Варни.

20 И сказалъ я вамъ: вы пришли къ горј Аморрейской, которую Господь, Богъ нашъ, даетъ намъ.

21 Вотъ, Господь, Богъ твой, предаетъ тебј землю сію, иди, возьми въ наслјдіе, какъ говорилъ тебј Господь, Богъ отцевъ твоихъ, не бойся и не ужасайся.

22 Но вы всј подошли ко мнј, и сказали: пошлемъ передъ собою людей, чтобъ они изслјдовали намъ землю, и принесли намъ извјстіе, какою дорогою идти намъ и въ какіе города идти намъ.

23 Слово сіе мнј понравилось, и я взялъ изъ васъ двјнадцать человјкъ, по одному человјку отъ колјна.

24 Они пошли, взошли на гору и дошли до долины Есхолъ и обозрјли ее.

25 И взяли въ руки свои плодовъ земли и доставили намъ, и принесли намъ извјстіе, и сказали: земля, которуюГосподь, Богъ нашъ, даетъ намъ, хороша.

26 Но вы не захотјли идти и воспротивились повелјнію Господа, Бога вашего,

27 и роптали въ шатрахъ вашихъ, и говорили: Господъ, по ненависти къ намъ, вывелъ насъ изъ земли Египетской, чтобъ отдать насъ въ руки Аморреевъ и истребить насъ.

28 Куда мы идемъ? Братья наши разслабили сердце наше, говоря: народъ тотъ болје и выше насъ, города тамъ большіе и съ укрјпленіями, возвышающимися до небесъ, да и сыновъ Енаковыхъ видјли мы тамъ.

29 Тогда сказалъ я вамъ: не страшитесь и не бойтесь ихъ.

30 Господь, Богъ вашъ, идетъ передъ вами, Онъ будетъ сражаться за васъ, такъ какъ Онъ сіе дјлалъ съ вами въ Египтј предъ глазами вашими,

31 и въ пустынј сей, гдј, какъ ты видјлъ, Господь, Богь твой, носилъ тебя, какъ человјкъ носитъ сына своего, на всемъ пути, которымъ вы проходили, до самаго пришествія вашего на сіе мјсто.

32 Но несмотря на сіе вы не вјровали Господу, Богу вашему,

33 Который шелъ передъ вами путемъ искать вамъ мјста, гдј остановиться вамъ, ночью въ огнј, чтобъ указывать вамъ дорогу, по которой идти, а днемъ въ облакј.

34 Господь услышалъ шумъ словъ вашихъ, и вознегодовалъ, и поклялся, говоря:

35 никто изъ людей сихъ, изъ сего злаго рода, не увидитъ доброй оной земли, которую Я клялся дать отцамъ ыашимъ.

36 Только Халевъ, сынъ Іефонніинъ, увидитъ ее; ему дамъ Я землю, по которой онъ проходилъ, и сынамъ его, за то, что онъ совершенно послјдовалъ Господу.

37 И на меня прогнјвался Господь за васъ, говоря: и ты не войдешь туда.

38 Іисусъ, сынъ Навинъ, который предстоитъ тебј, онъ войдетъ туда, его утверди; ибо онъ раздјлитъ ее на удјлы Израилю.

39 Дјти ваши, о которыхъ вы говорили, что они достанутся въ добычу врагамъ, и сыновья ваши, которые не знаютъ нынј ни добра ни зла, они войдутъ туда, имъ дамъ ее и они получатъ ее въ наслјдіе;

40 а вы возвратитесь и отправьтесь въ пустыню къ Чермному морю.

41 Вы отвјчали тогда, и сказали мнј: согрјшили мы предъ Господомъ, пойдемъ и сразимся, какъ повелјлъ намъ Господь, Богъ нашъ; и препоясались каждый ратнымъ оружіемъ своимъ и безразсудно взошли на гору.

42 Но Господь скавалъ мнј: скажи имъ: не восходите и не сражайтесь, потому что нјтъ Меня среди васъ, чтобы не поразили васъ враги ваши.

43 Я вамъ говорилъ, но вы не послушали и воспротивились повелјнію Господню, и по упорству своему взошли на гору.

44 И выступилъ противъ васъ Аморрей, живущій на горј той, и гнались за вами, такъ какъ дјлаютъ пчелы, и били васъ на Сеирј до самой Хормы.

45 Возвратившись вы плакали предъ Господомъ; но Господь не услышалъ вопля вашего и не внялъ вамъ.

46 Такимъ образомъ пробыли вы въ Кадесј много времени, сколько времени вы тамъ были.

Ze Swedenborgových děl


Arcana Coelestia # 2575

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2575. 'Behold, I have given a thousand pieces of silver to your brother' means an infinite abundance of rational truth joined to [celestial] good. This is clear from the meaning of 'a thousand' as much and countless, here, as infinite, or an infinite abundance, since the expression has reference to the Lord, a meaning dealt with below; from the meaning of 'silver' as rational truth, dealt with in 1551, 2048; and from the meaning of 'a brother' as celestial good joined to rational truth, like a brother to a sister, 2524, 2557. From this it is evident that 'I have given a thousand pieces of silver to your brother' means an infinite abundance of rational truth joined to [celestial] good. The reason this abundance was granted to good, meant by 'a brother', but not to truth, is that truth derives from good, not good from truth. Regarding that infinite abundance, see 2572.

[2] That 'a thousand' in the Word means much and countless, and infinite when it has reference to the Lord, is evident from the following places: In Moses,

I, Jehovah your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the sons, on the third and on the fourth generations of those who hate Me; and showing mercy to thousands of those who love Me and keep My commandments. Exodus 20:5-6; 34:7; Deuteronomy 5:9-10.

And in Jeremiah,

Jehovah shows mercy to thousands and He repays the iniquity of the fathers into the bosom of their sons after them. Jeremiah 32:18.

In these two places 'thousands' does not mean a definite number but that which is infinite, for the Lord's mercy, being Divine, is infinite. In David,

The chariots of God are myriad on myriad, thousands on thousands; 1 the Lord is within them, Sinai within holiness. Psalms 68:17.

Here 'myriads' and 'thousands' stand for things that are countless.

[3] In the same author,

A thousand will fall at your side, and a myriad at your right hand; it will not come near you. Psalms 91:7.

Here also 'a thousand' and 'a myriad' stand for things that are countless, and as it has reference to the Lord, who is meant by 'David' in the Psalms, those numbers stand for all who are His enemies. In the same author,

Our garners are full, yielding food and still more food; our flocks bring forth a thousand, and ten thousand in our streets. Psalms 144:13.

Here also 'a thousand', and 'ten thousand' or a myriad, stand for things that are countless. In the same author,

A thousand years in Your eyes are but as yesterday when it is past. Psalms 90:4.

'A thousand years' stands for that which is outside time, thus for eternity, which is infinity of time. In Isaiah,

One thousand at the rebuke of one, at the rebuke of five will you flee until you are left like a flagstaff on top of a mountain. Isaiah 30:17.

Here 'one thousand' or a chiliad stands for a large indefinite number, 'five' for few, 649. In Moses,

May Jehovah the God of your fathers add to you, as you are, a thousand times, and may He bless you. Deuteronomy 1:11.

Here 'a thousand times' stands for things that are countless, as in everyday speech in which also a thousand is an expression for many, as when one speaks of things being said thousands of times, or done in thousands of ways. Similarly in Joshua,

One man of you will chase a thousand, for Jehovah your God fights for you. Joshua 23:10.

[4] Being a definite calculable number, the word 'thousand' when used in prophetical parts, especially when these are linked together as historical descriptions, appears to mean a thousand. But in fact it means people who are many or countless - an unspecified number. For historical descriptions are of such a nature that they restrict people's ideas to the most immediate and proper meanings that the words possess, as they also do with the names that occur there, when in fact numbers in the Word, like names also, mean real things, as may become clear from what has been shown already concerning numbers in 482, 487, 575, 647, 648, 755, 813, 1963, 1988, 2075, 2252. This explains why some people suppose that the thousand years referred to in Revelation 20:1-7 means a thousand years or periods of time, for the reason, as has been stated, that prophecies are declared in that book through historical descriptions. But in fact 'a thousand years' there means nothing else than that which is large and indeterminate, and elsewhere infinity of time, or eternity.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. literally, two myriads, thousands doubled.

/ 10837  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

Ze Swedenborgových děl


Arcana Coelestia # 2075

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2075. 'And will Sarah, a daughter of ninety years, give birth?' means that truth joined to good will achieve this. This is clear from the representation and meaning of 'Sarah' as truth joined to good, which is Divine truth, and from the meaning of the number 'ninety', or what amounts to the same, 'nine'. One is bound to be surprised that the number 'a hundred years', which was Abraham's age, means that the Rational belonging to the Lord's Human Essence was to be united to the Divine Essence, and that the number 'ninety years', which was Sarah's age, means that truth joined to good would achieve this. But as there is nothing in the Lord's Word that is not heavenly and Divine, the same must be true of the actual numbers which appear there. That all numbers used in the Word, as with all names used in it, mean real things has been shown in Volume One, in 482, 487, 488, 493, 575, 647, 648, 755, 813, 893, 1988.

[2] Now as regards the number nine meaning conjunction, more so the number ninety, which is the product of nine times ten, 'ten' meaning remnants by which conjunction is achieved - as shown by what has been said above at the end of 1988 - this is also made clear from the following representatives and meaningful signs. It was commanded that on the tenth day of the seventh month there was to be a day of atonement, and that this was to be a sabbath of rest; 1 and on the ninth day of the seventh month in the evening, from one evening to the next, they were to celebrate the sabbath, Leviticus 23:27, 32.

[3] In the internal sense these details mean conjunction through remnants, that is to say, 'nine' means conjunction and 'ten' remnants. The existence of a Divine arcanum lying concealed within these numbers is quite evident from the months and the days of the year which were to be held sacred, for example, every seventh day was to be a sabbath; every seventh month, as stated here, was to be a sabbath of rests; likewise every seventh year, and also every seven times seventh year, which was to mark the start of a jubilee year. The same applies to all other numbers in the Word, for example, to the number three which has almost the same meaning as seven; to the number twelve which means all things belonging to faith; and to the number ten which, the same as tenths, means remnants, 576; and so on. And in the verses from Leviticus quoted above, unless the numbers ten and nine embodied arcana it would by no means have been commanded that there should be this sabbath of rest 1 on the tenth day of the seventh month, and that they should celebrate it on the ninth day of the month. Such is the Word of the Lord in the internal sense, even though nothing of the sort is evident in the historical sense.

[4] The same applies to what is recorded about Jerusalem being besieged by Nebuchadnezzar in the ninth year of Zedekiah, and about its being breached on the ninth day of the month in the eleventh year, as follows in the Second Book of Kings,

In the ninth year of Zedekiah's reign, in the tenth month, on the tenth day of the month, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babel came against Jerusalem, and the city came under siege until the eleventh year of king Zedekiah. On the ninth day of the month the famine was severe in the city, and there was no bread for the people of the land; and the city was breached. 2 Kings 25:1, 3-4.

'The ninth year, the tenth month' and 'the eleventh year and ninth day of the month when there was a famine in the city and no bread for the people of the land' means in the internal sense that no conjunction by means of the things of faith and charity existed any longer. 'Famine in the city and no bread for the people of the land' means that no faith at all nor any charity at all was left. This is the internal sense of these words which is nowhere apparent in the letter. Matters like these shine out even less from the historical sections of the Word than from the prophetical because the historical incidents captivate the mind (animus), so much that belief in anything deeper there is scarcely possible. Yet all those incidents are representative and the words used to describe them in every case carry spiritual meanings. These matters are hard to believe but they are nevertheless true, see 1769 1772.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. literally, a sabbath of a sabbath

/ 10837  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.