

Genesis 31



1 Toen hoorde hij de woorden der zonen van Laban, zeggende: Jakob heeft genomen alles, wat onzes vaders was, en van hetgeen, dat onzes vaders was, heeft hij al deze heerlijkheid gemaakt.

2 Jakob zag ook het aangezicht van Laban aan, en ziet, het was jegens hem niet als gisteren en eergisteren.

3 En de HEERE zeide tot Jakob: Keer weder tot het land uwer vaderen, en tot uw maagschap, en Ik zal met u zijn.

4 Toen zond Jakob heen, en riep Rachel en Lea, op het veld tot zijn kudde;

5 En hij zeide tot haar: Ik zie het aangezicht uws vaders, dat het jegens mij niet is als gisteren en eergisteren; doch de God mijns vaders is bij mij geweest.

6 En gijlieden weet, dat ik met al mijn macht uw vader gediend heb.

7 Maar uw vader heeft bedriegelijk met mij gehandeld, en heeft mijn loon tien malen veranderd; doch God heeft hem niet toegelaten, om mij kwaad te doen.

8 Wanneer hij aldus zeide: De gespikkelde zullen uw loon zijn, zo lammerden al de kudden gespikkelde; en wanneer hij alzo zeide: De gesprenkelde zullen uw loon zijn, zo lammerden al de kudden gesprenkelde.

9 Alzo heeft God uw vader het vee ontrukt, en aan mij gegeven.

10 En het geschiedde ten tijde, als de kudde hittig werd, dat ik mijn ogen ophief, en ik zag in den droom; en ziet, de bokken, die de kudden beklommen, waren gesprenkeld, gespikkeld, en hagelvlakkig.

11 En de Engel Gods zeide tot mij in de droom: Jakob! En ik zeide: Zie, hier ben ik!

12 En Hij zeide: Hef toch uw ogen op, en zie! alle bokken, die de kudde beklimmen, zijn gesprenkeld, gespikkeld, en hagelvlakkig; want Ik heb gezien alles, wat Laban u doet.

13 Ik ben die God van Beth-El, alwaar gij het opgerichte teken gezalfd hebt, waar gij Mij een gelofte beloofd hebt; nu, maak u op, vertrek uit dit land, en keer weder in het land uwer maagschap.

14 Toen antwoordden Rachel en Lea, en zeiden tot hem: Is er nog voor ons een deel of erfenis, in het huis onzes vaders?

15 Zijn wij niet vreemden van hem geacht? Want hij heeft ons verkocht, en hij heeft ook steeds ons geld verteerd.

16 Want al de rijkdom, welke God onze vader heeft ontrukt, die is onze, en van onze zonen; nu dan, doe alles, wat God tot u gezegd heeft.

17 Toen maakte zich Jakob op, en laadde zijn zonen en zijn vrouwen op kemelen.

18 En hij voerde al zijn vee weg, en al zijn have, die hij gewonnen had, het vee, dat hij bezat, hetwelk hij in Paddan-Aram geworven had, om te komen tot Izak, zijn vader, naar het land Kanaan.

19 Laban nu was gegaan, om zijn schapen te scheren; zo stal Rachel de terafim, die haar vader had.

20 En Jakob ontstal zich aan het hart van Laban, den Syrier, overmits hij hem niet te kennen gaf, dat hij vlood.

21 En hij vlood, en al wat het zijne was, en hij maakte zich op, en voer over de rivier, en hij zette zijn aangezicht naar het gebergte Gilead.

22 En ten derden dage werd aan Laban geboodschapt, dat Jakob gevloden was.

23 Toen nam hij zijn broeders met zich, en jaagde hem achterna, een weg van zeven dagen, en hij kreeg hem op het gebergte van Gilead.

24 Doch God kwam tot Laban, den Syrier, in een droom des nachts, en Hij zeide tot hem: Wacht u, dat gij met Jakob spreekt, noch goed, noch kwaad.

25 En Laban achterhaalde Jakob; Jakob nu had zijn tent geslagen op dat gebergte; ook sloeg Laban met zijn broederen de zijne op het gebergte van Gilead.

26 Toen zeide Laban tot Jakob: Wat hebt gij gedaan, dat gij u aan mijn hart ontstolen hebt, en mijn dochteren ontvoerd hebt, als gevangenen met het zwaard?

27 Waarom zijt gij heimelijk gevloden, en hebt u aan mij ontstolen? en hebt het mij niet aangezegd, dat ik u geleid had met vreugde, en met gezangen, met trommel en met harp?

28 Ook hebt gij mij niet toegelaten mijn zonen en mijn dochteren te kussen; nu, gij hebt dwaselijk gehandeld, zo doende.

29 Het ware in de macht mijner hand aan ulieden kwaad te doen; maar de God van ulieder vader heeft tot mij gisteren nacht gesproken, zeggende: Wacht u, van met Jakob te spreken, of goed, of kwaad.

30 En nu, gij hebt immers willen vertrekken, omdat gij zo zeer begerig waart naar uws vaders huis; waarom hebt gij mijn goden gestolen?

31 Toen antwoordde Jakob, en zeide tot Laban: Omdat ik vreesde; want ik zeide: Opdat gij niet misschien uw dochteren mij ontweldigdet!

32 Bij wien gij uw goden vinden zult, laat hem niet leven! Onderken gij voor onze broederen, wat bij mij is, en neem het tot u. Want Jakob wist niet, dat Rachel dezelve gestolen had.

33 Toen ging Laban in de tent van Jakob, en in de tent van Lea, en in de tent van de beide dienstmaagden, en hij vond niets; en als hij uit de tent van Lea gegaan was, kwam hij in de tent van Rachel.

34 Maar Rachel had de terafim genomen, en zij had die in een kemels zadeltuig gelegd, en zij zat op dezelve. En Laban betastte die ganse tent, en hij vond niets.

35 En zij zeide tot haar vader: Dat de toorn niet ontsteke in mijns heren ogen, omdat ik voor uw aangezicht niet kan opstaan; want het gaat mij naar der vrouwen wijze; en hij doorzocht; maar hij vond de terafim niet.

36 Toen ontstak Jakob, en twistte met Laban; en Jakob antwoordde en zeide tot Laban: Wat is mijn overtreding, wat is mijn zonde, dat gij mij zo hittiglijk hebt nagejaagd?

37 Als gij al mijn huisraad betast hebt, wat hebt gij gevonden van al het huisraad uws huizes! Leg het hier voor mijn broederen en uw broederen, en laat hen richten tussen ons beiden.

38 Deze twintig jaren ben ik bij u geweest; uw ooien en uw geiten hebben niet misdragen, en de rammen uwer kudde heb ik niet gegeten.

39 Het verscheurde heb ik tot u niet gebracht; ik heb het geboet; gij hebt het van mijn hand geeist, het ware des daags gestolen, of des nachts gestolen.

40 Ik ben geweest, dat mij bij dag de hitte verteerde, en bij nacht de vorst, en dat mijn slaap van mijn ogen week.

41 Ik ben nu twintig jaren in uw huis geweest; ik heb u veertien jaren gediend om uw beide dochteren, en zes jaren om uw kudde; en gij hebt mijn loon tien malen veranderd.

42 Ten ware de God van mijn vader, de God van Abraham, en de Vreze van Izak, bij mij geweest was, zekerlijk, gij zoudt mij nu ledig weggezonden hebben! God heeft mijn ellende, en den arbeid mijner handen aangezien, en heeft u gisteren nacht bestraft.

43 Toen antwoordde Laban en zeide tot Jakob: Deze dochters zijn mijn dochters, en deze zonen zijn mijn zonen, en deze kudde is mijn kudde, ja, al wat gij ziet, dat is mijn; en wat zoude ik aan deze mijn dochteren heden doen? of aan haar zonen, die zij gebaard hebben?

44 Nu dan, kom, laat ons een verbond maken, ik en gij, dat het tot een getuigenis zij tussen mij en tussen u!

45 Toen nam Jakob een steen, en hij verhoogde die, tot een opgericht teken.

46 En Jakob zeide tot zijn broederen: Vergadert stenen! En zij namen stenen, en maakten een hoop; en zij aten aldaar op dien hoop.

47 En Laban noemde hem Jegar-Sahadutha; maar Jakob noemde denzelven Gilead.

48 Toen zeide Laban: Deze hoop zij heden een getuige tussen mij en tussen u! Daarom noemde men zijn naam Gilead,

49 En Mizpa; omdat hij zeide: Dat de HEERE opzicht neme tussen mij en tussen u, wanneer wij de een van den ander zullen verborgen zijn!

50 Zo gij mijn dochteren beledigt, en zo gij vrouwen neemt boven mijn dochteren, niemand is bij ons; zie toe, God zal getuige zijn tussen mij en tussen u!

51 Laban zeide voorts tot Jakob: Zie, daar is deze zelfde hoop, en zie, daar is dit opgericht teken, hetwelk ik opgeworpen heb tussen mij en tussen u;

52 Deze zelfde hoop zij getuige, en dit opgericht teken zij getuige, dat ik tot u voorbij deze hoop niet komen zal, en dat gij tot mij, voorbij deze hoop en dit opgericht teken, niet komen zult ten kwade!

53 De God van Abraham, en de God van Nahor, de God huns vaders richte tussen ons! En Jakob zwoer bij de Vreze zijn vaders Izaks.

54 Toen slachtte Jakob een slachting op dat gebergte, en hij nodigde zijn broederen, om brood te eten; en zij aten brood, en vernachtten op dat gebergte.

55 En Laban stond des morgens vroeg op, en kuste zijn zonen, en zijn dochteren, en zegende hen; en Laban trok heen, en keerde weder tot zijn plaats.


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Arcana Coelestia # 3727

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3727. In regard to the signification of a “pillar,” as being a holy boundary, thus the ultimate of order, this comes from the fact that in the most ancient times stones were placed at the boundaries, which marked the possession or inheritance of one person from that of another, and were for a sign and a witness that the boundaries were at that place. The most ancient people, who in every object, and in every pillar, thought of something celestial and spiritual (n. 1977, 2995), in these stones also which they set up, thought from them concerning the ultimates in man, and thus concerning the ultimate of order, which is truth in the natural man. The ancients who were after the flood received this from the most ancient people who were before the flood (n. 920, 1409, 2179, 2896, 2897), and began to account those stones holy which were set up in the boundaries, because as before said, they signified holy truth which is in the ultimate of order. They also called those stones “pillars;” and thus it came to pass that pillars were introduced into worship, and that they erected them in the places where they had their groves, and afterwards where they had their temples, and also that they anointed them with oil, concerning which something shall be said in what follows. For the worship of the Ancient Church consisted in the perceptives and significatives of the most ancient people who were before the flood, as is manifest from the sections just cited. As the most ancient people spoke with angels and were together with them while on earth, they were instructed from heaven that stones signify truth, and that wood signifies good (see above, n. 3720). This is the reason why “pillars” signify a holy boundary, thus the truth which is the ultimate of order in man; for the good that inflows through the internal man from the Lord is terminated in the external man, in the truth therein. Man’s thought, speech, and action, which are the ultimates of order, are nothing else than truths from good, being the images or forms of good; for they belong to man’s intellectual part, while the good which is in them, and from which they are, belongs to his will part.

[2] That pillars were erected for a sign and for a witness, and also for worship; and that in the internal sense they signify a holy boundary, or the truth in man’s natural which is the ultimate of order, may be seen from other passages in the Word-as from the following, concerning the covenant between Laban and Jacob:

Come now, let us make a covenant, I and thou; and let it be for a witness between me and thee. And Jacob took a stone, and set it up for a pillar. And Laban said to Jacob, Behold this heap, and behold the pillar which I have set up between me and thee; this heap be witness, and the pillar be witness, that I will not pass over this heap to thee, and that thou shalt not pass over this heap to me, and this pillar, for evil (Genesis 31:44-45, 51-52).

That in this passage a “pillar” signifies truth, will be seen in the explication of the passage.

[3] In Isaiah:

In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt speak with the lips of Canaan, and swear to Jehovah Zebaoth. In that day shall there be an altar to Jehovah in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the boundary thereof to Jehovah; which shall be for a sign and for a witness unto Jehovah Zebaoth in the land of Egypt (Isaiah 19:18-20);

“Egypt” denotes the memory-knowledges that belong to the natural man; an “altar,” Divine worship in general, for in the second Ancient Church, which began from Eber, the altar was made the primary representative of worship (n. 921, 1343, 2777, 2811); the “midst of the land of Egypt” denotes what is primary and inmost of worship (n. 2940, 2973, 3436); a “pillar,” the truth which is the ultimate of order in the natural. That this is in the boundary for a sign and for a witness is manifest.

[4] In Moses:

Moses wrote all the words of Jehovah, and rose up early in the morning and builded an altar near Mount Sinai, and twelve pillars for the twelve tribes of Israel (Exodus 24:4); where in like manner an “altar” was representative of all worship, and indeed of good in worship; while the twelve pillars were a representative of the truth which is from good in worship. (That “twelve” denotes all things of truth in one complex may be seen above, n. 577, 2089, 2129, 2130, 3272; and that the “twelve tribes” in like manner signify all things of the truth of the church, will of the Lord’s Divine mercy be shown in the following chapter.)

[5] Inasmuch as altars were representative of all the good of worship, and as the Jewish Church was instituted in order that it might represent the celestial church which acknowledged no other truth than that which is from good, which is called celestial truth-for it was not in the least willing to separate truth from good, insomuch that it was not willing to mention anything of faith or truth unless it was thinking of good, and this from good, n. 202, 337, 2069, 2715, 2718, 3246—therefore there was a representative of truth by means of the stones of the altar, and it was forbidden to represent it by pillars, lest thereby truth should be separated from good, and should be representatively worshiped instead of good. For this reason it is written in Moses:

Thou shalt not plant thee a grove of any tree beside the altar of Jehovah thy God which thou shalt make thee; and thou shalt not set thee up a pillar, which Jehovah thy God hateth (Deuteronomy 16:21-22);

for to worship truth separate from good, or faith separate from charity, is contrary to the Divine, because contrary to order, and this is signified by the prohibition, “thou shalt not set thee up a pillar, which Jehovah thy God hateth.”

[6] Nevertheless that they did set up pillars, and thereby represented those things which are contrary to order, is evident in Hosea:

Israel according to the multiplying of his fruit, multiplies his altars; according to the good of their land they make goodly pillars; but He shall overturn their altars; He shall lay waste their pillars (Hos. 10:1-2).

In the first book of Kings:

Judah did that which was evil in the eyes of Jehovah; they also built them high places, and pillars, and groves, on every high hill, and under every green tree (1 Kings 14:22-23).

In the second book of Kings:

The sons of Israel set them up pillars and groves on every high hill, and under every green tree (2 Kings 17:10).

Hezekiah removed the high places, and he brake the pillars and cut down the grove and ground to pieces the brazen serpent that Moses had made, for they did burn incense to it (2 Kings 18:4).

[7] Inasmuch as the Gentiles also had by tradition the belief that the holy of worship was represented by altars and by pillars, and yet were in evil and falsity, therefore by “altars” among the gentiles are signified evils of worship, and by “pillars,” falsities; for which reason it was commanded that they should be destroyed. As in Moses:

Ye shall overthrow their altars, and break in pieces their pillars, and ye shall cut down their groves (Exodus 34:13; Deuteronomy 7:5; 12:3).

Thou shalt not bow to their gods, nor worship them, nor do after their works; because destroying thou shalt destroy them, and breaking thou shalt break in pieces their pillars (Exodus 23:24).

The “gods” of the nations denote falsities; their “works,” evils; to “break in pieces their pillars” denotes to destroy worship from falsity.

[8] In Jeremiah:

Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon shall break in pieces the pillars of the house of the sun that is in the land of Egypt, and the houses of the gods of Egypt shall he burn with fire (Jeremiah 43:13).

In Ezekiel:

Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon with the hoofs of his horses shall tread down all thy streets; he shall slay the people with the sword, and shall cause the pillars of thy strength to go down to the earth (Ezekiel 26:11);

speaking of Tyre. “Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon” denotes that which causes vastation (n. 1327); the “hoofs of the horses” denote the lowest intellectual things, such as are memory-knowledges from mere things of sense; that “hoofs” are the lowest things will of the Lord’s Divine mercy be confirmed elsewhere; “horses” denote intellectual things (n. 2760-2762); “streets,” truths, and in the opposite sense, falsities (n. 2336); to “tread them down” is to destroy the knowledges of truth, which are signified by “Tyre” (that “Tyre,” which is the subject here referred to, signifies the knowledges of truth, may be seen above, n. 1201); to “slay the people with the sword” denotes to destroy truths by that which is false. (That “people” is predicated of truth, may be seen above, n. 1259, 1260,(3295),3581; and that a “sword” signifies falsity combating, n. 2799.) From all this we see what is meant by “causing the pillars of strength to come down to the earth.” That “strength” is predicated of what is true and of what is false, is also evident from the Word.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.

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Arcana Coelestia # 2799

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2799. And he took in his hand the fire and the knife. That this signifies the good of love and the truth of faith, is evident from the signification of “fire,” as being the good of love (see n. 934); and from the signification of a “knife,” as being the truth of faith. That the knife used upon the victims in the sacrifices signified the truth of faith, may be seen from the signification of a “sword” or “little sword” in the Word; for instead of “knife” it is said “little sword.” Both have the same signification, but with the difference that the knife used for sacrifices signified the truth of faith, but a sword truth combating; and as a knife is rarely mentioned in the Word, for a secret reason to be mentioned presently, we may show what a “sword” signifies. A “sword” in the internal sense signifies the truth of faith combating, and also the vastation of truth; and in the opposite sense falsity combating, and the punishment of falsity.

[2] I. That a “sword” signifies the truth of faith combating, may be seen from the following passages.

In David:

Gird Thy sword upon Thy thigh, O mighty One, prosper in Thy glow and Thy majesty, ride upon the word of truth, and Thy right hand shall teach Thee wonderful things (Psalms 45:3-4); where the Lord is treated of, the “sword” denoting truth combating. In the same:

Let the merciful exult in glory, let them sing upon their beds; let the high praises of God be in their throat, and a two-edged sword in their hand (Psalms 149:5-6).

In Isaiah:

Jehovah hath called Me from the womb; from the bowels of My mother hath He made mention of My name, and He hath made My mouth like a sharp sword, and hath made Me a polished arrow (Isaiah 49:1-2);

a “sharp sword” denotes truth combating; and a “polished arrow,” the truth of doctrine (see n. 2686, 2709). In the same:

Asshur shall fall by the sword not of a man; and the sword not of man shall devour him; and he shall flee before the sword, and his young men shall become tributary (Isaiah 31:8);

“Asshur” denotes reasoning in Divine things (n. 119, 1186); the “sword not of a man, and not of man,” falsity; the “sword before which he shall flee,” truth combating.

[3] In Zechariah:

Turn you to the stronghold, ye prisoners of hope; even today do I declare that I will render double unto thee; I who have bent Judah for Me as a bow, I have filled Ephraim, and have stirred up thy sons, O Zion, against thy sons, O Javan, and I will make thee as the sword of a mighty man, and Jehovah shall be seen over them, and His arrows shall go forth as the lightning (Zech. 9:12-14).

The “sword of a mighty man” denotes truth combating.

In John:

In the midst of the seven candlesticks was one like unto the Son of man; He had in His right hand seven stars; out of His mouth proceeded a sharp two-edged sword, and His countenance was as the sun shining in his strength (Revelation 1:13, 16).


These things saith He that hath the sharp two-edged sword; I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of My mouth (Revelation 2:12, 16).

The “sharp two-edged sword” manifestly denotes truth combating, which was therefore represented as a “sword going out of the mouth.”

[4] In the same:

Out of the mouth of Him that sat upon the white horse proceeded a sharp sword, that with it He should smite the nations; and they were slain by the sword of Him that sat upon the horse, which came forth out of His mouth (Revelation 19:15, 21); where it is manifest that the “sword out of His mouth” is truth combating. (That He who sat upon the white horse is the Word, and thus the Lord who is the Word, may be seen above, n. 2760-2763.) Hence it is that the Lord says in Matthew:

Think not that I came to send peace on the earth; I came not to send peace, but a sword (Matthew 10:34).

Also in Luke:

Now he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise a wallet; and he that hath none, let him sell his garment, and buy a sword; they said, Lord, behold here are two swords; and Jesus said, It is enough (Luke 22:36-38); where nothing else is meant by a “sword” than the truth from which and for which they would combat.

[5] In Hosea:

In that day will I make a covenant for them with the wild beast of the field, and with the fowl of the heavens, and with the creeping thing of the ground; and I will break the bow, and the sword, and the war out of the land; and will make them to lie down securely (Hos. 2:18); where the Lord’s kingdom is treated of; by “breaking the how, the sword, and the war,” is signified that there is no combat there respecting doctrine and truth.

In Joshua:

Joshua lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold there stood a man over against him, and his sword drawn in his hand; and he said to Joshua, I am prince of the army of Jehovah; and Joshua fell on his face to the earth (Josh. 5:13-14).

This was when Joshua entered with the sons of Israel into the land of Canaan, by which is meant the entrance of the faithful into the Lord’s kingdom. Truth combating, which is of the church, is the “drawn sword in the hand of the prince of the army of Jehovah.”

[6] But that by “little swords” or “knives” is signified the truth of faith, may be seen from the fact that they were used not only in the sacrifices, but also in circumcision. For use in circumcision they were of stone, and were called “little swords of flint,” as is manifest in Joshua:

Jehovah said unto Joshua, Make thee little swords of flint, and circumcise again the sons of Israel the second time. And Joshua made him little swords of flint, and circumcised the sons of Israel at the hill of the foreskins (Josh. 5:2-3).

That circumcision was a representative of purification from the love of self and the world, may be seen above (n. 2039, 2632); and as this purification is effected by the truths of faith, therefore little swords of flint were used (n. 2039, 2046 at the end).

[7] II. That a “sword” signifies the vastation of truth, is evident from the following passages.

In Isaiah:

These two things are befallen thee; who shall bemoan thee? Desolation and destruction, and the famine and the sword; who will comfort thee? Thy sons have fainted, they lie at the head of all the streets (Isaiah 51:19-20);

“famine” denotes the vastation of good; and the “sword” the vastation of truth; to “lie at the head of all the streets,” is to be deprived of all truth. (That a “street” is truth may be seen above, n. 2336; and what vastation is, at n. 301-304, 407-408, 410-411) In the same:

I will number you to the sword, and ye shall all bow down to the slaughter; because I called, and ye did not answer; I spake, and ye did not hear (Isaiah 65:12).

[8] In the same:

By fire and by the sword will Jehovah judge all flesh, and the slain of Jehovah shall be many (Isaiah 66:16).

The “slain of Jehovah” denote those who are vastated.

In Jeremiah:

Spoilers are come upon all the hillsides in the wilderness, for the sword of Jehovah devoureth from the one end of the land; even to the other end of the land no flesh hath peace; they have sown wheat, and have reaped thorns (Jeremiah 12:12-13).

The “sword of Jehovah” plainly denotes the vastation of truth. In the same:

They have lied against Jehovah, and said, It is not He, neither shall evil come upon us, neither shall we see sword nor famine; and the prophets shall become wind, and the word is not in them (Jeremiah 5:12-13).

[9] In the same:

I will visit upon them; the young men shall die by the sword, their sons and their daughters shall die by famine (Jeremiah 11:22).

In the same:

When they offer burnt-offering and meat-offering I will not accept them; for I will consume them by the sword, and by the famine, and by the pestilence. And I said, Ah, Lord Jehovih, behold the prophets say unto them, Ye shall not see the sword, and ye shall not have famine (Jeremiah 14:12-13).

In the same:

The city is given into the hand of the Chaldeans that fight against it, because of the sword, and of the famine, and of the pestilence (Jeremiah 32:24, 36).

In the same:

I will send the sword, the famine, and the pestilence among them, until they be consumed from off the land that I gave unto them and to their fathers (Jeremiah 24:10).

[10] In these passages by “the sword, the famine, and the pestilence” vastation is described; by the “sword” the vastation of truth, by the “famine” the vastation of good, and by the “pestilence” a wasting away even to consumption.

In Ezekiel:

Son of man, take thee a sharp sword, a barber’s razor shalt thou take it unto thee, and shalt cause it to pass upon thy head, and upon thy beard; and take thee balances to weigh, and divide them. A third part shalt thou burn with fire in the midst of the city; a third part thou shalt smite with the sword round about it; and a third part thou shalt scatter to the wind; and I will draw out a sword after them. A third part shall die with the pestilence, and with famine shall they be consumed in the midst of thee; and a third part shall fall by the sword round about thee; and a third part I will scatter to every wind, and I will draw out a sword after them (Ezekiel 5:1-2, 12, 17).

Here the vastation of natural truth is treated of, which is thus described. In the same:

The sword is without, and the pestilence and the famine within; he that is in the field shall die by the sword, and he that is in the city, famine and pestilence shall devour him (Ezekiel 7:15).

[11] In the same:

Say to the land of Israel, Thus said Jehovah, Behold I am against thee, and will draw forth My sword out of its sheath, and will cut off from thee the just and the wicked. Because I will cut off from thee the just and the wicked, therefore shall My sword go forth out of its sheath, it shall not return any more. The word of Jehovah came unto me, saying, Son of man, prophesy and say, Thus said Jehovah, Say a sword, a sword, it is sharpened and also furbished; it is sharpened to slaughter a slaughter; it is furbished that it may be as lightning. Son of man, prophesy and say, Thus said the Lord Jehovih to the sons of Ammon, and to their reproach; and say thou, A sword, a sword is drawn for the slaughter, it is furbished to devour because of the lightning, whiles they see vanity unto thee, whiles they divine a lie unto thee (Ezekiel 21:3-5, 8-10, 28-29).

Nothing else is here signified by the “sword” than vastation, as is manifest from the particulars in the internal sense.

[12] In the same:

The king of Babel shall break down thy towers with his swords; by reason of the abundance of his horses their dust shall cover thee; by reason of the noise of the rider, and of the wheel, and of the chariot, thy walls shall shake; with the hoofs of his horses shall he tread down all thy streets (Ezekiel 26:9-11).

What Babel is, may be seen above (n. 1326); and that it vastates (n. 1327).

In David:

If he turn not, God will whet His sword, He will bend His bow, and make it ready (Psalms 7:12).

In Jeremiah:

I said, Ah Lord Jehovih surely deceiving Thou hath deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, Ye shall have peace; and the sword hath reached even to the soul (Jeremiah 4:10).

[13] In the same:

Declare ye in Egypt, and make it to be heard in Migdol, Stand forth and prepare thee, for the sword shall devour round about thee (Jeremiah 46:14).

A sword is upon the Chaldeans, and upon the inhabitants of Babel, and upon her princes, and upon her wise men; a sword is upon her boasters, and they shall be foolish; a sword is upon her mighty men, and they shall be dismayed; a sword is upon her horses, and upon her chariots, and upon all the mixed multitude that is in the midst of her, and they shall become as women; a sword is upon her treasures, and they shall be robbed; a drought is upon her waters, and they shall be dried up (Jeremiah 50:35-38);

a “sword” manifestly denotes the vastation of truth, for it is said, “a sword is upon the wise men, upon the boasters, upon the mighty men, upon the horses and the chariot, and upon the treasures,” and that “drought is upon the waters, and they shall be dried up.”

[14] In the same:

We have given the hand to Egypt, to Asshur, to be satisfied with bread. Servants have ruled over us, there is none to deliver us out of their hand; we got our bread with our lives, because of the sword of the wilderness (Lam. 5:6, 8-9).

In Hosea:

He shall not return into the land of Egypt, and Asshur he shall be his king, because they refused to return to Me, and the sword shall hang over his cities, and shall consume his bars, and shall devour them, because of their counsels (Hos. 11:5-6).

In Amos:

I have sent among you the pestilence in the way of Egypt, I have slain your young men with the sword, with the captivity of your horses (Amos 4:10);

“in the way of Egypt” denotes the memory-knowledges which vastate, when they reason from them on Divine things; the “captivity of the horses” denotes the intellectual faculty deprived of its endowment.

[15] III That a “sword” in the opposite sense signifies falsity combating, may be seen in David:

My soul lieth in the midst of lions, the sons of men are set on fire; their teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword (Psalms 57:4).

Behold they belch out with their mouth, swords are in their lips, for who doth hear? (Psalms 59:7).

In Isaiah:

Thou art cast forth out of thy sepulchre as an abominable branch, as the raiment of the slain, that are thrust through with the sword, that go down to the stones of the pit, as a carcass trodden under foot (Isaiah 14:19); where Lucifer is treated of.

In Jeremiah:

In vain have I smitten your sons, they received no correction; your own sword hath devoured your prophets, like a destroying lion. O generation, see ye the word of Jehovah: have I been a wilderness unto Israel? (Jeremiah 2:30-31).

[16] In the same:

Go not forth into the field, and walk not in the way, for there is the sword of the enemy, terror is on every side (Jeremiah 6:25-26).

In the same:

Take the cup of the wine of fury, and cause all the nations to whom I send thee to drink it; and they shall drink, and reel, and be mad because of the sword that I will send among you. Drink ye and be drunken, and spew and fall, and rise no more because of the sword (Jeremiah 25:15-16, 27).

In the same:

Go up, ye horses; and rage, ye chariots; let the mighty men go forth: Cush and Put that handle the shield, and the Ludim that handle and bend the bow. For that is a day of the Lord Jehovih of Armies, a day of vengeance; and the sword shall devour, and be satisfied, and shall be drunken with their blood (Jeremiah 46:9-10).

[17] In Ezekiel:

They shall strip thee of thy garments, and take the jewels of thy glory, and shall leave thee naked and bare; and they shall bring up an assembly against thee; and they shall stone thee with stones, and thrust thee through with their swords (Ezekiel 16:39-40); where the abominations of Jerusalem are treated of.

In Zechariah:

Woe to the worthless shepherd that leaveth the flock; the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye; his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened (Zech. 11:17).

In Hosea:

Against me have they thought evil; their princes shall fall by the sword, because of the rage of their tongue; this shall be their derision in the land of Egypt (Hos. 7:15-16).

[18] In Luke:

There shall be great distress upon the land, and wrath unto this people; for they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and be led captive among all the nations; and at length Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the nations (Luke 21:23-24); where the Lord is speaking of the consummation of the age; and in the sense of the letter, of the dispersion of the Jews and the destruction of Jerusalem; but in the internal sense, of the last state of the church. By “falling by the edge of the sword,” is signified that there is no longer any truth, but mere falsity; by “all nations” are signified evils of every kind, among which they should be led captive; that “nations” are evils may be seen above (n. 1259, 1260, 1849, 1868); also that “Jerusalem” is the church (n. 2117), which is thus “trodden down.”

[19] IV. That a “sword” also signifies the punishment of falsity, is evident in Isaiah:

In that day Jehovah with His hard, and great, and strong sword, will visit upon leviathan the long serpent, and upon leviathan the crooked serpent, and will slay the whales that are in the sea (Isaiah 27:1); where those are treated of who by reasonings from sensuous things and from memory-knowledges enter into the mysteries of faith; the “hard and great and strong sword” denotes the punishments of the falsity therefrom.

[20] Where we read that they were “given over to the edge of the sword and slain by it,” sometimes both man and woman, boy and old man, ox and herd, and ass, in the internal sense the punishment of the condemnation of falsity is signified (as in Josh. 6:21; 8:24-25; 10:28, 30, 37, 39; 11:10-12, 14; 13:22; 19:47; Judges 1:8, 25; 4:15-16; 18:27; 20:37; 1 Samuel 15:8, 11; 2 Kings 10:25 and other places). Hence it was commanded that a city which should worship other gods should be smitten with the sword, be utterly destroyed, and be burnt up with fire, and be a heap forever (Deuteronomy 13:13, 15-17); the “sword” denoting the punishment of falsity; and “fire” the punishment of evil. The angel of Jehovah standing in the way against Balaam with a drawn sword (Numbers 22:31) signified the truth which resisted the falsity in which Balaam was; and for that reason also he was killed with a sword (Numbers 31:8).

[21] That a “sword” in the genuine sense signifies truth combating, and in the opposite sense falsity combating, also the vastation of truth, and the punishment of falsity, has its origin from the representatives in the other life; for when anyone there speaks what he knows to be false, there then immediately come down over his head as it were little swords, and strike terror; and besides, truth combating is represented by things that have a point, like swords; for indeed truth without good is of this nature, but when together with good it has a rounded form and is gentle. From this origin it comes to pass that whenever a “knife,” or “spear,” or “little sword,” or “sword” is mentioned in the Word, to the angels there is suggested truth combating.

[22] But the reason that a knife is seldom mentioned in the Word, is that there are evil spirits in the other life who are called “knifers,” at whose side there appear knives hanging; for the reason that they have such a brutal nature that they wish to cut everyone’s throat with the knife. Hence it is that “knives” are not mentioned, but “little swords” or “swords;” for as these are used in combats, they suggest the idea of war, and thus of truth combating.

[23] As it was known to the ancients that a little sword, a little lance, and a knife signify truth, the nations to whom this came by tradition were accustomed to pierce and lacerate themselves with little swords, little lances, or knives, at the time of their sacrifices, even to blood; as we read of the priests of Baal:

The priests of Baal cried with a loud voice, and cut themselves after their manner with swords and little lances, even till the blood gushed out (1 Kings 18:28).

That all the weapons of war in the Word signify things which belong to spiritual combat, and each one something specific, may be seen above (n. 2686).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.